Lot# 1 - 3 Civil War New England CDV's
Lot# 2 - Group of Union General Civil Wa
Lot# 3 - 4 Union Company Grade Officer C
Lot# 4 - Group of 3 Union Civil War CDV'
Lot# 5 - 55th PA Civil War Clothing Acco
Lot# 6 - Group of Identified 2nd PA Heav
Lot# 7 - 6 Civil War CDV's from 3rd PA H
Lot# 8 - CDV Officer Allegheny Co. PA 6t
Lot# 9 - Small Group of Pennsylvania Civ
Lot# 10 - 2 Ink-Signed Identified CDV's
Lot# 11 - Officer CDV Tyson Gettysburg P
Lot# 12 - Identified CDV Officer 7th & 1
Lot# 13 - 2 Identified CDV Images 16th P
Lot# 14 - Group of Pennsylvania Backmark
Lot# 15 - Ink Signed CDV Co K 1st PA Res
Lot# 16 - Collection of 5th Penna. Reser
Lot# 17 - 3 Civil War CDV's 12th Pennsyl
Lot# 18 - CDV of James McK Snodgrass 9th
Lot# 19 - Group of Civil War CDV's
Lot# 20 - 7 Images with Ties to the 23rd
Lot# 21 - 2 CDV Civil War Officer Images
Lot# 22 - Signed CDV's of McCord Brother
Lot# 23 - Group of 3 Identified CDV's fr
Lot# 24 - Dead Letter Office CDV of Stan
Lot# 25 - Collection of 14 Civilian View
Lot# 26 - 6 CDV's of Unidentified Union
Lot# 27 - Great View of PA Officer Holdi
Lot# 28 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers Asso
Lot# 29 - 3 Civil War Military Images, R
Lot# 30 - 5 Union Civil War CDV's
Lot# 31 - 5 Civil War CDV's from Lancast
Lot# 32 - Gettysburg Veteran 57th Penna.
Lot# 33 - 3 Identified CDV's from the 58
Lot# 34 - CDV Images from the 71st, 72nd
Lot# 35 - Identified 78th Pennsylvania O
Lot# 36 - Group of PA CDV's Including KI
Lot# 37 - Collection of 9 CDV's 87th Pen
Lot# 38 - CDV of 48th Penna. Schuylkill
Lot# 39 - Seated CDV View Col. Daniel Le
Lot# 40 - CDV of Col. Henry Cake, 25th &
Lot# 41 - Collection of 8 Civil War CDV'
Lot# 42 - CDV Image of Corp. David Alva
Lot# 43 - Identified Civil War CDV's 48t
Lot# 44 - 4 CDV's from the 101st, 103rd
Lot# 45 - CDV of Col. Charles Albright,
Lot# 46 - 2 CDV's of Jonathan T. Rorer,
Lot# 47 - CDV of Fife Maj. William Snyde
Lot# 48 - Group of 10 PA Civil War CDV's
Lot# 49 - Small Collection Identified CD
Lot# 50 - Group of 4 Images of Armed Civ
Lot# 51 - Identified CDV Colonel Robert
Lot# 52 - Lot of 7 Penna. Civil War CDV'
Lot# 53 - 12 Civil War Images, Most with
Lot# 54 - Collection of 16 Images of Civ
Lot# 55 - Lot of Civil War and Post War
Lot# 56 - Group of Civil War Letters, Al
Lot# 57 - Sm. Group of Civil War Docs fr
Lot# 58 - Antietam Campaign 63rd/68th/10
Lot# 59 - 8 Documents from the 9th Penns
Lot# 60 - 20 Documents from Pennsylvania
Lot# 61 - 25 War Date Documents from PA
Lot# 62 - 27 Civil War Documents from PA
Lot# 63 - Penna. Documents Including 55t
Lot# 64 - Archive Belonging to Abraham L
Lot# 65 - Collection of Confederate Geor
Lot# 66 - Confederate 38th Georgia Civil
Lot# 67 - Confederate Railroad-Related C
Lot# 68 - 1st South Carolina Volunteers
Lot# 69 - Confederate Quartermaster Civi
Lot# 70 - Excellent Confederate Letter R
Lot# 71 - Confederate Doc. Signed by Gen
Lot# 72 - 2 Confederate Officer's Pay Ac
Lot# 73 - Southern Telegraph Confederate
Lot# 74 - Lot of 8 Confederate Bonds and
Lot# 75 - Confederate Furlough Doc. for
Lot# 76 - War Date Confederate Letter, S
Lot# 77 - Lot of 14 Confederate Document
Lot# 78 - Lot of 11 Confederate Document
Lot# 79 - Relics Incl. Cavalry Bugle Mou
Lot# 80 - Dug Civil War Cannon Balls, Gr
Lot# 81 - Box of Dug Grapeshot, Some wit
Lot# 82 - 2 Preprinted Wythe County, Va
Lot# 83 - 100th Pennsylvania "Roundheads
Lot# 84 - Confederate Richmond, VA "Chri
Lot# 85 - Confederate Savannah, GA "Sava
Lot# 86 - Civil War Relic Display
Lot# 87 - Identified 124th PA "Housewife
Lot# 88 - Relics Recovered from Georgia
Lot# 89 - 2 Cigars from the Civil War Ma
Lot# 90 - Relics Recovered from Battlefi
Lot# 91 - Group of Civil War Hat Brass
Lot# 92 - Antietam Civil War Battlefield
Lot# 93 - Relic Militia Breast Plate Sav
Lot# 94 - Civil War Dug Rifle Rounds
Lot# 95 - Recovered Relics-Point Lookout
Lot# 96 - 2 Gettysburg Civil War Relics
Lot# 97 - Gettysburg Relics, J. Howard W
Lot# 98 - Brady Early Civil War CDV View
Lot# 99 - Rifle Rounds Recovered from Ge
Lot# 100 - Civil War Dug Relics Includin
Lot# 101 - Sutler's Token JJ Benson 1st
Lot# 102 - Civil War-Related Paper Inclu
Lot# 103 - Civil War Relics from Port Hu
Lot# 104 - Nice Collection of Gettysburg
Lot# 105 - Shell Fragments from Gettysbu
Lot# 106 - 6 Riker Cases of Dug Civil Wa
Lot# 107 - US Eagle Breastplate ex: Sydn
Lot# 108 - Civil War Bullet from Salem C
Lot# 109 - Trophy Miniatures-Victorian C
Lot# 110 - 5 Boxer Rebellion Trophy Sold
Lot# 111 - Collection of 4 Napoleonic Wa
Lot# 112 - Egypt & Sudan Campaigns Soldi
Lot# 113 - Soldiers of the World Army of
Lot# 114 - Streets of Old London Trophy
Lot# 115 - Collection of 5 Napoleonic Wa
Lot# 116 - Group of 3 Napoleonic Wars Tr
Lot# 117 - Dragon Crest Series Zulu War
Lot# 118 - Classic Collection Trophy Min
Lot# 119 - Trophy Miniatures Hand to Han
Lot# 120 - Soldiers of the World Zulu Wa
Lot# 121 - Soldiers of the World Crimean
Lot# 122 - Trophy Miniature Sets Painted
Lot# 123 - Traditional Toy Soldiers Pain
Lot# 124 - Trophy Miniatures WW1 "Cooks
Lot# 125 - 3 Sets Classic Collection Tro
Lot# 126 - Soldiers of the World Napoleo
Lot# 127 - Errol John Studios Lead Soldi
Lot# 128 - 3 Soldiers Of The World Troph
Lot# 129 - 3 Soldiers Of The World Troph
Lot# 130 - Britain Premier Series Charle
Lot# 131 - Trophy Minatures Wales Ltd. L
Lot# 132 - Trophy Miniatures WWI Painted
Lot# 133 - Group of Miniature Painted Le
Lot# 134 - 4 Sets Britain Limited Editio
Lot# 135 - Britains, Errol John and Trop
Lot# 136 - 7 Sets of Trophy Miniatures N
Lot# 137 - Albion Toy Soldiers Miniature
Lot# 138 - Group of Various Cast Lead Mi
Lot# 139 - Conte Cast Soldiers Civil War
Lot# 140 - Mixed Lot of Soldiers of the
Lot# 141 - 2 History Works Painted Confe
Lot# 142 - 4 Boxes Trophy Figures "Napol
Lot# 143 - 7 Boxes of Painted Miniature
Lot# 144 - Small Collection Soldiers of
Lot# 145 - Group of Soldiers of the Worl
Lot# 146 - Tray of Assorted Painted Lead
Lot# 147 - Lg. Assortment of Painted Lea
Lot# 148 - Soldiers of the World Various
Lot# 149 - Group of Various Cast Lead Mi
Lot# 150 - Great Assortment of Miniature
Lot# 151 - Trophy Miniatures Nile River
Lot# 152 - USS Passaic Civil War Miniatu
Lot# 153 - 9 Boxes of Trophy of Wales Mi
Lot# 154 - 9 Boxes of Trophy of Wales Mi
Lot# 155 - Lg. Group of Trophy of Wales
Lot# 156 - Trophy of Wales Texas Revolut
Lot# 157 - Group of Civil War Miniature
Lot# 158 - Conte Civil War Flag Bearer S
Lot# 159 - Lg. Assortment of Civil War P
Lot# 160 - Group of Civil War Painted Mi
Lot# 161 - 3 WWI Trophy of Wales Miniatu
Lot# 162 - Various Sets of Miniature Pai
Lot# 163 - Trophy Miniatures 7th US Cava
Lot# 164 - 8 Sets of Trophy Miniatures
Lot# 165 - 6 Boxes of Toy Lead Painted M
Lot# 166 - Britain's 50th Anniversary of
Lot# 167 - 5 Boxes of Trophy of Wales Mi
Lot# 168 - 7 Boxes of Assorted Soldier M
Lot# 169 - Large Group of Assorted Toy S
Lot# 170 - 3 Summit Collection Civil War
Lot# 171 - Large Assortment of Painted F
Lot# 172 - Lot of US Civil War Painted M
Lot# 173 - Collectors Showcase US Civil
Lot# 174 - Iron Brigade Civil War Miniat
Lot# 175 - Civil War Confederate Soldier
Lot# 176 - Conte Union Zouaves Civil War
Lot# 177 - 2 Groups of Civil War Soldier
Lot# 178 - Group of Confederate Artiller
Lot# 179 - Lot of Assorted Civil War Min
Lot# 180 - Union Soldier Civil War Minia
Lot# 181 - Group of Union Zouaves Marked
Lot# 182 - Union Civil War Miniature Sol
Lot# 183 - Confederate Civil War Miniatu
Lot# 184 - Confederate Miniature Soldier
Lot# 185 - 11 Boxes of Painted Soldier M
Lot# 186 - 12th Tennessee Confederate Gr
Lot# 187 - 2 Miniature Artillery and Sol
Lot# 188 - Large Group of Misc. Painted
Lot# 189 - Group of Misc. Painted Miniat
Lot# 190 - Artillery, Siege Guns & Paint
Lot# 191 - 11 Boxes of Painted Soldiers
Lot# 192 - 2 WWI Trophy Miniatures Wales
Lot# 193 - Welsh Trophy Mounted 7th US C
Lot# 194 - Large Assortment of Painted M
Lot# 195 - 6 Different Sets of Trophy Mi
Lot# 196 - 2 Soldiers of the World Sets
Lot# 197 - Large Assortment of Painted T
Lot# 198 - Large Assortment of Painted M
Lot# 199 - Britain's Seaforth Highlander
Lot# 200 - Collection of Painted Soldier
Lot# 201 - Civil War Cavalrymen Painted
Lot# 202 - The Story of Our Regiment
Lot# 203 - History of the 7th Pa. Cavalr
Lot# 204 - Hist. of The Pittsburgh Washi
Lot# 205 - Artillery Fuses of the Civil
Lot# 206 - The English Connection by Rus
Lot# 207 - Civil War Era Compass
Lot# 208 - Relic US Pattern 1839 Belt Pl
Lot# 209 - 2 Recovered Confederate Whitw
Lot# 210 - Framed Photograph of Union So
Lot# 211 - 1/6th Cased Ambrotype of Unio
Lot# 212 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 213 - 1/6th Cased Ambrotype of Unio
Lot# 214 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of New Ha
Lot# 215 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Seated
Lot# 216 - 1/6th Cased Ambrotype of Seat
Lot# 217 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Armed
Lot# 218 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 219 - 1/4th Cased Tintype of Two Un
Lot# 220 - 1/6th Case Ambrotype of Union
Lot# 221 - Cased Cabinet Card of Seated
Lot# 222 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 223 - Recovered .58 Musket Bullet w
Lot# 224 - 2 Contract Musket Worms
Lot# 225 - Grapeshot Recovered From the
Lot# 226 - (2) .32 cal. Teatfire Cartrid
Lot# 227 - 3 Recovered .36 cal. Colt Bul
Lot# 228 - Recovered U.S. Eagle Breast P
Lot# 229 - (2) 12mm Perrin Cartridges
Lot# 230 - Recovered Relic Pattern 1839
Lot# 231 - 2 Recovered Cavalry Insignia
Lot# 232 - Assortment of Recovered Relic
Lot# 233 - Allegheny Pattern Percussion
Lot# 234 - McFarland Percussion Cap Box
Lot# 235 - Unmarked Percussion Cap Box
Lot# 236 - John I. Pittman Percussion Ca
Lot# 237 - Lot of 2 Civil War Folding Ca
Lot# 238 - Civil War Era Surgeons Saw
Lot# 239 - Riker Mount of Williams .58 c
Lot# 240 - Riker Mount of Recovered Bull
Lot# 241 - Riker Mount of Combustible Ca
Lot# 242 - Riker Mount of Recovered Bull
Lot# 243 - Riker Mount of Relic Bullets
Lot# 244 - Riker Mount of Civil War Cart
Lot# 245 - Assortment of Recovered Civil
Lot# 246 - Composition Model of U.S.S. C
Lot# 247 - Composition Model of C.S.S. A
Lot# 248 - Composition Model of C.S.S. T
Lot# 249 - Large Grouping of Cast Lead S
Lot# 250 - Cast Lead Artillery Soldiers
Lot# 251 - Trophy Miniatures Cast Lead I
Lot# 252 - Trophy Miniatures Cast Lead P
Lot# 253 - Trophy Miniatures Cast Lead C
Lot# 254 - Small Selection of Cast Lead
Lot# 255 - Allegheny Arsenal Saddle Tree
Lot# 256 - 4 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil W
Lot# 257 - 38 WCF Bullet Mold
Lot# 258 - Identified Infantry Badge wit
Lot# 259 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Seated
Lot# 260 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 261 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 262 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Two Un
Lot# 263 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Seated
Lot# 264 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 265 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 266 - Riker Mount of Recovered Civi
Lot# 267 - Embroidered Hat Insignia 124t
Lot# 268 - Grouping of Pa National Guard
Lot# 269 - (2) 1/6th Cased Tintypes of U
Lot# 270 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 271 - 1/4th Cased Tintype of 2 Unio
Lot# 272 - 8 lb. Solid Shot Cannonball
Lot# 273 - 12 lb. Relic Cannonball
Lot# 274 - Assortment of Cast Lead Civil
Lot# 275 - Trophy Miniatures Boxed Artil
Lot# 276 - Trophy Miniatures British Gre
Lot# 277 - Trophy Miniatures WW1 "Somme
Lot# 278 - Trophy Miniatures Infantry Se
Lot# 279 - Trophy Miniatures 4th Dragoon
Lot# 280 - Trophy Miniatures 24th South
Lot# 281 - Trophy Miniatures Rifle Briga
Lot# 282 - Volunteer Enlistment with Tin
Lot# 283 - Recovered Shoulder Boards wit
Lot# 284 - Framed Photograph of Union So
Lot# 285 - Relic Collection of Civil War
Lot# 286 - 3 Riker Mounts of Recovered M
Lot# 287 - 3 Riker Mounts of Civil War R
Lot# 288 - 2 Framed Civil War Photograph
Lot# 289 - 3 Banknotes
Lot# 290 - Hardee's Infantry Tactics 186
Lot# 291 - 3 Civil War Discharge Papers
Lot# 292 - Discharge Papers, Muster Out
Lot# 293 - Union Army Infantry Hat Badge
Lot# 294 - Framed Cabinet Card of Seated
Lot# 295 - 1/9th Case Tintype of Union S
Lot# 296 - 1/6th Cased Ambrotype of Unio
Lot# 297 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of New
Lot# 298 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Seated
Lot# 299 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 300 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of Unio
Lot# 301 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of Unio
Lot# 302 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of New
Lot# 303 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Seated
Lot# 304 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of Seat
Lot# 305 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Seated
Lot# 306 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of Unio
Lot# 307 - Don Troiani 155th Pa. Regimen
Lot# 308 - Don Troiani Artillery of New
Lot# 309 - Don Troiani Confederate Medic
Lot# 310 - Framed 55th Pa Volunteers Co.
Lot# 311 - 8 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil W
Lot# 312 - 2 mod. 1855 Socket Bayonets
Lot# 313 - Autograph of CSA Brigadier Ge
Lot# 314 - 7 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil W
Lot# 315 - 5 Reference Books on Pa. Volu
Lot# 316 - 5 Reference Books on Pennsylv
Lot# 317 - 4 Riker Mounts of Civil War R
Lot# 318 - 9 Civil War Envelopes
Lot# 319 - Assortment of Cast Lead Civil
Lot# 320 - Assortment of Cast Lead Civil
Lot# 321 - 1/9th Framed Tintype of Union
Lot# 322 - 1/6th Cased Ambrotype of Unio
Lot# 323 - (2) 1/6th Cased Tintypes of 2
Lot# 324 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 325 - 1/4 Plate Tintype of Union So
Lot# 326 - 1/6th Plate Tintype of Union
Lot# 327 - 1/6th Case Tintype of Union S
Lot# 328 - Assortment of Civil War Pay S
Lot# 329 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Seated
Lot# 330 - (2) 1/6th Cased Tintypes of U
Lot# 331 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Seated
Lot# 332 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 333 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union
Lot# 334 - 1/6th Plate & Ambrotype Image
Lot# 335 - 1/6th Cased Image of Seated U
Lot# 336 - Civil War Letters and Special
Lot# 337 - 1/9th Plate Ambrotype of Unio
Lot# 338 - 1/9th Plate Tintype of Seated
Lot# 339 - (2) 1/6th Plate Tintypes of U
Lot# 340 - 3 Riker Mounts of Recovered C
Lot# 341 - Grouping of Dug Gettysburg Re
Lot# 342 - 4 Volumes of the History of P
Lot# 343 - 2 Ref. Books on Confederate H
Lot# 344 - 5 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil W
Lot# 345 - Grouping of Civil War Era Dom
Lot# 346 - Civil War Officer's Sash
Lot# 347 - 5 Riker Mounts of Recovered C
Lot# 348 - Assortment of Recovered Artil
Lot# 349 - Grouping of Model Artillery C
Lot# 350 - Fabric Swatch from a Confeder
Lot# 351 - Assortment of Recovered Artil
Lot# 352 - 2 Cavity Colt's Patent Bullet
Lot# 353 - Ordnance Dept. Experiments wi
Lot# 354 - General Orders Affecting The
Lot# 355 - 1862 Field Manual Evolutions
Lot# 356 - Manual of Bayonet Exercise by
Lot# 357 - Regs. for the Army of The Con
Lot# 358 - Cavalry Tactics First Part 18
Lot# 359 - U.S. Infantry Tactics 1861
Lot# 360 - Cavalry Tactics Second Part 1
Lot# 361 - Cavalry Tactics Third Part 18
Lot# 362 - Infantry Tactics Vol. 3 by Br
Lot# 363 - Bible of Prvt. Reuben D. Span
Lot# 364 - 4 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil W
Lot# 365 - Civil War Artillery Tow Hook
Lot# 366 - 4 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil W
Lot# 367 - 2 mod. 1855 Socket Bayonets
Lot# 368 - Civil War Era Tin Cup
Lot# 369 - Civil War Era Drum Major's Ba
Lot# 370 - Civil War Era Tobacco Twist
Lot# 371 - Civil War Pocket Telescope
Lot# 372 - Cabinet Cards and Photographs
Lot# 373 - Selection of Cast Lead Civil
Lot# 374 - Recovered Minie Balls and Spe
Lot# 375 - Large Assortment of Cast Lead
Lot# 376 - Assortment of Pa. Cavalry Reu
Lot# 377 - Assortment of Pa. Cavalry Reu
Lot# 378 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers
Lot# 379 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers
Lot# 380 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers
Lot# 381 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers
Lot# 382 - Tintype and 5 CDV's of Union
Lot# 383 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers
Lot# 384 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers
Lot# 385 - 6 Pa. Cavalry Discharge Paper
Lot# 386 - CDV of Naval Officer with Rec
Lot# 387 - Grouping of Relic Breast and
Lot# 388 - Pa. 7th Regiment Appointment
Lot# 389 - Confederate $100 Bond Certifi
Lot# 390 - 3-Volume Set of Round Ball to
Lot# 391 - 6 Identified CDV's of Pa. Uni
Lot# 392 - 6 Identified CDV's of Pa. Cav
Lot# 393 - 6 Identified CDV's of Pa. Cav
Lot# 394 - 6 Identified CDV's of Pa. Cav
Lot# 395 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers and
Lot# 396 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers
Lot# 397 - 6 CDV's Identified of Union S
Lot# 398 - 5 CDV's of Identified Union S
Lot# 399 - 12 Relic Belt and Shoulder Pl
Lot# 400 - Grouping of Dug Civil War Rel
Lot# 401 - Unidentified CDV of Full Dres
Lot# 402 - 3 Virginia Treasury Notes
Lot# 403 - 5 Virginia Treasury Notes
Lot# 404 - 10 Confederate Alabama Bankno
Lot# 405 - 4 Confederate Arkansas Bankno
Lot# 406 - 7 Confederate Florida Banknot
Lot# 407 - 9 Confederate Georgia Banknot
Lot# 408 - 10 Confederate Georgia Bankno
Lot# 409 - 5 CDV's of Union Soldiers
Lot# 410 - 6 CDV's of Unidentified Union
Lot# 411 - Confederate Receipt for a Rif
Lot# 412 - Grouping of Confederate Pay A
Lot# 413 - 8 Confederate Louisiana Bankn
Lot# 414 - 6 Confederate Mississippi Ban
Lot# 415 - 11 Confederate South Carolina
Lot# 416 - W.H. Smith US Regulation Patt
Lot# 417 - Grouping of Regiment Reunion
Lot# 418 - Grouping of Pa. Regiment Reun
Lot# 419 - Grouping of Pa. Regiment Reun
Lot# 420 - Grouping of Pa. Regiment Reun
Lot# 421 - Confederate Rifles & Muskets
Lot# 422 - Assortment of Cast Lead Soldi
Lot# 423 - Grouping of Pa. Regiment Reun
Lot# 424 - 155th Pa. Vol. Infantry Reuni
Lot# 425 - Riker Mount of Relics From Wi
Lot# 426 - 3 Missouri Defense Bonds
Lot# 427 - 6 Confederate North Carolina
Lot# 428 - 9 Confederate North Carolina
Lot# 429 - 4 Tennessee and Chattanooga B
Lot# 430 - 6 Texas Treasury Warrants
Lot# 431 - Grouping of Pa. Regimental Re
Lot# 432 - Grouping of Pa. 5th Reserves
Lot# 433 - Assortment of Union Veterans
Lot# 434 - (3) 1/6th and 1/9th Cased Uni
Lot# 435 - 5 Riker Cases of Civil War Ar
Lot# 436 - Framed Discharge Papers for H
Lot# 437 - Photo of Capt. James Harvey 1