Auction Information

Toy Train Online Auction

Tue Feb 11 - 06:00PM

See Catalog, Walworth, NY Click to Map

Calmes Auction Co.

Auctioneer ID#: 3166

Phone: 585-315-0815

License: NY

Lot: 1 - Conrail 8164 Locomotive-HO Scale-Life Like 8074

Conrail 8164 Diesel Locomotive-HO Scale-Life Like 8074

Lot: 2 - Tyco Diesel Loco Santa Fe Railroad #5628-HO Scale

Tyco Diesel Locomotive Santa Fe Railroad #5628-HO Scale

Lot: 3 - Burlington Northern BN #10024 Box Cars-HO Scale

Burlington Northern BN #10024 Box Cars-HO Scale Qty-4

Lot: 4 - Burlington Northern Gondola & Hopper-HO Scale

Bachman Burlington Northern Gondola BN553557 Lionel Burlington Northern Hopper BN78417 Both are HO Scale

Lot: 5 - Tanker Train Cars-HO Scale - 3

Tyco Hooker Niagara Falls NY Tanker Train Car GATX 52601 Tanker Train Car Vintage Republic Tanker Train Car All are HO Scale

Lot: 6 - Burlington CB&Q Train Cars-HO Scale - 3

ROCO Burlington CB&Q 19720 Burlington Route Everywhere West Boxcar - missing hitches Burlington CB&Q 172700 Burlington Route Everywhere West Hopper - missing one hitch AHM Burlington CB&Q E3141 Burlington Route Everywhere West Gondola All are HO Scale

Lot: 7 - US Army Train Cars-HO Scale - 3

Model Power US Army Tank Buster Car 61242-HO Scale Model PowerUS Army Railway AmmoExxplodingh Boxcar-HO Scale AHM US Army Military Caboose-HO Scale

Lot: 8 - US Army Train Cars-HO Scale - 2

Model Power US Army Big Cannon Car 114-HO Scale Model Power US Army Flat w/ Missle Launcher-HO Scale-missing 1 hitch and no missles

Lot: 9 - Model Power - US Army Diesel D.O.D. 113 Locomotive

Model Power - US Army Diesel D.O.D. 113 Locomotive

Lot: 10 - US Army Flat Train Cars-HO Scale - 3

US Army Flat Car 56789 w/ Tractor Trailer 8900-HO Scale AHM US Army Flat Car 900112 w/ Tank-HO Scale Model Power US Army Flat Car w/ Patton Tank-HO Scale

Lot: 11 - US Army Tank Car & Wrecker

Model Power US Army Tank Car 8663-HO Scale US Army Tank & Truck Wrecker 30006-HO Scale

Lot: 12 - Train Cars-HO Scale - 3

Tyco Ralston Purina Box Car 4554-HO Scale AHM Sea Land Container Car ATSF 90850-HO Scale Black Tanker Car GATX 52600-HO Scale-missing 1 hitch

Lot: 13 - Gondola Train Cars-HO Scale - 3

Athearn PB NE Yellow Gondola 201-HO Scale - 2 Burlington CB & Q Gondola Train Car E3168-HO Scale

Lot: 14 - AHM CN 3900 Locomotive-HO Scale

AHM CN 3900 Locomotive-HO Scale Made in Yugoslavia.

Lot: 15 - AHM Reading Lines 5513 Locomotive-HO Scale

AHM Reading Lines 5513 Locomotive-HO Scale Made in Yugoslavia

Lot: 16 - Name Brand Boxcars - 3

Model Power NAPA Gold Filters Boxcars-HO Scale - 2 Life-Like Cookie Box Bakery Goods D & RGW 66172-HO Scale

Lot: 17 - Cabooses-HO Scale - 3

Tyco Santa Fe Caboose A.T. & S.F. 7240-HO Scale Model Power Caboose 9125-HO Scale Life-LikeBurlington Northern Caboose 41576-HO Scale

Lot: 18 - Gondola, Boxcar, and Hopper Train Cars-HO Scale -3

Norfolk & Western 97777 Gondola w/ Container Load Tyco Conrail CR 433165 Hopper Car-HO Scale Bachman Conrail Boxcar CR 269976-HO Scale

Lot: 19 - Train Cars-HO Scale - 3

Model Power The Katy M-K-T 508 Cattle Car-HO Scale Boston Maine 70056 Boxcar-HO Scale CP Rail 53388 Boxcar-HO Scale

Lot: 20 - Train Boxcars-HO Scale - 3

Burlington CB & Q Boxcar 19720-HO Scale M St L Boxcar 54650-HO Scale M & St L Boxcar 1072-HO Scale

Lot: 21 - Tyco Burlington Northern Boxcars-HO Scale - 4

Tyco Burlington Northern Boxcars-HO Scale - 4

Lot: 22 - Tyco Burlington Northern Boxcars-HO Scale - 4

Tyco Burlington Northern Boxcars-HO Scale - 4

Lot: 23 - Burlington Northern Train Cars-HO Scale - 4

Burlington Northern Open Container Car-HO Scale Burlington Northern Gondola Car-HO Scale Burlington Northern Boxcars-HO Scale - 2

Lot: 24 - Train Cars-HO Scale - 4

MAR Great Northern Boxcar 11874-HO Scale - missing one hitch A.T. & S.F. Livestock Car 50656-HO Scale - missing one hitch BC Rail Boxcar 5584-HO Scale B & O Gondola Car 18408-HO Scale

Lot: 25 - Atlas HO ScaleTurntable Motor Operated

Atlas HO ScaleTurntable Motor Operated

Lot: 26 - Parts for HO Scale Trains

Parts for HO Scale Trains

Lot: 27 - Box of Electrical Parts for Trains

Box of Electrical Parts for Trains

Lot: 28 - Box of Train Scenery

Box of Train Scenery Fences, Signs, and Fire Trucks

Lot: 29 - Tank Cars-HO Scale - 4

Bachman Cyanmide Tank Cars-HO Scale - 2 Model Power Union Starch Refining Company U.S.T.X. 716-HO Scale Model Power Celanese GATX 39617-HO Scale

Lot: 30 - Train Cars-HO Scale - 3

Athearn Norfolk & Western Frozen Food Car-HO Scale Bachman Silver Series Track Cleaning Car Weed Sprayer Service-HO Scale Bachman Steel Boxcar U.R.T.X. 4750-HO Scale

Lot: 31 - Train Cars-HO Scale - 3

Life-Like Santa Fe A.T.S.F. Boxcar 140185-HO Scale Life-Like Chicago NorthWestern CNW Stock Car 15040-HO Scale Bachman Union Pacific UP Steel Boxcar 168178-HO Scale

Lot: 32 - Train Cars-HO Scale - 3

Industrial Rail Burlington Northern BN Gondola Car 554484-HO Scale TycoBurlington Northern BN Box Car 100024-HO Scale Athearn Florida East Coast F.E.C. Boxcar 610-HO Scale

Lot: 33 - Athearn Special Edition PBN Locomotive, 2-Gondolas

Athearn Special Edition PBN Diesel Locomotive, 2-Gondolas

Lot: 34 - Athearn Special Edition PBN Locomotive, 2-Gondolas

Athearn Special Edition PBN Diesel Locomotive, 2-Gondolas

Lot: 35 - HO Scale Train Car Kits - 2

Athearn Conrail Empire Northern Flat Car Kit Roundhouse Products Undecorated Flat/Gondola Car Kit

Lot: 36 - HO Scale Model Buildings, Lightpost, Loading Dock

HO Scale Model Buildings, Lightpost, Loading Dock

Lot: 37 - Lionel Soo Line Diesel Locomotive & Work Caboose

Lionel Soo Line Diesel Locomotive 8569 & 9027 Work Caboose-O Scale

Lot: 38 - Lionel Crescent Limited PGT Beaugard PassengerCar

Lionel Crescent Limited PGT Beaugard Passenger Car 9532-O Scale

Lot: 39 - Lionel 9303 UP & 9304 C&O Dump Cars - 2

Lionel 9303 UP & 9304 C&O Dump Cars-O Scale

Lot: 40 - Lionel L&N 9302 Maint. & Caboose 9163

Lionel L&N 9302 Track Maintenance & Caboose 9163

Lot: 41 - Lionel Train Cars - 2

Lionel Republic Steel Flat Car 9026- O Scale Lionel Riio Grande D & RGW 9044- O Scale

Lot: 42 - Lionel Train Cars - 2

Lionel Great Northern GN Hopper Car 9011-O Scale Lionel Burlington CB&Q Gondola Car w/Tanks- O Scale

Lot: 43 - Vintage Plasticville Post Office

Vintage Plasticville Post Office

Lot: 44 - Vintage Plasticville USA Cape Cod House

Vintage Plasticville USA Cape Cod House

Lot: 45 - Vintage Plasticville USA School House Kit SC-4

Vintage Plasticville USA School House Kit SC-4

Lot: 46 - Vintage Plasticville USA Frosty Bar FB-1

Vintage Plasticville USA Frosty Bar FB-1

Lot: 47 - Vintage Plasticville Church Kit CC-9

Vintage Plasticville Church Kit CC-9

Lot: 48 - Vintage Plasticville USA New England Rancher

Vintage Plasticville USA New England Rancher

Lot: 49 - Vintage Plasticville USA Barn 1601 100

Vintage Plasticville USA Barn 1601 100 Roof is cracked

Lot: 50 - Bachmann Christmas Fence and Gate

Bachmann Christmas Fence and Gate

Lot: 51 - Lionel Multi-Control Transformer No. 1033

Lionel Multi-Control Transformer No. 1033

Lot: 52 - Lionel Transformer TrainmasterType 4851

Lionel Transformer TrainmasterType 4851

Lot: 53 - HO Scale Model Buildings - 4

HO Scale Model Buildings - 4

Lot: 54 - HO Scale Model Buildings - 3

Kentucky Fried Chicken Factory w/ Silos Santa Fe Yard Tower

Lot: 55 - Lionel No. 160 Bin - 2

Lionel No. 160 Bin - 2

Lot: 56 - Tyco Silver Streak Locomotive & Caboose-HO Scale

Tyco Silver Streak Locomotive 4301 & Caboose is missing 2 wheels

Lot: 57 - Bachmann Santa Fe Locomotive & Caboose-HO Scale

Bachmann Santa Fe Locomotive 350 & Caboose ATSF 3851-HO Scale

Lot: 58 - Du Pont Tank Cars-HO Scale - 4

Du Pont DUPX 2675 Tank Car-HO Scale - 2 Du Pont DUPX 6046 Tank Car-HO Scale Tyco Du Pont DUPX 6046 Tank Car-HO Scale

Lot: 59 - Life-Like Du Pont DUPX 2679 Tank Cars-HO Scale - 3

Life-Like Du Pont DUPX 2679 Tank Cars-HO Scale - 3

Lot: 60 - Tank Cars-HO Scale - 3

Bachmann Shell S.C.C.X. 1754 Tank Car-HO Scale Life-Like Mobile MOBX 1372 Tank Car-HO Scale Exxon GATX 46312 Tank Car-HO Scale

Lot: 61 - Train Cars-HO Scale - 4

A.T. & S.F. 90806 Piggyback Flat Car w/ 2 Santa Fe Trailers-HO Scale Trailer-Train TTX 140181 Flat Car-HO Scale US Army Flat Car-HO Scale Union Pacific UP 2923 Gondola Car-HO Scale

Lot: 62 - Train Tank Cars-HO Scale - 4

Celanese GATX 39617 Tank Car- HO Scale Diamond Chemical GATX 74425-HO Scale Bachmann Cyanamid Tank Car-HO Scale Tempo Gulf HOKX 56555 Tank Car-HO Scale

Lot: 63 - A.T. & S.F. 90806 Flat Cars w/ Trailers - 4

A.T. & S.F. 90806 Flat Cars w/ Union Pacific and Santa FeTrailers-HO Scale - 4

Lot: 64 - Train Cars-HO Scale - 5

ATSF 89989 Flat Car-HO Scale A.T. & S.F. 90806 Flat Car w/ Bekins Trailers-HO Scale A.T. & S.F. 90806 Flat Car w/ Sea Land Containers-HO Scale Great Northern Flat Car-HO Scale Cities Service Oils E.O.R.X. 1086 Tank Car-HO Scale

Lot: 65 - Die Cast Model Semi Trucks - 4

Die Cast Model Semi Trucks - 4

Lot: 66 - Semi Trailers-HO Scale - 4

Semi Trailers-HO Scale - 4

Lot: 67 - Die Cast Model Semi Trucks and Box Truck

Die Cast Model Semi Trucks and Box Truck

Lot: 68 - Models Semi Trucks and Box Truck

Models Semi Trucks and Box Truck

Lot: 69 - Tyco Train Passenger Cars-HO Scale

Tyco Train Passenger Cars-HO Scale

Lot: 70 - Tyco Train Passenger Cars

Tyco Train Passenger Cars

Lot: 71 - Train Flat Cars- HO Scale

Train Flat Cars- HO Scale

Lot: 72 - Caboose & Trailer, Flat Cars

ATSF 9704 Trailer Train-HO Scale CR 34381 Flat Car-HO Scale Denver Rio Grande Western Caboose 9146

Lot: 73 - Caboose and Flat Cars

A.T. & S.F. 1951 Caboose-HO Scale 3 HO Scale Flat Cars

Lot: 74 - Die Cast Cat Construction Equipment

Die Cast Cat Construction Equipment

Lot: 75 - Model Semi Trucks & Contruction Equipment

Model Semi Trucks & Contruction Equipment

Lot: 76 - Model Cars & Trucks

Some are displays

Lot: 77 - Industrial Buildings-HO Scale -3

Industrial Buildings-HO Scale -3

Lot: 78 - Industrial Factory-HO Scale

Industrial Factory-HO Scale

Lot: 79 - Church, Train Station, and Food Store-HO Scale

Church, Train Station, and Food Store-HO Scale

Lot: 80 - Barn and Buildings-HO Scale

Barn and Buildings-HO Scale

Lot: 81 - Merchants Row Building-HO Scale - NIB

Merchants Row Building-HO Scale - NIB

Lot: 82 - Tech II Railpower 1400 Transformer

Tech II Railpower 1400 Transformer

Lot: 83 - Railpower 1300 Transformer

Railpower 1300 Transformer

Lot: 84 - Model Power & Life-Like Transformers

Model Power & Life-Like Transformers

Lot: 85 - O-Guage Switches

O-Guage Switches

Lot: 86 - O-Guage Curved Track - 33

O-Guage Curved Track - 33

Lot: 87 - O-Guage Straight Track - 34

O-Guage Straight Track - 34

Lot: 88 - Fire Dept & Auto Repair Shop-HO Scale

Fire Dept & Auto Repair Shop-HO Scale

Lot: 89 - HO Track- Straight, Curved, and Switches

HO Track- Straight, Curved, and Switches

Lot: 90 - HO Scale Track - Soldered together

HO Scale Track - Soldered together

Lot: 91 - HO Straight & Curved Track

HO Straight & Curved Track

Lot: 92 - HO Scale-Long Straight Track

HO Scale-Long Straight Track

Lot: 93 - Box Lot of Train Accesories

Box Lot of Train Accesories

Lot: 94 - Lead People, Animals, and misc. figures

Lead People, Animals, and misc. figures

Lot: 95 - Tyco Spirit of '76 Locomotive & Caboose

Tyco Spirit of '76 Locomotive & Caboose

Lot: 96 - Amtrak 503 Locomotive- HO Scale

Amtrak 503 Locomotive- HO Scale

Lot: 97 - Model Power Santa Fe Locomotive-HO Scale

Model Power Santa Fe Locomotive-HO Scale

Lot: 98 - HO Scale Locomotives - 2

Philadelphia Bethlehem and New England 51 Locomotive-HO Scale Santa Fe ATSF 332 Locomotive-HO Scale - cover loose

Lot: 99 - Nob Hill Passenger Train 61-HO Scale

Nob Hill Passenger Train 61-HO Scale

Lot: 100 - 605 Locomotive-HO Scale

605 Locomotive-HO Scale

Lot: 101 - Walthers BurlingtonNorthern1709Locomotive-HO Scale

Walthers Burlington Northern 1709 Locomotive-HO Scale

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