Auction Information


Sat Feb 15 - 10:00AM

5075 Russcher Road, HOLLAND, MI Click to Map

Dales Auctioneering Service LLC

Auctioneer ID#: 24272

Phone: 616 836 3132

 CARS & PARTS:  REAT RESTORATION PROJECT!! 1957 Chevy body & Many additional parts & pieces on skids and trailers.  Loader tractor will be on site to load - so take your trailers.

COLLECTIBES: Bubble Gum machines; Large Collection of FIESTA dishes; pitches; ashtrays; dish towels; placemats; set of 3 mixing bowls;1933 World Fair Collectibles; Excelsior Accordion; (8) Kit KAT clocks; Delft ware—kitchen clocks & music box, Chalkware; RCA Diner music center;; kerosene lamps; Stoney Brook wall clock; horse anchor; Atlas table; Doll ice cream table & chairs; misc jewelry; quartz pocket watches; wind up pocket watches; silver dollar; walking liberty;  proof coin sets; bag of wheat pennies; state quarter set;  Victor record player; V-Tech ABC Learning Classroom; Singer sewing machine; O’Doul’s mirror; 1977 Coca Cola calendar; alabaster sculptures; LARGE collection of banks; delph items; Royal Doulton figurine; Royal Worcester Elizabeth Figurine;

HOUSEWARES: 6 beautiful area oriental rugs; large wall mirror; Ceiling Chandelier; Wales Cymru Brass miner lamp; DeMott Brass signed sail boat Sculpture; candlesticks; Fifth Avenue Crystal Art Glass Mustard & Amber Vase; Godinger Silver Art Co Silverplate 12 place setting Roses; Onida silverware; Bar Set; Noritake “Queen’s Gold” 12 place setting; vintage punch bowl set; Kenwood Receiver &  KLH speaker; Sanyo speakers; Howard Miller 4” clock; Sligh mantle clock; MANY stemware sets; LOTS of house ware items & Tools = NIB; PRO Ceramic utility heater; (3) ATARI 5200 games; board games; 60# Everlast punching bag; RCA Small Wonder Color Video Camera; Pentax camera w/lens; VOLKI 380 skis/binder/poles/bag; Woods 25’ cord reel; set of Stanley drivers; many tools; New log chain; 14” Portland chain saw; spotlights; NEW 4’ vice; come along; MANY totes; Pelonis vertical electric heaters;  Adlake 4 way railroad lantern; Metal rotating display rack; Torchiere floor lamps; large trunks; Anderson Archery Big Game Hunter recurve bow; Red Ryder BB gun; Large cast iron fire place insert with mantle; fire place screen; regulation table tennis table=NIB

PICTURES: Claude Monet-The Boats Regatta at Argenteuil; Jesus the Good Shepard; Summer; The Trapper James Bama; Salvador Dali, Spanish 1904-1989 Battle of Tetuan Signed; Robert Bateman “Cougar in the Snow; Sandra Kuck Lily Pond;

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