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Lot# 651 - Repro. "End of the Trail" bro

Lot# 652 - Tell City #48 Arrow Back rock

Lot# 653 - Beautiful VTG Griffon stag ca

Lot# 654 - Primitive coffee grinder, 7 1

Lot# 655 - Repro. "Silent Thunder" bronz

Lot# 656 - Framed "Crazy Quilt"

Lot# 657 - Nice "Picket Fence" 10" crock

Lot# 658 - Nice, antique printer's tray

Lot# 659 - Tell City #48 magazine rack w

Lot# 660 - 24-pcs of matching etched Fos

Lot# 661 - Repro. Remington bronze "Moun

Lot# 662 - (4) VTG Tell City primer book

Lot# 663 - VTG hand stitched "4-Patch" q

Lot# 664 - "Capturing the Grizzly" print

Lot# 665 - Germany china hat pin holder

Lot# 667 - Tell City #48 roll top secret

Lot# 668 - Flexsteel overstuffed uphol c

Lot# 669 - "When Sioux and Blackfeet Mee

Lot# 670 - Pestle artifact, 4" T x 3 1/2

Lot# 671 - Beautiful 10-pc Nippon berry

Lot# 672 - VTG Club Alum. 10" dia. kettl

Lot# 673 - Tell City #48 ladder back cha

Lot# 674 - Machine stitched "4-Patch" qu

Lot# 675 - Hasbro G.I. Joe & accessories

Lot# 676 - 1938 child's Cherry rocker

Lot# 677 - VTG Ronson comb. lighter / ci

Lot# 678 - VTG Pyrex 2-qt measurer, nic

Lot# 679 - VTG dollhouse furniture, acce

Lot# 680 - Tell City #48 "Birdcage" wast

Lot# 681 - Matchbox and Hot Wheels back

Lot# 682 - VTG carved wooden checkerboar

Lot# 683 - Goofus glass 20"T oil lamp

Lot# 684 - Small toy car collection

Lot# 685 - VTG glass

Lot# 686 - VTG hand stitched "9-Patch" q

Lot# 687 - Pr. of Tell City polished bra

Lot# 688 - Home office unit

Lot# 689 - "Sun Bonnet Babes" quilt pcs

Lot# 690 - Modern Oak 2-dr. file cab. w/

Lot# 691 - VTG Revere 2 & 3-qt sauce pan

Lot# 692 - VTG printed linens

Lot# 693 - VTG kitchen related

Lot# 694 - Tell City brass/bronze 3-way

Lot# 695 - Pen & Gear paper shredder

Lot# 696 - Afaghans

Lot# 697 - Watercolor by Connie Johnson

Lot# 698 - (2) small scale die cast trac

Lot# 699 - Art glass incl paper weight

Lot# 700 - TEAC stereo/CD/Turn Table plu

Lot# 701 - Pr. of Tell City Colonial ref

Lot# 702 - VTG yardsticks

Lot# 703 - 55" Samsung smart TV w/ stand

Lot# 704 - Manning Bowman brass pitcher

Lot# 705 - Maple 3-dr sewing cabinet

Lot# 706 - Connie Johnson watercolor

Lot# 707 - Antique wall mirror

Lot# 708 - Tell City #48 wall bracket sh

Lot# 709 - Beautiful hand painted 9" chi

Lot# 710 - Elvis memorabilia

Lot# 711 - (4) VTG Tell City primer book

Lot# 712 - Contemporary embroidered quil

Lot# 713 - VTG Accurate Casting Hurrican

Lot# 714 - Cabela's Premier Northern Goo

Lot# 715 - VTG pressed glass

Lot# 716 - Tell City #48 marble top wash

Lot# 717 - 13-point White Tail shoulder

Lot# 718 - Primitive 18" T oil lamp

Lot# 719 - New, unused Wolverine lace up

Lot# 720 - VTG "Boy Scout's" untensil se

Lot# 721 - Carolina Maple 4-pc twin bedr

Lot# 722 - Tell City #48 oval wall mirro

Lot# 723 - Wall's insulated men's jacket

Lot# 724 - 28" Turkey fan mount w/ 10" b

Lot# 725 - Beautiful VTG Singer Slant-O-

Lot# 726 - VTG Mirro 4-qt pressure cooke

Lot# 727 - American Fostoria

Lot# 728 - Fieldline hunting vest

Lot# 729 - Tell City #48 wall shelf w/ p

Lot# 730 - Beautiful M.Z. Austria 12" ch

Lot# 731 - VTG Carvel Hall cutlery knife

Lot# 732 - 8-point White Tail shoulder m

Lot# 733 - White-Westinghouse 20.3 cu. f

Lot# 734 - Nancy Tomey watercolor "Cardi

Lot# 735 - Singer Quantum XL-100 digital

Lot# 736 - Tell City #48 Valet Caddy

Lot# 737 - VTG pillowcases

Lot# 738 - VTG ceramic Native Americans

Lot# 739 - 29" Turkey fan mount w/ 10" b

Lot# 740 - Tell City #48 Looking Glass m

Lot# 741 - VTG 16" "Finger" oil lamp

Lot# 742 - Tell City tray lamp

Lot# 743 - Walt Disney and McDonald's fi

Lot# 744 - VTG pressed glass

Lot# 745 - Whirlpool 9 cu. ft. chest-typ

Lot# 746 - Tell City #48 Valet Caddy

Lot# 747 - 11-pt White Tail shoulder mou

Lot# 748 - Hawkins "Northern Cardinal"

Lot# 749 - 90" x 62" "Elk" rug

Lot# 750 - (4) VTG Tell City primer book

Lot# 751 - VTG 29" T metal table lamp

Lot# 752 - Tell City #48 Triple Dresser

Lot# 753 - VTG thimble collection incl S

Lot# 754 - New Carhartt L/XL insulated w

Lot# 755 - Coyote full body mount

Lot# 756 - VTG red glass 18" T oil lamp

Lot# 757 - VTG Wrangler demin jacket

Lot# 758 - Tell City #48 Cheval Dressing

Lot# 759 - VTG china incl Haviland Limog

Lot# 760 - Bissell Little Green uphol /

Lot# 761 - VTG Tell City Primer book VOL

Lot# 762 - Primos "Strutting Gobbler" de

Lot# 763 - 10-pt White Tail shoulder mou

Lot# 764 - Tell City #48 Vanity / Desk

Lot# 765 - Antique Dueber Hampden 17 jew

Lot# 766 - Stearns Dry Wear jacket

Lot# 767 - Polar Wind tower fan

Lot# 768 - Pr of new Marathon summer cap

Lot# 769 - American Fostoria

Lot# 770 - Tell City #48 Farmhouse chair

Lot# 771 - 9-pt White Tail shoulder moun

Lot# 772 - Gun books

Lot# 773 - (3) VTG Tell City Primer book

Lot# 774 - Olhausen Accu-Fast USA billia

Lot# 775 - Xlnt, Stetson 4X Beaver hat

Lot# 776 - Tell City #48 Chairback full

Lot# 777 - Primitive 20" glass oil lamp

Lot# 778 - Wall's Men's insulated jacket

Lot# 779 - 29" Turkey fan mount w/ 10" b

Lot# 780 - Nice 7 1/4 straw hat

Lot# 781 - VTG solid brass "Red Man" adv

Lot# 782 - Group of agriculture hats

Lot# 783 - Tell City #48 Young Republic

Lot# 784 - Camo pop-up hunting blind

Lot# 785 - Civil War books

Lot# 786 - Cabela's size 6 hip waders

Lot# 787 - 14-pt White Tail shoulder mou

Lot# 788 - Camo / hunting caps

Lot# 789 - Tell City #48 double dresser

Lot# 790 - VTG pottery / stoneware cream

Lot# 791 - 1930's Germany 7 1/2" dia bab

Lot# 792 - Tell City #48, 3-candle sconc

Lot# 793 - Group of advertising hats

Lot# 794 - Tell City #48 Teardrop shelf

Lot# 795 - VTG 17" T glass oil lamp

Lot# 796 - Coyote pelt wallhanger

Lot# 797 - (3) VTG Tell City primer book

Lot# 798 - Sharon Myers "Rose" oil ptg

Lot# 798x - Tell City #48 Teardrop shelf

Lot# 799 - VTG enamel houshold scale

Lot# 800 - Cabela's Dry-Plus set

Lot# 801 - VTG 9" dia blue crock

Lot# 802 - Antique electrified table lam

Lot# 803 - Tell City #48 dry sink

Lot# 804 - Camo / hunting caps

Lot# 805 - Full "Tom Turkey" mount w/ 9"

Lot# 806 - VTG Carvel Hall Walnut cased

Lot# 807 - VTG miniature figural creamer

Lot# 808 - Quality, Stiffel brass table

Lot# 809 - Primitive 18" T glass oil lam

Lot# 810 - Tell City #48 dining room tab

Lot# 811 - La-Z-Boy uphol. sofa, 87" L

Lot# 812 - VTG men's jewelry

Lot# 813 - 11-pt White Tail shoulder mou

Lot# 814 - 28" dia concrete bird bath

Lot# 815 - Modern OAK coffee table

Lot# 816 - Antique OAK rocker

Lot# 817 - VTG costume jewelry

Lot# 818 - Tell City #48, buffet w/ hutc

Lot# 819 - VTG 3 1/4" New Hermes rhinest

Lot# 819x - Tell City footstool, pattern

Lot# 820 - Tell City #48 Lazy Susan, 19"

Lot# 821 - VTG Royal Doulton 2 1/2" John

Lot# 822 - Alaskan Brown Bear full body

Lot# 823 - All Sterling jewelry incl VTG

Lot# 824 - DMC 48" hard gun case

Lot# 825 - Old Japan 3 1/2" character mu

Lot# 826 - Tell City #48 plate shelf

Lot# 827 - Old Japan 3 1/2" character mu

Lot# 828 - Tell City #48 Mate's chairs .

Lot# 829 - Old Japan 3" Native American

Lot# 830 - 12-pt White Tail shoulder mou

Lot# 831 - VTG jewelry incl locket's

Lot# 832 - VTG 2 1/2" T figural salt & p

Lot# 833 - Pr of Tell City #48 mirrored

Lot# 834 - Old Japan 3 1/2" character mu

Lot# 835 - 43" W steel lawn roller

Lot# 836 - Old Japan 4" character mug

Lot# 837 - (3) 10" L Turkey beards

Lot# 838 - VTG rhinestone jewelry

Lot# 839 - AS-IS, VTG character mug and

Lot# 840 - Tell City #48 secretary desk

Lot# 841 - Old Japan 3" character mug

Lot# 842 - Tell City #48 sewing / platfo

Lot# 843 - VTG bracelets incl Scarab

Lot# 844 - VTG Japan wall pocket vases

Lot# 845 - 28" Turkey fan mount w/ 10" b

Lot# 846 - VTG Japan wall pocket vases i

Lot# 847 - Tell City #48 curio wall shel

Lot# 848 - Colorful clothing pin "travel

Lot# 849 - (2) "AS-IS" 5' park benches,

Lot# 850 - Pr of Tell City #48 Acorn bra

Lot# 851 - Cabela's Gore-Tex Thinsulate

Lot# 852 - 4-pc wicker patio set

Lot# 853 - VTG jewelry

Lot# 854 - 12-pt White Tail shoulder mou

Lot# 855 - Tell City #48 "Key" table lam

Lot# 856 - Beautiful, Browning Medallion

Lot# 857 - Small Radio Flyer wagon

Lot# 858 - VTG Reed Sportswear leather b

Lot# 859 - Tell CIty #48 end table

Lot# 860 - Old Japan china brush doll

Lot# 861 - Modern lighted OAK curio cabi

Lot# 862 - Lawn cart

Lot# 863 - Tell City #48 knick-knack she

Lot# 864 - Tell City #48 knick-knack she

Lot# 865 - Books incl quilting, needlepo

Lot# 866 - Cabela's Men's jacket, size M

Lot# 867 - Wrought iron plant stand

Lot# 868 - VTG pin cushion china dolls,

Lot# 869 - Tell City #48 record cabinet

Lot# 870 - Folding metal stand

Lot# 871 - Wire tomato cages

Lot# 872 - Dirt Devil 500 hand vac

Lot# 873 - Tell City #48 cocktail / coff

Lot# 874 - New Docker's hat w/ ear flaps

Lot# 875 - Antique miniature mkd UHL sto

Lot# 876 - Coleman metal lantern + 1-gal

Lot# 877 - Cross stitching patterns & re

Lot# 878 - VTG Genuine Berman Buckskin v

Lot# 879 - VTG, 1944 Nativity set

Lot# 880 - Gardening related

Lot# 881 - VTG mini brass doll set

Lot# 882 - VTG Christmas related

Lot# 883 - 68" T x 35" W x 11" D metal s

Lot# 884 - Asst'd Christmas decor

Lot# 885 - Garden stepping stones & more

Lot# 886 - VTG Nativity set mkd Italy

Lot# 887 - New, George fleece jacket

Lot# 888 - Mostly wooden rocking horses

Lot# 889 - Turkey decoy's

Lot# 890 - Good automotive detail suppli

Lot# 891 - VTG mini creamers

Lot# 892 - Hoosier Energy books, memorab

Lot# 893 - 5-gal Wet / Dry Shop Vac

Lot# 894 - VTG Oleg Cassini all weather

Lot# 895 - Black wool hat, size 6 3/4

Lot# 896 - Galvanized coal bucket

Lot# 897 - Entertainment kit incl DVD &

Lot# 898 - Will Hays, Jr "Come Home With

Lot# 899 - Tobacco advert. needlepoint /

Lot# 900 - Hunting / outdoor clothing it

Lot# 901 - Native American and related b

Lot# 902 - 5" dia. Sterling nut bowl

Lot# 903 - VTG woven basket, 16"x8"x8"

Lot# 904 - Hunting and trapping books

Lot# 905 - Sterling base toothpick & spo

Lot# 906 - VTG Lemaire Paris Mother of P

Lot# 907 - Kitchen depression items

Lot# 908 - Books of the Old West incl Bu

Lot# 909 - Wallace Sterling weighted can

Lot# 910 - Heisey serving dish, Sheffiel

Lot# 911 - Ironstone incl Johnson Bros &

Lot# 912 - Antique & VTG books incl most

Lot# 913 - VTG 15" fish platter

Lot# 914 - Fisher Sterling weighted cand

Lot# 915 - Stoneware wall mount match ho

Lot# 916 - Jewel Tea covered casserole &

Lot# 917 - 1/2-gal canning jars incl Bal

Lot# 918 - VTG Miracle Maize glass corn

Lot# 919 - Beatrix Potter child's book b

Lot# 920 - VTG nut set

Lot# 921 - VTG Faymus mod. 8A numbering

Lot# 922 - Asst'd china

Lot# 923 - Zinc top jars w/ buttons

Lot# 924 - "Nana's Kitchen" wooden sign

Lot# 925 - VTG 7 1/2" dia. shell mirror

Lot# 926 - Green depression qt. pitcher,

Lot# 927 - Zinc top jars + cider jar

Lot# 928 - Wooden slatted basket

Lot# 929 - Meat grinder + granite roaste

Lot# 930 - Asst'd china

Lot# 931 - Kitchen related incl hand mix

Lot# 932 - VTG nut set

Lot# 933 - Heavy duty applicance rollers

Lot# 934 - Igloo chest-type cooler

Lot# 935 - VTG Shell collection & relate

Lot# 936 - Silver plate

Lot# 937 - VTG pr of beautiful matching

Lot# 938 - 19" W wrought iron "Welcome"

Lot# 939 - Stainless mixing bowls

Lot# 940 - VTG aluminum kitchen ware

Lot# 941 - Pyrex

Lot# 942 - Refrigerator jars

Lot# 943 - Bakeware incl Doughmaker

Lot# 944 - Chicago cutlery & knife block

Lot# 945 - Strainer + VTG kitchen servin

Lot# 946 - Marble cutting board, 13" x 1

Lot# 947 - 17" x 12" x 8" basket and mor

Lot# 948 - 24" Vizio Smart TV w/ remote

Lot# 949 - Pyrex

Lot# 950 - Kitchen bakeware

Lot# 951 - Bavaria Selb china, 47-pcs

Lot# 952 - Magnet collection

Lot# 953 - VTG Tupperware incl 8-cup bat

Lot# 954 - Fenton 9 1/2" T vase

Lot# 955 - Turkey calls

Lot# 956 - Turkey calls

Lot# 957 - Pr of VTG ISU advertising sea

Lot# 958 - VTG Seyei "Bella Maria" china

Lot# 959 - Group of Household contents

Lot# 960 - VTG Sony FM/AM "Walkman" SRF-

Lot# 961 - Canon EOS Rebel K2-3000 V 35m

Lot# 962 - NIB Hobbyscope 7" LCD microsc

Lot# 963 - VTG Scan-O-Matic and more

Lot# 964 - VTG cassette recorders & radi

Lot# 965 - Nice file boxes & NIB alarm c

Lot# 966 - Nice VTG "Drink Coca-Cola" bo

Lot# 967 - Nice poly kitchen storage con

Lot# 968 - Miniature figurines incl chin

Lot# 969 - Antique doll & related (AS-IS

Lot# 970 - Kitchenware incl cups, mugs,

Lot# 971 - Wooden rack & ironing board

Lot# 972 - Rubbermaid Wrap in Craft stor

Lot# 973 - Luggage