Lot# 1 - Vintage Parking Meter w/Coin Sl
Lot# 2 - Pyrex Butterfly Gold 403, 402 &
Lot# 3 - Pyrex Butterfly Gold (1970s) 44
Lot# 4 - Pyrex Snowflake 471 Casserole w
Lot# 5 - Pyrex Old Orchard Mixing Bowls
Lot# 6 - Pyrex Spring Blossom Cinderella
Lot# 7 - Cast Iron US Mail Wagon & Horse
Lot# 8 - Antique Cast Iron Toy Wagon & D
Lot# 9 - 3 Vintage Toy Ukuleles, 1970s G
Lot# 10 - Military Memorabilia & more-Wo
Lot# 11 - US Military First Aid Packet,
Lot# 12 - Pyrex Butterfly Gold Lidded Ca
Lot# 13 - Post 1945 Jadeite Batter Bowl
Lot# 14 - Uranium Glass Lamp Base (glows
Lot# 15 - Vaseline Glass Pedestal Compot
Lot# 16 - 1972 Franklin Mint Flag Day Co
Lot# 17 - WWI Medals, Pins-Soldier Paul
Lot# 18 - Vintage Handmade & Bought Wood
Lot# 19 - Sterling vs Paratrooper "Wings
Lot# 19a - German WW2 Era Reichstreubund
Lot# 19b - German WWII Cased Blockade Ru
Lot# 19c - German WW2 1942 First Distric
Lot# 20 - US Military Spoon & Knife
Lot# 21 - McKee Jadeite Mixing Bowl (193
Lot# 22 - Boston/Sandwich Flint Glass Wh
Lot# 23 - 2 Vintage Fishing Lures
Lot# 24 - 3 Vintage Homemade Wooden Fish
Lot# 25 - 2 Vintage Wooden Fishing Lures
Lot# 26 - Vintage Jeannette Glass Hex Op
Lot# 27 - Vintage Green Depression Glass
Lot# 27a - Vintage Wooden Toboggan w/Pad
Lot# 27b - Vintage Flexible Flyer w/Rope
Lot# 27c - Monoplane Sled c.1950-America
Lot# 27d - Antique Windsor Sack Back Cha
Lot# 28 - Vintage Hand Stitched 4-patch
Lot# 29 - Vintage Hand Stitched Patchwor
Lot# 30 - Vintage Hand Stitched Double Q
Lot# 31 - Vintage Hand Stitched Tied or
Lot# 32 - Vintage Hand Stitched 4-patch
Lot# 33 - Vintage Hand Stitched Whole Cl
Lot# 34 - Vintage Hand Stitched Daisy Fl
Lot# 35 - Vintage Hand Stitched Applique
Lot# 36 - Vintage Hand Stitched Pineappl
Lot# 37 - Antique Hand Stitched Propelle
Lot# 38 - Vintage Hand Stitched Love Rin
Lot# 39 - Antique Hand Stitched Bars Pat
Lot# 40 - Vintage Hand Stitched Quilt Bl
Lot# 41 - Vintage Hand Stitched Whirlpoo
Lot# 42 - Vintage Hand Stitched 4-patch
Lot# 43 - Vintage Hand Stitched Double W
Lot# 44 - `XCVBNM,intage Hand Stitched R
Lot# 45 - Vintage Hand Stitched Red, Whi
Lot# 46 - Vintage Hand Stitched Red & Wh
Lot# 47 - Vintage Hand Stitched Crazy Bl
Lot# 48 - Antique Hand Stitched Crazy Qu
Lot# 49 - Vintage Hand Stitched 1940s Cr
Lot# 50 - Vintage Hand Stitched Bowtie
Lot# 51 - Vintage Hand Stitched Bright C
Lot# 52 - Jacquard Pine Trees & Snowball
Lot# 53 - Coverlet-Blue & Gold Overshot
Lot# 54 - Coverlet-Blue & White 87x72" 2
Lot# 55 - 1943 PA License Plate-WW2 Meta
Lot# 56 - NJ State Fireman's Association
Lot# 57 - US Military Pins & more-WWII &
Lot# 57a - Sterling Pre-WWII US Army Pil
Lot# 58 - Vintage Pins-1920 Red Cross, S
Lot# 59 - Cold War Civil Defense New Jer
Lot# 60 - Uranium Glass Fridge Container
Lot# 61 - 2 Reamers-1 Uranium, 1 Clear G
Lot# 62 - Jeannette Glass Sunflower Gree
Lot# 63 - Pyrex 1950s White w/Blue Snowf
Lot# 64 - Uranium Glass-Spice Jar, Sugar
Lot# 65 - Uranium Glass Batter Bowl Swir
Lot# 66 - 2 Vintage Mercury Glass Candle
Lot# 67 - 1977 Kenner Star Wars Sand Peo
Lot# 68 - 1977 Kenner Star Wars Han Solo
Lot# 69 - 1977 Kenner Star Wars Obi Wan
Lot# 70 - 1977 Kenner Star Wars Darth Va
Lot# 71 - 1977 Kenner Star Wars Luke Sky
Lot# 72 - 1977 Kenner Star Wars Jawa w/F
Lot# 73 - 1977 Kenner Star Wars C-3PO &
Lot# 74 - Yellow/Gold Drizzle Salad Bowl
Lot# 75 - Vintage & Modern Marbles
Lot# 76 - Antique Clay Marbles
Lot# 77 - Vintage Marbles
Lot# 78 - Uranium Glass Vases
Lot# 79 - McCoy Pink & Blue Stripe Pasta
Lot# 80 - Vintage McCoy Clown Cookie Jar
Lot# 81 - Hull Duck Lidded Casserole
Lot# 82 - Lenox Tall Vase
Lot# 83 - Hand Blown Art Glass Vase
Lot# 84 - Cooper Ladle, Ice Hooks & othe
Lot# 85 - Vintage Enamelware, Visible Ga
Lot# 86 - Early American Dark Brown Ston
Lot# 87 - Antique 1800s Salt Glazed Pear
Lot# 88 - Wooden Duck Decoys-Robert Kurk
Lot# 89 - 2 Stoneware Crocks (good cond)
Lot# 90 - Brown & Tan Crock w/mismatched
Lot# 91 - Antique Stoneware Crock w/Sten
Lot# 92 - 2 Stoneware Vases/Crocks
Lot# 93 - 2 Antique Brown Crocks (good c
Lot# 94 - Antique 3 Gal Crock-stenciled
Lot# 95 - 1870s Stoneware Planter-JH Dip
Lot# 96 - Glazed Stoneware Crock (good c
Lot# 97 - Red Glazed Stoneware Crock, Br
Lot# 98 - 2 Stoneware Crocks-1 Salt Glaz
Lot# 99 - Antique Hand Forged Carpenters
Lot# 100 - Antique Cleaver
Lot# 101 - Jeannette Carnival Glass Ruff
Lot# 102 - Vintage Metal Power Grader Co
Lot# 103 - Vintage Metal Remco Fire Truc
Lot# 104 - Vintage Metal Campbells Soup
Lot# 105 - Tonka Battery Op Plastic Fire
Lot# 106 - Emergency Vehicles-Strutco, M
Lot# 107 - Buddy L Plastic Hummer Vehicl
Lot# 108 - Antique Western Electric Tele
Lot# 109 - Antique Chevy Chase Achromati
Lot# 110 - 1928 Taking of Ticonderoga (L
Lot# 111 - 1st Edition 1986 Eisenhower (
Lot# 112 - 1956 Reset of Arabian Nights,
Lot# 113 - 1st Edition 1871 Little Men (
Lot# 114 - Bell Co-Terminal Letter Stamp
Lot# 115 - 1846 The Guilty Tongue (NY, L
Lot# 115a - 1827 History of England Hume
Lot# 115b - 1843 The Rocky Island by Sam
Lot# 116 - 1812 History of Charles the G
Lot# 116a - 1823 The Orlando Innamorato
Lot# 117 - Ltd Ed #730/947 Author Signed
Lot# 118 - 1924 David Balfour by Robert
Lot# 119 - 1933 Jesus Christ "The Life o
Lot# 120 - 1935 Little Black Sambo of th
Lot# 121 - Vintage Gameboard Pieces, Stu
Lot# 122 - Decorative Planters
Lot# 123 - Childs Cast Iron Stove Toy
Lot# 124 - Cast Iron Trivets & more
Lot# 125 - Vintage Planters
Lot# 126 - Checker/Chess Board Box, Game
Lot# 127 - Vintage Ceramics-Pink
Lot# 128 - "Our Martyrs" Plate, NY World
Lot# 129 - Vintage Toys-Metal Doll Plate
Lot# 130 - Antique Wood Spoons, Mashers
Lot# 131 - Antique Milk Glass, Blue Depr
Lot# 132 - Antique Barrel Taps & more
Lot# 133 - Metal Ft. Superior Set, Plast
Lot# 134 - Vintage Jewelry Boxes-Metal,
Lot# 135 - Vintage Folk Art Scroll Cut S
Lot# 136 - Belleek Ireland Vases-1 in or
Lot# 137 - Metal Angellic Wall Art
Lot# 138 - Antique Metal Candle Mold
Lot# 139 - Antique Candle Mold
Lot# 140 - 1916 Fire Starter Container,
Lot# 141 - Vintage Homer Laughlin Fiesta
Lot# 142 - Early American Tan/Brown Mixi
Lot# 143 - Vintage Crockery Mixing Bowls
Lot# 144 - Haeger Pottery Bowl, Ironston
Lot# 145 - Great Glaze Vintage Spittoon
Lot# 146 - 4 Antique Metal Pulleys
Lot# 147 - Wallco Sectional Silverplated
Lot# 148 - Brass & Cast Iron Decor/Hardw
Lot# 149 - Misc Vintage Decor pcs-Lidded
Lot# 150 - Fait Main Decanter Cruet w/2
Lot# 151 - Vintage Barkley's Radiator Se
Lot# 152 - Vintage Dolls
Lot# 153 - LE Smith Moon & Stars Amberin
Lot# 154 - Vintage Sewing Notions
Lot# 155 - 1858 Wood Box signed,Metal De
Lot# 156 - Jewelry Boxes
Lot# 157 - Native American Figurines, Do
Lot# 158 - Antique Ice Skates
Lot# 159 - Homer Laughlin Hacienda on Ce
Lot# 160 - Locomotive Metal Plates, Post
Lot# 161 - Ceramic Faced Animal Dolls, S
Lot# 162 - Noma Bubble Lites in orig box
Lot# 163 - Japan Chalkware 14 pc Nativit
Lot# 164 - Vintage License Plates
Lot# 165 - Vintage License Plates
Lot# 166 - Wooden Bread Proofing Bowls
Lot# 167 - Native American Woven Rug 74x
Lot# 168 - 2 Wooden Jewelry Boxes
Lot# 169 - American Heritage Dog Fight W
Lot# 170 - Flower Frogs-Carnival Glass,
Lot# 171 - Brass Candlesticks
Lot# 172 - Vintage Planters
Lot# 173 - Barrel Cookie Jar
Lot# 174 - Antique Crockery Bundt Pans
Lot# 175 - Antique Crockery Bundt Pans
Lot# 176 - Early Stoneware Fluted Rim Fl
Lot# 177 - Japan Mini Glass Christmas Or
Lot# 178 - Vintage Dishes-Oriental Stamp
Lot# 179 - Oriental Stamped Dishes
Lot# 180 - Laser Cut Crystal-Alaska, Bud
Lot# 181 - Antique Hatchet
Lot# 182 - Split Shot Tips, Fishing Lure
Lot# 183 - Natural Stone Mortar
Lot# 184 - Teacups & Matching Saucers
Lot# 185 - Teacups & Matching Saucers
Lot# 186 - Teacups & Matching Saucers
Lot# 187 - Sugar Dish (Italian), Blue/Wh
Lot# 188 - Cruet Stoppers, Salt Shaker &
Lot# 189 - Milk Glass Miniature Hen on N
Lot# 190 - Vintage "Naughty Frogs"
Lot# 191 - Set of 12 Salt Cellars
Lot# 192 - XL Flower Frog w/Solid Bottom
Lot# 193 - Leaded Flower Frogs
Lot# 194 - Antique Folding Shaving Mirro
Lot# 195 - Vintage Tabletop Baseball Gam
Lot# 196 - Smith Green Glass Bowl, Flint
Lot# 197 - 5 Lg Flower Frogs
Lot# 198 - 4 Flower Frogs
Lot# 199 - Pottery Bowls, D?cor, Pitcher
Lot# 200 - Pink Depression Glass & Clear
Lot# 201 - Glass Furniture Coasters, Eye
Lot# 202 - Indiana Glass Egg Plate in bo
Lot# 203 - Lefton Green Sleigh Planters-
Lot# 204 - Lefton Sleigh Planters & 2 Bo
Lot# 205 - MCM Barware
Lot# 206 - Glass Cake Plate, Painted Bow
Lot# 207 - Natural Shells
Lot# 208 - Matchbooks
Lot# 209 - Vintage Amber Glass Candlesti
Lot# 210 - Fenton Opalescent Hobnail Top
Lot# 211 - Opa-Vue (Japan) Opera Glasses
Lot# 212 - Planters
Lot# 213 - Antique Cast Iron Shoe Lasts
Lot# 214 - Cast Iron Tabletop Mirror
Lot# 215 - Paper Fans & Funeral Fans
Lot# 216 - Japan Bone China Mini Figurin
Lot# 217 - Oriental Figurines, Flower Ho
Lot# 218 - Camery Ceramic Cat, Planters
Lot# 219 - Evil Eye Glass pc, Metal pc &
Lot# 220 - S&P Shaker Sets
Lot# 221 - 2 Vases-1 McCoy
Lot# 222 - Antique Toys-Victorian Puzzle
Lot# 222a - Belt Buckles
Lot# 223 - 2 Bocce Balls, Antique Baseba
Lot# 224 - Cast Iron "Naughty Frogs"
Lot# 225 - Leaded Flower Frogs
Lot# 226 - Ceramic "Naugthy Turtles"
Lot# 227 - Animal & Doll Figurines-Plast
Lot# 228 - Magnets-Ted Degrazia Art
Lot# 229 - Vintage Eyeglasses & Motorcyc
Lot# 230 - Magnets-Ted Degrazia Art
Lot# 231 - Advertising Can Openers, Pick
Lot# 232 - Rolex Spoons, 2 Victoria Crui
Lot# 233 - Disney Lot-Mickey Ball, Lorus
Lot# 234 - Victorian Boot Lacer, Straigh
Lot# 235 - Pocket Knives
Lot# 236 - Toy Cars
Lot# 236a - Yale Padlocks w/Key
Lot# 236b - Pocket Knives
Lot# 236c - Pins-Peanuts, Looney Tunes &
Lot# 237 - Homemade Wooden Toys
Lot# 238 - Cast Iron Dog Bank
Lot# 239 - Cast Iron Miniatures
Lot# 240 - Japan Dog Figurines
Lot# 241 - Fine Bone China & Porcelain A
Lot# 242 - 3 Cast Iron Painted Dogs
Lot# 243 - Toy Vehicles
Lot# 244 - Early 1900s Pond Sailboat w/U
Lot# 245 - Animal Figurines incl Japan &
Lot# 246 - Victorian Sewing Bird 1853 (n
Lot# 247 - Antique Wood Carved Toy Boats
Lot# 248 - Owl Figurines-Brass, Ceramic,
Lot# 249 - Vintage Childrens Board Puzzl
Lot# 250 - Vintage Metal Kwik Sift
Lot# 251 - Metal Balance D?cor
Lot# 252 - WV Blendo Salad Bowl (color i
Lot# 253 - Crock Mixing Bowl w/Pitcher
Lot# 254 - Vintage Dolls incl Sleepy Eye
Lot# 255 - Rockingham Glazed Yellow Ware
Lot# 256 - Wooden Thread Spool/Scissor H
Lot# 257 - Anchor Hocking Early American
Lot# 258 - Vintage Kids Toys incl Carpet
Lot# 259 - US Army Embroidered Doilies &
Lot# 260 - Belt Buckles-Piny Express, NR
Lot# 261 - Vintage Opalescent Moonstone
Lot# 262 - Vintage Opalescent Moonstone
Lot# 263 - Mont Blank (Germany) Pen & Bo
Lot# 264 - Mini Tea Sets-Metal, Japan Ce
Lot# 265 - 3 Sterling Gas Station Measur
Lot# 266 - Vintage Carnival Glass incl G
Lot# 267 - Vintage Marigold Carnival Gla
Lot# 268 - Pocket knives-Klein Tools & m
Lot# 269 - Arpege Chanel No. 5 14K Gold
Lot# 270 - Pocket Knives-Barlow, Canada,
Lot# 271 - 2 Pocket & Knives Fork/Spoon
Lot# 272 - Antique 1800s Brothel/Hotel T
Lot# 273 - Genesee Beer Tray, Ink Blotte
Lot# 274 - Metal Locomotive & Metal Truc
Lot# 275 - Wooden Carved Items-Birds, Ho
Lot# 276 - Wooden Molds, Rolling Pins, W
Lot# 277 - Planters & D?cor
Lot# 278 - Home D?cor-"Flight into Egypt
Lot# 279 - Empty Cigar Boxes
Lot# 280 - Silverplated Entertaining War
Lot# 281 - Remco Radio Craft Station Tur
Lot# 282 - Davy Crocket Metal Target, Vi
Lot# 283 - Vintage Sewing Notions
Lot# 284 - Plant Pots & Planters incl. M
Lot# 285 - Poly Resin Stocking Holders,
Lot# 286 - Jewelry Boxes
Lot# 287 - Stanley Wooden Level, Vintage
Lot# 288 - Vintage Small Sewing Machines
Lot# 289 - MCM Ashtray, D?cor Items
Lot# 290 - Blue Transferware Sugar & Cre
Lot# 291 - Shawnee Corn Dish Set & Plant
Lot# 292 - Hazel Atlas Pebblestone 1968
Lot# 293 - Small Bowls, Creamer & more
Lot# 294 - Antique Pin Cushion w/Velvet
Lot# 295 - Antique Fence Jumping Inhibit
Lot# 296 - Childs Play Hutch w/Silverwar
Lot# 297 - Vintage Metal Cookie Cutters
Lot# 298 - Cast Iron Corn Bread Maker, B
Lot# 299 - Vintage Glass Bottles
Lot# 300 - Vintage Metal Ice Skates, Ice
Lot# 301 - Jewelry Boxes
Lot# 302 - Vintage Blue Glass Bottles
Lot# 303 - Vintage Dishes
Lot# 304 - 43 pcs Staffordshire (England
Lot# 305 - Jewelry Boxes
Lot# 306 - Glass Pitcher, Punch Glasses
Lot# 307 - Custard Cup, MCM Bar Glasses
Lot# 308 - Amber Glass-Basket & more
Lot# 309 - Lusterware Platter & Bowl, Ic
Lot# 310 - Harmony House Forecast Cups &
Lot# 311 - Haviland Limoges Whiteware Di
Lot# 312 - Vintage Wooden D?cor Pieces
Lot# 313 - Dishes, Cake Platters & more
Lot# 314 - 2 Jadeite Plates, Vintage Fie
Lot# 315 - Brass Candlesticks
Lot# 316 - Glassware-Clear, Green, Blue
Lot# 317 - Wooden Collapsible Coat Rack,
Lot# 318 - Sewing Boxes, Notions, Embroi
Lot# 319 - Vintage Toys incl Tin Cans of
Lot# 320 - 1950s Dolls incl Ideal & Hasb
Lot# 321 - Vintage Cigar Boxes
Lot# 322 - Vintage Cigar Boxes
Lot# 323 - Vintage Cigar Boxes
Lot# 324 - Decorative Ship's Wheel, Swif
Lot# 325 - Vintage Food Grinder, Univers
Lot# 326 - Vintage Ceramic Planters, Coa
Lot# 327 - Vintage McCoy Pitcher (chips)
Lot# 328 - Vintage Planters/Statues
Lot# 329 - Vintage Blue Flow Dishes, Blu
Lot# 329a - Atlantic Coast Line RR Plate
Lot# 329b - Vintage Glass Lightning Rod
Lot# 329c - Vintage Japan Fishing Net
Lot# 329d - Vintage Hand Blown Japan Fis
Lot# 329e - Vintage Hand Blown Japan Fis
Lot# 329f - Vintage Hand Blown Japan Fis
Lot# 330 - Handstitched Crib Quilt w/Emb
Lot# 331 - Vintage Mexican Serape 81x48"
Lot# 332 - Handstitched Fruit Basket Pat
Lot# 333 - Handstitched Pinwheel Variati
Lot# 334 - 2 Handstitched Crib Quilts-1
Lot# 335 - Vintage Saltillo Serape-appro
Lot# 336 - Handstitched Crib Quilt 39x52
Lot# 337 - 2 Vintage Chenille Bedspreads
Lot# 338 - Handstitched Crib Quilts (som
Lot# 339 - Handstitched Crib Quilt 37x32
Lot# 340 - Antique Crewel Rug 45x25"
Lot# 341 - Vintage Glass Milk Bottles in
Lot# 342 - Vintage Jumbo Peanut Butter J
Lot# 343 - Vintage Stoneware Glazed Bowl
Lot# 344 - Vintage Flower Pots-various s
Lot# 345 - Tins-some Vintage incl Mickey
Lot# 346 - Vintage Barnums Animals Tins,
Lot# 347 - MCM Opalescent Coin Dot Doubl
Lot# 348 - Lg Cast Iron Rooster & Pot w/
Lot# 349 - Vintage Glassware
Lot# 350 - Glass Applie Juice Jug, Billy
Lot# 351 - Vintage Christmas Ornaments
Lot# 352 - Cast Iron Wall Sconces
Lot# 353 - Ice Buckets, Vintage Kitchen
Lot# 354 - Antique Art Deco Flappers Met
Lot# 355 - Antique Metal Table Lamp Base
Lot# 356 - Vintage Amber Glass Vase, Gla
Lot# 357 - Vintage Planters
Lot# 358 - Vintage Silverplate Serveware
Lot# 359 - Vintage Silverplate Serveware
Lot# 360 - Vintage Silverplate Serveware
Lot# 360a - 2 Antique Carding Wool Combs
Lot# 361 - Bundy Selmer Flute w/Case & L
Lot# 362 - Vintage Green Handled Cookie
Lot# 363 - Vintage Galvanized/Fabric Can
Lot# 364 - Victorian Tinsel Christmas Or
Lot# 365 - Victorian Tinsel Christmas Or
Lot# 366 - Victorian Tinsel Christmas Or
Lot# 367 - Vintage Christmas Tinsel, Tin
Lot# 368 - Vintage Christmas D?cor
Lot# 369 - Vintage Kitchen Items-Sifters
Lot# 370 - Vintage Kitchen Items-Sifters
Lot# 371 - Vintage Kodak Instamatic X-30
Lot# 372 - Wooden Painted Boat w/Sailor
Lot# 373 - 45s Records incl Judas Priest
Lot# 374 - Vintage Germany 1913 Advent C
Lot# 375 - NIB USA Olympics Jeep Commemo
Lot# 376 - Vintage Roycroft Mini Bean Po
Lot# 377 - Plastic Model Ships & Airplan
Lot# 378 - Vintage Drinking Glasses
Lot# 379 - MCM Flower Pot Lamp Base, 2 M
Lot# 380 - Vintage Childrens Playing Car
Lot# 381 - Vintage Silverplated Spoons,
Lot# 382 - Antique Thread & Scissor Stor
Lot# 383 - Vintage Cast Iron Houses, Min
Lot# 384 - Vintage Blacksmith Wrought Ir
Lot# 385 - Antique Horse Bit, Pens, File
Lot# 386 - Vintage Star World Figurine C
Lot# 387 - Vintage Jim Rentice Electric
Lot# 388 - 14 pcs-Abercrombie & Fitch Co
Lot# 389 - B&C France Canister & Vintage
Lot# 390 - Vintage Polariod Land Cameras
Lot# 391 - Vintage S&P Shakers
Lot# 392 - Wire Beaded Flowers, Trinket
Lot# 393 - Hazel Atlas Capri Bowl, Adams
Lot# 394 - Vintage Glassware
Lot# 395 - Vintage Cordial Glasses & She
Lot# 396 - Coors Light & Steelers Beer G
Lot# 397 - Radio Flyer Model 5 Wagon for
Lot# 398 - 2-4" Sad Irons
Lot# 399 - Pgh Penguins Bobbleheads, Myt
Lot# 400 - Wooden Butter Mold, Wooden Bo
Lot# 401 - Pewter Mini Animals & Tea Ros
Lot# 402 - Plastic & Wooden Dollhouse Fu
Lot# 403 - Vintatge Cigarette Tin Boxes,
Lot# 404 - 80s/90s MLB Figurines
Lot# 404a - 80s/90s MLB & NFL Figurines
Lot# 405 - Misc Childrens Toys-some Wend
Lot# 406 - Antique Scrapers
Lot# 407 - Antique Wooden/Steel Block Pl
Lot# 408 - 3 Vintage Soldering Irons-1 m
Lot# 409 - 2001 Altoona Curve Baseball T
Lot# 410 - Antique Hand Tools incl Screw
Lot# 411 - Vintage C Palmer Cast Aluminu
Lot# 411a - Antique Cast Iron Rectangle
Lot# 411b - Antique Cast Aluminum Rectan
Lot# 412 - Vintatge Shaped Planters incl
Lot# 413 - Vintage Wooden Doll Cradles,
Lot# 414 - Tape Recorders/Players & Pock
Lot# 415 - Vintage Board Games-Clue, Bri
Lot# 416 - Antique Cherry Stoner, Cast I
Lot# 417 - Boudoir Half Dolls-Porcelain,
Lot# 418 - Vintage Insulators
Lot# 419 - Vintage Hommet Silverplate Sa
Lot# 420 - Sega Genesis w/Remote Control
Lot# 421 - 2 Antique Draw Knives
Lot# 422 - Vintage Glassware
Lot# 423 - Wooden Jewelry Boxes
Lot# 424 - Wooden Jewelry Boxes
Lot# 425 - Silverplate S&P, Tea Strainer
Lot# 426 - Silverplate Utensils stamped
Lot# 427 - Silverplate Utensils-Victor &
Lot# 428 - Silverplate Utensils-Rogers B
Lot# 429 - Silverplate Utensils-Oneida R
Lot# 430 - Silverplate Utensils
Lot# 431 - Silverplate Utensils
Lot# 432 - Silverplate Utensils
Lot# 433 - Silverplate Utensils-Oneida C
Lot# 434 - Silverplate Utensils
Lot# 435 - Hall Westinghouse Bread Pan,
Lot# 436 - Misc Ceramic Planters, Plates
Lot# 437 - Vintage Glassware incl Ruby &
Lot# 438 - Misc Ceramic Planters incl Sw
Lot# 439 - Vintage Pair Handcrafted Doll
Lot# 440 - Handmade Rag Dolls, Caribbean
Lot# 441 - Vintage Glassware incl Cobalt
Lot# 442 - 2 Vintage Art Deco Metal Desk
Lot# 443 - Noritake & Mikasa Crystal Ite
Lot# 444 - Vintage Ceramic Planter incl
Lot# 445 - Vintage Tins-Navy Cut Cigaret
Lot# 446 - Vintage Tins-Hersheys, Walt D
Lot# 447 - Antique Screwdrivers
Lot# 448 - Vintage Tins-Savarin Coffee,
Lot# 449 - Wooden Whirly-Gigs
Lot# 450 - 1950s Tiny Tears Doll, 1957 S
Lot# 451 - Baby Dolls
Lot# 452 - Horseshoes
Lot# 453 - Game Pieces & Toys
Lot# 454 - S&H Green Stamps, Homer City
Lot# 455 - Vintage Wedgwood Jasperware P
Lot# 456 - Kyusu Teapot & Dish Set in Wo
Lot# 457 - Japan & other Oriental D?cor
Lot# 458 - Spode Copelands China (Englan
Lot# 459 - 2 Art Deco Lamps-Glass & Bras
Lot# 460 - Vintage Postcards
Lot# 461 - Vintage Postcards
Lot# 462 - Vintage Postcards
Lot# 463 - Vintage Postcards
Lot# 464 - Vintage Postcards
Lot# 465 - Vintage Postcards
Lot# 466 - Various Dishes & more-England
Lot# 467 - Fenton Blue Slag Compote
Lot# 467a - Vintage Wedgwood Jasperware
Lot# 468 - Fenton Blue Satin Draped Ruff
Lot# 469 - Vintage Glass Bottles
Lot# 470 - Stainless Mixing Bowls, Alumi
Lot# 470a - Costume Jewelry-Silver Neckl
Lot# 471 - Mini Glass Bottles
Lot# 472 - Juice Glasses
Lot# 473 - Westmoreland Glass Goblets &
Lot# 474 - Mini Glass Bottles
Lot# 475 - Vintage Serving Utensils-some
Lot# 476 - View Master w/Slides in orig
Lot# 477 - Westmoreland Amber Wine Glass
Lot# 478 - Antique Tin Types & 1 Dagurre
Lot# 479 - Amos & Andy Photograph, Early
Lot# 480 - Sans & Streiffe #515 Microsco
Lot# 481 - Vintage Glassbake Casserole,
Lot# 482 - Early 1900s & 1800s Photograp
Lot# 483 - Antique Stereoscope w/Collect
Lot# 484 - Antique Stereoscope
Lot# 485 - Antique Stereoscope
Lot# 486 - Antique Stereoscope
Lot# 487 - Stereoscope Cards-1891 Sambo,
Lot# 488 - Printing Sets-Showcard, Fulto
Lot# 489 - Ricer w/Stand, Sifter
Lot# 490 - Antique Pulleys
Lot# 491 - Antique Cherry Stoner
Lot# 492 - Vintage Metal Sheep Shears, V
Lot# 493 - Antique Pulleys
Lot# 494 - Insulators-Ceramic & Glass
Lot# 495 - Sleepy Eyes Nun Dolls
Lot# 496 - 4 Puzzles-Harry Potter, Stone
Lot# 497 - NIB Meatball Master
Lot# 498 - Nancy Drew CD Roms, Books-Fli
Lot# 499 - Hummel Goeble Exclusive Ed. W
Lot# 500 - Comics-Supervillians, Richie
Lot# 501 - 2010 Wicked, Princess Di Maga
Lot# 502 - Mikasa Serving Set in box
Lot# 503 - Red Hats of Courage, United W
Lot# 504 - Stratomatic Baseball
Lot# 505 - Temptations 4-pc Set Plus Rou
Lot# 506 - Star Wars Record/Book Sets, S
Lot# 507 - Records-Ed Sullivan, Classica
Lot# 508 - Records-Christmas, James Brow
Lot# 509 - Records-Peter Paul & Mary, Pa
Lot# 510 - Records-Righteous Bros, Charl
Lot# 511 - Records-Elvis Country, Tempta
Lot# 512 - Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments,
Lot# 513 - 1990sT TMNT Valentine Sets, P
Lot# 514 - The Beatles Hair Pomade w/ori
Lot# 515 - Nestle Nesquik Tin (empty)
Lot# 516 - McDonalds Happy Meal Boat-198
Lot# 517 - Snoopys Hairdryer
Lot# 518 - Jeannette Tumblers in orig bo
Lot# 519 - Happy Meals Toys-early
Lot# 520 - 1st Edition 1948 Cheaper by t
Lot# 521 - 1982 "Revenge of the Jedi" Mi
Lot# 522 - Nutcracker Village 2004 Golfe
Lot# 523 - German Nutcracker-artist sign
Lot# 524 - Howdy Doody Doll w/Pull Strin
Lot# 525 - McDonalds Hand Puppet, Ronald
Lot# 526 - Super Hero Pens
Lot# 527 - Vintage McDonalds Cups, Memor
Lot# 528 - Addams Family Boardgame-1964
Lot# 529 - Vintage Burger King Employee
Lot# 530 - Vintage Planters
Lot# 531 - Early Metal Slinky, Magic Tri
Lot# 532 - Antique Tools
Lot# 533 - Antique Pulleys
Lot# 534 - Antique Pulleys
Lot# 535 - Antique Pulleys
Lot# 536 - Cameras-Holiday Flash Brownie
Lot# 537 - Toy Metal Pedal Car
Lot# 538 - Vintage Tins-Ribbon Candy, Bo
Lot# 539 - Blue Glass Mason Jars-Early B
Lot# 540 - Vintage Croquet Game
Lot# 541 - Early 1900s Canning Jars
Lot# 542 - Early 1900s Canning Jars
Lot# 543 - Early 1900s Canning Jars
Lot# 544 - Early 1900s Canning Jars
Lot# 545 - Early 1900s Canning Jars
Lot# 546 - Antique Hand Forged Broad Hea
Lot# 547 - Antique McCormick Deering Sic
Lot# 548 - Vintage Tins
Lot# 549 - Vintage Crib Sheets-Grandmoth
Lot# 550 - 3 Rugs-36x21" Hooked Horshoe
Lot# 551 - Kids Handmade Quilts-64x37" B
Lot# 552 - 1980's Floral AppliqueQuilt-t
Lot# 553 - Vintage Woven Rugs
Lot# 554 - 1960s Hot Wheels Track Sets i
Lot# 555 - Books-Religious, Ben Hur & mo
Lot# 556 - Clothes-Gamestop, American Pi
Lot# 557 - Asst Doll Clothes & Accessori
Lot# 558 - Frames & Humerous "Pap" Newsp
Lot# 559 - Bedspread, Bags & more
Lot# 560 - Christmas Wrapping
Lot# 561 - Records-West Side Story, Casa
Lot# 562 - Books-Cookbooks
Lot# 563 - XL HD Totes & Lids
Lot# 564 - Books-Cookbooks, 50 Years of
Lot# 565 - Books-Agatha Christie, Ruther
Lot# 566 - Books-Harry Potter, John Gris
Lot# 567 - Cardboard Shipping Sleeves
Lot# 568 - Ben Hur Cayenne, Star Wars Pa
Lot# 569 - Vintage Mickey Mouse-Hanger,
Lot# 570 - Books-Boomer TV, Wizard of Oz
Lot# 571 - Books-Steven King & more
Lot# 572 - Christmas Throw, Cards, Mini
Lot# 573 - Home D?cor-Hummel Plate, Brin
Lot# 574 - McCoy Banana Boat Planter, MC
Lot# 575 - Peanuts Collectibles
Lot# 576 - Planters
Lot# 577 - Vintage Wood Nut Bowl w/Tools
Lot# 578 - Plates-Norman Rockwell, Japan
Lot# 579 - Platters-Haviland Limoges, Ba
Lot# 580 - Planters & Home D?cor
Lot# 581 - Halls Pitcher, Halls Rose Dis
Lot# 582 - 3 Platters (2 Ironstone), Gol
Lot# 583 - Stained Glass Holy Family
Lot# 584 - Flintstones Draw Rings, Lunch
Lot# 585 - 2-tiered Wire Fruit Basket &
Lot# 586 - XL George Foreman Grill
Lot# 587 - Scotch Laminator
Lot# 588 - Temptations Platter, Bundt Bo
Lot# 589 - Office Green Weenie, Mr Peanu
Lot# 590 - Antique Telephone
Lot# 591 - Toy Cars-Matchbox, Hot Wheels
Lot# 592 - Plastic Hand Puppets-Looney T
Lot# 593 - NIB Funko Pop NFL Terry Brads
Lot# 594 - Books-1945 Henry the 8th, Unc
Lot# 595 - Books-Pickwick Papers, 1901 B
Lot# 596 - Lg Picture Books-Disney, Litt
Lot# 597 - 3 Hot Wheels-1972, 1961, 1960
Lot# 598 - 2 Red Line Hot Wheels (bottom
Lot# 599 - 2 Red Line Hot Wheels-The Dem
Lot# 600 - 3 Red Line Hot Wheels (bottom
Lot# 601 - 2 Red Line Hot Wheels 1967
Lot# 602 - Vintage Kiddles Collectors Ca
Lot# 603 - Toy Story Boots-Kids sz 12
Lot# 604 - Dancing Pickle in box
Lot# 605 - Vintage Fiestaware
Lot# 606 - Vintage Fiestaware w/Modern F
Lot# 607 - Composition Baby Dolls (some
Lot# 608 - Composition Baby Dolls
Lot# 609 - Baby Quilts-Red & White Tied
Lot# 610 - Baby Quilts-Wedding Rign, Chu
Lot# 611 - Oklahoma Sunburst Youth Quilt
Lot# 612 - Crazy Quilt Pillow Cover, Pla
Lot# 613 - "Nurses Home" Wool Blankets,
Lot# 614 - Bedspreads incl 1 Bates
Lot# 615 - Bedspreads incl 1 Bates
Lot# 616 - Crib Quilts-Irish Puzzle Wate
Lot# 617 - Vintage Dogwood Wreath Appliq
Lot# 618 - White Cutwork Duvet 87x84", T
Lot# 619 - Fringed Counterpane Spread 68
Lot# 620 - Crochet Bedspread
Lot# 621 - Crib Quilts-Tied Pastel Block
Lot# 622 - 1980s Hand Woven Rugs-Southwe
Lot# 623 - 1980s Hand Woven Rugs-Navajo
Lot# 624 - Framed 2011 Honda Classic Sig
Lot# 625 - Western Movie/TV Photos-Jane
Lot# 626 - Atari Catalogs & Games-Soccer
Lot# 627 - Little Golden Books, Pop-up C
Lot# 628 - Girl Scout Mess Kit, Canteens
Lot# 629 - Vintage Melted Popcorn-Merry
Lot# 630 - Vintage Melted Popcorn-Spring
Lot# 631 - Vintage Melted Popcorn-Rabbit
Lot# 632 - Vintage Melted Popcorn-Santa
Lot# 633 - Vintage Melted Popcorn-Candy
Lot# 634 - Vintage Melted Popcorn-Shamro
Lot# 635 - Vintage Melted Popcorn-Shamro
Lot# 636 - Vintage Melted Popcorn-Easter
Lot# 637 - Vintage Melted Popcorn-Rabbit
Lot# 638 - Bileth Baseball Game
Lot# 639 - Edison & other Records
Lot# 640 - Atomic Arcade Pinball Game
Lot# 641 - Little Drummer Boy Nativity S
Lot# 642 - Barbie-Holiday Porcelain-"Hol
Lot# 643 - Mr Peanut Collection
Lot# 644 - Hallmark Keepsake Ornament Th
Lot# 645 - Vintage Mattel Baby First Ste
Lot# 646 - Barbie 4-pc Tumbler Set, orig
Lot# 647 - Niagara Falls Conolite Lamp &
Lot# 648 - Mattel 1955 Miniature Cars &
Lot# 649 - Mattell Tippee-Toes Doll w/or
Lot# 650 - Vintage Barbies
Lot# 651 - Barbie 40th Anniversary in bo
Lot# 652 - Barbies in box-1994 Pilgrim,
Lot# 653 - Barbies in box-94 Pioneer, 94
Lot# 654 - Stratomatic Pro-Basketball, S
Lot# 655 - Todays Collector Magazines, V
Lot# 656 - Pens Bobblehead Erik Karlsson
Lot# 657 - Ronald McDonald Dolls & more
Lot# 658 - Metal 2011 Loungefly Tootsie
Lot# 659 - Metal 2010 Loungefly Charms B
Lot# 660 - 1953 Yankee Stadium Jehovah's
Lot# 661 - Framed Autographed 8x10s-Bill
Lot# 662 - Framed Autographed Western Sh
Lot# 663 - Framed Autographed Western Sh
Lot# 664 - Framed Western Shots-1 Autogr
Lot# 665 - Framed Western Shots-1 Autogr
Lot# 666 - Autographed Western Photo (no
Lot# 667 - 2 Autographed Western Photos
Lot# 668 - 2 Autographed Western Photos
Lot# 669 - Skylanders Collection Posters
Lot# 670 - Atari Catalogs
Lot# 671 - Activision Posters, Skylander
Lot# 672 - Atari Game Programs
Lot# 673 - View Master Cartoon Favorites
Lot# 674 - DC Atari Force Comis
Lot# 675 - Lone Ranger Coloring Book
Lot# 676 - View Master Snoopy Red Baron,
Lot# 677 - Batman Coloring Books
Lot# 678 - Game Programs-Nintendo, Imagi
Lot# 679 - Western TV/Movie Photographs
Lot# 680 - Western TV/Movie Photographs
Lot# 681 - Western TV/Movie Photographs
Lot# 682 - Ronald McDonald Stuffed Toys
Lot# 683 - Metal Cake Plate w/Glass Dome
Lot# 684 - Sports Magazines, NFL Book
Lot# 685 - Original Barbie, 1966 Barbie
Lot# 686 - Vintage 60's & 70's Barbies
Lot# 687 - Doll Clothes & Accessories
Lot# 688 - 1970s Hot Wheels
Lot# 689 - Count Chocula Doll
Lot# 690 - NIB Hot Wheels
Lot# 691 - NIB Hot Wheels
Lot# 692 - Beautiful Teal Glass
Lot# 693 - HP Insta Ink Office Jet 4650
Lot# 694 - Mr Christmas Tree Mugs
Lot# 695 - Napco Santa & Mrs Claus S&P S
Lot# 696 - 2009 Sesame Street Cookie Mon
Lot# 697 - 1962 Newspaper, 2 Autographed
Lot# 698 - Vintage Hot Wheels
Lot# 699 - Disney (Japan) Musical Mickey
Lot# 700 - 2 XL HD Totes w/Lids
Lot# 701 - Religious Books
Lot# 702 - New Old World Temptations Set
Lot# 702a - New Old World Temptations Se
Lot# 702b - New Old World Temptations Se
Lot# 703 - Ninja Blender
Lot# 704 - Quartz Space Heater-Radiant H
Lot# 705 - Lasko Ceramic Heater
Lot# 706 - Le-Light Profession Cast Alum
Lot# 707 - Quarts Howard Miller Clock
Lot# 708 - Colonial Coffee Mill
Lot# 709 - Coffee Mill
Lot# 710 - Crafting Supplies
Lot# 711 - Martini & Rossi Vermouth-sign
Lot# 712 - 1926 Little Women, 1903 Life
Lot# 713 - Mandoline Slicer, Igloo Mini
Lot# 714 - Remington Plush Blanket, Aman
Lot# 715 - Folkmanis Puppets
Lot# 716 - Toy Dyson, Calvin & Hobbes Bo
Lot# 717 - Air Wair Dr Martins made in E
Lot# 717a - Compact Alarm System, Binoc
Lot# 718 - Christmas D?cor-Pooh, Ceramic
Lot# 719 - Toy Cash Register, Primitive
Lot# 720 - Barbie Furniture & Accessorie
Lot# 721 - Halloween Dcor
Lot# 722 - New Iams Pro-Active Health Do
Lot# 722a - 1989 James Bond Movie Poster
Lot# 722b - Decorative Print 20x33"w/54"
Lot# 722c - Vintage Disney Cardboard Sto
Lot# 722d - Marie Osmond Vinyl Concert S
Lot# 723 - Apex Horse Clock
Lot# 724 - Malibu Electric Landscape Lig
Lot# 725 - Simply Christmas Nativity Set
Lot# 726 - NIB Cologne-Avon, Sweet Honey
Lot# 727 - Vintage Gun Cleaner
Lot# 728 - Vintage Metal Coin Purse, Bea
Lot# 729 - Beaumont Pottery York Main Cr
Lot# 730 - Asst Small Stuffed Animals, P
Lot# 731 - Vintage Molded Plastic Lighte
Lot# 732 - Vintage Blow Mold Candle 17"
Lot# 733 - Vintage Blow Mold Easter Bunn
Lot# 734 - Vintage Blow Mold Snowman 18"
Lot# 735 - Vintage Blow Mold Easter Bunn
Lot# 736 - 3 Pumpkin/Black Cat Battery O
Lot# 737 - Vintage Popcorn Jack o Lanter
Lot# 738 - Antique Telescope
Lot# 739 - George Foreman Grilling Machi
Lot# 740 - Vintage Seth Thomas Striker C
Lot# 741 - NIB NineSky Dehumidifier Mod
Lot# 742 - Sears Craftsman Micro Adj Tor
Lot# 743 - Craftsman Torque Wrench CMMT9
Lot# 743a - Sterling Wedding Band&Sterli
Lot# 744 - Costume Jewelry-Earrings
Lot# 745 - Costume Jewelry
Lot# 746 - Costume Jewelry
Lot# 747 - Costume Jewelry
Lot# 748 - Costume Jewelry
Lot# 749 - 2 Sterling Necklaces w/Pendan
Lot# 750 - Costume Jewelry
Lot# 751 - NIB Steelers Watch
Lot# 752 - Thomas Kinkade "The Light of
Lot# 753 - NIB Gourmia Automatic Espress
Lot# 754 - Bugs Life Bug Creator (not te
Lot# 755 - Vintage Ironstone Water Basin
Lot# 756 - 2 NIB GE Smart Home Magnetic
Lot# 756a - Vintage Line 6 Tonecor Uber
Lot# 757 - Asst Halloween Decor
Lot# 758 - NIP Kobalt Pro 90 Ratchet Set
Lot# 759 - Dirt Devil the Hand Vac Model
Lot# 760 - NIP Always Maxi Pads
Lot# 761 - NIB Chicago Electric Drill Bi
Lot# 762 - Hamm's Beer Tin, Dog & Cat Ha
Lot# 763 - Christmas Wreath Dcor
Lot# 764 - Lasko Portable Baseboard Heat
Lot# 765 - Asst Christmas Dcor, Boyds Be
Lot# 766 - Asst Light Bulbs
Lot# 767 - Asst Baskets, Plastic Easter
Lot# 768 - 2 Totes
Lot# 769 - Perfume-Ariana Grande, DKNY R
Lot# 770 - Historic Victory Collectors P
Lot# 771 - Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls,
Lot# 772 - Cabelas Digital Remote Dog Tr
Lot# 773 - Furby in box, Lullaby Lamp Cr
Lot# 774 - Machi Koro 5th Anniv Ed. Game
Lot# 775 - Ceramic Halloween Dcor
Lot# 776 - NIB Christmas Wreath
Lot# 777 - 2 NIB-SAE & Metric Hex Key Se
Lot# 778 - Blow Mold Lighted Santa 13" t
Lot# 779 - Asst Fabric Dolls, Stuffed An
Lot# 780 - 410 Ga Shotgun Cleaning Kit,
Lot# 781 - Woven Basket Bag, NIB Etienne
Lot# 782 - Spools of Thread, Measuring T
Lot# 783 - Woody, Stuffed Dinosaur, Slin
Lot# 784 - Oil Lamp (no top), Oriental P
Lot# 785 - Hand-stitched Quilt-71"x55"
Lot# 786 - Hand-stitched Quilt 82"x78"
Lot# 787 - 2 Hand-stitched quilts-72"x66
Lot# 788 - Hand-stitched Quilt 94"x94"
Lot# 789 - NIB Soft Scrub, Drainbo, The
Lot# 790 - New Balance Shoes (like new)
Lot# 792 - Tool Set, Star Wrenches, New
Lot# 793 - NIB Studio Select Body Spray,
Lot# 794 - NIB Christmas Memories Motion
Lot# 794a - 4 Wool Ladies Hats
Lot# 795 - Dewalt Portable Power DXAEJ14
Lot# 796 - Vintage Fisher Price Toys
Lot# 797 - Asst Tools-Box Wrenches (Sear
Lot# 798 - Vintage Parker Bros Ouija Boa
Lot# 799 - Vintage Parker Bros Ouija Boa
Lot# 800 - 52 Clarion State Lettermans J
Lot# 801 - Framed Sketch E. Krack, Frame
Lot# 802 - Asst Picture Frames
Lot# 803 - Metal Christmas Tree Stand, P
Lot# 804 - Vitamix Food Preparing Machin
Lot# 805 - Ego Power Charger CH2100, EGO
Lot# 806 - Bead Stringing, Jewelry Makin
Lot# 807 - Topps 1990 Baseball Coins, 19
Lot# 808 - 3 Folding Carry Chairs
Lot# 809 - Asst Gloves, Scarves, Hats
Lot# 810 - Bathroom Rugs, Towels, Washcl
Lot# 811 - Battery Operated Candles, Wit
Lot# 812 - Tea Candles, Light Bulbs
Lot# 813 - Pivot Power Surge Protector,
Lot# 814 - Childrens Books-Snow White, S
Lot# 815 - Asst Carrying Bags
Lot# 816 - Asst Race Cars-Jeff Gordon
Lot# 817 - Vintage Pelt Stretchers
Lot# 818 - Asst Race Cars-Jeff Gordon
Lot# 819 - NWT Vera Wang Bath Towels
Lot# 820 - Asst Jeff Gordon Race Cars, C
Lot# 821 - Asst Jeff Gordon Race Cars, C
Lot# 822 - Vintage Cowboys/Indians Figur
Lot# 823 - NIB Jeff Gordon Winners Circl
Lot# 824 - Asst Christmas Decor
Lot# 825 - NIB Asst Socks 6-9 & 9-11
Lot# 826 - NIB Soft & Cozy Angel Wrap/2
Lot# 827 - 2 Lrge Framed Cross Stitch-28