AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 54360  

Richard D. Harker
205 SE Community Dr.
Lulu, FL 32061

Phone: (518) 572-1291

Let me introduce myself: My name is Richard. My friends call me Rick. I have approximately 11 years in the auction business. I've always worked side by side with my wonderful and tolerable wife, Michelle along with my daughter, Grace. We came to Florida from the Adirondacks of New York about 7 years ago. Since being here, I have made my living as a coach bus driver. I put in long and tedious hours. It's rewarding but very restrictive to family life. In Upstate New York we built a very successful auction career. I always wanted an auction business here in Florida. However, my auctioneers license wasn't able to transfer to Florida. $2400 later and a good refresher course, I was able to finally gain my Florida license. Proudly displayed as #AU5303 - AB4134 . I currently rent a nice, air conditioned building in Lulu, FL. It's a small community between Lake City and Lake Butler off State Route 100. I hope you'll be able to join us! Afterall, the only way to be successful is through your attendance. We are a Jesus believing family and we also KNOW that all good things come from Him! We are excited to meet you as we let God be God and do what He does!

Make plans to attend our next auction! I promise, my rates will be highly competitive!

Enough for now. Sincerely,
Richard, Michelle & Grace
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