Auction Information

Estate of Larry & Brenda Bowes (deceased)

Sat Feb 08 - 09:00AM

581 McGhees Mill Road, Roxboro, NC Click to Map

Tim Williams Auction Company

Auctioneer ID#: 33720

Phone: 336-504-3115

License: NCAL #4648

 Tim Williams Auction Company

Saturday, February 8th starting at 9am


581 McGhees Mill Road

Roxboro, NC 27574 

Food available on-site day of sale.   Bring a chair and plan to stay all day!


Some items available for sale:

Very nice dog trailer

Farmall 100 Tractor

Ford dump truck with Miller dump bed

Amish building

Bunches of metal T posts

Bunches of tractor implements-bush hog, scrape blade, fuel tank, etc


Farmall fertilizer hopper in excellent condition

Hand tools, axes, shovels, wedges

Drop cords

Antique tobacco baskets

Antique hand tobacco stringers

Antique tobacco hand planters, metal & wooden

Antique primitive corn fodder cutters.

Antique metal milk cans

Powder horns

Cigar boxes

Antique sickle


Vintage Bicycles

Lots of antique horse/mule drawn plows & cultivators

Antique hall tree

Lots of antique single trees

Primitive benches & tables

Tobacco thermometers

Pfaltzgraff pottery

Antique powder wedges

Tin cans of antique marbles


Metal Tonka Toys

Metal Marlboro sign

John boat & trailer

Metal trailers

Wooden rabbit gums (boxes/traps)


Tobacco trailers/slides

Elvis records

Drink bottles

Tables & chairs

Mason jars, blue & clear

Cow bell

Flat iron


Metal scales

USA pottery

Depression glass

Brass spittoon

Coca cola bottle opener, metal

Antique baseball uniforms-Person County Hurdle Mills, Roseville Grocery

Antique baseball glove

Antique wooden chicken crate

Lift recliner

Antique doorknobs, porcelain and glass

Horse hames

Skeleton keys


Brass handbells

Antique collector plates

Antique calendars

Antique tractor seat stools

Handmade bottle cap tambourine

Metal barrels

Metal wagon wheels

Much more!


 Auctioneer: Tim Williams NCAL #4648

All Sales Subject to NC Sales Tax 

Announcements Made Day of Sale Take Precedence Over Printed/Written Material/Web Material.

All Items Must Be Removed After Auction. 

Not Responsible for Accidents.

Terms: Credit Card, Cash or Approved Check


Auction Listings provided by Although the information published herein is from sources deemed reliable, expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for this auction. Potential buyers are urged to verify auction date, time, and content directly through the auctioneer's website or by contacting the auctioneer directly. The terms and conditions of the auction may or may not be published in this listing. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE THE DAY OF THE AUCTION ARE BINDING AND TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY INFORMATION FOUND HEREIN.