Conditions of Sale
We do NOT charge a buyer's premium or registration fee to those bidders who attend live & in-person. There is a 15% internet convenience fee (total of 3% + 12%) charged on all items purchased through the internet. This charge is only due to the additional costs we incur in making available and providing the auction to online bidders. Please contact us if you need clarification or have any questions or concerns regarding the internet convenience fee. EVERY BUYER MUST REGISTER AND BE ASSIGNED A BIDDING NUMBER IN ORDER TO BID AT THIS AUCTION. Registration at this auction constitutes a Binding Contract between the Registered Bidder and the Seller represented by our Auction Service 1) for any purchases made on that bid number 2) the a acceptance of all related terms and conditions. All Absentee Bidders are required to register and secure payment auctions prior to the auction. ON-SITE BIDDERS: Driver's License or approved Photo ID is required to obtain a Buyer's Bid Number. ON-LINE BIDDERS: must provide a valid credit card. A $1 "hold only" will be placed on your credit/debit card by the online bidding provider during the registration process. This hold will be released by the internet bidding provider after the registration process is complete per their corporate policies. ON-SITE BIDDERS: Accepted Payment Options: Cash, Traveler's Checks, Personal Checks (US funds only) with photo identification or valid driver's license. Social Security and Date of Birth may also be required. MasterCard, Visa, Discover & American Express may also be used (a 3% handling fee applies for credit card use.). All MasterCard and Visa Debit/Check Cards (with PIN number) are accepted. All information is kept strictly confidential and is for the protection of all parties. ON-LINE BIDDERS: Accepted Payment Options: Credit Card (MasterCard, Vis, Discover & American Express and/or all MasterCard/Visa Debit/Check Cards). General Terms and Conditions of the Auction: By registering to bid or placing a bid either in person, by absentee bid or through the internet bidding provider, buyers and bidders agree with and accept any and all terms of the auction and any other announced terms, conditions of sale, or shipping instructions or storage instructions of the Auction Service. Internet bidders agree that bids placed on the internet shall have the same legal affect as if they were in attendance in person. All internet bidders agree to pay an internet convenience fee equal to 15% of the hammer price of each item they purchase. For example; if the hammer price of an item is $10, then the buyer's premium will be $1.50 (total of $0.30 + $1.20) for a total purchase price of $11.50. State sales tax law, if applicable, will be applied. EVERYTHING IS SOLD "AS IS, WHERE IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES AS TO AGE, VALUE, CONDITION OR AUTHENTICITY EITHER IMPLIED OR EXPRESSED BY THE AUCTION SERVICE, AUCTIONEERS, AUCTION PERSONNEL OR OWNERS. Statements used as part of the "selling" chant are strictly "bidding" enhancements and do not constitute an appraisal, judgment or guarantee as to the quality or value of any said item. Potential buyers should inspect all items prior to executing any bid and then bid their own personal judgment. Bidders who bid from off-site and are not present at the auction location or have not previewed the items understand and acknowledge that they will not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person. It is the bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, geniuses, value, or any other descriptive factors. The Auction Service shall endeavor to describe in each item and convey any pertinent information about each item that we are aware of prior to the time of sale. The Auction Service will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is an intentional misrepresentation of the item itself made by the Auction Service. THE AUCTION SERVICE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR POSSIBLE ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, TYPOGRAPHICAL DISCREPANCIES, NOR INACCURACIES IN CATALOG DESCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISING MEDIA OR SIMILAR STATEMENTS BY THE AUCTIONEERS NOR RINGPERSON OR ASSOCIATE as to Serial Numbers, Make, Model, Style or other such indicators. Buyers are to inspect the items before bidding and determine for themselves if the item is the one they want. All items are considered sold and become the property of the bidder whose buyer's number is announced when the hammer falls and the Auctioneer says "Sold". In case of tie bids, the bid taken by the Auctioneer will stand. The bidding will be reopened between those two bidders and it is the responsibility of the alternate bidder to increase his bid in order to resume bidding on the item. If this bidder declines to bid, the item belongs to the first bidder. If a potential bid is "missed" by a ringperson, bid taker or auctioneer, it is the Auctioneer's sole prerogative to reopen bidding if a question arises as to who had the bid when the hammer falls. NOTHING IS TO BE REMOVED UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED. It is the buyer's responsibility to keep track of the items he/she has purchased and to verify the payment amount. No items will be shipped or release to Internet Buyers prior to payment unless prior arrangements have been secured with the Auction Service prior to auction start date. The Auction Service, Auctioneers, Staff nor Officers, are not responsible in any manner for personal injury, accident, theft, loss of personal property, or for items purchased or offered for sale during the Auction. STATEMENTS MADE DAY OF AUCTION TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ALL PRINTED MATERIALS AND OTHER ADVERTISING MEDIA.
Internet Convenience Fee: 15 %
Onsite Buyer's Premium: 0 %
Sales Tax: State sales tax may apply to the total invoice, including Buyer's Premium or fees.
Participation Requirements: Valid Credit Card required for internet bidding approval. Valid State ID required to obtain a bidding number for on-site bidding.
Payment Options: Cash, check, money order, travelers check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and Pay Pal
Payment Instructions: Payment for On-line Buyers via the Internet Bidding Provider will be strictly credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover) charged immediately following the auction. AUCTION SERVICE WILL AUTOMATICALLY CHARGE WINNING BIDS TO CREDIT CARD AT CONCLUSION OF EACH DAYS AUCTION. Shipping will be charged separately once they have been calculated by shipping company. UPS will be the primary shipper.
Currency Type: USD
Shipping Instructions: The Auction Service will determine the shipping carrier of all items unless otherwise agreed to prior to the auction. For the majority of items, the Auction Service will ship via UPS and will have the items professional packed for shipment with appropriate insurance. All associated shipping costs will be the responsibility of the buyer. Due to awkward sizes, shapes and extreme weight of some items, Internet Bidders will not be allowed to purchase these types of items due to shipping costs and transportation problems. Contact the Auction Service for complete details.
Preview Date & Times: AUCTION PREVIEW: You can contact the Auction Company if you have any further questions.
Checkout Date & Times: All items will be paid and settled for upon completion of that day's auction. No exceptions unless alternate payment forms are on file with Auction Service.
Auction Location: One Gateway Drive, Collinsville, IL 62234
Driving Directions: From St. Louis; traveling North/East into Illinois on Interstate 55/70, take Collinsville Exit 11. At traffic light, turn left onto Highway 157 (Bluff Road) to Eastport Plaza Drive, turn Left. Continue to Gateway Drive, turn right. Gateway Center is located on your left.
Absentee Bids:
The Auction Service does accept absentee bids if pre-authorized by mail, fax or email ([email protected]) prior to the auction. If there are two (2) identical bids placed on the same item, priority will be given to the first bid received. If a left bid is "out of increment," the auctioneer has the right to round the bid up to the next correct increment. You may also place absentee bids on-line through our Internet Bidding Provider. During the live sale, the auctioneer will execute your absentee bid competitively up to the maximum amount you have indicated. All terms and conditions of the auction still apply.
Bid Live via Telephone:
If you are unable to attend the auction in person or utilize on-line internet bidding, you may also participate and bid in real time over the phone. An Auction Service representative will call you approximately five lots prior to the lot you are interested in bidding on. When your lot is announced, the representative will then bid on your behalf as you listen to the live sale and issue instructions over the phone. You may also wish to leave an emergency bid to act as an absentee back-up bid to be executed only if an Auction Service representative is unable to reach you by phone during the sale. A request to bid via telephone must be received and approved prior to the auction date. Although we cannot guarantee a telephone connection will be available, we will make every attempt to accommodate those who wish to participate through that method. Phone lines are provided on a first come first served basis. Please email us at [email protected] and leave a message to request a call from our representative during the live auction.
Onsite Buyer's Premium: 0 %
Internet Convenience Fee: 15 % (total of 3% + 12%)
Sales Tax: State sales tax may apply to the total invoice, including Buyer's Premium or fees.
Payment Options: Cash, check, money order, travelers check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and Pay Pal (a 3% handeling charge will be applied to on-site electronic paymet types only)
Payment Instructions: Payment for On-line Buyers via the Internet Bidding Provider will be strictly credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover) charged immediately following the auction. AUCTION SERVICE WILL AUTOMATICALLY CHARGE WINNING BIDS TO CREDIT CARD AT CONCLUSION OF EACH DAYS AUCTION. Shipping will be charged separately once they have been calculated by shipping company.
Internet Bidding Convenience Fee
Onsite Buyer's Premium: 0 %
Internet Bidding Convenience Fee: 15 % (total of 3% + 12%)
The Auction Service will determine the shipping carrier of all items unless otherwise agreed to prior to the auction. For the majority of items, the Auction Service will ship via UPS and will have the items professional packed for shipment with appropriate insurance. All associated shipping costs will be the responsibility of the buyer. Due to awkward sizes, shapes and extreme weight of some items, Internet Bidders will not be allowed to purchase these types of items due to shipping costs and transportation problems. Shipping will be charged separately once they have been calculated by the shipping company (UPS will be the primary shipper). Contact the Auction Service for complete details.
EVERYTHING IS SOLD "AS IS, WHERE IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES AS TO AGE, VALUE, CONDITION OR AUTHENTICITY EITHER IMPLIED OR EXPRESSED BY THE AUCTION SERVICE, AUCTIONEERS, AUCTION PERSONNEL OR OWNERS. Statements used as part of the "selling" chant are strictly "bidding" enhancements and do not constitute an appraisal, judgment or guarantee as to the quality or value of any said item. Potential buyers should inspect all items prior to executing any bid and then bid their own personal judgment. Bidders who bid from off-site and are not present at the auction location or have not previewed the items understand and acknowledge that they will not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person. It is the bidder's responsibility to determine condition, age, geniuses, value, or any other descriptive factors. The Auction Service shall endeavor to describe in each item and convey any pertinent information about each item that we are aware of prior to the time of sale. The Auction Service will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is an intentional misrepresentation of the item itself made by the Auction Service. THE AUCTION SERVICE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR POSSIBLE ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, TYPOGRAPHICAL DISCREPANCIES, NOR INACCURACIES IN CATALOG DESCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISING MEDIA OR SIMILAR STATEMENTS BY THE AUCTIONEERS NOR RINGPERSON OR ASSOCIATE as to Serial Numbers, Make, Model, Style or other such indicators. Buyers are to inspect the items before bidding and determine for themselves if the item is the one they want.