[American Revolution] Burgoyne, John. A
[American Revolution] Clinton, George.
[American Revolution] (Cockings,
[Americana] (Allard, Hugo). Totius
[Americana] Howe, Julia Ward, Irving
[American Revolution] (Knox, William)
[American Revolution] (Livingston,
[American Revolution] Mackenzie,
[American Revolution] Montresor, (John).
[American Revolution] (Morris,
Audubon, John James. The Birds of
Audubon, John James. The Birds of
Audubon, J(ohn). J(ames). American Robin
Audubon, John J(ames). Fish Hawk
Audubon, John James. Wild Turkey
Audubon, John James, and John Bachman.
Audubon, John J(ames). Ruffed Grous
Audubon, J(ohn). J(ames). Trumpeter Swan
Bartram, William. Travels through North
Birch, W(illiam). The City of
[Blackstone, William] Contemporary
[Bry, Theodor de] Hariot, Thomas.
Carver, Jonathan. Travels Through the
Childs, C(ephas).G(rier). Views in
The Constitutional Articles of the
[Economics] (Coxe, Tench) An Enquiry
(Eliot, John). New Englands First
Elliot, Daniel Giraud. A Monograph of
Elliot, Daniel Giraud. The New and
[Franklin, Benjamin] Saunders, Richard.
[Hamilton, Alexander] The Speeches at
(Hamilton, Alexander and James Madison
Hancock, John. Autograph Document,
Hutchinson, Thomas. The History of the
[Jackson, Andrew] (Kane, John Kintzing)
Janson, Charles William. The Stranger in
Jefferson, Thomas. Autograph Letter,
[Peale, Charles Willson] Jefferson,
[Lincoln, Abraham] Inaugural Message of
Lincoln, Abraham. Autograph Note, signed
Lincoln, Abraham, et al. Autograph Album
Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi
[Lincoln, Abraham] The First Reading of
[Lincoln, Abraham] Union
[Lincoln, Abraham] Marshall, William E.
Mather, Increase. The Mystery of
(Munster, Sebastian). Tavola dell'isole
[Native Americana] [Dixon, Joseph K.]
[Native Americana] Dixon, Joseph K.
[Native Americana] Lewis, James Otto
[Native Americana]. Lewis, James Otto.
[Native Americana] McKenney, Thomas
The New-England Primer Improved. 1767
The New-England Primer Improved. Paul
Ramsay, David. The History of
[Washington, George] Printed Broadside
[Washington, George] Trumbull, Benjamin.
[Washington, George] The Effect of
[Washington, George] The Love of Truth
[Washington, George] Sic Transit Gloria
Webber, C.W. The Hunter-Naturalist.
Wilson--Bonaparte. American Ornithology.