Alaska Auction Company
AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 50843Duane Hill
1227 E 75th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99518
Anchorage, AK 99518
Phone: 9073497078
You need only be the highest bidder and the item yours. That single cardinal rule applies to every single item we release. We sell gold and silver coins; authentic and faux jewelry; complete collections and sets of all collectible items known to man (trading cards, toy cars, silver dollars, prehistoric Oghvik dolls, twelve-string banjos, 1930s football, Roosevelt’s mother’s linen press).
We are also proud of our collection of Mayac baleen and ivory carvings, as well as our other respective collections of Alaskan Native artists – Leonard Savage, Dennis Pungowiyi, Molly Lee (among others).
We are also proud of our collection of Mayac baleen and ivory carvings, as well as our other respective collections of Alaskan Native artists – Leonard Savage, Dennis Pungowiyi, Molly Lee (among others).
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