Auction Information

Campagna Estate Live Antique auction 2.2.25

Sun Feb 02 - 11:00AM

New London Hileman Building, New London Recreation Park, New London, OH Click to Map

Andy Suvar Auctions

Auctioneer ID#: 13904

Phone: 419-929-8487

License: 57197722619

Campagna Estate Live Antique Auction

Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 11 am


Located at the Hileman Building at the New London Recreation Park. Take St Rt 60 south of New London to Grove Street then west into park.

 Here's a list of the different kinds of glasses that we have: 

Howdy Doody                        Looney Tunes                            Archies                    

Cedar Point                           Davy Crockett                            Northfield Park   

Ohio Derby                            Strawberry Shortcake                 Care Bear               

BC                                        Happy Birthday Bugs                  The Rescuers

McDonalds disney                Grog                                           Flintstones           

Buzz Buzzard                        Big Baby Huey                            Woody Woodpecker

Rocky & Bullwinkle              Popeye                                        Under Dog

Shirley Temple                     Dudley Do-Right                            Hot Stuff

Andy Panda                        Chilly Willy                                    Casper 

 Kentucky Derby                  Charles Dickens                            Wond. World of Ohio

Currier & Ives                    Holly Hobby                                    Ziggy

 also have 2 Tom & Jerry punchbowls & glasses

 ·        Antiques: many pcs of advertising, 50 plus vintage games, puzzles, banks, radios, black memorabilia, View Masters, View Master projectors, framed pictures, shadow boxes, MANY miniatures, pinball games, glass sets, Tom & Jerry punch set, character glasses, advertising boxes, pitcher & glass sets, wash tubs, books, 40’x/50’s kids advertising/activity books & magazines, paperbacks, advertising catalogs, RR paper signs, lighted beer signs, aquarium figures, LP & 78 records, many kids records, sewing baskets, X-mas items, chip cans, hens on nests, planters, hand puppets, wooden puzzles, lamps, military items, beam bottles, guitar, stuffed toys, Hot Wheels, cast iron tractor seats & park bench, buck saws, lanterns, porch glider & many other misc. items. This is just a partial listing, many other interesting items yet to be discovered. See pictures at


Terms of Sale: Cash, check or credit card day of sale (3% fee for credit card sales). Positive ID required to register. All items paid for day of sale & before being removed from premises. All items sold “as is”. Buyers are responsible for their purchases. Not responsible for accidents. Lunch available.

Owner: Estate of Larry Campagna, Tony Campagna, Executor, Medina County Probate #202406ES0295


Andy Suvar Auctions

New London, Ohio

419-929-8487 or 1-800-765-8301

Kate Suvar, Assisting Auctioneer

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