Auction Preview Image 1
Lot# 1 - Bryco Arms Jennings J-22 .22LR
Lot# 2 - Bryco Arms Jennings J-22 .22LR
Lot# 3 - Marble Arms Game getter O/U .22
Lot# 4 - Italian Jager Model AP 74 Rifle
Lot# 5 - James Gibbs, RedCliff St Bristo
Lot# 6 - Ammunition, .22, 28 Gauge, 30-0
Lot# 7 - Daisy BB Six Gun in box .177cal
Lot# 8 - 4 Vintage Daisy BB Pistols .177
Lot# 9 - Daisy BB Pistol for parts & 4 m
Lot# 10 - Outdoor Edge Blaze Knives
Lot# 11 - Outdoor Edge Chasm Knives
Lot# 12 - Outdoor Edge Razor-Bone Knives
Lot# 13 - Outdoor Edge Replacement Blade
Lot# 14 - Rothco Molle 7inch Knife Sheat
Lot# 15 - Philippine 16in Negrito Bolo k
Lot# 16 - Madagascar Native Wide Bladed
Lot# 17 - Japanese Type 30 (Last Ditch)
Lot# 18 - US Corn Knife / Machete
Lot# 19 - Turkish G1 Rifle Bayonet with
Lot# 20 - French M1874 Gras Bayonet (S=D
Lot# 21 - Mexico Fundicion de Artilleria
Lot# 22 - Yugoslavian SKS Folding Blade
Lot# 23 - Polish WZ28 (1928) Bayonet
Lot# 24 - Czechoslovakia VZ-24 Bayonet
Lot# 25 - Chinese SKS Blade Bayonet
Lot# 26 - Egyptian Hakim Bayonet with sc
Lot# 27 - British Pattern 1888, MK2 Bayo
Lot# 28 - M1886 French Lebel Bayonet wit
Lot# 29 - British Nbr4 Mk3 Cast Spike Ba
Lot# 30 - US M3 16inch bayonet scabbard
Lot# 31 - German Eikhorn KCB-77 Long CS
Lot# 32 - Jonathan Crookes & Son V42 fig
Lot# 33 - US M3 Blade Marked Fighting Kn
Lot# 34 - 2 PAL RH36 WW2 fighting knives
Lot# 35 - WW2 USN Life Raft Survival Kni
Lot# 36 - WW2 Blued Kabar Knife with she
Lot# 37 - WW2 USN Mark I Blued Blade kni
Lot# 38 - Army Air Corp Murphy Combat Kn
Lot# 39 - 6 inch Camillus Jet Pilot Knif
Lot# 40 - WW2 Camillus USN Mark 1 knife
Lot# 41 - WW2 USN Mark 1 knife & PAL RH-
Lot# 42 - WWII PAL RH-35 USN Mark 1 knif
Lot# 43 - USN MK1 Geneva Forge knife wit
Lot# 44 - WW2 PAL RH-35 USN Mark 1 knife
Lot# 45 - Sphygmomanometer (Blood Pressu
Lot# 46 - 2 USMC Morale Services Basebal
Lot# 47 - WW2 German Fireman's Dagger wi
Lot# 48 - Soviet Union Naval Dagger
Lot# 49 - Swedish M1896 Bayonet converte
Lot# 50 - Case Cutlery Doormat
Lot# 51 - NWTF Stone River Commemorative
Lot# 52 - Wells Fargo & Co's Express Off
Lot# 53 - Marbles Gladstone Mich. Outdoo
Lot# 54 - Marbles Gladstone, Mich. Campc
Lot# 55 - 2 Schrade USA Model 153UH Gold
Lot# 56 - J. Fuller Push Knife with shea
Lot# 57 - Olson OK Solingen 3 inch knife
Lot# 58 - 18 fixed blade knives
Lot# 59 - 5 new in box folding knives, C
Lot# 60 - 7 boxed knives
Lot# 61 - Arctic hand forged harpoon tip
Lot# 62 - Vintage African Horn Grip Hand
Lot# 63 - Schrade-Walden Woodsman 165 kn
Lot# 64 - 2 Outdoor Edge Razorfin Knives
Lot# 65 - 3 Outdoor Edge LeDuck Knives
Lot# 66 - 2 Outdoor Edge Wild Skin knive
Lot# 67 - 4 Outdoor Edge ReelFlex Fillet
Lot# 68 - 4 Outdoor Edge RazorSafe Knive
Lot# 69 - 7 Outdoor Edge Razor Knives
Lot# 70 - 50 M4 2-magazine pouches
Lot# 71 - 50 M4 2-magazine pouches
Lot# 72 - 10 Blackhawk Holsters
Lot# 73 - 2 - WW2 M-1923 Ammo Belts one
Lot# 74 - WW2 Universal Rifle Case
Lot# 75 - WW2 Airplane Mooring kit
Lot# 76 - M-1956 Suspenders - 6 pair
Lot# 77 - WW1 & WW2 leggings
Lot# 78 - M-1944 field pack modified to
Lot# 79 - 2 - WW2 M-1923 Ammo Belts with
Lot# 80 - WW2 M-1928 Backpack. With meat
Lot# 81 - Vietnam Era Radio Harness Pack
Lot# 82 - Miscellaneous WW2 items
Lot# 83 - WW2 pouches & bags
Lot# 84 - Miscellaneous Vietnam Era Item
Lot# 85 - Vietnam/Korean Era Mess Gear
Lot# 86 - USMC Vietnam Era Suspenders &
Lot# 87 - 12 Large Rucksack Shoulder Str
Lot# 88 - 34 100 ml Camelback Bladders
Lot# 89 - 2 Vietnam Era M7 Bayonets
Lot# 90 - 55 Molle Flash Bang Grenade Po
Lot# 91 - 7 LBV M203 Grenade Carrying Ve
Lot# 92 - Russian AK47 Bayonet 6X2
Lot# 93 - 2 M-7 Ontario Bayonets with M1
Lot# 94 - 4 Vietnam Era M7 Bayonets
Lot# 95 - 2 Post-Vietnam M7 Bayonets, 1
Lot# 96 - 3 Vietnam Era M7 Bayonets
Lot# 97 - 4 US M8 scabbards
Lot# 98 - 4 US M5 Bayonets
Lot# 99 - 5 US M5 Bayonets
Lot# 100 - Vietnam Era M1917 Trench Shot
Lot# 101 - Vietnam Era M1917 Trench Shot
Lot# 102 - US M3 16inch bayonet scabbard
Lot# 103 - US M7 Cutdown Detroit Gasket
Lot# 104 - US M3 16inch Detroit Gasket S
Lot# 105 - US M3 16inch Detroit Gasket S
Lot# 106 - USMC OKC3S Bayonet with scabb
Lot# 107 - USMC OKC3S Bayonet
Lot# 108 - USMC OKC3S Bayonet
Lot# 109 - USMC OKC3S Bayonet
Lot# 110 - USMC OKC3S Bayonet
Lot# 111 - M9 Ontario Bayonet
Lot# 112 - M9 Ontario Bayonet
Lot# 113 - Plastic handled M4 Bayonet
Lot# 114 - Vietnam Era M7 Bayonet
Lot# 115 - Small USMC EGA Pins
Lot# 116 - WW2 USMC Pins with dogtag
Lot# 117 - Miscellaneous Pins & Patches
Lot# 118 - Miscellaneous pins WW1 throug
Lot# 119 - Large Collection of Knife Sha
Lot# 120 - 7 30 round pre-1994 M16 magaz
Lot# 121 - 8 H&K Magazines
Lot# 122 - WW2 Gun Cleaning Brushes
Lot# 123 - Vietnam Subdued Infantry Offi
Lot# 124 - Vietnam Era Subdued Corp of E
Lot# 125 - Vietnam Era Subdued Armor Ins
Lot# 126 - WW2 Gun Cleaning Brushes
Lot# 127 - Military Insignia, Medals, Ba
Lot# 128 - M1903 Rimless Eagle Snap Cart
Lot# 129 - M1903 Rimless Eagle Snap Cart
Lot# 130 - M1910 9-Pocket Mounted Ammo B
Lot# 131 - M1917 Ammo Belt, Cartridge Di
Lot# 132 - M1917 Ammo Belt, Cartridge Mo
Lot# 133 - WW2 Army Air, USN Bendix Air
Lot# 134 - Presentation Swagger Stick
Lot# 135 - 19th Century East India Tradi
Lot# 136 - 2 Fraternal Organization Swor
Lot# 137 - WW2 Japanese Navy Kyu Gunto O
Lot# 138 - Antique US 14 1/2 inch fishin
Lot# 139 - Italian "Beretta" BM-59 3-pie
Lot# 140 - Guide to Swords, Daggers, & C
Lot# 141 - Bayonets of the World - Volum
Lot# 142 - Bayonets of the World - Volum
Lot# 143 - Bayonets of the World - Volum
Lot# 144 - Bayonets of the World - Volum
Lot# 145 - Knives of the United States M
Lot# 146 - Allied Military Fighting Kniv
Lot# 147 - The American Bayonet 1776 - 1
Lot# 148 - Bayonets From Janzen's Notebo
Lot# 149 - The Bayonet - A History of kn
Lot# 150 - Bowies, Big Knives, & the bes
Lot# 151 - Theater Made Military Knives
Lot# 152 - KNIVES: Military Edged Tools
Lot# 153 - Fighting knives: an illustrat
Lot# 154 - United States military knives
Lot# 155 - Knives of the United States m
Lot# 156 - World War II US Army Combat E
Lot# 157 - Vietnam War US & Allied Comba
Lot# 158 - United States Infantry, Europ
Lot# 159 - The US Army of World War II,
Lot# 160 - The US Army 18901920 book
Lot# 161 - American Web Equipment: 1910-
Lot# 162 - American Web Equipment 1967-1
Lot# 163 - The First World War (3): The
Lot# 165 - British & Commonwealth Milita
Lot# 166 - Antique American Switchblades
Lot# 168 - Civil War Knives book
Lot# 169 - American military bayonets of
Lot# 170 - American military bayonets of
Lot# 171 - U.S. M-3 Trench Knife of Worl
Lot# 172 - Military Knives: A Reference
Lot# 173 - Bayonets, Knives & Scabbards
Lot# 174 - Complete Book of U. S. Milita
Lot# 175 - Bayonets of the First World W
Lot# 176 - Harrison's Notebook : U.S. Mi
Lot# 177 - Knives of War book
Lot# 178 - Fighting knives book
Lot# 179 - AFRICAN ARMS & ARMOR - by Chr
Lot# 180 - Africa - Eyewitness Books
Lot# 181 - Great Ages of Man: African Ki
Lot# 182 - Autographed Book-Japanese Bay
Lot# 183 - Socket Bayonets of the Great
Lot# 184 - Sargent's American Premium Gu
Lot# 185 - Encyclopedia of Knives Hardco
Lot# 186 - American Knives The First His
Lot# 187 - Pocket Knives New Compact Stu
Lot# 188 - Knives, Swords, Daggers: Comp
Lot# 189 - Collins Machetes & Bowies, 18
Lot# 190 - Radio Set Control Group
Lot# 191 - A Collection of US Military K
Lot# 192 - A Collection of US Military K
Lot# 193 - US Military Knives Bayonets &
Lot# 194 - US Military Knives Bayonets &
Lot# 195 - Post Vietnam M1 helmet
Lot# 196 - WW2 rear seam swivel bale M1
Lot# 197 - WW2 rear seam swivel bale M1
Lot# 198 - WW2 front seam swivel bale Mc
Lot# 199 - WW2 front seam swivel bale M1
Lot# 200 - Korea Era M1 swivel bale helm
Lot# 201 - WW2 front seam swivel bale M1
Lot# 202 - WW2 rear seam swivel bale M1
Lot# 203 - XS PASGT Helmet, Ground Troop
Lot# 204 - First Aid Kit Metal Boxes
Lot# 205 - Early WW2 US Aircrew M24 Gas
Lot# 206 - Holsters & Mag Pouches
Lot# 207 - Jungle Hammock M-1965 with 2
Lot# 208 - 2 US Navy BuOrd Parachute MK1
Lot# 209 - 2 Big-Bang 25-inch 15 Major F
Lot# 210 - Britains Models Toy Soldiers
Lot# 211 - Military Toy Soldiers
Lot# 212 - Military Toy Navy Soldiers
Lot# 213 - Military Toy Soldiers
Lot# 214 - Poseable Military Toy Army &
Lot# 215 - Military Toy Infantry Soldier
Lot# 216 - Military Toy Navy Soldiers
Lot# 217 - Military Toy Soldiers
Lot# 218 - Soldiers - Individually Id'd
Lot# 219 - Military Toy Gunner Soldiers
Lot# 220 - Military Toy Soldiers
Lot# 221 - 5 Black Fleece Jackets
Lot# 222 - 10 USGI Assault Packs
Lot# 223 - Camouflage Uniform Pants
Lot# 224 - 12 Large Rucksack Molded Wais
Lot# 225 - 44 LC1 Shoulder Straps
Lot# 226 - 12 Large Rucksack Molded Wais
Lot# 227 - 15 USAF N1-B Mukluks
Lot# 228 - 7 USGI Assault Packs
Lot# 229 - 12 Large Rucksack Molded Wais
Lot# 230 - Plastic Field Desk
Lot# 231 - Leather ammo pouches & access
Lot# 232 - Leather Ammo & Accessory Pouc
Lot# 233 - Tote of leather pouches / hol
Lot# 234 - P51 & P38 Military Can Opener
Lot# 235 - M1 carbine stripper clips, ol
Lot# 236 - 2 camelback bladders, militar
Lot# 237 - Military holsters and goggles
Lot# 238 - 29 KaBar adapters new
Lot# 239 - Military surplus and collecti
Lot# 240 - 3 WW2 US military Foot Locker
Lot# 241 - Semi experimental M9 bayonet
Lot# 242 - Ammunition, 20 rounds, Vietna
Lot# 243 - WW2 gun cleaning kit, cleanin
Lot# 244 - Military surplus slings, hols
Lot# 245 - Military cutlery and recognit
Lot# 246 - US signal corps crystal case
Lot# 247 - 30-30 blanks and bandolier of
Lot# 248 - Vietnam era headset, slings,
Lot# 249 - 50 2-litre backpack hydration
Lot# 250 - 50 Alice (LC-1) M16 Case, Sma
Lot# 251 - Miscellaneous Military Clothi
Lot# 252 - 40 Sustainment Pouches
Lot# 253 - 7 Green Polartek Fleece Jacke
Lot# 254 - 50 Alice (LC-1) M16 Case, Sma
Lot# 255 - Miscellaneous Coats
Lot# 256 - 50 Alice (LC-1) M16 Case, Sma
Lot# 257 - 75 3-magazine (Triple) Magazi
Lot# 258 - Canadian Wireless Control Uni
Lot# 259 - 24 Molle Intrenching tool cov
Lot# 260 - 3 USGI Ground Obstruction "Sa
Lot# 261 - 30 Camelback Backpack Carrier
Lot# 262 - 75 3-magazine (Triple) Magazi
Lot# 263 - Sets Utensils
Lot# 264 - 1952 Rogers Akron US Military
Lot# 265 - Bucket of pup tent poles
Lot# 266 - Utensils - WW2 Aluminum Knive
Lot# 267 - Utensils - Knives only
Lot# 268 - Utensils - Spoons only
Lot# 269 - WW1 M1910 Mess Kit Utensils
Lot# 270 - Plastic knives & Training too
Lot# 271 - 12 Large Rucksack Shoulder St
Lot# 272 - 65 Wool Trigger Finger Mitten
Lot# 273 - 30 100 ml Camelback Bladders
Lot# 274 - 50 2-litre backpack hydration
Lot# 275 - 45 Large Alice Pack Replaceme
Lot# 276 - USAF N3-B Parka - Med
Lot# 277 - Parka, Extreme Cold Weather -
Lot# 278 - 5 Large Rucksacks - Complete
Lot# 279 - 5 Large Rucksacks - Complete
Lot# 280 - 44 Miscellaneous Pistol Web B
Lot# 281 - 9 Alice Pack Frames
Lot# 282 - 50 UCP IFAK Pouches
Lot# 283 - 20 USAF N1-B Mukluks
Lot# 284 - 90 Medium Web Pistol Belts
Lot# 285 - WW1 US Military items
Lot# 286 - Paratrooper Deployment Bag
Lot# 287 - 40 LC-1 First Aid - Compass P
Lot# 288 - Honeywell Sync Stereo Headpho
Lot# 289 - Honeywell Sync Stereo Headpho
Lot# 290 - Large Spool Communication Wir
Lot# 291 - Utensils - Forks only
Lot# 292 - Korean War Era Items
Lot# 293 - 1898 Pattern Haversack
Lot# 294 - M1904 RIA Haversack
Lot# 295 - 5 Down-filled intermediate sl
Lot# 296 - USMC Model of 1921 Shotgun Am
Lot# 297 - Vietnam Era North Vietnamese
Lot# 298 - Vietnam Era North Vietnamese
Lot# 299 - 12 USGI Folding entrenching t
Lot# 300 - 7 UCP Shirts - Small
Lot# 301 - 7 OCP Uniform Shirts
Lot# 302 - 66 PASGT Strap, Chin, GT/Para
Lot# 303 - 58 PASGT Catseye, Helmet Band
Lot# 304 - 25 PASGT Headband GT/Parahelm
Lot# 305 - 24 PASGT Suspension Assembly
Lot# 306 - 100 Alice Clip (LC-1) Adapter
Lot# 307 - P-51 Can Openers
Lot# 308 - 100 Alice Clip (LC-1) Adapter
Lot# 309 - 89 Molle Flash Bang Grenade P
Lot# 310 - WW2 canteens, cups, canteen c
Lot# 311 - 6 M1 helmet liners
Lot# 312 - 14 Woodland Uniform Shirts -
Lot# 313 - 13 Alice Pack Padded Waistbel
Lot# 314 - 71 Molle Grenade Pouches - Wo
Lot# 315 - WW2 Chaplains Field Desk
Lot# 316 - 47 USGI Arctic Canteen Cups
Lot# 317 - 12 Universal Vehicle Panel
Lot# 318 - Vietnam Era Parachutist Harne
Lot# 319 - USGI Footlocker
Lot# 320 - Vietnam Era Parachutist Harne
Lot# 321 - USGI Footlocker
Lot# 322 - Parachute pack (empty) dated
Lot# 323 - USGI Footlocker
Lot# 324 - Vietnam Era Parachutist Pack
Lot# 325 - USGI Equipment Box
Lot# 326 - 6 New Emergency Shelter Blank
Lot# 327 - Yukon Stove Parts
Lot# 328 - 6 Large Rucksack Plastic Fram
Lot# 329 - 6 Large Rucksack Plastic Fram
Lot# 330 - 6 Large Rucksack Plastic Fram
Lot# 331 - 6 Large Rucksack Plastic Fram
Lot# 332 - 16 Woodland Vests (LBV)
Lot# 333 - 6 Zippered Duffle Bags
Lot# 334 - 40 1 quart OD Green canteens
Lot# 335 - 5 Medium Alice Packs
Lot# 336 - 40 2-quart canteens with lids
Lot# 337 - 5 Medium Alice Packs
Lot# 338 - Military Storage Box
Lot# 339 - Military Storage Box
Lot# 340 - 10 M60 Barrel Bags
Lot# 341 - 10 M60 Barrel Bags
Lot# 342 - 10 M240/M249 Barrel Bags
Lot# 343 - 15 Load Bearing Vest (LBV) Wo
Lot# 344 - 6 Large Rucksacks - Rucksack
Lot# 345 - 40 2-quart canteens with lids
Lot# 346 - 6 Large Rucksacks - Rucksack
Lot# 347 - 18 Knee Pads - Large
Lot# 348 - 6 Large Rucksacks - Rucksack
Lot# 349 - 16 Black Fleece Bibs - Medium
Lot# 350 - 20 Load carrying vests (LCV)
Lot# 351 - 6 Large Rucksacks - Rucksack
Lot# 352 - Bin of Miscellaneous Product
Lot# 353 - 6 Wool Field Trousers
Lot# 354 - M76F Telescope for M36 GMC Ta
Lot# 355 - 14 Military Utility & Flyers
Lot# 356 - 12 Self-inflating Sleeping Ma
Lot# 357 - USAF N3 Parka- XL
Lot# 358 - USAF N3-B Parka- XL
Lot# 359 - USAF N2-B Parka - Large
Lot# 360 - 16 Camelback Backpack Carrier
Lot# 361 - 11 M-1951 Field Pants Liners
Lot# 362 - 12 Insect Nets
Lot# 363 - 20 Black Fleece Bibs - Medium
Lot# 364 - 20 Large Rucksack Molded Wais
Lot# 365 - 15 Green Polartek Fleece Jack
Lot# 366 - 20 Brown Polartek Fleece Jack
Lot# 367 - 25 Load carrying vests (LCV)
Lot# 368 - 15 Black Fleece Bibs - Medium
Lot# 369 - 25 Dropleg holsters
Lot# 370 - 19 Black Fleece Bibs - Large
Lot# 371 - 8 Woodland Field Jackets - Me
Lot# 372 - 25 UCP Shirts - Large
Lot# 373 - 26 UCP Shirts - Medium
Lot# 374 - 31 Woodland Uniform Shirts -
Lot# 375 - 40 1 Quart Canteens with lids
Lot# 376 - 14 Black Fleece Bibs - Large
Lot# 377 - 15 UCP Shirts - Large
Lot# 378 - 23 Camouflage Uniform Pants
Lot# 379 - 20 Black Fleece Bibs - Medium
Lot# 380 - 25 Woodland Uniform Shirts -
Lot# 381 - 16 Brown Polartek Fleece Jack
Lot# 382 - 11 Woodland Field Jackets
Lot# 383 - Field Jackets
Lot# 384 - 20 Black Fleece Bibs - Small
Lot# 385 - 17 UCP Shirts XL & XXL
Lot# 386 - 16 Camelback Backpack Carrier
Lot# 387 - 12 M-1951 Field Pants Liners
Lot# 388 - 13 Green Polartek Fleece Jack
Lot# 389 - 16 Field Jacket Liners
Lot# 390 - 12 Black Fleece Jackets
Lot# 391 - 17 Green Polartek Fleece Jack
Lot# 392 - 36 Woodland Uniform Shirts -
Lot# 393 - 20 Black Fleece Bibs - Medium
Lot# 394 - 15 Load Bearing Vest (LBV) Wo
Lot# 395 - 17 Brown Polartek Fleece Jack
Lot# 396 - 9 M-1951 Field Pants Liners
Lot# 397 - 31 Elbow Pads
Lot# 398 - 15 Load Bearing Vest (LBV) Wo
Lot# 399 - 40 Canteens 1qt with lids
Lot# 400 - 23 Woodland Uniform Shirts
Lot# 401 - 16 Woodland Vests (LBV)