Ashton Auction

Ashton Auction

AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 50799  

Erick Conrad Joe Arrington
316 Bowen Lane
Apple Grove, WV 25502

Phone: 304-675-0947

Current Auction Listings

PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY OCT 19, 2024 10:00 AM 1502 DUNHAM ROAD, LEON, WV 25123 . FARM EQUIPMENT, TRACTORS, TOOLS, FARM TOYS, AND MUCH MORE!!! Farm toys ~ 1 ERTL Oliver 1950t new in box 2. Oliver lantern in box 3. McCormick Deering steam engine 4. Farmall with driver 1/16 scale 6. Ford 8n16 scale 7. Antique metal tractor Super 6 Junior 16th scale 8. 1916 Studebaker Liberty classic Oliver truck new   [ View Full Listing ]