Rodeo Booster Club Auction
AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 9043David Pruitt
Ned Ray McWherter Agricultural Complex
Martin, TN 38237
Phone: 615-612-9159
The booster club, through fund raisers, donations, and dues, helps raise money for the UTM Rodeo Team. This money helps provide scholarships for team members. We also work with the team and coach in putting on the spring rodeo in Martin. So come join in the fun working with a great bunch of cowboys and cowgirls. The rodeo team needs your support and the booster club needs your help. The booster club is looking for new members. If you like rodeos, cowboys, and cowgirls, this is for you.
Dues are $25 a year per family or $10 per individual. For more information contact any booster club member.
President - Russ Finney - (731) 973-2907
Vice President - Nelson Davis - (731) 587-6299
Secretary - Vicky Reynolds (731) 587-9424
Treasurer - David Vowell (731) 587-3676
Sergeant at Arms - James Davis - (731) 587-9688
Members at Large - Ron Ashe (731) 925-7307 or Linda Shields (731) 587-4949
Public Relations - Gary Roach (731) 588-0897
Dues are $25 a year per family or $10 per individual. For more information contact any booster club member.
President - Russ Finney - (731) 973-2907
Vice President - Nelson Davis - (731) 587-6299
Secretary - Vicky Reynolds (731) 587-9424
Treasurer - David Vowell (731) 587-3676
Sergeant at Arms - James Davis - (731) 587-9688
Members at Large - Ron Ashe (731) 925-7307 or Linda Shields (731) 587-4949
Public Relations - Gary Roach (731) 588-0897
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