Antique Cast Iron Griswold No 866 Lamb
Three Piece Antique Bamboo Fly Rod with
Graded 1896 Morgan Silver Dollar - MS64
Antique Sword with Metal Blade with
Older Whiteway's Devon Cyder Two Gallon
Primitive Rustic Cutlery Wood
Sterling Silver Handled Sheffield Five
Graded 1941 Walking Liberty Silver Half
Brass Marine Lamp - Cabin Lantern
Antique Heriz Serapi Style Oriental Rug
Oriental Rug with Geometric Style Design
Older Afshar Style Oriental Rug -
Antique Theater 'No Smoking'
Antique Ambrotype Photograph of Man &
Graded 2021-W One Ounce .999 Fine Silver
Graded 1909-D Barber Silver Quarter - G4
Graded 2021-Mo Mexico One Ounce .999
Griswold #8 Waffle Iron - No Base
Large Antique Baccarat Style Crystal Ink
Antique Silver-Plated Tilting Ornate
Chuck-A-Luck Dice Gaming Tumbler
Sage XP 8'6" Graphite Four Piece
Older Karajah Style Oriental Rug -
Oriental Runner Rug - Hamadan Style -
Older Oriental Rug - Large Medallion
Petite Sterling Silver Salt & Pepper
Collection of Bronze Temple Toys - Made
Primitive Wooden Bowl with Assorted
Wilbarry Table Linen Set - Table Cloth
Graded 2016-P Australia One Ounce .999
Graded 1945-S Walking Liberty Silver
Pair of Asian Porcelain Tiles in Wood
Maung Aung Myin Ornate Lacquer Vase -
Heavy Duty Cast Iron Based Table -
Large Asian Style Wall Fan Decoration -
Two 10K Gold Pins - Stick Pin & Lapel
Five Sterling Silver Chains - Some
Eighteen Antique Tin-Types - Babies,
Graded 1945 Mercury Silver Dime - MS65
Older Oriental Rug - Showing Wear -
Small Oriental Rug/Mat with Bright Red
Small Oriental Rug/Mat - Approx 24"x37"
Lift-Top Display Table - Approx
Floor Lamp with Modern Design - Approx
Woven Navajo Style Rug/Mat - Approx
Oak Dresser/Wash Stand - Approx
Oak Mirror with Beveled Glass - Approx
Woven Saddle Bag - Approx 52.5"Lx20.5"W
Old Boat Paddles - One Marked Technoflex
Sage RPL +590 9' Graphite Two Piece
Large Riveted Copper & Brass Fireside
Vintage Signed Stephen Auger
Eighteen Real Shell Cameos - Various
Antique Tin-Type of Lady Dressed as
Graded 1938-D Walking Liberty Silver
Graded 1950-S Washington Silver Quarter
Graded 2016 Canadian One Ounce .999 Fine
Redington Model CPS 7034 - 7' #3 Line
Antique Branch Banded Wooden Wash Bucket
7' - 1 1/2" 4 wt 'Quad' Blonde Cane One
Older Oil Painting on Board of Train -
Older Oil Painting on Board of Train
Alfred Fuller Framed Artwork - Signed &
Antique Tin-Type of the Sons of Jacob
Two Cornucopia Pieces - Heisey Glass &
Seventeen Pieces Fire King Jadeite - 9"
14K Gold Ring Size 8 - Approx 4.2 Grams
Vintage Milk Glass Spice Jar Set with
Twenty-One Pieces Hazel Atlas Amethyst
Pin & Charm - One Marked 10K and Other
Graded 1914-D German Empire 1 Mark -
Graded 1949-D Franklin Silver Half
Graded 1977-Mo Mexico Silver 100P - Low
Graded 1935 Walking Liberty Silver Half
Graded 2014 China One Ounce .999 Fine
Vintage Advertising Key Fobs -
Three Red Glass Taillight Lenses -
Red and Butterscotch Bakelite Drink
Antique Christmas Postcards, Trade
Primitive Fiber Wash Bucket with Handle
Old Metal Coca Cola Sign with Wooden
Antique Five Bros. Tobacco Cutter -
Antique Bayonet for Black Powder Musket
Assorted CDVs & Other Photographs -
Two Antique Tin-Types of Man and Woman
Various Photographs, CDVs, Etc. of
Real Photo Postcards - Man with Horse,
Older CDVs, Photographs, Etc. of Boys
Graded 1941-S Walking Liberty Silver
Graded (1991-1995)-D WWII Anniversary
Three Painted Wooden Hinged Top Boxes
Antique Yarn Winder
Old Metal Banded Bucket with Yellow
Antique Cast Iron Boot Scraper
Old Baby Blue Metal Breadbox
Graded 2014-P One Ounce .999 Fine Silver
Graded 1942 Walking Liberty Silver Half
Graded 1940-D Mercury Silver Dime - MS64
Graded 2021 Netherlands One Ounce .999
Graded 1878 Morgan Silver Dollar - 8TF -
Dwight 'Ike' Eisenhower Political Pins,
Large Collection of Old Bottle Openers -
Early Primitive Bale Handle Pantry Box -
Older Rod-Iron/Grid Iron Broiler
Ogee Style Clock with Reversed Painted
Framed Railroad Ephemera - B&M, Hoosac
Three Antique Rug Beaters
Antique Geometric Patterned Hooked Rug -
Framed Early Herring Print - 'Pharaoh's
Vintage Sugar Hill Furniture Biscuit Box
Embossed Brass Over Wood Fire/Coal Box -
Wood Lodge Gaming Tumbler
Mitchell Garcia Fishing Reel 300 and Two
Pin Cushions and Older Black Glass
Graded 2022-W One Ounce .999 Fine Silver
Graded 1944 Walking Liberty Silver Half
Graded 1939-D Mercury Silver Dime - MS64
Antique Signature Photo Card of
Assorted Antique CDVs and Other
Graded 1900-O Barber Silver Half Dollar
Lot of Vintage Glass - Four Uranium
Vintage Drink Shaker and Eight Foreign
Mixed Watch Lot - Some Sterling, Gold
Empoli Italy Cobalt Blue Genie Swirl
Twenty-Four Piece Ridgway Mandalay
Vintage Glass Norcrest Millefiori
Eight Pieces Mixed Uranium Glass - Criss
Thirty-Four Skeleton Keys
Graded 1937 Mercury Silver Dime - MS63
Two Matching Black Adjustable
Black Colored Dining Room Table (with
Two 24" Tall Matching Black Stools
Glass Top/Side Coffee Table with
Three Lamps - 13" Green Shade Desk Lamp
Graded 1934-S Walking Liberty Silver
Two Antique Wooden Shovels - Adult and
Antique Fireplace Toaster - Metal with
Antique Wash/Cider Press with Metal Bale
Two Old Metal Floor Grates - (1) 13"L &
Antique Press Back Adjustable Highchair
Primitive Wooden Box with Lid - Old Blue
Tilt-Top Card Table with Floral Design -
Metal Travel Suitcase with
Antique Raised Panel Wooden Tool Box
Pair of Adjustable Brass Three Candle
Older Molds, Pans, Etc. - Chocolate,
Graded 1958 Roosevelt Silver Dime - PF68
Graded 1942 Walking Liberty Silver Half
Graded 1858-O Seated Liberty Silver Half
Graded 2023-W One Ounce .999 Fine Silver
Three Older Wooden Bowls and Pig Cutting
Tin Smith Soldier Iron Forge
Older and Vintage Compacts - Change
Antique, Older, Vintage Lace Hooks, Etc.
Set of Three Older Brass - Made in
Jade Type Elephant
Advertising Tins, Bottles, and Boxes
Stoneware Jug with Brown Slip Glaze Top
Graded 1949 Mercury Silver Dime - MS65
Graded 1939-S Walking Liberty Silver
Six Stools and Two Side Tables
Modern Queen Sized Bed Frame - Approx
Modern Area Rug - Approx 8'x10'
Asian Style, Etc. Porcelain,
Asian Style and Blue Glass - Large Vase
Two Antique Brass with Metal Bale Handle
Framed Collectible Pinbacks, Buttons,
Two Old Metal Ornate Peelers - Apple and
Graded 1940-D Mercury Silver Dime - MS64
Graded 2017 Canadian 3/4 Ounce .999 Fine
Graded 1981 Canadian Dollar - PF69 Ultra
Mid-Century Modern Danish Serveware and
Various Antique Style, Design, & Size
Egg Scale, Wire Egg Basket, Egg Poacher
Four 13" Advertisement Beer Trays
Kanawha Mixed Glass and Makers
Large Lot of Older & Vintage Salt and
Three Pieces of Hull Pottery & One Piece
Older & Vintage Cameras - Various Makers
Older & Vintage Advertisement Bottle/Can
Three Sterling Silver Bracelets - Enamel
Assortment of Various Style and Color
Vintage and Older License Plates -
Older and Vintage Cigarette Lighters -
Flower Frogs - Various Styles and
Three Boxes of Unopened Packs of
Sterling Silver Jewelry - Thunderbird
Older and Vintage Party Noise Makers -
Older and Vintage Banks - Various
Graded 2023 S. Africa One Ounce .999
Graded 2008-S Silver Quarter - Hawaii -
Graded 1853 Seated Liberty Silver Dime -
Assorted Vintage and Other Ceramics,
Vintage Child's Tea Sets & Kitchen Set
Art Glass Fish, Murano Style, Cobalt
Older and Vintage Smalls - Men's Vanity
WWII German ID Military Tag
Rare Mt Hermon Boys School Milk Bottle -
1920s Sword (Parang) - North Borneo -
Huge Lot of Older Kitchen Items -
Graded 1896 Morgan Silver Dollar - AU55
Graded 1919-S Walking Liberty Silver
Seven Sterling Silver Chains - Various
Airport' Road Sign
Interstate 290' Wooden Road Sign
No Turn on Red' Road Sign
Road Sign Reading 'No Stopping or
Two Arrow Directional Road Signs
Metal Cobbler Shoe Form on Wooden Branch
Five Older T-Handle Hand Drills and Pick
Slag Glass Light Shade - Some Damage -
Asian Design Dishes - Plates, Bowls,
Two Silk Style Table Runners - Asian
Two Framed Asian Fabric(?) Pieces - Each
Fish Themed Choisy Le Roi French Vase
Nine Local Photographer Russell Carter
Collection of Framed Photographs (Asian
Large Group of Framed & Unframed
Frames, Mat, Artwork, Etc. - Largest
Five Murano Glass Bottle Stoppers in
Graded 1958-D Washington Silver Quarter
Graded 1959 Roosevelt Silver Dime - PF67
Graded 1912-S Barber Silver Quarter -
Eight Sterling Silver Chains - Various
Six Old Metal Traps - Various Sizes &
Various Auto Number Plates - Conditions
Two Older Metal Tractor Seats
Eight Glass Insulators - Various Colors
Copper and Brass Hammered Fire Bucket
End Detour' Road Sign
No Turn on Red' Road Sign
Three Road Signs - 'No Parking', 'Two
Weight Limit Truck Road Sign
Two Street Signs - 'Pedestrian' & 'No
Three Gallon Stoneware Jug - Edmond's &
Older Wooden Checkerboard - Hand-Painted
1950s Marx Tin Litho Wind-Up Army Tank
Mystery Space Ship by Marx Toys - in
Eight Older Sterling Silver Nut Dishes -
Six S. Kirk & Son Sterling Silver Spoons
Older 4" Rookwood Vase - Blue in Color
Very Rare Leviathan Scene in Action
Double Sided Oil on Board Painting(s) -
Older Oil Painting in Frame - Nautical
Roseville Burmese Pottery Bookends -
Straight Razors, Jackknives, Bank,
Roycroft Arts & Crafts Hand-Hammered
Smaller Wooden Fingered Pantry Box -
Brass Art Nuevo Silk Lined Jewelry Box -
Older Military Pins, Buttons, Awards,
Antique 'Old Man of the Mountain'
Five Older & Vintage Banks & Counting
Old Metal West Point #13 Number Plate
Two Older Murano Glass Paperweights
Two Old Advertising Bottle Openers -
Old Brass 'Hotel Rexford Room 302'
Older and Collectible Coca Cola
Seven Old Milk Bottles, Metal Milk
Devereaux & Meserve Stoneware Jug - 82
Older and Vintage Marbles, Marble Bag,
10" Amberina Fluted Rim Red & Yellow
Six Older PENN Fishing Reels - Various
Older and Vintage Kitchen Items -
14" Primitive Banded Firkin - Lid not
Older Metal Ten Quart Gold Crest Motor
Vintage Cast Iron Deering Tractor Seat -
Vintage 1952-1954 Oldsmobile Hood Emblem
Older Vintage Wooden 'Decoys For Sale'
Vintage Dietz No. 2 D-Lite Lantern
Antique T-Handle Ice Saw - Wheeler
Older Highway/Street Sign - Approx 4'x2'
Vintage Wooden Block and Tackle
Green Painted Older Metal Tractor Seat
Older and Antique Copper, Metal, Brass,
Older Wooden Philco Tube Radio - Part
Cast Iron Floral Bouquet Doorstop
Five Old Scales, Jewelers Torch,
Old Rare Fire Ball & Shur Stop Wall
Older Michael Lax Orange Enamelware
1888 Morgan Silver Dollar
1998 U.S. Mint Silver Premier Proof Set
1990-W Eisenhower Commemorative Silver
1997 U.S. Mint Silver Premier Proof Set
Vintage Pink Pitcher - Marked USA
Vintage Exit Sign
Wooden Bowls with Lids - Japanese Go
Four Wooden Painted Amish Made Mortar &
Graded 1960 Washington Silver Quarter
Graded 1939-D Mercury Silver Dime - MS64
Graded 1904 Great Britian 4P - Maundy -
Otis Elevator Brass Industrial Plaque &
Two Primitive Style Wall Boxes
Older Geometric Style Hooked Rug -
Advertisement Tins & Banks, Sinker Tins,
Assorted Gauges - Various Styles and
Graded 1943 Walking Liberty Silver Half
Graded 1861 Seated Liberty Silver Half
Graded 2012-Mo One Ounce .999 Fine
Graded 2016-Mo 1/4 Ounce .999 Mexican
Graded 2016P Austrialia - Year of the
Four Pieces of Red Wing Pottery
Vintage Barware and More
Three NOS Anchor Hocking Wexford Diamond
Vintage Hall Restaurant-ware - Twelve
Skeleton Keys, Flat Keys, Padlocks, Etc.
Three Sterling Salt & Pepper Shakers -
Mixed Glassware - Carnival, Iridescent,
Four Old Eyeglasses - All Marked 1/10
Four Enamel Refrigerator/Cookware Pans &
Vintage Clear Glass Canister, Salt &
Mixed Glassware - Fenton, Bohemia,
Eight 1974 Warner Bros. Looney Tunes
Graded 1954-S Washington Silver Quarter
Graded 2016 Canadian Maple Leaf One
Graded 1992-S Roosevelt Silver Dime -
Graded 1963 Roosevelt Silver Dime - PF66
Graded 1958-D Washington Silver Quarter
Sterling Silver and 835 Jewelry -
Ten Glasses - Flintstones, Archie,
Mixed Stoneware & Pottery Items
McCoy Green Pitcher and Pottery Bowls
Clear Glass Canister Jar with Lid
Graded 1942 Mercury Silver Dime - MS66
Graded 1939-D Mercury Silver Dime - MS64
Graded 1991-S One Ounce .999 Fine Silver
Graded 1983-Mo One Ounce .999 Fine
Graded 1988 Canadian Silver QuarterPF69
Mixed Lot of Glass Fayette, Wexton, Fire
10K Gold GTD Lapel Pin - Approx 2.3
Rare Sterling Silver Military & Elks
WWII German Pin
Large Lot of Pottery & Glass - Mixed
Five Pieces of Purple/Amethyst Glass -
Collection of Glass Flower Frogs
SAGE 2024 NFL Low Series Factory Sealed
Carnival Glass Banana Bowl/Nappy 4.75"
Chinese Qing Dynasty Porcelain Wine Cup
Older Wooden Firkin & Wooden Cheese Box
Sterling Silver Items - Approx 178 Grams
Eight Sterling Silver Handle Knives with
Mack Dog Truck Hood Ornament
Graded 2021 One Ounce .999 Fine Silver
Twelve Washington Silver Quarters -
Ten Dollar Bank Roll of Half Dollars
1804 Mo Silver Mexican 8 Reales Coin -
Old Cast Iron Cookware, Mortar & Pestle,
Shoe Cobbler Items - Forms, Molds,
Old Cookware, Hog Scraper, Bell,
Sterling Silver Bracelet - Approx 67.45
Thirteen Older Various Style & Maker
Older and Vintage Fishing Lures -
Antique & Older Kitchen Items -
Large Lot of Smalls - Pins, Victrola
Old Toys - Tin Litho, Soldiers, Toy
Oil Painting on Board of Landscape -
Four Juicers - Three Marked Sunkist (One
Fourteen Older Edison Columbia Cylinder
Nineteen Pieces Diamond Quilt Pink
Two 10K Gold Gorton Fisheries Lapel Pins
Collectible Ceramic Figurines and
Kanawha Glass and More - Slippers,
Pink Depression Glass - Mixed Patterns -
Nine Pieces of Pyrex - Various Patterns
Assorted Cameras and Camera Accessories
Older and Vintage Kitchen Items
Parianware 10" Eagle Vase
Nine Heart Pattern Sandwich Glass Butter
Rare Antique Toleware Mailbox with Flag
Brattleboro Smith Clock Co. Pendulum
Marx Tin Litho Wind-Up Toy Tank
Rare Mt Hermon Boys School Half Pint
Rare Mt Hermon School 1917 Catalogue
Greenfield Dairy Co. Half Pink Cream
EAMCO Electrolytic Ornate Silver Overlay
Advertisement Bottles & Cans - Several
1800s and Early 1900s Farmers Almanac
Four Country Style Baskets - Various
Older Hand Painted Miniature Cars &
Antique Fire Place Hearth Roaster and
Twenty-Four Older and Vintage Belt
Vintage 1980s Magic Mike Talking Robot
Vintage 'Saturn' The 13" Giant Walking
Two Antique Tin Litho Toys - Balky Mule
1930s Man on Mule Candy Container & Cast
Diamond Pattern Uranium Glass
Three Mrs. Butterworth's Glass Bottles
Bakelite Lollipop Drink Stirrers & Glass
Two Framed Round Silhouettes
Cigarette Case, Lighters, Stopwatch,
Sterling Silver Cultured Pearl
Earrings Marked 14K Gold on Backs -
Cameras, Camera Parts, Sony Recorder,
Button Covers, Beaded Purses, Earrings,
Framed Political Pins
Older and Vintage Fishing Reels -
Graded 1906-D Barber Silver Half Dollar
Graded 1916 Barber Silver Quarter - AG03
Two NGC Graded Roosevelt Silver Dimes -
Graded 2013-W One Ounce .999 Fine Silver
Graded 2013-W One Ounce .999 Fine Silver
Six Various Style Holsters for Pistols
Antique and Older Sewing Items, Spools,
Seven Pieces of Coin Silver Flatware -
Bent Sterling Silver Spoon - Approx 17
Various Medals, Awards, Ribbon, Etc.
Fourteen Unopened 1988 TOPPS Baseball
Eight Unopened 1988 Donruss Baseball
Large Amount of Souvenir Spoons -
Five Factory Sealed 1988 Donruss
Eight Factory Sealed 1989 Bowman Picture
Graded 1945 Walking Liberty Silver Half
Graded 2022-Mo One Ounce .999 Fine
Graded 1949-D Roosevelt Silver Dime -
Graded 1978 Canadian Silver Dollar -
1983-Mo One Ounce .999 Fine Mexican
Vintage 1989 Japan Ringling Bros and
Two Sided Oil Painting on Board - (1
Older Hooked Rug - Geometric Pattern -
Older Oil Painting on Board of Barn &
Various Pieces of Coin Silver (Believed
Graded 1945 Canadian Silver Half Dollar
Graded 1963 Roosevelt Silver Dime - PF67
Graded 1997-S Roosevelt Silver Dime -
Graded 1957-D Washington Silver Quarter
Graded 2005-P Marines Commemorative
Griswold No 273 Cast Iron Corn Pan -
Large Yellow Pottery Bowl
Older, Vintage, and Costume Jewelry
Old Coca Cola Bingo Game & Trouble Game
Older Brass Fishing Reels
Seven Older Pennants - Various Subjects
Older Christmas Bulbs and Ornaments (and
White Eagle Bottles, Derby Cup, and
Cast Iron Enamelware Pan & Lid and
Vintage and Costume Jewelry & Some Shell
Rebel Weed Hybrid Burlap Bag
Red Hair Weed California Burlap Bag
USA Home Grown Hybrid Weed Burlap Bag
Awards, Ribbons, Medals, Pins, Etc. -
Three Little Pig Brass Pig Figure
Graded 2019-W One Ounce .999 Fine Silver
Graded 1939-D Mercury Silver Dime -
Graded 1945-S Walking Liberty Silver
Graded 1976 Canadian Silver Dollar -
Graded 2016-Mo 1/4 Ounce .999 Fine
Bakelite Colt Firearms Foursome Splitter
Opera Glasses, Flatware, Round Boxes,
Graded 1935 Mercury Silver Dime - XF45
Four NGC Graded/Cased Foreign Coins -
Two Graded 2010-S Yellowstone/Washington
Graded 1990 Canadian Silver Dollar -
Mixed Glassware and Ceramic Items
Assortment of Vintage & Costume Jewelry
Prayer Beads & Religious Items
Griswold #2 Cast Iron Fry Pan & Griswold
Older and Vintage Holiday & Occasion
Vintage Fiestaware Collection - Most
Various Glass - Hobnail, Milk Glass,
Thirteen Pieces of Pottery - Marcrest,
Seven Collectible Glass - (5) 1973 Pepsi
Older Chandelier with Glass Shades
Older Advertisement Cans - Approx 4
Various Antique and Vintage Dolls -
Miscellaneous Small Items - Tokens,
China, Pottery, and Glass Items - Baby
Green Depression Seesaw Plate, Salt &
Two Old Domino Sets, Pocket Watch, Harry
1964 Colorized Kennedy Silver Half
Lead Solider Figurines
Marx Tin Litho Toy Tank
Graded 1970-S Kennedy Half Dollar - PF67
Graded 1955-S Roosevelt Silver Dime -
Graded 1912(B) India 1/4 Rupee - MS62 by
Graded 2022-Mo 1/10 Oz Mexican Silver
Graded 2008-P Bald Eagle Commemorative
Greys 3/4 Streamlite Reel - GSRL 020 -
Assorted Fishing Lures, Hooks, Weights,
Lamson Radius Fishing Reel No. 2 in
Gerber Gator Machete Jr.
Lamson Velocity 2 Fishing Reel
Fishing Gear - Waders, Shoes, Hat, Etc.
Metal Bread Box, Primitive Wooden
H.F. Walling 1858 Map of Franklin
Older and Vintage Linens - Tablecloths,
Antique and Older CDVs & Cabinet Cards,
Citroen Automobile Five Page Car Specks
Older and Antique Photos, Cabinet Cards,
Antique Children's Books - Assorted
Four Older Maps by Johnson's - New York,
Four Old Deerfield Grounds Ma -
Older and Vintage Table Linens, Doilies,
Still-Life Oil Painting of Fruits and
Old Bottles (Some Advertising), Milk
Older and Vintage Kitchen Items -
Older Matchbox, Hot Wheels, Etc. Truck
New Old Stock TOPPS Baseball Coins from
Four Vintage Collector Drink Glasses -
Older Canvas Boy Scouts of America 50
Two Hooked Rugs - Geometric Pattern -
Two Hooked Rugs - Geometric Pattern -
Five Vintage Litho Toys in as is
Lionel and HO Toy Trains and Train
1924-S Peace Silver Dollar
Graded 2021-Mo 1/20 Ounce .999 Fine
Graded 2022-W One Ounce .999 Fine Silver
Graded 1991 Canadian Half Dollar - PF60
Graded 1998 Washington Silver Quarter -
Collection of Watches - Waltham, Du
Seventeen Pieces of Vintage Mid-Century
10K Gold Kiwanis Charm - Approx 3.8
Vintage Baby Related Items - Nightlight
Multiple Pieces from Avon Creche Set
Beatles White Album - Two Records in
Twenty Real Shell Cameos - Various Sizes
Collection of Lapel Pins and More
Graded 2022 One Ounce .999 Fine Silver
Graded 1940-D Mercury Silver Dime - MS65
Two PCGS Graded Washington Silver
Graded 1896 Morgan Silver Dollar - AU55
Graded 2022-W One Ounce .999 Fine Silver