Auction Information

Huge Single Owner Art & Button Collections

Thu Jan 23 - 12:00PM

2795 Columbus-Lancaster Rd. NW, Lancaster, OH Click to Map

Burns Auction & Appraisal LLC

Auctioneer ID#: 24081

Phone: 6142713014

License: 2022000126


Huge single-owner button collection + large single-owner art collection!
To bid go to and click on "upcoming auctions."

Live online only, bidding is open now the live online-only auction begins at Noon EST on Jan 23

PICKUP WILL BE Jan. 24 from 11 am to 3 pm. We also ship worldwide.

Lot Number Lot Title
6300 Collection of Five Metal and Glass Embellished Victorian Gay 90s Buttons
6301 Set of Five Decorative Antique Metal Buttons with Glass Accents Gay 90s
6302 Set of Five Antique Gay 90s Jewel Metal Buttons with Colored Glass Insets Gay 90s
6303 Collection of 6 Antique Decorative Jewel Gay 90s Metal Buttons with Glass Stones
6304 Assorted Decorative Vintage and Antique Buttons with Various Materials
6305 Four Antique Metal Buttons with Faceted Glass Insets Gay 90s Jewel
6306 Group Lot Antique & Vintage Buttons 19th c. to Mid Century
6307 Group of 19 Vintage, Antique buttons Enamel, Glass Jewels
6308 Group Lot of Antique and Vintage Buttons Enamel Work, Sterling
6309 Set of Four Brass Buttons with Faceted Glass Inserts Gay 90s Jewels
6310 Set of Three Antique Decorative Metal and Glass Buttons Gay 90s Jeweled
6311 Set of Five Antique Brass and Metal Buttons with Faceted Glass Stones
6312 Set of 5 Antique Decorative Buttons with Glass Accents Gay 90s Jeweled
6313 Set of Five Antique Brass Buttons with Faceted Glass Inserts Gay 90s Jeweled
6314 Set of Five antique Metal Buttons with Faceted Glass Insets
6315 Group Lot of 10 Victorian, Antique Buttons Including Glass with Fly Design
6316 Large Lot of Better Antique Buttons - Enamel Colors, Jewels and more
6317 Set of Six Black Glass Buttons with Metal Mounts
6318 Group of 6 vintage Metal Buttons with Colored Glass Insets Gay 90s Jeweled
6319 Collection of Peacock-Themed Decorative Buttons Antique, Designer, Enamel and more
6320 Collection of Metal Buttons with Thematic Designs
6321 Round Antique Metal Button with Purple Glass Stone
6322 Victorian Brass Button with Amber-Colored Glass Stones
6323 Victorian Gilt Metal Button with Glass Stone Gay 90s Jeweled
6324 Pair of Gilded Metal Decorative Antique Buttons
6325 Three Antique Buttons Including Leaves with Green Stone, Battersea Pewter
6326 Three Brass Lighthouse Keeper Uniform Buttons
6327 Relief-Molded Amber Celluloid Button Depicting Genghis Khan on Horseback
6328 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Including Sterling Silver, Native American, Coins, Concho
6329 Three Unusual Russian Glass buttons Insects Beetles
6330 Set of 7 Hansel & Gretel Metal Figural Buttons
6331 Group of 5 Pewter Wizard of Oz Buttons
6332 Mixed Lot Antique Mother Daughter Buttons in Frame
6333 Collection of Small Elaborate Antique Buttons in Frame Glass, Metal
6334 6 Collectible Pewter buttons Mark Twain, Lighthouses
6335 Collection of Pink Moonglow Buttons, Clear glass Buttons in Frames
6336 Group Lot of 9 Unusual Figural Arita buttons Ceramic in Frame
6337 Group lot of Fancy Antique Glass Buttons Painted Backs in Frame
6338 Group Lot Buttons Including Native American Silver
6339 Group Lot of Unusual Antique Buttons in Frame
6340 Group Lot Better Antique Buttons Meissen, Amethyst Glass, Delft and more
6341 5 Vintage Alice in Wonderland Figural Buttons
6342 Card of Vintage Buttons with Various Subjects, Sports, Animals
6343 Group Lot Antique, Vintage Buttons Horses, Spiders, Under Glass
6344 Group of Three Unusual Vintage Buttons Abacus
6345 Group Lot Japanese Akita Buttons Faces in Frames
6346 Large Lot of Japanese Akita Buttons Faces Japanese Nice
6347 Lot Metal Buttons Vintage Antique Dragon, Mythical Creatures
6348 Albert Button Book American Uniform and Historical Buttons
6349 The Big Book of Buttons First Printing 1981 Hughes & Lester
6350 3 Vols Transportation Uniform Buttons Don Van Court 1991
6351 Big Book of Buttons Vol 1 and 2 + Price Guide Hughes & Lester 2010
6352 Large Wooden Button 10" wide Fun
6400 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Inc. Noah's Ark Set, Fabric, Jewels, Lithograph, Antique
6401 Group Lot Antique, Vintage Metal Buttons Three Cards
6402 Group Lot of Vintage & Antique Buttons Animals, Designs, Metal
6403 6 Cards of Vintage & Antique buttons Metal, hardstones, jeweled, glass and more
6404 Group of 5 Vintage Designer Buttons Fabulous Creatures
6405 Group Lot of Vintage Collectible theme buttons
6406 Large Lot of Vintage Buttons 6 Cards Retro Floral, Trouser and more
6407 Two Cards Vintage Buttons Paperweight, Peter Ben, Gooderham
6408 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Painted Backs
6409 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Four Cards Radiant Glass antique and more
6410 Group Lot of Antique, Vintage Buttons Lacy Glass, Colorful
6411 Group Lot of Vintage Retro Buttons Mother Daughter Pairs
6412 Group Lot Vintage Retro Buttons Design Under Glass, Kaleidoscopes
6413 Group Lot of Retro, Vintage Buttons Iridescent
6414 Group Lot Vintage Retro Buttons Clambroth Pearlized
6415 Group Lot of Retro Buttons Balls, Bimini, Japanese Overlay
6416 Group Lot of Retro Art Deco Geometric Buttons Nice
6417 Three Cards Vintage Buttons Division III Glass
6418 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Glass, Div. I and more
6419 Large Lot of Vintage Buttons Modern Glass, white, colors
6420 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Glass Pictures, Radiants
6421 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons - Realistics
6422 Large Lot Japanese Overlay Enamel Ceramic buttons Nice
6423 Set of Chinese Enamel Overlay Buttons Animals By Year
6424 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Swirl Backs, Slag, Venetian Glass, Silk Glass
6425 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Victorian Glass, Poppers
6426 Three Cards of Vintage Buttons Blue Glass
6427 Large Lot of Vintage Buttons Amethyst, Brown, Amber
6428 Large Lot of Vintage Buttons Clear, Colorless Glass
6429 Large Lot of Vintage Buttons Clear Glass, Designs
6430 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons - Green Glass
6431 Large Lot Vintage Buttons Orange, Yellow Glass Etc
6432 Large Lot of Vintage Buttons Pink Glass
6433 Large Lot of Vintage Buttons Red Glass
6434 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Yellow Glass, tiny white and black etc
6435 Large Lot of vintage Buttons with Rhinestones
6436 Group Lot of Antique Metal Buttons Centaur, Shields and more
6437 Group Lot of Antique buttons - Austrian Tinies
6438 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Cheshire Patterns
6439 Group Lot of Vintage Button Club Buttons
6440 Group Lot of Antique Buttons French Tights Metal
6441 Group Lot of Antique Buttons 19th c Drums, Fabric Backed Perfume, Damascene
6442 Large Lot Vintage & Antique Buttons 1820s -1850s Glove Etc
6443 Group Lot of Antique Buttons Paris Back Big Bad Wolf, early
6444 Large Lot Antique & Vintage Buttons Slides Buckles Rhinestones
6445 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Arita, Enamel, Animals
6446 Large Lot Antique Buttons Small Jewel
6447 Large Lot of Antique Buttons Mythological, sports, Fairy Tale, Plants etc
6448 Large Lot Antique Small Picture Buttons
6449 Large Lot of Antique Buttons Early Date Floral Small
6450 Large Lot Victorian Antique Buttons Metal Flowers, Designs
6451 Group Lot of Antique Buttons Metal Pictures etc
6452 Group Lot of Antique Buttons Metal Pictures
6453 Group Lot of Antique Metal Buttons Pictures buildings
6454 Group Lot of Antique Buttons Kate Greenaway
6455 Group Lot Older, Newer Buttons - Lighthouses
6456 Group Lot Large Antique Buttons Asian, Samurai Warrior
6457 Group Lot of Vintage Sewing Related Buttons
6458 Group Lot of Antique Overall Advertising Buttons
6459 Group Lot Antique Trouser Buttons w/Location Names
6460 Group Lot of Antique buttons, Metal etc
6461 Large Lot Pierced Antique Metal Buttons Floral and more
6462 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons Metal Flower
6463 Large Group Lot Vintage Metal Uniform Buttons Military etc
6464 Group Lot Vintage Uniform Buttons Military Band
6465 Large Group Lot Assorted Uniform Buttons Military Etc
6466 Group Lot Vintage Uniform buttons
6467 Group Lot of Vintage Railroad Buttons
6468 Group Lot Vintage State Seal Military Buttons
6469 Group Lot antique & Vintage Buttons Metal Animal Themes
6470 Group Lot Large Metal Buttons Set of Floral and More
6471 Lot of Large Antique Metal Buttons Sets, Groups
6472 Group Lot of Vintage, Antique buttons Inc. Large Metal
6473 Large Lot Assorted Antique Buttons Various Subjects
6474 Large Lot Vintage Buttons Art Deco Geometric Large
6475 Large Lot Antique, Vintage Buttons Inc. Celluloid Set in Metal
6476 Group Lot Vintage Casein Buttons Retro Styles
6477 Card Lot of Vintage Buffed Buttons
6478 Group Lot One Piece 1930s Celluloid Buttons Sports, Animals
6479 Large Lot of Vintage Buttons Celluloid w/Inserted Back Colorful
6480 Group Lot Large Perforates Openwork Buttons
6481 Large Lot Retro Colorful Mid Century, Deco Buttons - Hollows
6482 Large Lot Retro MCM Buttons Bubbles Colorful Nice
6483 Large Lot of Retro Buttons Extruded Two Cards
6484 Card Lot of Vintage Buttons "Glows" Large Size Colors
6485 Large Lot Vintage, Antique Buttons - Wafer, Hor D'Oeuvres
6486 Group Lot Vintage Retro MCM Buttons Lucite
6487 Large Lot Assorted Vintage Buttons Bakelite
6488 Large Lot Retro Vintage Buttons Inc. Bakelite Acrylic
6489 Large Lot Retro Vintage Buttons Includes Bakelite
6490 Large Lot Vintage Buttons Multiple Colors "Tight Top"
6491 Large Lot Vintage Retro Mid Century buttons Misc.
6492 Large Lot Vintage Retro Buttons Celluloid Many Colors
6493 Large Lot Vintage Retro buttons Mid Century Celluloid
6494 Large Lot Vintage Retro Celluloid Buttons Various Sizes
6495 Large Lot of Vintage Buttons Including Celluloid
6496 Group Lot Retro Vintage Mother Daughter Button Sets
6497 Group Lot of Vintage Buttons - Plastics
6498 Group Lot Vintage Rhinestone Buttons Including Sets
6499 Large Lot Vintage Buttons Realistics Dice People Vegetables Unusual and more
6500 Very Large Lot Assorted Vintage Buttons
6501 Large Lot Vintage Buttons Colorful Celluloid, Plastic, MCM
6502 Group Lot Character buttons Pooh, Beatrix Potter, Artrid etc
6503 Large Lot of Whimsical Buttons + Designs under Plastic
6504 Large Lot of Vintage Metalized Plastic Buttons
6505 Large Lot Assorted Holiday Related Buttons
6506 Large Lot Vintage Buttons "Snap Togethers"
6507 Large Lot of Vintage Realistics, Whimsical Buttons Plastics, WWII Insignia, Teenagers, hats and more
6508 Large Lot Assorted Vintage Buttons Rhinestone
6509 Large Lot Whimsical Buttons Mary Engelbreit Kellogs Flowers
6510 Group Lot Early Buttons Paper mache
6511 Large Lot of Vintage & Antique Pewter Buttons
6512 Group Lot Antique Cut Steel Buttons Many Styles Inc. Cameo
6513 Group Lot Vintage Buttons Bone, Bisque, Ceramic, coconut, composition
6514 Group Lot Vintage Buttons Earthenware, Copper, Fabric, Leather
6515 Group Lot Vintage Buttons Phenolic Resin, Porcelain, Resin, Rubber
6516 Large Lot Vintage, Antique Buttons Inc. Steel, Steel Cups, Gemstones, Jade, Agate
6517 Very Large Lot of Wood, Vegetable Ivory Buttons and more
6518 Collection of Assorted Moonglow Buttons Class 50.4 Card
6519 Large Lot of Vintage Aqua Blue Glass Buttons Moonglow
6520 Group Lot Unusual Black Glass Colorful Buttons Moonglow
6521 Large Lot of Vintage, Antique Blue Glass Buttons Moonglow
6522 Large Lot Vintage Green Glass Buttons Moonglow
6523 Large Lot of Vintage Pink Glass Buttons Moonglow
6524 Large Lot vintage Purple Glass Buttons Moonglow
6525 Large Lot Vintage Red Orange Glass Buttons Moonglow
6526 Large Lot Vintage Tan Glass Yellowish Buttons Moonglow
6527 Large Lot Vintage White Glass Buttons, Some Colors, Moonglow
6528 Large Lot Vintage Yellow Glass Buttons Moonglow
6529 Large Collection Newer Modern Moonglow Buttons
6530 Large Lot Vintage Retro Slides & Buckles Plastic, Celluloid
6531 Large Lot Vintage Retro Slides, Claps Celluloid, Plastic, metal
6532 Group Lot of Better Buckles, Clasps Vintage Retro
6533 Group Lot of Brown and Grey Moonglow Buttons
6534 Group Lot Better Antique Buttons Pearls Shells
6535 Group Lot Unusual Fabric Topped Buttons
6536 Group Lot Unusual Antique Shell Buttons
6537 Group Lot Vintage & Antique Buttons Pearl Set in Metal
6538 Large Lot Assorted Antique Shell Buttons
6539 Large Group Lot Vintage, Antique Buttons Black Glass & More
6540 Large Lot Better Antique Buttons - Black Glass w/Pictures
6541 Large Lot Antique Black Buttons with Metal Shanks
6542 Large Lot Better Antique Glass Buttons
6543 Large Lot Antique Buttons Small Glass Shanks
6544 Very Large Lot Antique Black Glass Buttons
6545 Group Lot Antique Black Buttons Glass Shank
6546 Large Lot Antique Black Glass Buttons
6547 Large Lot Antique Buttons Shell, Embellishments, Perforated, Decorative
6548 Group Lot of Black Buttons Including Mother Daughter
6549 Very Large Lot of China and Other Buttons
6550 Large Lot of Antique China Buttons
6551 Large Lot of Antique China Buttons
6552 Lot of Antique China Buttons
6553 Group Lot Stencil Buttons, Mystery Buttons, Metal Stencils
6554 Large Lot China Gaiter Buttons Many Colors
6555 Very Large Lot of Antique Buttons Vest Small With Notes
6556 Very Large Lot China Buttons Small Vest Size with Notes
6557 Group Lot of Buttons by Various Designers
6558 Group Lot of Buttons by Various Designers
6559 Group Lot of Buttons by Various Designers
6560 Group Lot of Buttons by Various Designers
6561 Group Lot of Buttons by Various Designers
6562 Group Lot of Buttons by Various Designers
6563 Group Lot of Buttons by Various Designers
6564 Very Large Lot Old Buttons Mostly Black Glass, Some Colors
6565 Large Lot of Assorted Vintage Buttons
6566 Very Large Lot of Old Buttons
6567 Very Large Lot Old Buttons Bakelite Catalin Etc
6568 Very Large Lot of Old Buttons Mostly Metal
6569 Large Lot of Vintage Buttons on Cards New Old Stock
6570 Large Lot of Bone, Shell Buttons, Natural Materials
6571 Very Large Lot Old Buttons New Old Stock, Loose and more
6572 Large Lot Old Buttons, Buckles, Vintage Retro
6573 Very Large Lot of Old Metal Buttons
6574 Large Lot of Vintage Sewing Thimbles Travel, Advertising
6575 Large Lot of Vintage Buttons Wide Variety
6577 Very Large Lot Vintage, Antique Buttons, Buckles
6578 Huge Lot of Vintage Buttons Antique Shell and more
6579 Large Lot Assorted Vintage Buttons
6580 Lot of Vintage Thimbles, Advertising and more
6581 Lot of Vintage Collectible Buttons
6582 Large Lot assorted Colorful Buttons on Cards
6583 Large Lot of Assorted colorful buttons on cards
6584 Lot of assorted glass and china buttons on cards
6585 Lot of Assorted Buttons China Stick Pins Retro and more
6586 Very Large Lot Assorted Vintage Buttons
6587 Very Large Lot assorted Vintage Buttons
6588 Very Large Lot assorted Vintage Buttons
6589 Very Large Lot Assorted Vintage Buttons
6590 Large Lot Vintage Button Books, Display Cards, Some Buttons, related
6591 Waterbury Button Co Light Up Ceramic House Dept. 56
9602 Charles Hinman Screen Print Green on Burgundy
9603 Daniel Gelakoska Screen Print Moonwalk
9604 Roger Hebbelinck Aquatint Etching, Le Rentree Au Village
9605 Jean Solombre Aquatint, Le gardien du music imaginaire, 1978
9606 Jack Tworkov Screenprint, SS#4, 1973
9607 Michael Schofield Signed Lithograph Print With Publisher Embossed Seal
9608 Antonin Dimitrov Original Monoprint
9609 Byron Kohn Watercolor Painting Columbus Union Station ARch
9610 John Ward Photograph of Organ Pipe Cactus, Saguaros an Ajo Mountains, Print 10, 1978
9611 Yukako Okudaira, Untitled #100, Watercolor on Paper, 1983
9612 Georg Baselitz "Adler 1974-75" Etching/Woodcut on Paper
9613 Framed Print on Paper, "Riverboats I" Artist Signed
9614 Vintage Lithograph Print of the Clipper Ship Mirage
9615 Ralph A. Misiak and Samuel S. Carter Serigraph Prints
9615A Aminah Robinson (1940-2015) Mixed Media on Paper, The Old Meeting Benches, Migration Series, 1997
9616 c 1930 Emile-Alain Seguy "Prismes-37" Hand Colored Print
9617 Markus Lupertz, 1971, Kalterer See Natur, Oil and Chalk on Paper
9618 Charles Vickery Oil Painting, Gale Force The Southern Cross
9619 Two Prints of Watercolor Paintings Emil Nolde, Erich Heckel
9620 Two Framed Prints by Artists Sigmar Polke, Karl Schmidt-
9621 Artist Signed Painting, Art Piece, Acrylic on Paper, Segment Color Flowerscape 1987
9622 William Wylie, The First Journey of Victory, Lithograph Print
9623 Renee Vinson, Fire Mountain, Artist Proof Print, 1992
9624 Large Mid Century Oil on Canvas Sailboat signed Craig
9625 Framed Lithograph Print Artist Signed Lighthouse Scene
9625A Stephen Pentak, (20th/21st cent.) Broadwaters Series Oil on Canvas, 1987
9626 Lithograph Print Beach Scene Signed Scott Anthony
9627 Keith Achepohl (1934 - 2018) American, Original Aquatint Print
9628 Nita Engle (1925-2019) Lithograph Print of her Watercolor "Mountain Cove" 1982
9629 Martha Jane Bradford (1946-2018) Lithograph Print "Aztoca" 1983
9630 Julian Stanczak (1928-2017) Op-Art Screenprint on Paper
9630A Georg Baselitz (b. 1938) "Adler 1974-75" One of the Portfolio of 11 Etchings/Woodcut
9630B Gordon Mortensen (b. 1938) Diptych Reduction Woodcut Print, Sunset and Snowy Meadow. 1984
9630C Abstract Lithograph Print Signed D.L.
9630E Julian Stanczak (1928-2017) Serigraph Print, Filtration II, 1977
9630F Signed Serigraph Print, Earthwatch II, Signed
9630G Russa Graeme (1919-1995) Aquatint, Patterns, Signed
9630H Gianni Celati (b. 1936) Original Watercolor, Turaudet,1998
9631 Georg Baselitz (b. 1938) "Adler 1974-75" One of the Portfolio of 11 Etchings/Woodcut
9632 Stephen Edlich (1944-1989) Mixed Media "Reflections 6, A Season's Landscape" 1982
9633 Stephen Edlich (1944-1989) Mixed Media "Reflections 6, A Season's Landscape" 1981
9634 Russa Graeme (1919-1995) Lithograph Print Artist Proof
9635 Daniel Gelakoska Screen Print August
9636 Terence Millington (b.1942) Britain, Wall Plaque I, Aquatint/Etching 1975
9637 Yukako Okudaira, Untitled #84 and #92, Watercolors on Paper, Both dated 1983
9638 Vintage Signed Lithograph Sailboat Titled "Heading Back"
9639 Julian Stanczak (1927-2017) Op-Art Serigraph, Filtration II, 1977
9640 Adja Yunkers (1900-1983) Lithograph Print, Immobile Sun II, 1982
9641 Ralph Humphrey (1932-1990) Aquatint, Neighbors, 1980
9642 Marko Spalatin (b. 1945), Op-Art Serigraph Print, Chorus IV,
9643 Gianni Celati (b. 1936) Original Watercolor, Calaf, 1998
9644 Al Pounders (b. 1931) Seashore Watercolor Landscape Painting
9645 Nancy E. Bowen (20th/21st Century) Monoprint, Summer Roses
9646 c. 1930 Emile-Alain Seguy "Prismes-7" Original Print
9647 Dale Rayburn (b. 1942) Hand Colored Etching, Garden of Eden
9648 Gianni Celati (b. 1936) Original Watercolor, Unnamed Portrait, 1995
9649 David W. Conklin Oil on Canvas Painting Native American Encampment Teepees
9650 Stan Hisel (20th Century) American, Serigraph Print, The Sound
9651 Jack Tworkov (1900-1982) Screenprint, SS#2, 1973
9652 Joseph Margulies, (1896-1984) Oil on Canvas, Peace and Quiet Harbor Scene
9653 Ulfert Wilke (1907 - 1987) Screen Print, Artist Proof, Publisher's Stamp,1972
9654 William J. Westenhaver (20th century) Lithograph Print, One Class
9655 Fernand Leger (1881-1955) Lithograph Print, "Deux Femmes", Publisher Stamp, 1950s
9656 American School, 20th Century Etching in Color, "On the Sea",1991
9657 Augustus Goertz Original Mixed Media Block Print/Painting, Watch #4, 1984
9658 Two David Applebee Lithographs "Ascension/Descension"
9659 Suzanne Mays Original Watercolor Painting, 1992 Farm Scene
9660 Georges Braque Edition Des Nouvelles France Lithograph Print Poster
9661 Enid Munroe (1923-2020) Trompe L'oeil Series: A is for Apple, 1984, Painting and Mixed Media Collage
9662 Leland S. McClelland (1914-2002) Original Watercolor Painting, 1971
9663 Artist Proof Print, Desert Plain or Arctic Scene Signed
9664 James L. Wolf, American (b. 1949) Original Pen/Ink and Watercolor Painting on Fiber Paper, 1977
9665 R. Moran Industrial Mixed Media Painting 1984
9667 Painted Pressed Paper Mixed Media Artwork with Fish, Signed
9668 Stephen Edlich (1944-1989) Reflections 6, A Season's Landscape, Mixed Media, 1982
9669 William J. Westenhaver (20th century) Lithograph Print, Sloop
9670 William J. Westenhaver Lithograph Print, Sails
9671 Three Antique Copperplate Hand Colored Engraved Prints, Georg Probst (1673-1748)
9672 Unsigned, Untitled Marc Cabrall Print, Les Fleurs Ephemeral I
9673 Charles Martin Lithograph Print, Highlands I
9674 Mark Warren ( 20th/21st Century) Street Scene Painting
9675 Signed and Numbered Lithograph Print Landscape
9676 Vintage Lithograph Print, Lanes Cove, Signed OPIE, 1985
9677 Framed Ansel Adams Center Poster
9678 Signed and Numbered Lithograph Print
9679 Framed Print, Washington, DC: On the Capitol Grounds
9680 Nancy Liszewski Pastel on Paper, The Milkweed Pods
9681 Original Framed Watercolor Painting, Harbour Fog With Ships
9682 John McNulty, Artist Proof Etching Print, Tide Race
9683 Unsigned Framed Lithograph Print Big Sur Coast
9684 Group of Seven Vintage Block Prints by Various Artists
9685 Georg Baselitz (b. 1938) Adler 1974-75, One of the Portfolio of 11 Etchings/Woodcut
9685A George Cermak (1916-2003) Oil on Canvas Painting
9686 Roy Lichtenstein, (1923-1997) 1963 WHAAM! Lithograph Print (right hand panel)
9687 Garie Crawford (b. 1947) Tryptic Color Xerox Mixed Media, 2 of 3 panels
9688 D.Garber Lithograph Print, 1986
9689 M. Gramignoli Original Pencil, Ink and Watercolor Painting, 1992
9690 Large Henri Matisse, 1946, Polynesia, The Sea Framed Lithograph Print
9691 Daniel Greene (1934-2020), Oil on Canvas, Portrait of Clair E. Fultz, 1976
9692 Large Henri Matisse, 1946, Polynesia, The Sea Framed Print
9693 Large Henri Matisse, 1953, Apollon, Lithograph Print
9694 Brinsley Terrell, Oil on Paper
9695 Framed Large Vintage Textile Mounted Behind Plexiglass
9696 Large Modern Oil on Canvas Painting, Artist Unknown
9697 Lynn Shelton, Oil on Canvas, 1986 - Very Large
9698 Ruth B. Bercaw, Oil on Canvas, 1983 - Very Large Size
9699 Oil on Canvas signed Goldman - Very Large
9699A Very Large Oil on Canvas Painting, Unknown Artist
9699B Painted folded paper strips, Unknown artist, Large Size
9699C Jay Jesters, Oil on Canvas, Floating Orbs - Large Size
9699E Elizabeth Fergus-Jean, PhD, Michigan Artist, Mixed Media on Paper, 1988
9699F John Moore, Acrylic on Canvas, Storm#1, 1983
9800 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9801 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9802 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints Inc. Eric Tansley Oil
9803 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9804 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9805 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9806 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9807 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9808 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints Inc. Charles Culver Two Formosan Deer
9809 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Framed Prints
9810 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Prints Inc. Stuart Davis Met Exhibition
9811 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Framed Prints
9812 Group Lot of Art Prints Including Signed
9813 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Framed Prints
9814 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Framed Prints
9815 Group Lot of Art Prints
9816 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Framed Prints
9817 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9818 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9819 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Framed Prints
9820 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Framed Prints
9821 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9822 Group Lot of Mixed Framed Artwork
9823 Group Lot of Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9824 Group Lot of 34 Mixed Artwork Pieces, Both Originals and Prints
9825 Group Lot of 35 Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9826 Group Lot of 35 Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9827 Group Lot of 35 Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9828 Group Lot of 35 Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9829 Group Lot of 10 Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints
9830 Large Group Lot 146 pieces Mixed Artwork, Both Originals and Prints

Auction Listings provided by Although the information published herein is from sources deemed reliable, expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for this auction. Potential buyers are urged to verify auction date, time, and content directly through the auctioneer's website or by contacting the auctioneer directly. The terms and conditions of the auction may or may not be published in this listing. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE THE DAY OF THE AUCTION ARE BINDING AND TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY INFORMATION FOUND HEREIN.