The National Audubon Society (founded 1905) in conjunction with the Abbeville Press, (American, founded 1977), 20th century. 'Abbeville Edition' - 1985, double elephant folio, offset lithograph on 100% acid free paper, watermarked 'Audubon Society (bird mark) Abbeville Press' to each sheet. A total of 310 prints to the collection including, II Yellow Billed Cuckoo, III Prothonotary Warbler, IV Purple Finch, VI Wild Turkey, Female, VIII White throated Sparrow, IX Shelbys Flycatcher, X Brown Lark, XIII Snow Bird, XIV Prairie Warbler, XV Blue yellow-backed Warbler, XVI Great-Footed Hawk, XVIII Beswick's Wren, XIX Louisiana Water Thrush, XX Blue Winged Yellow Warbler, XXI Mocking Bird, XXII Purple Martin, XXIII Yellow Breasted Warbler, XXIV Roscoe's Yellow-Throat, XXV Song Sparrow, XXVII Red Headed Woodpecker, XXVIII Solitary Flycatcher, XXIX Towes Bunting, XXXI White Headed Eagle, XXXIV Worm-Eating Warbler, XXXV Childrens Warbler, XXXIV Stanley Hawk, XXXVII Golden-Winged Woodpecker, XXVIII Kentucky Warbler, XXXIX Crested Titmouse, XL American Redstart, XLI Ruffed Grouse, XLII Orchard Oriole, XLIV Summer Redbird, XLV Traill's Flycatcher, XLVI Barred Owl, XLVII Ruby Throated Hummingbird, XLVII Azure Warbler, XLIX Blue-Green Warbler, L Black and Yellow Warbler, LI Red Tailed Hawk, LII Chuck-Will's Widow, LIII Painted Finch, LIV Rice Bird, LV Cuvier's Regulus, LVII Loggerhead Shrike, LIX Chestnut-sided Warbler, LX Carbonated Warbler, LXII Passenger Pigeon, LXIII White-Eyed Flycatcher or Vireo, LXIV Swamp Sparrow, LXV Rathbone Warbler, LXVI Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, LXVII Red Winged Starling, LXVIII Republican or Cliff Sparrow, LXIX Bay-Breasted Warbler, LXX Henslow's Bunting, LXXI Winter Hawk, LXXII Wood-Thrush, LXXV Le Petit Caporal, LXXVI Virginian Partridge, LXXVII Belted Kingfisher, LXXVIII Great Carolina Wren, LXXIX Tyrant Flycatcher, LXXXII Whip-Poor-Will, LXXXIV Blue-Grey Flycatcher, LXXXV Yellow Throated Warbler, LXXXVI Black Warrior, LXXXVII Florida Jay, LXXXVIII Autumnal Warbler, LXXXIX Nashville Warbler, XC Black and White Creeper, XCI Broad-Winged Hawk, XCIII Sea Side Finch, XCIV Grass Finch or Bay Winged Bunting, XCV Yellow-pole Warbler, XZCVII Little Screech Owl, XCVIII White-Bellied Swallow, XCIX Cow-Pen Bird, C Marsh Hen, CV Red-Breasted Nuthatch, CVI Black Vulture, CX Hooded Warbler, CXI Pileated Woodpecker, CXIII Bluebird, CXIV White Crowned Sparrow, CXVI Ferruginous Thrush, CXVII Mississippi Kite, CXIX Yellow Throated Vireo, CXX Peewee Flycatcher, CXXII Blue Grosbeak, CXXV Brown-Headed Nuthatch, CXXVI White-headed Eagle, CXXVII Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, CXXVIII Cat Bird, CXXIX Great Crested Flycatcher, CXXX Yellow Winged Sparrow, CXXXI American Robin, CXXXIII Black-Poll Warbler, CXXXIV Hemlock Warbler, CXXXV Blackurnian Warbler, CXXXVI Meadow Lark, CXXXIX Field Sparrow, CXLII Golden-Crowned Thrush, CXLIV Green Crested Flycatcher, CXLV Yellow Red Poll Warbler, CXLVI Fish Crow, CXLVII NIght Hawk, CXLVII Pine Swamp Warbler, CXLIX Sharp-Tailed Finch, CL Red Eyed Vireo, CLI Turkey Buzzard, CLII White Breasted Nuthatch, CLIII Yellow-Crowned Warbler, CLIV Tennessee Warbler, CLV Black-Throated Warbler, CLVII Rusty Grackle, CLVIII American Swift, CLIX Cardinal Grosbeak, CLX Black Capped Titmouse, CLXII Zenaida Dove, CLXIV Tawney Thrush, CLXIX Mangrove Cuckoo, CLXX Gray Tyrant, CLXXI Barn Owl, CLXXII Blue-Headed Pigeon, CLXXIII Barn Swallow, CLXXIV Olive-Sided Flycatcher, CLXXV Nuttal's Lesser Marsh Hen, CLXXVIII Orange-Crowned Warbler, CLXXIX Wood Hen, CLXXX Pine Finch, CLXXXI Golden Eagle, CLXXXII Ground Dove, CLXXXIII Golden Crested Wren, CLXXXIV Mangrove Humming Bird, CLXXXV Bachman's Warbler, CLXXXVI Pinnated Grouse, CLXXXVII Boat-Tailed Grackle, CLXXXIX Snow Bunting, CXC Yellow-Bellied Woodpecker, CXCI Willow Grouse, CXCII Great American Shrike/ Butcher Bird, CXCIII Lincoln Finch, CXCV Ruby-Crowned Wren, CXCVI Labrador Falcon, CXCVII Common American Crossbill, CXCIX Little Owl, CC Shore lark, CCII Red-Throated Diver, CCIII Fresh Water Marsh Hen, CCIV Salt Water Marsh Hen, CCV Virginia Rail, CCVIII Esquimaux Curlew, CCIX Wilsons Plover, CCX Least Bittern, CCXII Common Gull, CCXII Puffin, CCXIV Razor Bill, CCXV Hyperborean Phalarope, CCXVI Wood Ibis, CCXVIII Foolish Guillemot, CCXIX Black Guillemot, CCXXII White Ibis, CCXXIV Kittiwake Gull, CCXXX Sanderling, CCXXXI Long-Billed Curlew, CCXXXIII Sora, CCXXXIV Ring-Necked Duck, CCXXXV Sooty Tern, CCXXXVI Night Heron or Qua Bird, CCXXXVII Great Esquimaux Curlew, CCXXXIX Coot, CCXLI Black-backed Gull, CCXLIV Commom Gallinule, CCXLV Uria Brunnichii, CCXLVIII American Piedbill Dobchick, CCLII Florida Cormorant, CCLIV Wilsons Phalarope Numbered CCLVI, CCLV Red Phalarope, CCLVII Double-Crested Cormorant, CCLVIII Hudsonian Godwit, CCLIX Horned Grebe, CCLX Fort-tailed Petral, CCLXII Tropic Bird, CCLXIII Curlew Sandpiper, CCLXIV Fulmar Tetrel, CCLXV Buff-Breasted Sandpiper, CCLXVI Common Cormorant, CCLXVII Artic Jager, CCLXVIII American Woodcock, CCLXIX Green Shank, CCLXX Wilson's Petrel, CCLXXII Richardson's Jager, CCLXXIV Willet, CCLXXV Noddy Tern, CCLXXVII Hutchin's Barnacle Goose, CCLXXIX Sandwich Tern, CCLXXX Black Tern, CCLXXXI Great White Heron, CCLXXXII White-Winged Silvery Gull, CCLXXXIII Wandering Shearwater, CCLXXXIV Purple Sandpiper, CCLXXXV Fort-tailed Gull, CCLXXXVI White Fronted Goose, CCLXXXVII Ivory Gull, CCLXXXVIII Yellow Shank, CCLXXXIX Solitry Sandpiper, CCXC Red-Backed Sandpiper, CCXCI Herring Gull, CCXCII Crested Grebe, CCXCIV Pectoral Sandpiper, CCXCV Manx Shearwater, CCXCVIII Red-Necked Grebe, CCXCIX Dusky Petrel, CCC Golden Plover, CCCII Dusky Duck, CCCIII Bartram Sandpapier, CCCIV Turn-Stone, CCCV Purple Gallinule, CCCVIII Tell-Tale Godwit, CCCXIII Blue-Winged Teal, CCCXIV Black-Headed Gull, CCCXV Red-Breasted Sandpiper, CCCXVII Black or Surf duck, CCCXVIII American Avocet, CCCIX Lesser Tern, CCCXX Little Sandpiper, CCCXXIII Black Skimmer, CCCXXIV Bonapartian Gull, CCCXXVII Shoveller Duck, CCCXXVIII Long-legged Avocet, CCCXXIX Yellow-Breasted Rail, CCCXXX Ring Plover, CCCXXXI Goosander, CCCXXXIII Green Heron, CCCXXXIV Black-Bellied Plover, CCCXXXV Red-Brested Snipe, CCCXXXVII American Bittern, CCCXXXVIII Bemaculated Duck, CCCXXXIX Little Auk, CCCXL Least Stormy Petrel, CCCXLI Great Auk, CCCXLIII Ruddy Duck, XXXXLV American Widgeon, CCCXLIX Least Water-Hen, CCCL Rockey Mountain Plover, CCCLII Black-Winged Hawk, CCCLIII Chickadees and Bushtit, CCCLIV Louisiana Tanager, Scarlet Tanager, CCCLV MacGillivray's Finch, CCCLVI Marsh Hawk, CCCLVII American Magpie, CCCLIX Three Tyrant Flycatchers, CCCLX Winter Wren, Rock Wren, CCCLXII Four Western Corvids, CCCLXIII Bohemian Waxwings, CCCLXV Lapland Longspur, CCCLXVII Band-Tailed Pigeon, CCCLXIX Thrasher and Thrush, CCCLXX American Water Ouzel, CCCLXXI Cock of the Plains, CCCLXXII Swainson's Hawk, CCCLXXIII Two Grosbeak varieties, 4 birds total, CCCLXXIV Sharp-Shinned Hawk, CCCLXXVI Trumpter Swan, CCCLXXVIII Hawk Owl, CCCLXXIX Rufous Hummingbird, CCCLXXX Tengmalm's Owl, CCCLXXXI Blue and Snow Goose, CCCLXXXIII Long Eared Owl, CCCLXXXV Two Swallows, CCCLXXXVII Glossy Ibis, CCCLXXXIX Red Cockaded Woodpecker, CCCXC Three Finches, CCCVCI Brant Goose, CCCXCII Harris Hawk, CCCXCIV Four Fringillids, CCCXCVI Burgomaster Gull, CCCXCVIII Three Fringillids, CCCC Finches and Tanagers, CCCCI Red Breaster Merganser, CCCCIII Golden-Eye Duck, CCCCIV Eared Grebe, CCCCV Semipalmated Sandpiper, CCCCVI Trumpter Swan, CCCCVII Dusky Albatros, CCCCVIII American Scoter Duck, CCCCIX Forster's and Trudeau's Tern, CCCCX Gull-Billed Tern, CCCCXIV Two Warbler types with 4 birds pictured, CCCCXV Two Bark Feeders, CCCCXVI Ten Woodpeckers, CCCXVIII White Grouse or Ptarmigan, CCCCXXII Rough-Legged Falcon, CCCXXIII Plumed Partridge, CCCCXXIV Frigillids and Icterid, picturing 7 birds, CCCCXXVI California Vulture, CCCCXXVII White-Legged Oyster-Catcher, CCCCXXVIII Townsed's Sandpiper, CCCCXXX Slender-Billed Guillemot, CCCXXXII Four Owls, CCCXXXIII A Feathered Pot-Pourri, CCCCXXXIV Flycatchers and Vireo, CCCCXXXV Columbian water Ouzel.

Approximate dimensions: l. 39.5", w. 26.5"; printer boxes l. 41.75", w. 28.5", h. 11.25".

  • In the original printer boxes held in portfolio inner folders separated with glassine paper with a small portion of the glassine's have migrated and may have some folds or creases with the prints unaffected.

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by Ahlers & Ogletree Inc.
October 9, 2024 10:00 AM EDT
1788 Ellsworth Industrial Boulevard NW
Atlanta, GA, US 30318

Ahlers & Ogletree Inc.

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$250 $999 $50
$1,000 $1,999 $100
$2,000 $4,999 $250
$5,000 $9,999 $500
$10,000 $19,999 $1,000
$20,000 $49,999 $2,500
$50,000 $99,999 $5,000
$100,000 $199,999 $10,000
$200,000 + $25,000