Auction Preview Image 1
Lot# 1 - Case CC Tractor- Narrow Front-
Lot# 2 - Toro Mower 62" Deck -Illiopolis
Lot# 3 - Case 1070 Agra King-Illiopolis
Lot# 4 - John Deere 3020 Turbo Diesel, N
Lot# 5 - John Deere 7000 Planter-Illiopo
Lot# 5a - No Shipping
Lot# 6 - Soil Mover Pull Type Dirt Pan M
Lot# 8 - Steiger Panther SC 310 4WD Trac
Lot# 9 - CASE International 4950 Vibrate
Lot# 10 - PARTS ONLY - 1969 Ford T 800 2
Lot# 11 - Spray Coup Self Propelled Spra
Lot# 12 - Gleaner R 62 Combine-Illiopoli
Lot# 13 - Gleaner 20 Ft Grain Platform-I
Lot# 14 - Ficklin 213 Gravity Wagon on J
Lot# 15 - Michigan Tractor Shovel Front
Lot# 17a - IH 8-30" Flatfold Cultivator,
Lot# 17b - JD 7700 Combine Non Running I
Lot# 18 - CASE IH 4586 4WD Tractor Illio
Lot# 19 - Round Bale Feeder Illiopolis
Lot# 20 - Hay Rake Illiopolis
Lot# 21 - Drag Harrow Illiopolis
Lot# 22 - Plow Illiopolis
Lot# 23 - Rim and Tire Illiopolis
Lot# 24 - Fuel Tank with Stand Illiopoli
Lot# 25 - Tanks (2) Illiopolis
Lot# 26 - Hutchinson Auger Illiopolis
Lot# 27 - Head Cart Illiopolis
Lot# 28 - Drag Harrow Illiopolis
Lot# 29 - Tri Frame Cattle Oiler Illiopo
Lot# 31 - Land Leveler Illiopolis
Lot# 32 - Land Leveler Illiopolis
Lot# 33 - Fuel Tank Illiopolis
Lot# 34 - Fuel Tank Illiopolis
Lot# 35 - Fuel Tank Illiopolis
Lot# 36 - Allis Chalmers 1500 Min-Til Di
Lot# 37 - Allis Chalmers 1500 Min-Til Di
Lot# 38 - Case Chisel Plow Illiopolis
Lot# 39 - Kewanee Auger Illiopolis
Lot# 40 - Ford Chisel Plow Illiopolis
Lot# 41 - 1976 Lincoln Continental coupe
Lot# 43 - White 378 Field Cultivator Ill
Lot# 44 - Cultivator Illiopolis
Lot# 45 - Woods 3pt Mower Illiopolis
Lot# 46 - Woods 3pt Mower Illiopolis
Lot# 47 - John Deere 4 Row Planter Illio
Lot# 48 - 18.4-26 Rim and Tire (2) Illio
Lot# 49 - 1997 Jaguar XK8 Convertible VU
Lot# 50 - 1991 Chevrolet C1500 VUT Illio
Lot# 51 - 1980 Lincoln Continental VUT I
Lot# 53 - 1978 Lincoln Continental Mark
Lot# 54 - 1991 Cadillac Coupe Deville VU
Lot# 101 - Contents of Room Belts Illio
Lot# 102 - Contents South Side Illiopoli
Lot# 103 - Contents Northwest Room Cyli
Lot# 104 - Contents Northeast Room Illio
Lot# 105 - -Steel Posts Illiopolis-6
Lot# 106 - Contents of Milk House Illiop
Lot# 107 - Contents of Room in Small She
Lot# 109 - Troybilt 6 1/2HP Pressure Was
Lot# 110 - Long Handle Tools, Misc Illio
Lot# 111 - Contents of Work Bench, Wall
Lot# 112 - 2 3 HP Briggs and Stratton P
Lot# 113 - Contents of 3 Cabinets and Fl
Lot# 114 - East Side Contents from Marke
Lot# 115 - Northeast Corner of Barn Cont
Lot# 116 - Northwest Corner of Barn Con
Lot# 117 - Contents of Marked Post to Ma
Lot# 118 - Contents of Marked Post to Ma
Lot# 119 - Steel Wheel 55 Illiopolis 4
Lot# 120 - General Electric I-5 Lawn Mow
Lot# 121 - Southwest Corner of Barn Lon
Lot# 122 - 3 Wheelbarrows and Contents I
Lot# 123 - Pallet Motor, Chain Saws, St
Lot# 124 - PTO Shaft, Jacks, John Deere
Lot# 125 - Lincoln Stick Welder W/Helmet
Lot# 126 - Pallet Wire, Chain, Mower Te
Lot# 127 - Sears 5HP Compressor and Extr
Lot# 128 - Pallet Chain Cable and More
Lot# 129 - 5 Gallon Gas Cans (3) Illiopo
Lot# 130 - Homelite Chainsaws (3) Illiop
Lot# 131 - Acetylene Tank Set Illiopolis
Lot# 132 - Steps 2 Illiopolis-4
Lot# 133 - Grease Pot, Tanks and Misc Il
Lot# 134 - Green Light Shades (3) Illiop
Lot# 135 - Toro Flymo 19 As Is Illiopoli
Lot# 136 - Pitch Forks and Scythe Illiop
Lot# 137 - Yard Funnel Illiopolis-4
Lot# 138 - Gopher Illiopolis-4
Lot# 139 - Aluminum Extension Ladders (3
Lot# 140 - Weaver Air Bumper Jacks Illio
Lot# 141 - Vintage Pallet Jack Illiopoli
Lot# 142 - Hitch Tongue Illiopolis-4
Lot# 143 - Metal Lawn Chairs (2) and Ta
Lot# 144 - Air Grease Pot Illiopolis-4
Lot# 145 - Metal Tool Boxes (2) Duplex
Lot# 146 - Box of Casters Illiopolis-4
Lot# 147 - Plastic Toolbox and Cooler Co
Lot# 148 - Poster Cable Portable Bandsaw
Lot# 149 - Flat of Tools Illiopolis-4
Lot# 150 - Pipe Wrenchs and Pipe Vises I
Lot# 151 - Gas Nozzles (5) Illiopolis-4
Lot# 151a - No Shipping
Lot# 152 - Reel of Bull Tape Illiopolis-
Lot# 153 - Drill Bits, Wrenches and Misc
Lot# 154 - Hay Hooks (3) Illiopolis-4
Lot# 155 - Misc Vintage Tools Illiopolis
Lot# 156 - Wood Planes (4) Illiopolis-4
Lot# 157 - 2 Man Saw Illiopolis-4
Lot# 158 - Hitch Pins, Pulleys, Clamps a
Lot# 159 - 8 Track Tapes Illiopolis-4
Lot# 160 - Oil Cans (2) Illiopolis-4
Lot# 161 - License Plates Illiopolis-4
Lot# 162 - Brass Cattle Tags Illiopolis-
Lot# 163 - Bearings and Seals Illiopolis
Lot# 164 - Wood Pulley Illiopolis-4
Lot# 165 - Marker Lights (3) Illiopolis-
Lot# 166 - Martin Dr. Double Sided Stree
Lot# 167 - Animal Skull Illiopolis-4
Lot# 168 - Sickle Bar Blades Illiopolis-
Lot# 169 - Hitch Pins and Clevises Illio
Lot# 170 - Canvas Tarp Illiopolis-4
Lot# 171 - Metal Tool Boxes (3) Illiopol
Lot# 172 - Tire Bead Breaker Illiopolis-
Lot# 173 - Plano 20 Plastic Toolboxes (2
Lot# 174 - Come-Alongs Illiopolis-4
Lot# 175 - Barrel Pumps Illiopolis-4
Lot# 176 - Tractor Toolboxes (3) Illiopo
Lot# 177 - Small Wheels and Tires (4) Il
Lot# 178 - Cable and Cable Sign Illiopol
Lot# 179 - Pins / Large bolts Illiopolis
Lot# 180 - Flares, Saw and Cameras Illio
Lot# 181 - Contents of front garage Illi
Lot# 182 - Blue Start Well Pump Motor Il
Lot# 183 - Stove and contents of back sh
Lot# 184 - Tv Antenna Pieces Illiopolis
Lot# 185 - Contents of Chicken Shed Illi
Lot# 186 - Channel Lock Wheel Barrow Ill
Lot# 187 - Bachtold #1 - Engine Free Ill
Lot# 188 - Bachtold #2 -Engine Free Illi
Lot# 189 - Animal Trap Illiopolis3
Lot# 190 - Edger and Mower Illiopolis3
Lot# 191 - Bachtold #3 Engine Illiopolis
Lot# 192 - Pump, Electric Impact, Bottle
Lot# 193 - Craftsman 30 Tool Box, Case T
Lot# 194 - Bottle Jacks (3) Illiopolis3
Lot# 195 - Generac Pressure Washer Engin
Lot# 196 - Sears Battery Charger, Wheel
Lot# 197 - Portable Band Saw Illiopolis
Lot# 198 - Contents of South Wall Door/
Lot# 199 - A/C Quick Hitch Illiopolis
Lot# 200 - Wheel Barrow, Misc Illiopolis
Lot# 201 - JD/Dickey John Planter Monito
Lot# 202 - Craftsman 33 Gal Air Compress
Lot# 203 - 55gal Oil Barrels (3), +1 Emp
Lot# 204 - Oil & Grease Guns (1 Battery
Lot# 205 - Misc Illiopolis 3
Lot# 206 - Oil Cans (3) Funnels Illiopol
Lot# 207 - Aluminum Scoop Shovel Illiopo
Lot# 208 - Wood Wire Spools (2) Illiopol
Lot# 209 - Clocks Illiopolis 3
Lot# 210 - Games Illiopolis3
Lot# 211 - Cameras & Radios Illiopolis3
Lot# 212 - Glassware Illiopolis3
Lot# 213 - 8 2 Hooks Log Chain Illiopoli
Lot# 214 - 12 2 Hook Log Chain Illiopoli
Lot# 215 - 7 2 Hook Log Chain- Extra Pie
Lot# 216 - Planter Box Lids, JD Tire & R
Lot# 217 - Wheel Barrow & Misc. Illiopol
Lot# 218 - Oster Blender NIB & Dishes Il
Lot# 219 - Generac Generator & Craftsman
Lot# 220 - Clevis Pins & Hitch Pins Illi
Lot# 221 - Sprayer & 7,000 Watt Generato
Lot# 222 - Aluminum Step Ladder 5 Illiop
Lot# 223 - Remington Electric Chainsaw &
Lot# 224 - RR 2 Wheel Dollies (2) Illiop
Lot# 225 - 3 Pt Boom Cat # 1 Illiopolis
Lot# 226 - Aluminum wire Illiopolis
Lot# 227 - Galvanized Buckets & Tubs Ill
Lot# 228 - Sprayer, Back Pack & Air Tank
Lot# 229 - Oil Spout Cans Illiopolis
Lot# 230 - Implement Jacks (3) Illiopoli
Lot# 231 - All contents of Northeast cor
Lot# 232 - Contents of north wall in sou
Lot# 233 - Jerry Cans (5) Illiopolis-2
Lot# 234 - John Deere Planter Wheels (7)
Lot# 235 - Car Ramps & Scrap Iron Illiop
Lot# 236 - 3 pt Hitch Carrier -Heavy Dut
Lot# 237 - Battery Chargers (5) - Condit
Lot# 238 - John Deere Planter Boxes & Ea
Lot# 239 - Apple Cider or Wine Press Ill
Lot# 240 - Contents of Southeast Wall Il
Lot# 241 - Hyd. Rams, Motor, Grinder Ill
Lot# 242 - Sprayers, Sprinklers, Misc Il
Lot# 243 - Weed Eaters and Chainsaws Ill
Lot# 244 - Electric & Gas Motors Illiopo
Lot# 245 - Table Top of Misc Illiopolis2
Lot# 246 - Meyers Hand Pump Complete Ill
Lot# 247 - Tires & Iron Illiopolis
Lot# 248 - Craftsman 5HP 25 Gal Air Comp
Lot# 249 - Contents of East Wall Illiopo
Lot# 250 - Ford Tailgate Illiopolis1
Lot# 251 - South Wall Contents Illiopoli
Lot# 252 - Floor Jacks (2) Illiopolis1
Lot# 253 - Sears Battery Heavy Duty Char
Lot# 254 - Oil Space Heater & Plastic St
Lot# 255 - Creeper Illiopolis1
Lot# 256 - Weed Eaters (3) Illiopolis1
Lot# 257 - Computer Programs Illiopolis1
Lot# 258 - Works Weed Eater- No Charger
Lot# 259 - Compressor, Anti Freeze, Jump
Lot# 260 - Gas Cans (10) Illiopolis1
Lot# 261 - Telephones Illiopolis1
Lot# 262 - Cameras Illiopolis1
Lot# 263 - Misc Illiopolis1
Lot# 264 - Silver Beauty 8220 Battery Ch
Lot# 265 - Blaster, Auto Chemicals Illio
Lot# 266 - Wiper Blades, Brake Fluid, Mi
Lot# 267 - Freon 8 Lbs Illiopolis1
Lot# 268 - Flashlights Illiopolis1
Lot# 269 - Kawasaki 19.2V, Clark 19.2V
Lot# 270 - Volt Meter, Circuit Tester Il
Lot# 271 - Milwaukee Packout Illiopolis1
Lot# 272 - Wright Ratchet 1 Illiopolis1
Lot# 273 - Paint Spray Gun, Heat Gun Ill
Lot# 274 - Oriton DVD & CD Player Illiop
Lot# 275 - Extension Cords Illiopolis1
Lot# 276 - Ironsmith Bench Grinder 1/3hp
Lot# 277 - Bolt Cutters & Saws (2) Illio
Lot# 278 - Stop Light - 6V Illiopolis1
Lot# 279 - Oil Filters & Wrench Illiopol
Lot# 280 - Power Tools Illiopolis1
Lot# 281 - Electric Razors Illiopolis1
Lot# 282 - Craftsman Gas Can Illiopolis1
Lot# 283 - Farm Bureau Sign Illiopolis1
Lot# 284 - B&D NIB Blower/Vac Electric I
Lot# 285 - Plastic Mail Box Illiopolis1
Lot# 286 - Everything Under table 1st is
Lot# 287 - Plastic Chairs (4) Swivel Il
Lot# 288 - Galvanized Tub Illiopolis1
Lot# 289 - Poulan Wild Thing 18 Saw Illi
Lot# 290 - Sony & Apex DVD Players (2) I
Lot# 291 - Chicago Electric Chainsaw Sha
Lot# 292 - Ice Cream Makers (3) Illiopol
Lot# 293 - 2nd Row all Contents Illiopol
Lot# 294 - Aluminum Scoop Illiopolis1
Lot# 295 - Crow Bars, Hammer Illiopolis1
Lot# 296 - Worx Chainsaw NIB Electric Il
Lot# 297 - Greenworks NIB Chainsaw Illio
Lot# 298 - Butter Paddle Illiopolis1
Lot# 299 - Poulan Model 3416 Chainsaw Il
Lot# 300 - 2 Cycle Oil Illiopolis1
Lot# 301 - Ironsmith Bench Grinder 1/3hp
Lot# 302 - Tree Trimmer, Electric Pole S
Lot# 303 - Personal Paper Shredder Illio
Lot# 304 - Bike - Woman's 26 12 Speed Il
Lot# 305 - License Plates Illiopolis1
Lot# 306 - Poulan Pro 58V Chainsaw -No C
Lot# 307 - Worx 20v Pole Saw Charger & B
Lot# 308 - Craftsman 19.2volt Chainsaws
Lot# 309 - 3 Tables full on top Illiopol
Lot# 310 - 3 Tables full on bottom Illio
Lot# 311 - Farmers State Bank of Illiopo
Lot# 312 - Toro Lawn Mower and Deck Illi
Lot# 320 - J&M 525-A Auger Cart, Corner
Lot# 321 - Chemical wagon with tank, pum
Lot# 322 - Running gear
Lot# 324 - John Deere Van Brunt Grain Dr
Lot# 326 - AGT Wheel Loader 2024 + R1
Lot# 327 - Grain Bins (2) 6 Panels High-
Lot# 328 - 3 Pt Head Mover - Illiopolis
Lot# 329 - Fuel Tank- Illiopolis
Lot# 330 - JD Hydraulic Loader- Illiopol
Lot# 351 - Mower King Skid Steer Dozer B
Lot# 352 - Mower King Skid Steer Broom +
Lot# 353 - AGT Portable Sawmill YC-26G
Lot# 354 - KFE20 Electric Forklift 2024
Lot# 355 - Top Cat Skid Steer Drum Mulch
Lot# 356 - YF2-380 Mini Skid Steer Loade
Lot# 357 - 1990 Wilson Hopper Bottom Sem
Lot# 358 - Davis Task Force 300 Trencher
Lot# 359 - 2003 Ford F350 Service Truck
Lot# 360 - Upright SL-20D Scissor lift +
Lot# 361 - Top Cat Skid Steer Drum Mulch
Lot# 362 - WH12R Mini Excavator 2024 +
Lot# 363 - AGT Site Fence2024 + - R4
Lot# 364 - AGT Portable Sawmill YC-26G
Lot# 365 - AGT Skid Steer Breaker + - R
Lot# 366 - Express Steel 84" Skid Steer
Lot# 367 - 1994 Pace American Trailer IS
Lot# 368 - Farmhand Square Bale Grapple
Lot# 369 - Northern Star Sprayer + - R1
Lot# 370 - MYA50R Mini Excavator 2024 +
Lot# 371 - Mower King Skid Steer Auger +
Lot# 372 - Excavator Flail Mower 2024 +
Lot# 373 - AGT Skid Steer Forks 2024 +
Lot# 374 - H15R Mini Excavator 2024 +
Lot# 375 - AGT Skid Steer Forks 2024 +
Lot# 376 - Case 2870 Tractor - R1
Lot# 377 - Gold Mountain 20x20 Steel Car
Lot# 378 - Aluminum Ramp R1
Lot# 380 - Mower King Skid Steer Broom +
Lot# 381 - 7 /12 x 2 metal Workbench + M
Lot# 382 - Steelman 7' 18 Drawer Work Be
Lot# 384 - Field Cultivator - KongSkild
Lot# 385 - Mobi Man Lift NP17EX, R1
Lot# 386 - 72" Brush Cutter Attachment M
Lot# 387 - WH12R Mini Excavator 2024 +
Lot# 388 - 78" Kivel Snow/ Material Buc
Lot# 389 - 96" Kivel Snow/ Material Buc
Lot# 390 - 48" Kivle Pallet Fork Attachm
Lot# 391 - Pallet Fork Mount Safety Bask
Lot# 392 - 66" Kivel Bucket for JD MW
Lot# 393 - JMR Stump Bucket MW
Lot# 394 - 48" Kivle Pallet Fork Attachm
Lot# 395 - 72" Kivel Skid Steer Bucket M
Lot# 396 - 78" Kivel Skid Steer Bucket M
Lot# 397 - 84" Kivel Skid Steer Bucket M
Lot# 398 - 66" Kivel Skid Steer Bucket M
Lot# 399 - ST205/75R15 Radial Trailer Ti
Lot# 400 - 12-16.5 SKS-1 Forerunner Skid
Lot# 401 - No Shipping
Lot# 402 - Please read full terms and co
Lot# 403 - M & W Disc with Soil Ripper -
Lot# 404 - 78" Kivel Skid Steer Bucket +
Lot# 405 - GIYI Excavator Thumb 2024+, R
Lot# 406 - QK18RXS-C Mini Excavator AGT
Lot# 407 - Material/Dump Hopper +, R1
Lot# 408 - GIYI Skid Steer Auger 2024+
Lot# 409 - 3 Ton Pallet Forks + R1
Lot# 410 - 3 Ton Pallet Forks + R1
Lot# 411 - GIYI Skid Steer Breaker 2024
Lot# 413 - Skidsteer Mount Pallet Forks
Lot# 414 - Mini Excavator QH13R + - R1
Lot# 415 - Mini Excavator Attachments +
Lot# 416 - Mini Excavator Attachments +
Lot# 417 - Kubota BX2200 +, - R1
Lot# 418 - Skidsteer Mount Pallet Forks
Lot# 419 - John Deere blade 266, unused
Lot# 420 - Skidsteer Mount Pallet Forks
Lot# 421 - Skidsteer Mount Pallet Forks
Lot# 422 - Toyota Electric Forklift - Ha
Lot# 423 - Skid Steer Tree Shears TopCat
Lot# 424 - Transplanter + - R3
Lot# 425 - Transplanter + - R3
Lot# 426 - Land Honor Concrete Saw + -
Lot# 427 - Pallet Forks 60" + - R3
Lot# 428 - Pallet Forks 60" + - R3
Lot# 429 - 18" PHD Auger + - R3
Lot# 430 - Skid Attachment PHD w/ 2 Auge
Lot# 431 - Skid Attachment PHD w/ 2 Auge
Lot# 432 - Skid Attachment PHD w/ 2 Auge
Lot# 433 - Bobcat 773 Skid Loader + Does
Lot# 434 - Ingersol Ramp Light Plant + -
Lot# 435 - Sk7 3 Pt or Skid Loader Grade
Lot# 436 - Angle Iron Bundle + - R3
Lot# 437 - Angle Iron Bundle + - R3
Lot# 438 - Angle Iron Bundle + - R3
Lot# 439 - Angle Iron Bundle +, - R3
Lot# 440 - Oliver 77 Tractor, Power Stee
Lot# 441 - Cross Members and Pallet Rac
Lot# 442 - Walker Unit Lift + MW
Lot# 443 - 40' Ft Container - NFL
Lot# 444 - 20 Ft Container, - NFL
Lot# 445 - EZ Go Golf Cart Electric - R3
Lot# 446 - 20' Container- One Trip - R6
Lot# 447 - 20' Container- One Trip - R6
Lot# 448 - Auto Crane 8872 + R1
Lot# 449 - 40 Ft Container - NFL
Lot# 450 - MX15R Mini Excavator AGT 2024
Lot# 451 - AGT Backhoe+ - R4
Lot# 452 - AGT Skid Steer Forks 2024 +
Lot# 453 - AGT Skid Steer Forks 2024 +
Lot# 454 - MH12R Mini Excavator 2024 +
Lot# 455 - AGT Skid Steer Forks 2024 +
Lot# 456 - Seed Treater - Misc Parts + R
Lot# 457 - 7 /12 x 2 metal Workbench + M
Lot# 458 - Case IH Air Bag Assemblies fo
Lot# 460 - Bin Auger, R1
Lot# 461 - AGT Skid Steer Forks 2024 +
Lot# 462 - AGT Skid Steer Forks 2024 +
Lot# 463 - Ladder + - R3
Lot# 464 - AGT Skid Steer Forks 2024 +
Lot# 465 - AGT Skid Steer Forks 2024 +
Lot# 466 - 7 /12 x 2 metal Workbench + M
Lot# 467 - Steel Spoke Round Wheels MW
Lot# 468 - Steelman 7' 35 Drawer Work Be
Lot# 469 - 48" Kivle Pallet Fork Attachm
Lot# 470 - 48" Kivle Pallet Fork Attachm
Lot# 471 - ST205/75R15 Radial Trailer Ti
Lot# 472 - 12-16.5 SKS-1 Forerunner Skid
Lot# 473 - Kivel Single Prong Bale Spear
Lot# 475 - Ladder + - R3
Lot# 476 - EZ Go Golf Cart + MW
Lot# 477 - Steel Spoke Round Wheels MW
Lot# 478 - Kubota 64" Loader Bucket + MW
Lot# 479 - John Deere Corn Head Ear Save
Lot# 480 - Kivel" Pallet Fork Attachment
Lot# 481 - ST205/75R15 Radial Trailer Ti
Lot# 482 - 15" x 6" Rims MW
Lot# 483 - New Kubota BX2324 Valve Body
Lot# 484 - AGT Skid Steer Forks 2024 + R
Lot# 485 - Steel Spoke Round Wheels MW
Lot# 486 - Kubota 64" Loader Bucket + MW
Lot# 487 - 235/80R16 Tires MW
Lot# 488 - 12-16.5 SKS-1 Forerunner Skid
Lot# 489 - 48" Kivle Pallet Fork Attachm
Lot# 490 - IRGC40 Mini Golf Cart + R1
Lot# 491 - IRGC40 Mini Golf Cart + Damag
Lot# 492 - IRGC40 Mini Golf Cart + R1
Lot# 494 - AGT Skid Steer Forks 2024 +
Lot# 495 - Steel Spoke Round Wheels MW
Lot# 496 - Top Air Pull Type Sprayer, -
Lot# 497 - 48" Kivle Pallet Fork Attachm
Lot# 498 - IRGC80 Golf Cart + Damaged R1
Lot# 499 - IRMT Mobile Toilet + R1
Lot# 500 - 2" Trash Pump MW
Lot# 501 - 48" Kivle Pallet Fork Attachm
Lot# 502 - IRD25 Crawler Dumper + R1
Lot# 503 - IRD25 Crawler Dumper + R1
Lot# 504 - IRF20 Forklift + R1
Lot# 506 - IRE20 Mini Excavator + Damag
Lot# 507 - 48" Kivle Pallet Fork Attachm
Lot# 508 - IRBL50 Multi Functiona Kubota
Lot# 509 - 20" Rake for Mini Excavator
Lot# 510 - 20" Rake for Mini Excavator
Lot# 511 - 20" Rake for Mini Excavator
Lot# 512 - Mini Excavator Ripper Tooth A
Lot# 513 - Mini Excavator Ripper Tooth A
Lot# 514 - Mini Excavator Ripper Tooth A
Lot# 515 - IRE25 Mini Excavator + R1
Lot# 516 - Topcat Skid Steer Heavy Duty
Lot# 517 - Mower King Skid Steer Forks 2
Lot# 518 - Mower King Skid Steer Brush C
Lot# 519 - AGT NT18K Mini Excavator 2024
Lot# 520 - 40 Ft High Cube 2024 + - R4
Lot# 521 - Mower King Skid Steer Forks 2
Lot# 522 - Topcat Skid Steer Heavy Duty
Lot# 523 - AGT MX12R Mini Excavator 2024
Lot# 524 - Mower King Skid Steer Brush C
Lot# 525 - AGT H15R Mini Excavator 2024
Lot# 526 - Mower King Skid Steer Forks 2
Lot# 527 - Topcat Skid Steer Heavy Duty
Lot# 528 - Mower King Skid Steer Brush C
Lot# 529 - Mower King Skid Steer Forks 2
Lot# 530 - AGT MX15R Mini Excavator 2024
Lot# 531 - Mower King Skid Steer Brush C
Lot# 532 - Mower King Skid Steer Forks 2
Lot# 533 - AGT MX15R Mini Excavator 2024
Lot# 534 - Mower King Skid Steer Brush C
Lot# 535 - AGT QK18KC Mini Excavator 202
Lot# 536 - Mower King Skid Steer Forks 2
Lot# 537 - AGT MX12R Mini Excavator 2024
Lot# 538 - AGT NT18K Mini Excavator 2024
Lot# 539 - 110 Gallon Mild Steel transfe
Lot# 540 - Ridgid No 40A Pipe Vise R1
Lot# 541 - Garner Denver Oilers (2) R1
Lot# 542 - Straight Air Grinder 8" Wheel
Lot# 543 - Wheel Barrow R1
Lot# 544 - Ridgid No 504 Pipe 1" -2" Thr
Lot# 545 - 1/2 " Air Impact Wrench with
Lot# 546 - Thor Air Hammer R1
Lot# 547 - Tools
Lot# 548 - Ford 545 Tractor R2
Lot# 551 - No Shipping
Lot# 552 - Please read full terms and co
Lot# 553 - Mini Bulk containers (2) - R3
Lot# 554 - Mini Bulk Containers (2) - R3
Lot# 555 - Mini Bulk Containers (2) - R3
Lot# 556 - Mini Bulk Containers (2) - R3
Lot# 557 - Mini Bulk Containers (2) - R3
Lot# 558 - 1999 C3500 Chevrolet Truck IS
Lot# 559 - 1999 Ford F350 IST R1
Lot# 560 - 2004 Honda Pilot VUT R1
Lot# 561 - 1998 GMC Sierra Pick Up VUT R
Lot# 562 - 1996 Geo Tracker VUT R1
Lot# 563 - 1995 Biltrite Utility Trailer
Lot# 564 - 2005 Cadillac CTS VUT
Lot# 565 - 1973 Chevrolet C 65 Grain Tru
Lot# 566 - 1975 Lone Star I 700 Internat
Lot# 601 - Hay Baler- John Deere RWF
Lot# 602 - Silage Wagon - John Deere RWF
Lot# 603 - Lawn Cart- 2 Wheeled, John De
Lot# 604 - Gravity Wagon RWF
Lot# 605 - Silage Copper- John Deere RWF
Lot# 606 - Six Bottom Plow- John Deere R
Lot# 607 - Round Baler- John Deere RWF
Lot# 608 - Combine- John Deere RWF
Lot# 609 - Hay Baler Wagon - John Deere
Lot# 610 - 4 Wheel Tractor- John deere R
Lot# 611 - Skid Loader- John Deere RWF
Lot# 612 - Two Wheeled Tractor- John Dee
Lot# 613 - Four Row Planter- John Deere
Lot# 614 - Semi Tractor and Trailer- Joh
Lot# 615 - Manure Spreader- John Deere R
Lot# 616 - Feed Mixer- Grinder- Internat
Lot# 617 - Tractor and Wagon- Internatio
Lot# 618 - Snow Mobile RWF
Lot# 619 - Lawn Tractor- John Deere RWF
Lot# 620 - Semi Truck and Train RWF
Lot# 621 - International Mini Tractors R
Lot# 622 - John Deere Tractor Mini's RWF
Lot# 623 - John Deere Tractor Mini's RWF
Lot# 624 - Case International Mini's RWF
Lot# 625 - Mini Tractors- Ford, Steiger,
Lot# 626 - John Deere Model A RWF
Lot# 627 - John Deere Model A RWF
Lot# 628 - John Deere Model A RWF
Lot# 629 - 4 Wheel Tractor -John Deere R
Lot# 651 - No Shipping
Lot# 652 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 653 - Fill Rite Hand Lever Pump RWD
Lot# 654 - New Voyager 20" Stainless Ste
Lot# 655 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 656 - E Track Ratchet Straps RWD
Lot# 657 - Makiat 14.4 V Drill Driver RW
Lot# 658 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 659 - Deer Diagonal Pliers, Mossy O
Lot# 660 - Deer Diagonal Pliers and Gord
Lot# 661 - Pocket Knife and Sheath + RW
Lot# 662 - Deer Diagonal Pliers and Ozar
Lot# 663 - Mossy Oak Multi Purpose Knife
Lot# 664 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 665 - Smith and Wesson Knife w/ Gla
Lot# 667 - Mini Drone RWE
Lot# 667a - Pocket Knife and Sheath + R
Lot# 668 - Pokmon Cards RWE
Lot# 669 - Vintage Action figures with S
Lot# 670 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 671 - Star Wars light Sabers RWE
Lot# 672 - Pokmon Cards RWE
Lot# 673 - Pocket Knife and Sheath + RW
Lot# 674 - Binder of Batman Trading Card
Lot# 675 - Bin Sweep Motor RWD
Lot# 676 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 677 - Cable RWD
Lot# 678 - Surge Protection Bocx w/o Key
Lot# 679 - Pocket Knife and Sheath + RWA
Lot# 680 - Office Chairs (4) - wall
Lot# 681 - 4 Ft Christmas Tree RWD
Lot# 682 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 683 - Lawn Spreader- wall
Lot# 684 - Wheel Barrow- wall
Lot# 685 - Pocket Knife and Sheath + RW
Lot# 686 - Lights, Cones, Emergency Tria
Lot# 687 - Nail Gun, Staplers RWD
Lot# 688 - Metal Toolboxes (2) RWD
Lot# 689 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 690 - Hitch Light Bar RWD
Lot# 691 - Echo SRM-280 Trimmer- Non Run
Lot# 692 - Tool Box - wall
Lot# 693 - Pocket Knife and Sheath + RW
Lot# 694 - Tool Box with Straps - Wall
Lot# 695 - Dolly- Wall
Lot# 696 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 697 - Wagon MW
Lot# 698 - Coats 40-40S Tire Changer R1
Lot# 699 - Pocket Knife and Sheath + RW
Lot# 700 - Furnace - BRUTE Gas MW
Lot# 701 - Pallet Scaffolding -5x8 MW
Lot# 702 - Electric Air Compressor MW
Lot# 703 - Gas Air Compressor MW
Lot# 704 - Rigid Metal Band Saw MW
Lot# 705 - Aluminum Diamond Plate Side B
Lot# 706 - Aluminum Diamond Plate Side B
Lot# 707 - Tire Rack MW
Lot# 708 - Crate Arm - MW
Lot# 709 - Roll of Kickplate - 4 Ft Tall
Lot# 710 - 20 Stage Craftsman 42" Snowbl
Lot# 711 - John Deere 42" Snowblower - R
Lot# 712 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 713 - Misc Wire MW
Lot# 714 - High Chair + WALL
Lot# 715 - Pocket Knife and Sheath + RW
Lot# 716 - Figurines, Wood Box, Statues,
Lot# 717 - Battery Tender, Drills, Batte
Lot# 718 - Pictures Mirror + RW
Lot# 719 - wheelbarrows (4); MW
Lot# 720 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 721 - Water Pumps MW
Lot# 722 - Snow Blower MW
Lot# 723 - Pocket Knife and Sheath + RW
Lot# 724 - Auger, 4" MW
Lot# 725 - Bench MW
Lot# 727 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 730 - Knife and Sheath 8 In Blade +
Lot# 733 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 737 - Knife and Sheath Curved Blade
Lot# 740 - Small Axe + RWA
Lot# 744 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 748 - Knife and Sheath 7 1/2 In Bla
Lot# 751 - No Shipping
Lot# 752 - Please read full terms and co
Lot# 753 - 12x12 Garage Door - Insulated
Lot# 754 - Mobile DEF Dispenser MW
Lot# 755 - Generac Pressure Washer MW
Lot# 756 - Grass Seeder - Pull Behind MW
Lot# 757 - Stackable Metal Pallet Boxes
Lot# 758 - Roller Conveyor MW
Lot# 759 - Trailer Tires (6) MW
Lot# 760 - Skid Steer Tire on Rim MW
Lot# 761 - 12x12 Garage Door - non insul
Lot# 762 - Soleus Air Dehumidifier Arena
Lot# 763 - Trash Can Arena
Lot# 764 - Scrubber Pads RWD
Lot# 765 - Golf Club with Bag Arena
Lot# 766 - Hand Tools RWD
Lot# 767 - Misc- RWG
Lot# 768 - Assortment of Tools -RWG
Lot# 769 - Electric Lead Blower, Ice Scr
Lot# 770 - Lights and Misc RWG
Lot# 771 - Hand Tools, Chain RWG
Lot# 772 - Misc RWG
Lot# 773 - Misc RWG
Lot# 774 - Drill Bits, Hand Tools RWG
Lot# 775 - Wire Cutters RWG
Lot# 777 - Misc RWG
Lot# 778 - Hand Tools, Tarp, Ice Slip On
Lot# 779 - Hand Tools, Safety Glasses RW
Lot# 780 - Misc RWG
Lot# 781 - Toys, Vest RWG
Lot# 782 - Waders RWG
Lot# 783 - Gloves, Misc RWG
Lot# 784 - Screws and Bolts RWG
Lot# 785 - Silicone RWG
Lot# 786 - Screws and Bolts RWG
Lot# 787 - Misc RWG
Lot# 788 - Toolbox, Bolts RWG
Lot# 789 - Hook, Hitch Balls RWG
Lot# 790 - Brackets RWG
Lot# 791 - Mower Blades RWG
Lot# 792 - Sockets RWG
Lot# 793 - Misc RWG
Lot# 794 - Storm Disc, Sanders (2) RWG
Lot# 795 - Bogen Amplifier RWG
Lot# 796 - 8" Daytona Wheel Covers RWG
Lot# 797 - 3/8 In Craftsman Drills (2) R
Lot# 798 - Tape, Paint, Misc RWG
Lot# 799 - Misc RWG
Lot# 800 - Misc RWG
Lot# 801 - Sockets RWG
Lot# 802 - Spotlight, Droplight RWG
Lot# 803 - Chains RWG
Lot# 804 - Lincoln Grease Guns (2) RWG
Lot# 813 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 814 - Metal Signs (3) RWD
Lot# 816 - Milwaukee Spine Rotary Hammer
Lot# 817 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 818 - Bosch LitheOn Brute Tough Ham
Lot# 819 - Extension Cords (5) RWD
Lot# 820 - Knife and Sheath 7 1/2 In Bla
Lot# 823 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 827 - Knife and Sheath 7 1/2 In Bla
Lot# 830 - Knife and Sheath 7 1/2 In bla
Lot# 833 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 836 - Large Axe + RWA
Lot# 840 - Small Axe + RWA
Lot# 845 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 850 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 851 - No Shipping
Lot# 852 - Please read full terms and co
Lot# 853 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 857 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 863 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 868 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 874 - Knife with Sheath 4 In Blade
Lot# 880 - Large Axe + RWA
Lot# 951 - No Shipping
Lot# 952 - Please read full terms and co
Lot# 953 - Windmill Illiopolis
Lot# 954 - John Deere 444 Four Row Corn
Lot# 955 - Case Grain Drill Illiopolis-4
Lot# 956 - Gleaner R52 Combine s/n 04381
Lot# 957 - Krause Disk Model 19 s/n 2300
Lot# 958 - McCormick Barge Wagon with Hy
Lot# 958c - Grain Augers -Westline Illio
Lot# 959 - Farmall Model H Draw Bar PTO
Lot# 960 - Gleaner 4 Row Corn Head s/n R
Lot# 961a - Ritchie Bestway Sprayer Illi
Lot# 961b - JD Grain Platform Illiopolis
Lot# 962 - Case Tractor- For Parts Illio
Lot# 963 - John Deere Rotary Hoe Illiopo
Lot# 963a - Rack Wagon Illiopolis-4
Lot# 963b - IH Square Baler w/ Gas Motor
Lot# 1000 - SS Mini Bulk Tank R1
Lot# 1001 - SS Mini Bulk Tank R1
Lot# 1002 - Batchtold weed mower R1
Lot# 1003 - Bolt Bin on Stand R1
Lot# 1004 - Pipe Threader and Pipe Vise,
Lot# 1005 - Speed Shine 1700 HD Floor Cl
Lot# 1006 - Bench Vice RWB
Lot# 1007 - Paint Texture Kit RWB
Lot# 1008 - DeWalt Chop Saw RWB
Lot# 1009 - Dewalt Circular Saw RWB
Lot# 1010 - Buffer/Polisher RWB
Lot# 1011 - Dewalt Hammer Rotary Drill R
Lot# 1012 - Snap On Impact Gun RWB
Lot# 1013 - Splitting Axe RWB
Lot# 1014 - Bosch Rotary Hammer Gel RWB
Lot# 1015 - Digital Engine Analyzer RWB
Lot# 1016 - Milwaukee Drywall Gun RWB
Lot# 1017 - Bostitch Brad Nailers (2) RW
Lot# 1018 - Bostitch Pen Nailer RWB
Lot# 1019 - Hitachi Brad Nailer RWB
Lot# 1020 - Bostitch 16ga Nailer RWB
Lot# 1021 - Dremel and Rigid Saw RWB
Lot# 1022 - Bosch Impact and Craftsman D
Lot# 1023 - Milwaukee M18 Train Horn RWB
Lot# 1024 - Fire Storm Router RWB
Lot# 1025 - Straps RWB
Lot# 1026 - Ryobi Battery Power Tools RW
Lot# 1027 - Milwaukee M18 Hacksaw with 5
Lot# 1028 - Milwaukee Scope Camera RWB
Lot# 1029 - DeWalt 20 V Drywall Gun with
Lot# 1030 - Dewalt Rotary Hammer Drill w
Lot# 1031 - Milwaukee M18 Fuel Hammer Dr
Lot# 1032 - Dewalt Impact and Drill Set
Lot# 1033 - DeWalt 20 V Impact 5.0 Batte
Lot# 1034 - Dewalt 20 V Osculating Tool
Lot# 1035 - Test and Charging Manifold G
Lot# 1036 - Come Along RWB
Lot# 1037 - Lightbulbs RWB
Lot# 1038 - Jorgenson Steel Bar Clamps (
Lot# 1039 - Stihl Chainsaw Cases (2) RWA
Lot# 1040 - Husqvarna Chainsaw Case RWA
Lot# 1041 - Black Chainsaw Case RWA
Lot# 1043 - Ryobi Battery Powered Edger
Lot# 1044 - As Is Chainsaws RWA
Lot# 1045 - Craftsman Weedwhacker Batter
Lot# 1046 - Stihl BG 86 Leaf Blower and
Lot# 1047 - Ryobi 18 V leaf Blower RWA
Lot# 1048 - Weedeater Plug-in Electric L
Lot# 1049 - Cobalt 24 V Battery Powered
Lot# 1050 - Ryobi Battery Powered Hedge
Lot# 1051 - Carnage Apocalypse Crossbow
Lot# 1052 - Wicked Rage 10 Point Crossbo
Lot# 1053 - Barnett Whitetail Crossbow R
Lot# 1054 - Fishing Tackle Box RWA
Lot# 1055 - Air Blower RWA
Lot# 1056 - Dewalt Brad Nailer and 22 Ca
Lot# 1057 - Troy Built Leaf Blower RWA
Lot# 1058 - Milwaukee Circular Saw RWA
Lot# 1059 - Tile Saw with Tools RWA
Lot# 1060 - Hydraulic Cylinders RWA
Lot# 1061 - True Blue Level RWA
Lot# 1062 - Harley Davidson Gas Tank RWA
Lot# 1063 - Sthil MS 170 Chainsaw RWA
Lot# 1064 - Stihl MS 250 Chainsaw RWA
Lot# 1065 - Craftsman Chainsaw RWA
Lot# 1066 - Sthil MS 194T Chainsaw RWA
Lot# 1067 - Echo Chainsaw RWA
Lot# 1068 - Stihl TS420 Concrete Saw RWA
Lot# 1069 - Stihl TS 700 Concrete Saw RW
Lot# 1070 - Milwaukee M18 Drill with Cas
Lot# 1071 - Makita Miter Saw RWB
Lot# 1072 - Ryobi Gas Powered Drill RWB
Lot# 1073 - Snowplow Orange Lights RWB
Lot# 1074 - Bucket with Rope, Bolt Organ
Lot# 1075 - Red Tool Box Full of Tools R
Lot# 1076 - Black Toolbox Full of Tools
Lot# 1077 - Diesel Fuel Pumps RWB
Lot# 1078 - Dewalt Corded Drill RWB
Lot# 1079 - Tap and Die Set RWB
Lot# 1080 - Solid-state Multimeter (2) R
Lot# 1081 - Grayco Paint Sprayer RWB
Lot# 1082 - Cobalt Air Hopper Gun RWB
Lot# 1083 - R410 A Refrigerant Tank RWB
Lot# 1084 - 18 V Dewalt Tools RWB
Lot# 1085 - Snap on Socket, Misc Tools R
Lot# 1086 - Dewalt Right Angle Heavy Dut
Lot# 1087 - Bostitch Pen Nailer RWB
Lot# 1088 - Aluminum Platform RWB
Lot# 1089 - Chinese Swords (4) RWC
Lot# 1090 - Coyote Calling System RWC
Lot# 1091 - BBrevolver CO2 Power RWC
Lot# 1092 - E-US Vintage Military Bayone
Lot# 1093 - Cobra CB Radio with Handheld
Lot# 1094 - Camo Military Vest RWC
Lot# 1095 - Coleman Camp Stove RWC
Lot# 1096 - Vintage Airplane, RC Control
Lot# 1097 - Fishing Poles RWC
Lot# 1098 - Lights and Wiring Harness RW
Lot# 1099 - Tacklebox with Lures RWC
Lot# 1100 - 7. 3 inch Hip/Shoulder Holst
Lot# 1101 - 25 5 inch Pancake Holster RW
Lot# 1102 - Dartboard RWC
Lot# 1103 - Womens Conceal Carry Pistol
Lot# 1104 - Vintage Daisy BB Gun RWC
Lot# 1105 - Brake Barrel Pellet Gun RWC
Lot# 1106 - AK Airsoft Gun RWC
Lot# 1107 - Vintage Benjamin Sheridan 17
Lot# 1108 - Canadian Goose Mojo Decoy RW
Lot# 1109 - Turkey Decoys (2) RWC
Lot# 1110 - Chest Waterproof Waiters RWC
Lot# 1111 - Tatula Bait Caster RWC
Lot# 1112 - Open Real Fishing Reels (5)
Lot# 1113 - Sea Fire Fishing Reel RWC
Lot# 1114 - Quantum PTS Fishing Reel RWC
Lot# 1115 - Ballistic MQ Fishing Reel RW
Lot# 1116 - Okuma Fishing Reel RWC
Lot# 1117 - Fin 7/8 Fishing Reel RWC
Lot# 1118 - Fin 7/8 Fishing Reel RWC
Lot# 1119 - Fin 7/8 Fishing Reel RWC
Lot# 1120 - Fin 7/8 Fishing Reel RWC
Lot# 1121 - Compound Hunting Bow Case RW
Lot# 1122 - Trophy Ridge Bow Site with K
Lot# 1123 - Knives and Weapons RWC
Lot# 1125 - PSE Compound Bow with Case R
Lot# 1126 - Womans Harley Davidson Coat
Lot# 1127 - First Act Guitar RWD
Lot# 1128 - Urban Acoustic Guitar RWD
Lot# 1129 - Crescent Bass Guitar RWD
Lot# 1130 - Vintage Acoustic Parts Guita
Lot# 1131 - Fender Guitar Amplifier RWD
Lot# 1132 - James Brown, Singing, Dancin
Lot# 1133 - 12 inch Memphis Car Audio Sp
Lot# 1134 - 12 inch Acoustic Car Subwoof
Lot# 1135 - Magnatone Solid State Guitar
Lot# 1136 - Audio Technic Pro 227 Wirele
Lot# 1137 - Univox Guitar Amplifier RWD
Lot# 1138 - Yamaha Keyboard Piano RWD
Lot# 1139 - Black and Gray Guitar Amplif
Lot# 1140 - Washburn Electric Guitar wit
Lot# 1141 - Washburn Hannah Montana Guit
Lot# 1142 - Ibaneza Bass Amplifier RWD
Lot# 1143 - Records RWD
Lot# 1144 - Hartke Bass Guitar Amplifier
Lot# 1145 - Trumpet RWD
Lot# 1146 - Gary Bass Guitar RWD
Lot# 1147 - Selmer Clarinet RWD
Lot# 1148 - PA Speaker Stands RWD
Lot# 1149 - Rack, Mountable Audio Equipm
Lot# 1151 - Bogan Gold, Steel Series Amp
Lot# 1152 - Selmer Clarinet RWD
Lot# 1153 - Record Player RWD
Lot# 1154 - Music Audio Mixer Board RWD
Lot# 1155 - Xylophone RWD
Lot# 1156 - Records RWD
Lot# 1157 - Vintage Car/Racing Magazines
Lot# 1158 - Train set RWD
Lot# 1159 - Power Track Pedal Tractor RW
Lot# 1160 - Advertisement, Wood Crates (
Lot# 1161 - Wood Advertisement Boxes (2)
Lot# 1163 - Vintage Metal Can RWD
Lot# 1164 - Vintage Metal Copper/brass L
Lot# 1165 - Stoneware Set- 3 PC RWD
Lot# 1166 - Murray Tricycle RWD
Lot# 1167 - Acorn Lights (2) RWF
Lot# 1168 - Telephone RWF
Lot# 1169 - Popcorn Machine RWF
Lot# 1170 - Marlboro Advertisement Clock
Lot# 1171 - Fire Truck RWF
Lot# 1172 - Porcelain Enamel Ford Sign R
Lot# 1173 - Wrench Force Sign RWF
Lot# 1174 - GI Joe RWF
Lot# 1175 - Double Sided Dekalb Sign RWF
Lot# 1176 - Double Sided Dekalb Metal Si
Lot# 1177 - VIntage Oil Cans RWF
Lot# 1178 - Invicta Wall Clock RWF
Lot# 1179 - Metal Armor RWF
Lot# 1180 - Car Radio RWF
Lot# 1181 - Swingset Toy RWF
Lot# 1182 - Coins RWF
Lot# 1183 - Buckles RWF
Lot# 1184 - Coins RWF
Lot# 1185 - RC Car RWF
Lot# 1186 - Football Helmet RWF
Lot# 1187 - Hot Wheels RWF
Lot# 1188 - Cast Iron Stove RWF
Lot# 1189 - Cast Iron Train Set RWF
Lot# 1190 - Cast Iron Skillets (2) RWF
Lot# 1191 - Vintage Bush Beer Light RWF
Lot# 1192 - Jewelry and Miscellaneous An
Lot# 1193 - Coins RWF
Lot# 1194 - Vintage Cash Register with K
Lot# 1195 - Vintage Old Style Beer Sign
Lot# 1196 - Comic Book/Magazine Shelf
Lot# 1197 - Sports Cards RWE
Lot# 1198 - Blue and White Jordan Size 1
Lot# 1199 - Sports Hats RWE
Lot# 1200 - Sports Hats RWE
Lot# 1201 - Cards and Autographed Baseba
Lot# 1202 - PSA 10 Cards and Autographed
Lot# 1203 - Wrestling Trading Cards, Som
Lot# 1204 - Basketball Cards RWE
Lot# 1205 - Car Model Kits (5) RWE
Lot# 1206 - Showstoppers Volkswagen Diec
Lot# 1207 - Larry Dixon Dragsters (3) RW
Lot# 1208 - Funny Cars (3) RWE
Lot# 1209 - Castro GTX Diecast (3) RWE
Lot# 1210 - Pop Figures RWE
Lot# 1211 - John Force Diecast (2) RWE
Lot# 1212 - John Force Diecast (2) RWE
Lot# 1213 - John Force Elvis Diecast RWE
Lot# 1214 - Gold Castro GTX Diecast RWE
Lot# 1215 - GTX Castro Diecast (2) RWE
Lot# 1216 - Castro Diecast (3) RWE
Lot# 1217 - Vegas Slot Machine Toy RWE
Lot# 1218 - Baseball Figure RWE
Lot# 1219 - Basketball figure RWE
Lot# 1220 - Football Figure RWE
Lot# 1221 - Basketball Figure RWE
Lot# 1222 - Coffee Pot RWE
Lot# 1223 - Keurig Coffee Pot RWE
Lot# 1224 - Insta Pot Pressure Cooker RW
Lot# 1225 - Cricut Machine RWE
Lot# 1226 - Cricut Machine RWE
Lot# 1227 - Three Tier Lamp RWE
Lot# 1228 - Electric Fireplace RWE
Lot# 1229 - Phone Cases and Accessories
Lot# 1230 - Rechargeable Sweeper RWE
Lot# 1231 - Air Fryer RWE
Lot# 1232 - Electric Fireplace RWE
Lot# 1233 - Home Audio Equipment RWE
Lot# 1234 - Laptops, Cell Phones, iPhone
Lot# 1235 - Nintendo Wii Console RWE
Lot# 1236 - Xbox One Console RWE
Lot# 1237 - Atari 2600 RWE
Lot# 1238 - N64 Gaming Console RWE
Lot# 1239 - Xbox 360 Consoles (3) RWE
Lot# 1240 - PlayStation 4 Console RWE
Lot# 1241 - Original Xbox Console RWE
Lot# 1242 - Atari Systems (2) with Game
Lot# 1243 - PlayStation 3 Console RWE
Lot# 1244 - Nintendo Game Cube Console R
Lot# 1245 - Retro Gaming Consoles, Sega
Lot# 1246 - Comics with some Pokmon Card
Lot# 1247 - Sega Genesis with Games RWE
Lot# 1248 - PlayStation 3 Xbox 360, Nint
Lot# 1249 - PlayStation 3 Xbox 360, Nint
Lot# 1250 - Super Nintendos with Games (
Lot# 1251 - 2016 Craftsman Lawn Tractor
Lot# 1252 - Lawnboy 320 E Electric Start
Lot# 1253 - Wheelhorse Snow Blade and Fr
Lot# 1254 - Bicycles (3), Electric Scoot
Lot# 1255 - JD S170 Mower MW
Lot# 1256 - Honda Push Mower MW
Lot# 1257 - Troybilt Push Mower MW
Lot# 1258 - Husqvarna Push Mower MW
Lot# 1259 - Champion 5000 Watt Generator
Lot# 1260 - Aluminum Cart MW