Jim Kirby Inc, Auctions
AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 11123Jim Kirby
5893 Aries Way
Syracuse, NY 13209
Phone: 315-345-5065
Email: JimKirby@cbpp.com
Web: jimkirbyrealestate.com
Prices Realized at Auction
Graduate of SUNY Canton, Associates Degree in Business, Real Estate broker since 1989.
Attended Missouri Auction School in 1990.
Member of the NYS Auctioneers Associations,
Past President, Chairman of the Board of the NYS Auctioneers Association and a member of the NYS Auctioneers Hall of Fame.
Broker-Manager of the year Syracuse Board of Realtors.
US Army 1966-1969, a 100% Disabled Vietnam War Veteran and Charity Auctioneer, raising at least a million dollars for charity.
Attended Missouri Auction School in 1990.
Member of the NYS Auctioneers Associations,
Past President, Chairman of the Board of the NYS Auctioneers Association and a member of the NYS Auctioneers Hall of Fame.
Broker-Manager of the year Syracuse Board of Realtors.
US Army 1966-1969, a 100% Disabled Vietnam War Veteran and Charity Auctioneer, raising at least a million dollars for charity.
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