Looney's Auction Service Inc.

Looney's Auction Service Inc.

AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 5778  

Wanda Looney
6883 Cumberland Gap Rd.
New Castle, VA 24127

Phone: 540-544-6947
Email: wandalooney@rocketmail.com

As a little girl I loved going to the Livestock market with my dad when the Auctioneer was going it sounded like music. I wanted to dance! I started volunteering for a local Auctioneer when I was 15, he put me to work part time. I worked the floor, clerked, and cashed. I still wanted more.... I have a full time job and I am a mother....simply said, If you want it bad enough set your goals and you will find a way, you can do anything you set your mind to." Finally in 1998 while expecting my 3rd child I told my husband I wanted to pursue my dream. I wanted to go to Auction School. I quit my job and went off chasing the proverbial dream. I attended Mendenhall School of Auctioneering in High Point North Carolina. I was voted in as secretary of my class. I was one of only 6 women in a class of 66. Finally Graduation rolled around. I passed. I came back home to Virginia and had to head for Richmond to take my state test to get my license. Well my due date rolled around and then my 3rd child was born. Soon I found we needed two incomes to support our family. Finally in Dec. 2001 I applied for a job with a local Ambulance Service (I had been an EMT since 1991). So I went back to a public job. I liked my job but I was never truly happy. I mean I had put my dreams on a shelf again. Soon the Auctioneer who had given me a chance to volunteer, and gave me my part time job passed away. That was in May of 2001. My heart was broken! Now what? It seemed my world was turning upside down. Finally I had hit a breaking point. Soon I found my self remembering my dream. No I couldn't do it !! Well maybe I could!! No it is too Risky! What if I fail? It is too much. Well, it started to come back to me, "If you want it bad enough. Set your goals! You can do anything you set your mind to." Suddenly, after 5 years I believed I could so I started planning. Everything started moving so fast, time was ticking. Oh my I was busy as a bee. On March 20th 2004 Looney's Auction Service Inc. opened for the 1st auction ever. My Husband is my clerk. Wow, How is that for a happy ending? Of course I work another job as well. My other love is children, I am a teachers aide and I love it. Helping others realize their dreams that's a real treat. God Is So Good!!!!!!
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