Long Talk Auctions

Long Talk Auctions

AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 52921  

Michael Long
17709 W. Higgs Road
Trivoli, IL 61569

Phone: 7857694269
Email: longtalkauctions@gmail.com
Web: https://longtalkauctions.com/

Mike Long has led a life of agriculture, livestock, 4H, and rodeos. He managed a wheat harvest crew that ran from Texas to North Dakota. Mike grew up around livestock auctions, attended auctioneer school, and then arranged estate auctions in Western Kansas. His hobby is team roping.

Mike Long has an eye for antiques and glassware. Currently, he trains horses at the Long Talk Ranch south of Trivoli, Illinois. Mike and his wife are regulars at White Chapel Methodist Church in Glasford, Illinois.
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