Lot# 1 - Vtg Kraft Thrilling Daring Circ
Lot# 2 - N Gauge Engine & Cars
Lot# 3 - 6 Athearn Boxed HO Santa Fe Pas
Lot# 4 - Athearn Boxed HO Chicago Northw
Lot# 5 - Robert Bros., Clyde Beatty-Cole
Lot# 6 - Tyco HO Spirit of 76 Engines Ro
Lot# 7 - 3 Rivarossi HO Circus Passenger
Lot# 8 - 8 Roundhouse HO Circus Passenge
Lot# 9 - 5 Tyco HO Engines
Lot# 10 - Mills Bros. Strates Shows & Ha
Lot# 10a - In-House Shipping Available
Lot# 11 - 8 Tyco Bachmann HO Passenger C
Lot# 12 - AHM HO Engines
Lot# 13 - 16 Various HO Rolling Stock
Lot# 14 - HO Boxed Rolling Stock
Lot# 15 - Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Terrel
Lot# 16 - Rivarossi Engine & AHM Trolley
Lot# 17 - 8 Faller HO Buildings
Lot# 18 - Ruck Engineering Boxed 8314, 8
Lot# 19 - 9 IHC Boxed HO Amusement Rides
Lot# 20 - Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bail
Lot# 21 - 12 Walthers Boxed HO Great Cir
Lot# 22 - 4 Walthers HO Boxed Unused Ame
Lot# 23 - 4 Walthers Boxed Unused HO Ame
Lot# 24 - Walthers Sunset Models Boxed H
Lot# 25 - KRAFT FOODS Wonderflex CIRCUS
Lot# 25a - Yes! We have in house shippin
Lot# 26 - Walthers Boxed HO Great Circus
Lot# 27 - Various HO Layout Accessories
Lot# 28 - Athearn Boxed Unused HO RDC-3
Lot# 29 - Various HO Engines & Rolling S
Lot# 30 - Ringling Bros & Barnum & Baile
Lot# 31 - HUNTS Spirit of 76 Circus Canv
Lot# 32 - Tyco Boxed HO Train Set
Lot# 33 - HO Scale Buildings and Layout
Lot# 34 - Life Like Boxed Trees
Lot# 35 - Ringling Brothers Barnum Baile
Lot# 36 - Lemax Boxed Unused Village Lan
Lot# 37 - Large lot of Layout People & A
Lot# 38 - Various HO & Others Layout Acc
Lot# 39 - Various HO Circus & Others Lay
Lot# 40 - Kraft Foods Wonderflex Circus
Lot# 41 - Lionel Post War O Gauge 2135WS
Lot# 42 - Vtg Ringling Bros Barnum 80th
Lot# 43 - Lionel Pre War O Gauge Boxed 1
Lot# 44 - Lionel Post War O Gauge 2175W
Lot# 45 - Lionel O Gauge Post War 2163WS
Lot# 46 - 2 Mills Bros. 3 Ring Circus Po
Lot# 47 - Lionel Boxed O Gauge Post War
Lot# 48 - Lionel Post War O Gauge 602 Se
Lot# 49 - Lionel Post War O Gauge 6440 &
Lot# 50 - Ringling Bros Circus Date, She
Lot# 51 - Lionel Post War O Gauge 2026 &
Lot# 52 - Lionel Post War O gauge 681 &
Lot# 53 - Lionel Post War O Gauge 665 &
Lot# 54 - Lionel Post War O Gauge 2343 S
Lot# 56 - Barnum And Bailey Greatest Sho
Lot# 57 - Lionel Post War O Gauge 6464-1
Lot# 58 - Lionel Post War O Gauge Boxed
Lot# 59 - Lionel Post War O Gauge 6356 N
Lot# 60 - Robert Bros, Clyde Beatty-Cole
Lot# 61 - Lionel Post War O Gauge Box Ca
Lot# 62 - Various Lionel Post War O Gaug
Lot# 63 - Lionel Post War O Gauge Tanks
Lot# 64 - Lionel Post War O Gauge Caboos
Lot# 65 - 3 Mills Bros & Hoxies Circus P
Lot# 66 - Various Lionel Post War O Gaug
Lot# 67 - Various Lionel Post War O Gaug
Lot# 68 - 2 Lionel O Gauge Transformers
Lot# 69 - Lionel 45n & American Flyer Bi
Lot# 70 - Kraft Foods Wonderflex Circus
Lot# 71 - American Flyer O Gauge Lamp Po
Lot# 72 - O Gauge Track & Various Other
Lot# 73 - Various Lionel Paper Work & Mo
Lot# 74 - 2 Lionel Boxed O Gauge 8568 Pr
Lot# 75 - Mills Bros, Clyde Beatty Circu
Lot# 76 - Lionel Boxed O Gauge 8558 Milw
Lot# 77 - Lionel Boxed O Gauge 8774 Sout
Lot# 78 - Lionel Boxed O Gauge 8150 PRR
Lot# 79 - Lionel Boxed O Gauge 8001 Nick
Lot# 80 - Wallace Bros, James Strates, H
Lot# 81 - Lionel Boxed O Gauge Santa Fe
Lot# 82 - Lionel Boxed O Gauge 1776 Spir
Lot# 83 - Lionel Boxed O Gauge Spirit of
Lot# 84 - 3 Lionel Boxed O Gauge Spirit
Lot# 85 - Ringling Brothers Gunther Gabe
Lot# 86 - 3 Lionel O Gauge Boxed Rolling
Lot# 87 - 2 Lionel O Gauge Boxed Ore Car
Lot# 88 - Lionel O Gauge Gondolas & Cabo
Lot# 89 - 6 Lionel O Gauge Modern Box Ca
Lot# 90 - Chicago Circus Parade, Carson
Lot# 91 - Lionel Boxed O Gauge 26723 & 2
Lot# 92 - 2 Atlas Boxed O Gauge Cabooses
Lot# 93 - Williams Boxed Texas Special 2
Lot# 94 - Williams Boxed O Gauge 2245C T
Lot# 95 - Mills Bros. 3 Ring Circus Post
Lot# 96 - Williams Boxed O Gauge NW-207
Lot# 97 - Williams Boxed O Gauge PRR GG-
Lot# 98 - Williams Boxed O Gauge 2343C S
Lot# 99 - Williams Boxed O Gauge Reading
Lot# 100 - HUGE Barnum and Bailey 10 x 6
Lot# 100a - In-House Shipping Available
Lot# 101 - Williams Boxed O Gauge PRR 72
Lot# 102 - Williams Boxed O Gauge 2513 R
Lot# 103 - Williams Boxed O Gauge Caboos
Lot# 104 - K-Line Boxed Reading Heavywei
Lot# 105 - Mills Bros, Clyde Beatty-Cole
Lot# 106 - K-Line Boxed O Gauge 22629 &
Lot# 107 - K-Line Boxed O Gauge K2581-02
Lot# 108 - K-Line Boxed O Gauge PRR & Re
Lot# 109 - Industrial Rail Boxed O Gauge
Lot# 110 - Hunts Spirt Of 76 Circus & Cl
Lot# 111 - Rail King Boxed O Gauge 30-11
Lot# 112 - Misc O Gauge
Lot# 113 - Handcrafted O Gauge Wooden Me
Lot# 114 - Aristo Craft Boxed G Gauge UP
Lot# 115 - Kraft Foods Wonderflex Circus
Lot# 116 - G Gauge Track & Accessories
Lot# 117 - Bachmann G Gauge Boxed 97171
Lot# 118 - 3 Boxed Bachmann G Gauge Cars
Lot# 119 - Bachmann G Gauge Emmett Kelly
Lot# 120 - Ringling Bros. Barnum & Baile
Lot# 121 - Bachmann G Gauge Emmett Kelly
Lot# 122 - Bachmann Boxed G Gauge Emmett
Lot# 123 - Walthers HO Circus Layout Box
Lot# 124 - Various Boxed Plastic Figures
Lot# 125 - Hamid-Morton, Franzen Bros &
Lot# 126 - Mattel 1970s Bagged Toy Circu
Lot# 127 - 2 Boxed Dinky 111 Cinderellas
Lot# 128 - Various Model Kits
Lot# 129 - Carded 80s Toys
Lot# 130 - 1969 Litho Emmett Kelly Clown
Lot# 131 - Monogram Boxed 1:32 Ferrari 2
Lot# 132 - 5 Athearn Western Wagon Model
Lot# 133 - 5 Various Model Kits
Lot# 134 - Revell Model Kits
Lot# 135 - Cristian I Bros, Wallace, Rin
Lot# 136 - Aurora Boxed US Army 155mm Lo
Lot# 137 - Misc Items Box Lot
Lot# 138 - Various Items Box Lot
Lot# 139 - Hot Wheels Black Walls & 1 Re
Lot# 140 - Matchbox Husky Corgi Benbros
Lot# 141 - Various Diecast Cars
Lot# 142 - Various Boxed Corgis
Lot# 143 - Ertl 1:16 Allis Chalmers Farm
Lot# 144 - 3 Flats of Road Champs & Othe
Lot# 145 - Franklin Mint 1:43 Mack Tract
Lot# 146 - Various Diecast Tractor Trail
Lot# 147 - Tootsietoy Banner Barclay & O
Lot# 148 - Marx Circus Playset Pieces
Lot# 149 - German Putz Lead Pelican Stag
Lot# 150 - Putz and Celluloid Figures
Lot# 151 - Massive Lot of Lead People An
Lot# 152 - German Plastic Cowboys Indian
Lot# 153 - Lionel Snowglobe and Wall Clo
Lot# 154 - Various Toys
Lot# 155 - 2 Radio Shack Boxed Remote Co
Lot# 156 - Various License Plates
Lot# 157 - Leather Western Company Boots
Lot# 158 - 4 Breyer No 80 Bay Clydesdale
Lot# 159 - 1970s Breyer Jumping Stonewal
Lot# 160 - Breyer Boxed Brighty Donkey n
Lot# 161 - 6 Breyer Horses with Fighting
Lot# 162 - Breyer Horse Lot
Lot# 163 - Various Horse Lot
Lot# 164 - Leather Toy Saddles
Lot# 165 - Railroad Spikes
Lot# 166 - Circus Photo Album
Lot# 167 - Ertl Boxed 1:80 Chebec Model
Lot# 168 - 1939 to 1956 Original Circus
Lot# 169 - HO Scale Circus Tent & Figure
Lot# 170 - Various Baseball Hats
Lot# 171 - Baseball Legends Hardcover Bo
Lot# 172 - Emmett Kelly Looking Blow Mol
Lot# 173 - Tyco HO Turbo Train
Lot# 174 - HO Scale Circus Tent & Ferris
Lot# 175 - HO Scale Circus Tent with Hor
Lot# 176 - 2001 Grandeur Noel Snowman Fa
Lot# 177 - Maisto Boxed North Pole Expre
Lot# 178 - Gorilla Bust and Various Anim
Lot# 179 - Various Rubber & Plaster Anim
Lot# 180 - Plastic & Lead Figures
Lot# 181 - Mack Trucks Clown Railroad Co
Lot# 182 - Overland Circus Cast Iron Wag
Lot# 183 - Little Circus Wagon Magazines
Lot# 184 - 2 Blow Mold Standing Soldiers
Lot# 185 - Ceramic Lightup Christmas Tre
Lot# 186 - Various Circus Records
Lot# 187 - Various Clown Props w Allento
Lot# 188 - Circus Souvenir T Shirts
Lot# 189 - Model Railroader & Other Maga
Lot# 190 - German Composition Christmas
Lot# 191 - Various Circus Programs Books
Lot# 192 - Various Circus Program Photos
Lot# 193 - Various Circus Paper Work
Lot# 194 - Circus Programs and Magazines
Lot# 195 - 1952 to 1980 Ringling Bros Of
Lot# 196 - Various Circus Paper Work
Lot# 197 - Various Telephone Wires & Ele
Lot# 198 - Circus Photos, Many from Alle
Lot# 199 - Various Brochures & Letters
Lot# 200 - Circus Photos, Posters, Mask
Lot# 200a - In-House Shipping Available
Lot# 201 - Boxed Train Set & Stuffed Ele
Lot# 202 - Lexmark Trees & Resin Fire Ho
Lot# 203 - Various Circus Tickets Member
Lot# 204 - Dorney Park Items
Lot# 205 - 4 Autographed Merle Evans She
Lot# 206 - Various Circus Items
Lot# 207 - Ringling Photos & Circus Mode
Lot# 208 - Various Circus Patches
Lot# 209 - Various Clowns & Circus Decor
Lot# 210 - Various Circus Related Framed
Lot# 210a - Signed Clyde Beatty Portrait
Lot# 211 - 1928 Julius Caesar Grand Spec
Lot# 212 - Various Circus Paper Lot
Lot# 213 - Circus Glassware Xmas Ornamen
Lot# 214 - Circus Strap Book & Other Pap
Lot# 215 - Large Amount of Circus Poster
Lot# 216 - Large Amount of Circus Poster
Lot# 217 - Large Amount of Circus Poster
Lot# 218 - Large Amount of Circus Poster
Lot# 219 - Large Amount of Circus Poster
Lot# 220 - Ringling Brothers 1940s Monke
Lot# 221 - 1945 Ringling Bros Clown Circ
Lot# 222 - 1945 Ringling Circus Blue Ele
Lot# 223 - 1944 Ringling Circus Laughing
Lot# 224 - Ringling Bros Circus 1930s Tr
Lot# 225 - 1948 New York Yankees Footbal
Lot# 226 - 2 Horse Resin Statues
Lot# 227 - Various Circus Programs
Lot# 228 - Various Toys and Circus Items
Lot# 229 - Earlier Ringling & Other Circ
Lot# 230 - Railroad Lantern & New Bright
Lot# 231 - Painted Wooden Circus Wagon W
Lot# 232 - Bandwagon Circus History Maga
Lot# 233 - 4 Wooden Folding Chairs
Lot# 234 - Wooden Tickets Box
Lot# 235 - Wooden Disney Storage Box
Lot# 236 - Large Lot O Scale Lead Figure
Lot# 237 - Ringling Bros & Barnum & Bail