Pair of St. Clement majolica
ASIAN: Carved wood figure Buddha,
Viennese enamel and wooden piano-form
PAPERWEIGHTS: Seven decorative glass
LAMP: Tall Mid Century Murano glass
Linda Nelson Stocks (American, 1938 -
ASIAN: Chinese Export Rose Medallion
SCULPTURE: After William Reid Dick
GLASS: Two Steuben crystal bowls and a
STERLING: Tiffany & Co., New York,
Douglas Smith (American, 20th C.),
Two walking sticks, one with ivory or
Jane Gray Bradley (American, b. 1885),
Blanket chest, New England, early 18th
GLASS: Five similarly designed glass
Doulton Lambeth Commemorative
Alex Poplaski (Connecticut / Ukraine,
Blanket chest, American, 19th C, nailed
Continental inkwells with hand-painted
RUG: Uzbek Kazak, 4' 8" x 6' 6", wool on
Sixteen assorted figural napkin rings,
Linda Nelson Stocks (American,
Highboy, American, 20th C, maple and
Linda Nelson Stocks (American, 1938 -
SILVER: Gorham, J. E. Caldwell, etc.,
Pembroke table, New England, late 18th
Linda Nelson Stocks (American, 1938 -
STERLING: Eighteen pieces of marked
Linda Nelson Stocks (American,
RUG: Modern Turkish scatter rug, 6' 2" x
J. Waddington (active Mid-19th C.),
Corner chair, New England, 18th C.,
Portrait of young girl holding a doll,
AMERICANA: Carved wood 18th C. yarn
"The Schooner Yacht Magic of the New
Tavern table, American, 18th C., round
Linda Nelson Stocks (American,
Tall chest, American, early 20th C.,
Linda Nelson Stocks (American, 1938 -
RUG: Semi-antique Persian, 7' x 10',
SILVER: Twenty-six pieces of tested
Louis Aston Knight (American, 1873 -
Bowfront chest, New England, late
Winfield S. Clime, Roland Brooks, George
Miniature portraits, nine pieces, most
19th C. Landscape painting, American,
Corner chair, New England, 18th C.,
Yngve Edward Soderberg (American,
GLASS: Nineteen pieces of Mary Gregory
Oil on board landscape, late 19th/ 20th
RUG: Semi-antique Persian Hamadan
Harry Russell Ballinger (American
SILVER: Large tested silver ladle,
Gordon Grant, John Winkler and Justin
Hepplewhite one drawer stand, New
Elizabeth Fenner (Foote) Ferguson
Wooden coal chest with tooled brass
Royal Worcester, two pieces, twin
Signed watercolor landscape, French,
Candle stand, American, c.1830, Cherry
+Mrs. Jeanne Davies (American, b. 1936),
RUG: Semi-antique Persian, 3' 7" x 2'
+James Goodwin McManus (American, 1882 -
Card table, American, c.1830, walnut and
E. Howard & Co. Boston, No. 5
Robert Hogg Nisbit, Eugene Higgins,
CUT GLASS: Three pieces including:
Pembroke table, American, c.1800,
Gifford, Soderberg, etc, three seaside
RUG: Semi-antique Persian Tabriz carpet,
Portraits, pair of 19th C. water color
STERLING: Twenty-six pieces of
WEAPON: Important Historical Captured
Naive oil "View from West Point",
WEAPON: Collins & Co. overseer
After William Henry Meyers (American,
WWII Aeronautical grouping, six pieces:
Julian Clarence Levi (New York,
WWII Aeronautical grouping: two silk
Harry Farlow (American, 1882 - 1956),
YALE Memorabilia: Eighteen souvenir
EPHEMERA: Movie star autographs,
EPHEMERA: a comprehensive personal early
William Henry Howe (American,1846 -
Chelsea Banjo clock, C-1947, 8-day
19th C. Pastoral Landscape, oil on
Splay leg table, American, pine top,
LAMP: Table lamp with reverse painted /
Chippendale style wing chair, early 20th
CLOCK: Carriage clock by Harris and
Hanging shelf, American, late 19th/
CHINA: Spode transferware, seven pieces,
RUG: Semi-antique Persian Heriz, 7' 10"
SCULPTURE: Parian bust of Clytie by
Dennis Sheehan (American, b. 1950), "The
CLOCKS: Wall clock, clock parts and a
Franklin Bennett (American, 1908-2005),
Pembroke table, New England, early 19th
Susan Donnell (American, 20th/ 21st C.),
Desk accessories, four pieces,
Dumbwaiter, American or English, 19th C,
Luigi Lucioni (Italian American,
Blanket chest, American, 19th C, poplar,
Three prints/ drawings by Nan Lindahl,
SCULPTURE: Parian bust of Sir Walter
John C. Traynor (American, b. 1961),
Dining table, American, c.1820, deep
Philip Kappel, Adolf Arthur Dehn, Philip
Lap desk, late 19th/early 20th C., with
Early Wedgwood, etc., four pieces of
Flight, Barr and Barr Worcester
Four drawer chest, Massachusetts, early
CHINA: Spode, Wedgwood, Coalport, etc.,
Wing chairs, pair, American, Queen Anne
German porcelain figurine of woman with
Kerr Eby (Canadian / American,
RUG: Semi-antique Persian Karaja scatter
Denuelle, Paris porcelain inkwell, 19th
Sofa, Salem, MA, c.1800-1810, Sheraton
George L. Nelson (American, 1887-1978),
Samuel Alcock & Company Greek-Revival
Two nautical tall ship paintings,
English stoneware teapot with encaustic
Table, American, Classical, c.1810,
Two hand painted enamel containers, 20th
Table top cabinet, 20th C, rosewood
Two James Hadley for Royal Worcester
J. Courtney (late 19th C. to early 20th
Royal Worcester porcelain "St. Aubyn"
Settee, Chippendale style, legs and
SILVER, etc.: Sixteen silver souvenir
British Seascape, 19th C., oil on
Flight, Barr and Barr Worcester
Lolling chair, American or English,
Meissen topographical sander and liner,
Side chair, New England, 18th C.,
BOOK: "Drawings by Holbein, The Queen's
Pair of 19th C. English Argand lamps by
18th C. engraving on paper, portrait of
RUG: Modern Turkish carpet, 9' 5" x 6'
SCULPTURE: Stanislas Lewandovsky
Pierre-Auguste Renoir (French,
Four side chairs, late 19th-20th C in
SILVER: Three pieces of silver condiment
Frederick de Wit (Dutch, 1630-1706), map
+Kneehole desk, English, 18th C, burl
19th C. English barometer by P.
Four Chippendale side chairs, late 18th
Early 20th C. French Barbotine Figural
Sir John Tenniel (England, 1829-1914),
Sevres hand-painted porcelain inkwell,
Armchair, in the manner of English 17th
Meissen egg-form inkwell, German, late
Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriel (Dutch,
French Gien Faience pottery, four
Edouard Vuillard (French 1868-1946),
Miniature portraits, seven pieces,
CHINA: Meissen "Rich Blue Onion" shallow
+Table top mirrored cabinet, figured
"La Bataille Gagnee par l'Armee Espagnol
Sarreguemines majolica character jugs,
GLASS: Ten Continental ornately
RUG: Uzbek Kazak runner, 2' 8" x 9' 6",
CHINA: Meissen hand-painted porcelain,
SCULPTURE: Two busts, the first after
Six hand painted Continental miniatures
SCULPTURE: Bronze depicting a nymph
Three Faience porcelain inkwells, 19th
Six hand painted Continental miniature
Pastel still life signed "Prase
French Sceaux Faience porcelain tea set,
Two Parisian watercolors, "The Fisherman
Early 20th C. French Barbotine Figural
Brass chandelier with eight scroll arms
Staffordshire, English, 19th C., seven
Six hand painted Continental miniatures
Ecclesiastical vestment: chasuble,
SCULPTURE: Classical statue of Eros
Three micro mosaic frames, all on brass
Five hand painted Continental miniature
Ecclesiastical vestment: orphrey
Carved ivory figure of Jesus Christ,
Continental oil on canvas, late 19th/
Ecclesiastical vestment: Chasuble,
SILVER: Russian '84' silver cigarette
RUG: Modern Peshawar Afghan, 5' 3" x 3'
Sevres style French Napoleonic porcelain
BOOK: [HOLY BIBLE, in English, King
Ecclesiastical embroideries, two pieces:
Four hand painted Continental miniature
Large Italian micro mosaic cross, 20th
Carved and painted wood Santos, St.
Ecclesiastical embroideries, two pieces:
Four pieces of micro mosaic and Pietra
Terracotta fragment, bust of a
RUG: Agra Serapi runner, 2' 7" x 12',
18K Micro mosaic pin, surround edge
SCULPTURE: After Massimiliano Soldani
STERLING: Tiffany & Co., four
Ecclesiastical embroideries, fifteen
Six hand painted Continental miniature
Four Religious themed display pieces,
Nelson Cooke White (American, 1900 -
14K Micro mosaic pin, surround edge
William Didier-Pouget (French,
Two micro mosaic pieces, including one
Nine hand painted Continental miniature
RUG: Modern Indo Persian Bidjar design
SCULPTURE: Two nude male bronzes; the
STERLING: Gorham, Royal Danish,
+Three Italian micro mosaic crosses,
ASIAN: Japanese blue and white
Continental street scene, early 20th C.,
RUGS: Two scatter rugs: Semi-antique
ASIAN: Japanese earthenware, 19th/20th
SILVER: Two boxed sets of
Five hand painted Continental miniature
SCULPTURE: Art Deco style woman drinking
RUG: William Morris Arts and Crafts
ART GLASS: Five hand-blown Italian
STERLING: Flatware set by M H Wilkens &
ASIAN: Six Chinese cloisonne purse-form
Bernard Boutet de Monvel (France,
Bernard Boutet de Monvel (France,
ASIAN: Three carved ivory sculptures:
ASIAN: Large Chine Export blue and white
Aesthetic Movement easel, American, c.
José Manuel Darro (Spainish, b.
Louis V. Aronson (New York, 1869-1940),
Two 20th C. depictions of the Alhambra
LAMP: Art Nouveau style desk lamp, brass
STERLING: Tiffany & Co., etc.,
Two Persian framed paintings, 20th C.,
ASIAN: Three carved ivory sculptures:
Rookwood Pottery pair of bookends, 1919,
Saul Kovner (Russian-American,1904 -
SCULPTURE: "Le Bonheur" French Nouveau
Five 20th C. framed drawings of
ASIAN: Four carved and painted ivory
SCULPTURE: Art Deco style bronze of two
ASIAN: Two Japanese woodblock prints by
Two Indo-Persian Mughal-style paintings,
GLASS: Three Contemporary diamond cut
PHOTOGRAPHY: Morris Rosenfeld (American,
ASIAN: Chinese enamelware, eight pieces,
Robert Blazek (American, 20th/21st C.)
TOYS: Wyandotte pressed steel LaSalle
Tom Ingle (Connecticut, 1920-1973),
GLASS: Four Steuben crystal bowls and a
Tom Ingle (Connecticut, 1920-1973),
TOYS: Steelcraft City Trucking Co. dump
POSTER: World War I army recruitment
TOYS: Three Wyandotte pressed steel
ASIAN: Three Japanese Obi and other
TOYS: Two Wyandotte pressed steel dump
Lowell Nesbitt (American, 1933 - 1993),
GLASS: Four Steuben crystal bowls/
George Laurence Nelson (American, 1887 -
TOYS: Two pressed steel sedan cars,
PAPERWEIGHTS: Seven decorative pieces
Lowell Nesbitt (American, 1933 - 1993),
JEWELRY: Zuni style owl squash blossom
Herman Margulies (American, 1922 - 2004)
TOYS: Two Wyandotte pressed steel
ASIAN: Three modern Chinese textiles,
GLASS: Four Steuben crystal bowls,
RUG: Semi-antique Persian, 5' x 3' 4",
ASIAN: Carved wood and gold lacquer
Ramon Garcia (American, 20th C.), "Still
TOYS: Hubley cast iron Mack dump truck,
Trudi Shippenberg (Connecticut, 20th
JEWELRY: Four Southwest style silver and
ASIAN: Five Asian Pieces including:
TOYS: Two Wyandotte pressed steel
RUG: Turkish Kilim runner, 2' 7" x 9'
STERLING: Three sterling silver boxes,
ASIAN: Four-part Chinese screen with
Richard Christian (American, Connecticut
TOYS: Tonka, etc., two pressed steel
Trudi Shippenberg (Connecticut, 20th
GLASS: Four Steuben crystal bowls/ vases
CLOCK: "World Time", 20th C, polished
Karl Mann, Jarvin L. Parks, two
TOYS: Nine die-cast toy oil tanker
Amber, or amber type assortment, twenty
ASIAN: Four carved ivory figures, 20th
Dollhouse/ Miniature pair of
TEXTILES: Mary Francis statement purses,
GLASS: Six pieces including three glass
Janet Cummings Good (American, 20th C.),
TOYS: Two Marx Wyandotte pressed steel
Evelyn Butterfield (20th C.) "The Flower
JEWELRY: Four pieces of Mexico Sterling
Two framed Contemporary ink drawings,
ART GLASS: Carlo Moretti cased stemware,
ART POTTERY: Four hand-thrown ceramic
JEWELRY: Zuni style Fly squash blossom
Gary Bukovnik (American, b. 1947), still
ASIAN: Three carved ivory sculptures:
RUG: Modern Indo Persian runner, 2' 4" x
William Ashby McCloy (Connecticut,
GLASS: Four Baccarat cut crystal
Mid-20th C. oil on canvas, portrait of
ASIAN: Chinese pair of carved ivory
Russell Cowles (American, 1887-1979),
JEWELRY: Seventeen rings, most tested
ADVERTISING: Sunkist "Tom Cat" print,
GLASS: Three hand-blown clear glass
Five 20th C. prints including: Arnold
STERLING: Gorham, Whiting, Alvin, etc.,
Sarreguemines majolica dragonfly wall
Two Bing & Grondahl abstract stoneware
Thirteen carved Malachite animals and
ASIAN: Rose Canton enameled porcelain
JEWELRY: Southwest, 24+ pieces in tested
Two Indian framed portraits, 20th C.,
SCULPTURE: Augusto Murer (Italian, 1922
GLASS: Baccarat and Val St. Lambert
20th C. framed etching of a woman,
ASIAN: Enameled "Allah" plaque in
RUG: Modern Southwest Persian scatter
SILVER: Three boxed sets of silver
ASIAN: Japanese kimono, possibly wedding
ASIAN: Two carved ivory sculptures:
Phillip Kappel (Connecticut, 1901-1981),
Two Indian framed paintings depicting
GLASS: Orrefors, Mats Jonasson, etc.,
ASIAN: Three netsukes, two ivory and one
Norman Laliberte (American,1925-2021),
ASIAN: Three Chinese embroidered
RUG: Uzbek Tabriz, 3' 2" x 4' 4", wool
SILVER: Seventeen pieces of silver
ASIAN: Framed embroidery of figures in
ASIAN: Japanese porcelain, late
JEWELRY: Three Southwest necklaces,
Desk Accessories, eight pieces including
ASIAN: Japanese painting on silk, 20th
ART GLASS: Four small iridescent vases,