Speed King Auctions, LLC

Speed King Auctions, LLC

AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 8159  

Evan Minck
2200 Ewell Rd

Phone: 813-389-4819
Email: speedkingauctions@gmail.com
Web: www.speedkingauctions.com

Evan Minck - Auctioneer AU3549 ~ AB3445

I have been Buying and Selling Merchandise for 20+ years. Started out buying Vintage Collectible Radios ~ Phonographs (Edison & Victrola) and Unusual Antique Collectible Items. I Buy and Sell All Types of Items: Tools, Restaurant, Medical, Vintage, Retro Mid Century and Miscellaneous Strange Unusual Items.

We can handle Your Selling Needs: Store Liquidations, Estates, Commercial Equipment, Personal Buy-Out, On-Site Sales and More. My Auctions are Fast Pace, My Staff is The Best and You Will Enjoy Our Fun Auction Environment!
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