Sholes & Glidden Typewriter (Black) with Table, c. 1876
E. Remington & Sons, Ilion, New York, serial no. 4329, early American upstroke machine, with capital keys (no lower case), glass keytops and wood key levers, mechanism sticks partly, missing wood paper-roll, on typewriter table with cast-metal base, worthy of restoration. - Literature: Martin, 1949, p. 67. - Introduced at the Philadelphia Centennial of 1876, the Sholes & Glidden was the first commercially successful typewriter. It was produced in a number of different finishes, both decorative and functional. A milestone in the history of office communication.

Schreibmaschine "Sholes & Glidden" (schwarz) mit Tisch, um 1876
E. Remington & Sons, Ilion, New York. Serien-Nr. 4329, frühe amerikanische Unteranschlagmaschine, die als erste erfolgreiche Schreibmaschine der Welt Geschichte schrieb. Vorgestellt auf der Centennial International Exhibition von 1876 in Philadelphia. Nur Großbuchstaben, Tastenhebel aus Holz, Tastenauflagen aus Glas. - Literatur: Martin, 1949, S. 67. - Mechanik hakt teilweise, ohne Holzwalze, auf Schreibmaschinen-Tisch, Gestell aus Gußmetall. - Historisch bedeutsames Sammlungsstück, ein ideales Restaurierungsobjekt.

Start Price: EUR 2800

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by Auction Team Breker
November 5, 2022 10:00 AM CET
Otto-Hahn-Str. 10
50997 Köln , Germany

Auction Team Breker

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Bid Increments
From: To: Increments:
€0 €299 €20
€300 €799 €50
€800 €1,199 €100
€1,200 €2,199 €200
€2,200 €3,999 €300
€4,000 €5,999 €400
€6,000 €7,999 €500
€8,000 €15,999 €1,000
€16,000 €25,999 €2,000
€26,000 €37,999 €3,000
€38,000 €39,999 €2,000
€40,000 €69,999 €5,000
€70,000 €119,999 €10,000
€120,000 €179,999 €15,000
€180,000 €239,999 €20,000
€240,000 €249,999 €10,000
€250,000 €399,999 €30,000
€400,000 + €50,000