Harry's Auction
AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 6837Randy Stoltzfus
29 Pastry Lane
Leola, PA 17540
Phone: 717-656-8919
Email: rsauctions@frontiernet.net
Web: harrystoyauction.hibid.com/auctions/current
Prices Realized at Auction
In 1988 Randy Stoltzfus and Richard Harry had a commom interest of collecting toys. The two auctioneers decided to start selling toys in Lancaster County with one auction a month. Today they have two or three auctions a month. Consigners are from all over the United States. Toys are shipped or pick-ed up by the auction firm and stored in their warehouse until the auction date arrives. All toy auctions are cataloged for the buyers convience. The auctions are advertised locally,nationally and with their large mailing list of serious toy buyers. If you are considering selling one toy or an entire collection please give us a call...
Randy: (717) 656-8919
Richard (717) 656-2436
Randy: (717) 656-8919
Richard (717) 656-2436
Current Auction Listings