Lot# 1 - Horseback Hand Crank Seeder
Lot# 2 - Primitive Hay Knife
Lot# 3 - Mountville PA Perfection Corn S
Lot# 4 - PY-Krimp Tool York PA
Lot# 5 - Heavy Tin Inland Radiator Equip
Lot# 6 - Primitive Seeder
Lot# 7 - Hay Grapple
Lot# 8 - Primitive Sheller
Lot# 9 - Montgomery Ward Corn Sheller
Lot# 10 - New-Era Rope Machine
Lot# 11 - Ace No. 46 Cork Press
Lot# 12 - (3)Commonwealth of PA Porcelai
Lot# 13 - Primitive Hay Mow Fork
Lot# 14 - Primitive Hay Fork
Lot# 15 - Primitive Hay Fork
Lot# 16 - Copper Steam Whistle
Lot# 17 - Lunkenheimer Steam Whistle
Lot# 18 - B & H Watson & Youell Primitiv
Lot# 19 - Best Maide No. 264 Dimo-Grit S
Lot# 20 - Primitive Broad Axe Head
Lot# 21 - Corkscrew Hay Fork
Lot# 22 - lot of 2 Beacon Dairy Feeds Ca
Lot# 23 - Little Giant Chain Tool
Lot# 24 - Primitive Midget USA Bottle Ca
Lot# 25 - Primitive Hay Trolley
Lot# 26 - Primitive Anvil/Vise Combo
Lot# 27 - A.B. Farquhar Pressure Gauge
Lot# 28 - S&C Mfg Co. Ball Bearing Corn
Lot# 29 - Hanover & McSherrystown Direct
Lot# 30 - lot of 4 York Gas Engine Flinc
Lot# 31 - lot of 2 Hammers
Lot# 32 - Primitive Hay Fork
Lot# 33 - Family Corn Sheller
Lot# 34 - Primitive Broad Axe
Lot# 35 - Three Prong Hay Fork
Lot# 36 - Patch's Black Hawk Corn Shelle
Lot# 37 - A W Straub & Co. Quaker City M
Lot# 38 - lot of 2 Bottle Cappers Pearce
Lot# 39 - Farquhar Wooden Sign
Lot# 40 - Enterprise Grinder
Lot# 41 - Primitive Mill/Paint Grinder J
Lot# 42 - lot of 2 Hammers
Lot# 43 - lot of 2 Case IH Planter Lids
Lot# 44 - Primitive Nellis Hay Fork
Lot# 45 - Heath Foundry The Eagle Corn S
Lot# 46 - lot of 2 Rope Maker Guides
Lot# 47 - Primitive Hay Fork
Lot# 48 - Premiere Coffee Poster, Wright
Lot# 49 - A.C. Winget York PA Cigar Bunc
Lot# 50 - Cast Iron Rees Jack
Lot# 51 - lot of 2 Beacon Dairy Feeds Ca
Lot# 52 - Hudson Hay Fork w/ Hudson Stee
Lot# 53 - Osborne Sickle Bar Grinder
Lot# 54 - Porter Columbia Hay Trolley w/
Lot# 55 - Swartz Corn Sheller w/ Nubbler
Lot# 56 - Cast Iron Water Fountain?
Lot# 57 - Primitive Hay Fork
Lot# 58 - Two Gallon Sunoco Mercury Moto
Lot# 59 - lot of 4 Lawn Sprinklers Sunbe
Lot# 60 - Single Side Metal Goodyear Tir
Lot# 61 - S. Cheney & Son Fowler Ajax Gr
Lot# 62 - Primitive Steel Wheel Pulley
Lot# 63 - Two Gallon Eastern States Moto
Lot# 64 - Garden Sprinkler
Lot# 65 - E B Whitman Victor Corn Shelle
Lot# 66 - Nellis Hay Fork
Lot# 67 - Nelson Lawn Sprinkler
Lot# 68 - Louden Hay Trolley
Lot# 69 - Primitive Cast Iron Corn Shell
Lot# 70 - McCormick Sickle Bar Sharpener
Lot# 71 - Tile Grain Cleaner
Lot# 72 - Primitive Buggy Jack
Lot# 73 - Wilton Wrightsville PA Bottle
Lot# 74 - Primitive Sickle Bar Sharpener
Lot# 75 - lot of 2 Garden Sprinklers Key
Lot# 76 - Primitive Vice/Clamp?
Lot# 77 - Pomeroy Shoe Holder
Lot# 78 - Dayton Irrigation Co Lawn Spri
Lot# 79 - lot of 2 Garden Sprinklers Hub
Lot# 80 - Premiere Coffee Poster, Wright
Lot# 81 - Primitive Corn Sheller
Lot# 82 - 19 Garden Hose Nozzles Cascade
Lot# 83 - lot of 4 York Gas Engine Flinc
Lot# 84 - Primitive Cast Iron Pan w/ Leg
Lot# 85 - Primitive Wrench
Lot# 86 - Primitive Wrench
Lot# 87 - Goddell Co Bonanza Apple Peele
Lot# 88 - B&P Popsicle Ice Cream Mold
Lot# 89 - Star Mower Knife Grinder
Lot# 90 - Watson & Youell R&H Corn Shell
Lot# 91 - Hench & Dromgold Hay Fork
Lot# 92 - Premiere Coffee Poster, Wright
Lot# 93 - Montgomery Ward Annular Corn S
Lot# 94 - McCormick Sickle Bar Sharpener
Lot# 95 - Star Mower Knife Grinder
Lot# 96 - Primitive Mower Knife Grinder
Lot# 97 - (3)Commonwealth of PA Porcelai
Lot# 98 - Champion Farm Implement Seat w
Lot# 99 - 4 Prong Hay Mow Fork
Lot# 100 - Radiator Core
Lot# 101 - Primitive Corn Sheller w/ Nub
Lot# 102 - Deering Harvester Sickle Bar
Lot# 103 - Buffalo Foam Fire Extinguishe
Lot# 104 - McCormick-Deering Sickle Bar
Lot# 105 - Supreme Heater Co. Diana Wate
Lot# 106 - Plymouth Rock Corn Sheller
Lot# 107 - Primitive Mower Knife Grinder
Lot# 108 - Primitive Hay Knife
Lot# 109 - Leader Hay Trolley w/ Drop Pu
Lot# 110 - Large Iron Jack
Lot# 111 - (2) American Seeding Machine
Lot# 112 - Eagle Potato Planter
Lot# 113 - Primitive Hay Knife
Lot# 114 - N W & W Corn Planter
Lot# 115 - Galvanized Chicken Waterer
Lot# 116 - Glen Rock PA Iron Jack
Lot# 117 - Primitive Hay Knife
Lot# 118 - Primitive Hay Needle
Lot# 119 - Hog-Joy Hog Oiler
Lot# 120 - Primitive Jack
Lot# 121 - Primitive Tin Roller/Crimper
Lot# 122 - Pyrene One Gallon Fire Exting
Lot# 123 - Primitive Sheet Metal Bending
Lot# 124 - Primitive Hay Knife
Lot# 125 - Primitive Cast Iron Farm impl
Lot# 126 - 4-Staatsburg Ice Tongs
Lot# 127 - Primitive Drop Pulley
Lot# 128 - Wheeler's No. 6 Chief Self Ra
Lot# 129 - Rogers & Nellis Hay Grapple
Lot# 130 - Primitive Cast Iron Jack C W
Lot# 131 - Geodetic Reference Point Surv
Lot# 132 - Pair of Iron Pulleys Mounted
Lot# 133 - lot of 8 Adjustable Pipe Wren
Lot# 134 - Gardner Engine Steam Governor
Lot# 135 - Primitive Pulley
Lot# 136 - lot of 5 Bale Hooks
Lot# 137 - Hench & Dromgold Wooden Buggy
Lot# 138 - Small Tesco Tulsa Bench Vise
Lot# 139 - Cast Iron Pot Kettle Hanger
Lot# 140 - A.B.S. Co Elizabethtown PA Ca
Lot# 141 - Primitive Iron Cutting/Choppi
Lot# 142 - Warnick & Leibrandt Cast Iron
Lot# 143 - Primitive Cast Iron Tongs
Lot# 144 - (6)Adjustable Wrenches Westco
Lot# 145 - Primitive Drop Pulley
Lot# 146 - Primitive Ney Mfg. Drop Pulle
Lot# 147 - The Home Sheller Eagle Machin
Lot# 148 - lot of 6 Nail Puller, Leather
Lot# 149 - Wyckoff "Handy" Tobacco Bunch
Lot# 150 - lot of 3 Cast Iron Bark Spud
Lot# 151 - Primitive Cast Iron Bracket/A
Lot# 152 - Whitney Metal Tool Co. Punch
Lot# 153 - Tin/Sheet Metal Roller?
Lot# 154 - Bulls Eye Cast Iron Stove Cov
Lot# 155 - lot of 5 Cast Iron Rake, Cutt
Lot# 156 - Set of 2 Belt Tightener/Idler
Lot# 157 - Safety Door Hanger
Lot# 158 - (2)Corn Planter Footrest & He
Lot# 159 - lot of 10 IH Wrenches & other
Lot# 160 - (8)Steel Clamp/Tongs w/ Leath
Lot# 161 - Wooden Handled Hook/Clamp Set
Lot# 162 - Holsclaw Bros Pipe Bender
Lot# 163 - Primitive Multi Tool
Lot# 164 - lot of 7 Digging Irons & Othe
Lot# 165 - lot of 6 Small Tack Hammers C
Lot# 166 - (13) Wrenches, Maxwell, Econo
Lot# 167 - lot of 8 Wrenches Alex Milbur
Lot# 168 - lot of 7 Wrenches Syracuse &
Lot# 169 - lot of 5 Ferrier Tools/Tongs
Lot# 170 - lot of 9 Wrenches Frick & Co,
Lot# 171 - (10)Wrenches Unadilla Silo, S
Lot# 172 - lot of 6 Tongs, Ferrier Tools
Lot# 173 - lot of 4 Wooden Pulleys
Lot# 174 - lot of 8 Wrenches B&H & othe
Lot# 175 - (9)Wrenches P.S.& W. Co, West
Lot# 176 - (2)Alligator Wrench & Pneu-Hy
Lot# 177 - Reo Motors Type 211 Model P G
Lot# 178 - Flinchbaugh Mfg. Electric Hoi
Lot# 179 - Concrete Block Maker
Lot# 180 - Annular Duplex Corn Sheller
Lot# 181 - (2) Ontario Drill Co. Grain D
Lot# 182 - Leader Hay Trolley w/ Drop Pu
Lot# 183 - A. C. Winget York PA Cigar Bu
Lot# 184 - lot of 2 Hay Knives
Lot# 185 - Wilson Bros. Feed Mill No. 0
Lot# 186 - Large Primitive Corn Sheller
Lot# 187 - Louden Adjustable Carry-On Ha
Lot# 188 - Oliver Mfg. Cast Iron Jack
Lot# 189 - Hudson Hay Trolley
Lot# 190 - The Improved Handy Shingle Cu
Lot# 191 - (9) Check Row Planting Tools
Lot# 192 - E C Boyer Dayton Ohio Cast Ir
Lot# 193 - lot of 2 Treat Co. Ohio Tool
Lot# 194 - lot of 2 Iron Floor Radiator
Lot# 195 - Cast Iron Waffle Griddle w/ H
Lot# 196 - Primitive Hay Knife
Lot# 197 - A H Mutschler Speed Reducer F
Lot# 198 - lot of 2 Ney Pulley & other
Lot# 199 - Metal Milking Stool
Lot# 200 - Luther Grinder Mfg Co. Model
Lot# 201 - J H Chapman Hay Grapple
Lot# 202 - Primitive Hay Knife
Lot# 203 - A H Mutschler Speed Reducer F
Lot# 204 - The Gossitt Brothers Corn She
Lot# 205 - The London Primitive Tool
Lot# 206 - Little Speedy Curtiss Goddard
Lot# 207 - Osborne Sickle Bar Grinder
Lot# 208 - T Staniforth Stamped Hay Knif
Lot# 209 - C W & C Cast Iron Kettle
Lot# 210 - Copper/Bronze/Cast? Kettle
Lot# 211 - James Griffin & Son Hay Knife
Lot# 212 - Primitive Hoist No. 12 Pulley
Lot# 213 - (3)Great States, Stearns Cast
Lot# 214 - Large Steel Chisel
Lot# 215 - Ace Tap & Die Set w/ Wooden C
Lot# 216 - Cast Iron Climax Tire Saver J
Lot# 217 - Metal Milking Stool
Lot# 218 - Metal Pump,#TA30587 on side
Lot# 219 - (3) Metal Pulleys,1/wooden wh
Lot# 220 - Corn Sheller with wooden hand
Lot# 221 - (4) The York Gas Engine Books
Lot# 222 - (6) Non Magnetic Metal Measur
Lot# 223 - Primitive Hay Knife
Lot# 224 - Primitive Hook with Wooden Ha
Lot# 225 - (7) Nail Pullers,Cutters
Lot# 226 - (3) Metal Pulleys,1-RHC,Readi
Lot# 227 - lot of 5,Saw,Pipe Vises,Handl
Lot# 228 - (8) Assorted Wrenches
Lot# 229 - Lot of 6 Hammer Heads,Prying
Lot# 230 - (2) Nail Pullers,1-Metal Brac
Lot# 231 - 4 Eagle Grip Pipe Wrenches on
Lot# 232 - (2) Heart Shaped Steel Trivet
Lot# 233 - (3) Porcelain Signs for Motor
Lot# 234 - (4) Nail Pullers,Morrill,Star
Lot# 235 - (2) Buggy/Car Kerosene Lanter
Lot# 236 - 20+ Clear Spring Mills Corn M
Lot# 237 - Champion Corn Sheller,FW Mann
Lot# 238 - Bentz Cast Iron Trough 000
Lot# 239 - Paint Pigment Grinder No 2,Pa
Lot# 240 - Steel Press,Pat no 20658or9
Lot# 241 - Deering Sickle Bar Sharpener
Lot# 242 - Cast Washer with tin/copper?
Lot# 243 - Hammer & Co Oil Can,Pat Sept
Lot# 244 - 20+ Clear Spring Mills Corn M
Lot# 245 - Paint Pigment Grinder
Lot# 246 - Star Mower Knife Grinder
Lot# 247 - Cyclone Corn Sheller,Gary Iro
Lot# 248 - (15) Bolens,Ford,Bready,Strun
Lot# 249 - (5)Containers Bottle Caps,Tip
Lot# 250 - (15) Caps Pennfield,Green's,F
Lot# 251 - (4) Adjustable Snow Horseshoe
Lot# 252 - A.B.Farquhar Hydraulic Press
Lot# 253 - Y.F.E.Co,Copper Fire Extingui
Lot# 254 - Table Mount Container Turner/
Lot# 255 - Hay Mow Fork/Knife
Lot# 256 - Wright Mfg Co,Acco Hoist
Lot# 257 - Hay Mow Trolley
Lot# 258 - Jack
Lot# 259 - Bench Leg Vise
Lot# 260 - (2)Pipe Tongues,Acme Pat Aug
Lot# 261 - Weavers Mfg Co.Cast trough En
Lot# 262 - Hay Mow Trolley,top swivels
Lot# 263 - Cast Table Mounted Grinder,F.
Lot# 264 - (4) Steel Decorative Brackets
Lot# 265 - (4) Adv Karl Ort Aviation,pon
Lot# 266 - 15+ York Banks,Chamber of Com
Lot# 267 - Emigsville Dairy Half Gallon
Lot# 268 - Magneto and Coil
Lot# 269 - Cast York Ice Machinery Corp
Lot# 270 - (4) Cast Iron Tub Claw Feet
Lot# 271 - (5) Bottles,3-Porcelain toppe
Lot# 272 - Lot of 4 Metal Bell,String Ho
Lot# 273 - lot of 4 York Ice machinery M
Lot# 274 - (2) Cast Ornamental Ironwork
Lot# 275 - 20+ York PA Advertising Broch
Lot# 276 - (17) Cast Iron Animals,Opener
Lot# 277 - (9) Catalog/Parts Books,York
Lot# 278 - Glass Inkwell in Decorative S
Lot# 279 - Farquhar York,PA Pocket Table
Lot# 280 - (5)Metal Stoves,Trivet,Wall M
Lot# 281 - (3) Horlick's Malted Milk Bot
Lot# 282 - H.W.Sheeler Red Lion Oil Can
Lot# 283 - Unusual Rounded Bottom Oil ca
Lot# 284 - Miniature Hay Trolley?
Lot# 285 - Metal Fireplace Log Roller?
Lot# 286 - Emerson Wrench W1074
Lot# 287 - Boot Jack Buggy Wrench Combin
Lot# 288 - (3) Wrenches,1 marked 158
Lot# 289 - (6) Old Tools,Sprinkler,Punch
Lot# 290 - (5) Helb"s,Nehi,Moul's,Coca C
Lot# 291 - (4) Wrench's,Remington,MH 228
Lot# 292 - (6) Metal Decorative Fence Po
Lot# 293 - Wooden Tool Carrier,371/2"x11
Lot# 294 - A.B.Farquhar 1 Hole Corn Shel
Lot# 295 - Sherwood Steel Harness,1882
Lot# 296 - Auchey? 1 Row Corn Planter,Ho
Lot# 297 - Hay Fork
Lot# 298 - Swift Mill Lane Brothers Grin
Lot# 299 - The Perfection Milk Cooler/Ae
Lot# 300 - Seraphin Test Measure Co,with
Lot# 301 - Hauck & Comstock Bag Truck
Lot# 302 - Hay Fork
Lot# 303 - Steel Coal Burning? Heater
Lot# 304 - Mountville Perfection Grinder
Lot# 305 - H&D York PA,Bag Truck
Lot# 306 - Root&Case Beam Scales #5,3 We
Lot# 307 - Columbia Hog Oiler,Pat Feb 28
Lot# 308 - B.M.Root? 1 Row Corn Planter,
Lot# 309 - Double Hog Oiler
Lot# 310 - Hench & Drumgold The York 1Ro
Lot# 311 - D.H.Uhrich Bag Truck,Mechanic
Lot# 312 - Bixby Metal Bag Truck,Pat Jan
Lot# 313 - Bishop &? Bag Truck/Metal Bag
Lot# 314 - Lancaster PA Bag Truck with B
Lot# 315 - Rutledge Bail Hoist,Iowa
Lot# 316 - Hay Fork,Lantz Mfg
Lot# 317 - Clover Cutter 109
Lot# 318 - Power Products Model 1000 Eng
Lot# 319 - (6) Wrenches,Tongs,Cutter
Lot# 320 - Steel Mailbox,Glass Insulator
Lot# 321 - Metal Tag Imprinting Machine
Lot# 322 - Horse Weight 25Lbs
Lot# 323 - Prrimitive Hay Knife
Lot# 324 - Primitive Wooden/Steel Hay Tr
Lot# 325 - Primitive Carrier/Tongue
Lot# 326 - Horse Tie/Weight
Lot# 327 - (14) Hand Cranks,Enterprise,P
Lot# 328 - Horse Tie
Lot# 329 - (5) Augers,Adz,Cutter
Lot# 330 - The Diamond Match Co,Machine
Lot# 331 - (6) Varias Hooks,some wooden
Lot# 332 - No Name Corn Sheller
Lot# 333 - Hand Forged Hoe Spade
Lot# 334 - (4) Steel Pulleys,Beardsleys,
Lot# 335 - The Baby Sheller #4
Lot# 336 - (2) CC Sprinkle Wheel,Metal C
Lot# 337 - Leather Bicycle Seat
Lot# 338 - Bench Mounted Grinder/Polishe
Lot# 339 - Pedlar Oshawa 17B Wooden Pull
Lot# 340 - Meat Grinder,Pat March 15,185
Lot# 341 - Flyer B Table Mounted Grinder
Lot# 342 - Red Box Mounted Corn Sheller
Lot# 343 - Table Mounted Slicer
Lot# 344 - Janney Semple &Co Iron King C
Lot# 345 - Quaker City Mill F No4 Grinde
Lot# 346 - Early Surveyer Steel Measuri
Lot# 347 - Alliance Little Speedy Cutter
Lot# 348 - Red Chief Corn Grinder,Wrong
Lot# 349 - (3) Wooden,Steel Pulleys
Lot# 350 - (4) Steel Pulleys,1-Louden,Ot
Lot# 351 - (11) Mostly Hand Forged Tools
Lot# 352 - (5)Metal Tongues
Lot# 353 - Machine to set Saw Blades
Lot# 354 - (3) Punches,Columbian Vice 3"
Lot# 355 - (3) Bottles,1-Charcoal Tablet
Lot# 356 - Black Hawk Corn Sheller
Lot# 357 - (5)Parts Hay Trolley Pulley T
Lot# 358 - (7) Adv caps,Allis,York Co Fa
Lot# 359 - (10) 8-Brace Bits,Folding Saw
Lot# 360 - (9) Wrenches for Equiptment/B
Lot# 361 - (7) Assorted Equipment Wrench
Lot# 362 - Wall Mounted Automatic Hog Oi
Lot# 363 - Iron Age Planter Part
Lot# 364 - Hay Trolley
Lot# 365 - Hay Trolley
Lot# 366 - (2) York City Bottling Works
Lot# 367 - Trolley Hay Fork
Lot# 368 - Beauty Trolley Hay Fork,Made
Lot# 369 - (3) Wooden Spreaders
Lot# 370 - (2) The American Seed Co.Seed
Lot# 371 - E.Keeler Co Guage,by Ashcroft
Lot# 372 - Ayres Breast Drill,Pat June18
Lot# 373 - (2) Case Planter Box Lids
Lot# 374 - Bench Mounted Sickle Bar Mowe
Lot# 375 - Sickle Bar Mower Sharpener,We
Lot# 376 - Black Eagle Box Corn Sheller,
Lot# 377 - Dover Gallon Testing Measure,
Lot# 378 - Porter Hay Trolley
Lot# 379 - Wooden Pulley Block
Lot# 380 - Star Sickle Bar Mower Mower K
Lot# 381 - York Safe & Lock Animal Troug
Lot# 382 - Acme No100,Whitman & Barnes M
Lot# 383 - Wooden Box Milker Aluminum Li
Lot# 384 - Bance Bros & White Grinder,Be
Lot# 385 - Enterprise Belt Driven Grinde
Lot# 386 - Humphrey Co No8 Bath Water He
Lot# 387 - Auchey Cast Sink
Lot# 388 - Red Chief Grinder/Cracker Mou
Lot# 389 - (7) Blacksmith Tongues
Lot# 390 - (5) Hatchets,Star Drill,Monke
Lot# 391 - (9) Wrenches,Barcalo,Witman &
Lot# 392 - (4)Plane Stanley,Palmer Draw
Lot# 393 - (3) Cast Pulleys,RH &Co,Colli
Lot# 394 - (15)8-Hoof Knives,Shock Tyer,
Lot# 395 - (13) Tray Antique tools
Lot# 396 - (6) Cast Pulleys,Hay Fork Rel
Lot# 397 - (8) Blacksmith/Other Antique
Lot# 398 - Acme Sure Shot Staple Gun,Cam
Lot# 399 - (5) Wrenches,Various Sizes
Lot# 400 - (9) Various Antique Tools
Lot# 401 - (7) Wrenches Various Sizes
Lot# 402 - (13) Torches,Ice Picks,Saw,My
Lot# 403 - (9) Wrenches,Pliers,Little Gi
Lot# 404 - (8) Antique Cutters/Tools
Lot# 405 - (7) Antique Hammer Heads
Lot# 406 - (7) Wrenches,HD Smith Co,Coch
Lot# 407 - (5) Metal Pulleys,2-wooden fr
Lot# 408 - (7) Antique Wrenches,Others,C
Lot# 409 - (10) Verious Antique Tools
Lot# 410 - (5) Antique Wrenches Various
Lot# 411 - (5) Antique Tools
Lot# 412 - (7) Antique Wrenches,Various
Lot# 413 - (7) Antique Hammers/Pullers
Lot# 414 - (14) Advertising Items,Ford P
Lot# 415 - (8) Antique Wrenches,1-IH G31
Lot# 416 - (7) Antique Wrenches,1-Bonney
Lot# 417 - (9) Wrenches,Bond #2,Maxwell
Lot# 418 - (4) Antique Wooden Handled To
Lot# 419 - (9) Wrenches AC Filter Servic
Lot# 420 - (10) Wrenches,Globe Silo,Ford
Lot# 421 - (6) Wrenches,Ingersall-Rand,E
Lot# 422 - (12) Wrenches,JD50,Wayne Mfg-
Lot# 423 - (10) Wrenches,Horb 16,Merson,
Lot# 424 - (13) Wrenches,Dazzell&Co,CF&c
Lot# 425 - (8) 3-Peerless,3-H&D,others
Lot# 426 - Antique Drill
Lot# 427 - Overhead Seeder
Lot# 428 - Hunt,Helm,& Ferris Hay Trolle
Lot# 429 - M.Buchanan Hay Trolley
Lot# 430 - Harrisburg Dairies Milk Can
Lot# 431 - Hench & Dromgold Hay Fork
Lot# 432 - Ontario Drill Feed trough End
Lot# 433 - Beck's Dairy Milk Can
Lot# 434 - Myers Unloader Hay Trolley
Lot# 435 - Cornerstone Built 1895 by Jos
Lot# 436 - F.E Myers & Brothers Co.Hay U
Lot# 437 - Grinder of some kind
Lot# 438 - Tin Can in Wooden Box,Bail Ha
Lot# 439 - V.L.Ney Hay Trolley,Canton
Lot# 440 - Antique Wooden Wheel,Wheelbar
Lot# 441 - Nay Mfg Co.Canton Oh Hay Trol
Lot# 442 - (2) Case Planter Box Lids
Lot# 443 - Enterprise Bench Mounted Grin
Lot# 444 - (2) Deere & Mansur Planter Bo
Lot# 445 - Pair of Buch Rivotless Trough
Lot# 446 - (2)Manure/Silage? Fork,Primit
Lot# 447 - Metal Bull Lead,5ft ,Star Imp
Lot# 448 - Prmitive Weeder/Root Cutter?
Lot# 449 - Antique Steel Tool,52"
Lot# 450 - Wooden Cant Hook,41"
Lot# 451 - (5) Hay Trolley Parts,1 marke
Lot# 452 - Railroad Hammer for Spikes? 2
Lot# 453 - Railroad Hammer for Spikes? 2
Lot# 454 - Antique Steel Hook,50"
Lot# 455 - Plumb Brush Cutter,39"
Lot# 456 - Antique Specialty Axe,32"
Lot# 457 - Primitive Tongues,47"
Lot# 458 - Primitive Prongues,33"
Lot# 459 - Black Hawk Corn Sheller
Lot# 460 - Primitive Tool,34"
Lot# 461 - Primitive Hay Cutting tool? 4
Lot# 462 - Primitive Hay Knife,33" marke
Lot# 463 - Antique Potato/Stone Fork,32"
Lot# 464 - (2)Antique Specialty Wrenches
Lot# 465 - Antique Planting Spade
Lot# 466 - Steel Hook,52" long
Lot# 467 - Primitive Hay Knife,36" long
Lot# 468 - Hand Forged Hay Knife,37" lon
Lot# 469 - Antique Hay Fork,37"
Lot# 470 - (2) JE Shaffer Co. Binders,St
Lot# 471 - Antique Brush Cutter,38"
Lot# 472 - Hay Fork,43" long
Lot# 473 - Buch's Tamper,43" long
Lot# 474 - Iron Claw Hay Fork
Lot# 475 - Louden A23 Hay Fork
Lot# 476 - Water Pump,some parts
Lot# 477 - Etter's Easy Running Water Pu
Lot# 478 - Bench Floor Vise
Lot# 479 - Diamond Trimmer & Edger,Dille
Lot# 480 - Corn Sheller,JJ Harpel,Bernvi
Lot# 481 - The Right Feed Generator Co,W
Lot# 482 - Belt Driven Apple Cutter/Pres
Lot# 483 - Vacuum Pump,W&B Douglas 481-1
Lot# 484 - Watermelon Hog Oiler
Lot# 485 - Little No2 York Straw Cutter
Lot# 486 - Hay Fork
Lot# 487 - Cleason & Bailey Corn Sheller
Lot# 488 - Iron Age Push Planter
Lot# 489 - Iron Age Push Planter
Lot# 490 - Metal Stand
Lot# 491 - Cream Seperator Model 169166
Lot# 492 - Simplex #11 Cream Seperator +
Lot# 493 - The Sharples Seperator Co Cre
Lot# 494 - Cream Seperator,no names
Lot# 495 - DeLaval Cream Seperator
Lot# 496 - Cream seperator,no names
Lot# 497 - Montgomery Ward Feed Grinder
Lot# 498 - Wooden Cart with Steel Wheels
Lot# 499 - Fairbanks Morse Steam Engine,
Lot# 500 - McCormick-Deering Radiator
Lot# 501 - Moline 2-Row Planter full siz
Lot# 502 - The Bird Corn Sheller,T Weave
Lot# 503 - Wooden Handled Corn Sheller P
Lot# 504 - Champion Sheller, Pat Apr 12,
Lot# 505 - Iron Age Potato Watch Fob,sil
Lot# 506 - York Safe & Lock Supervisor 2
Lot# 507 - R.C.Keller Motor Co.York,Adv.
Lot# 508 - Iron Age Golden Potato Watch
Lot# 509 - Iron Age Silver Potato Watch
Lot# 510 - Genco Light Pin
Lot# 511 - A.B.Farquhar Employee Pin
Lot# 512 - York Safe & Lock 813 N Pin
Lot# 513 - Pullman Automobile 10th Anniv
Lot# 514 - C.D Moul Bottle Openers 9 pcs
Lot# 515 - York Safe & Lock 214A & 704 P
Lot# 516 - York Safe & Lock 887 N Pin
Lot# 517 - J.E.Porter Co.Haying Tools Wa
Lot# 518 - York Safe & Lock Supervisor 3
Lot# 519 - Iron Age Golden Potato Watch
Lot# 520 - York Safe & Lock 227A Pin
Lot# 521 - Iron Age Silver Potato Watch
Lot# 522 - Iron Age Golden Potato Watch
Lot# 523 - York Safe & Lock 2794 Pin
Lot# 524 - A.B.Farquhar 140 Pin
Lot# 525 - York 150th Anniv Watch Fob,19
Lot# 526 - (6) The York Gas Engine,Flinc
Lot# 527 - (6) The York Gas Engine,Flinc
Lot# 528 - (6) The York Gas Engine,Flinc
Lot# 529 - (6) The York Gas Engine,Flinc
Lot# 530 - (6) The York Gas Engine,Flinc
Lot# 531 - (7) The York Gas Engine,Flinc
Lot# 532 - New Osborne,Cast Iron Planter
Lot# 533 - McCormick Cast Iron Planter C
Lot# 534 - (2) Deere & Mansur Cast iron
Lot# 535 - Frost & Wood Cast Iron Plante
Lot# 536 - (2) John Deere Cast Iron Plan
Lot# 537 - Cockshutt Cast Iron Planter C
Lot# 538 - (2) Ice Tongues
Lot# 539 - (2) Ice Tongues
Lot# 540 - (3) Splitting Wedges
Lot# 541 - (3) Grape Bottles,2/Stoppers,
Lot# 542 - (11) Clear Spring Mills Corn
Lot# 543 - Black Hawk Corn Grinder
Lot# 544 - Walter A.Wood Sickle Bar Mowe
Lot# 545 - Cast Rafter Grapple
Lot# 546 - (3) Cast Pulleys,Rick Bros. o
Lot# 547 - Deering Harvester Co Sickle B
Lot# 548 - (8) Blacksmith Anvil Tools
Lot# 549 - (5) Old tools,Piston Groove C
Lot# 550 - (11) Antique Tools,Hooks,Othe
Lot# 551 - Antique Tool
Lot# 552 - (12) Pliers,Wrenches,Others,M
Lot# 553 - Antique Threading Tool,TR-20
Lot# 554 - (7) Tool Heads,Adz,Hatchet,C.
Lot# 555 - (9) Antique Assorted Wrenches
Lot# 556 - (3) Cast and Wooden Pulleys
Lot# 557 - (7)Antique Tools,D.F.Smith Co
Lot# 558 - (11) Clear Spring Mills Corn
Lot# 559 - (7) Assorted Wrenches,2-Ford,
Lot# 560 - .Lot 0f 4 Calf Weiner