Auction Information


Mon Jan 27 - 06:00PM

300 North Morton Avenue, Centerville, IN Click to Map

Walther and Hawkins Auctioneers

Auctioneer ID#: 1986

Phone: 765-855-0835

License: 19400167

This is an ONLINE ONLY Auction. Bid now at WOW! What a GREAT grouping of FARM HOUSE Antiques and PRIMITIVES. All items are clean and ready to go right into your home or shop. This grouping represents the retirement auction for well-kown Cambridge City antique dealer PAM BEESON. Highlights include: Painted Drysink; Painted Cupboards, Early Dappled Hobby Horse, QUILTS, Country Store items; Large Collection of Bennington and Rockingham Stoneware; Wooden Butter Molds; Firkens / Pantry Boxers / Sugar Buckets and More! ** We welcome you to come and PREVIEW this nice selection! - SHIPPING - BEFORE BIDDING SEE OUR SHIPPING POLICY UNDER DETAILS THEN SHIPPING --THE RED CIRCLE WITH THE TRUCK BESIDE THE SCRIPT INDICATES NO SHIPPING - There is minimal shipping on Glassware (it has become to hard to ship without it getting broken), however it can be taken to THE UPS STORE and they will contact you direct for shipping). - Anything longer than 19" and over 2 cubic ft. there is an upcharge up to $22.00 - Shipping available on only smalls. There is a $10.00 packing and handling fee above shipping Cost AND $20.00 packing and handling fee on any glassware. (we only ship within the United States-If in question about something being shipped please send us an email or call our office).

1 - 1800's Hobby Horse, Dappled Original Paint
1a - WOW! Early Settle Bench with Drawer - Exceptional Piece! We welcome you to come and see this piece in person.
1z - 6-Drawer Spice cabinet
2 - Jersey Coffee Box, Country Store
2a - ATTENTION: Watch for Shipping Notices!
2f - Early PINE Fireplace Mantle, Natural Finish-dimens sions are 4" tall, 4'6" long and opening it 39" to 42"
2x - Early Painted Basket
2z - Red painted sugar bucket
3 - Butter Churn
3a - Early Pine Bench, Mortised Construction
3z - Pantry box, natural finish
4 - Colorful Braided Rag Rug, Vintage
4a - Cherry Harvest Table
4z - J.H. Hamilton Crock
5z - Early Farm basket
6 - Early Step-back Red Cupboard - Great Look, 2-door - Barn siding back - Great wear and patina - 71" Tall and 31.5" wide -Top is 10.5" deep and bottom is 20" deep
6a - 8-Tin Pie safe w/Gallery Top & 2 drawers
6z - Bennington glazed pitcher
7 - Wrought Iron Kitchen Utensils
7a - Country Crock Bench, 3-drawers
7f - Country Store Display Rack / Table
7z - Vintage Snow Shoes
8 - Small Gate-leg end table
8z - Super Buttocks basket
9 - Punched Tin hanging Cabinet
9a - Gray 1-door Cabinet
10 - Painted sugar bucket
11 - Vintage Green Cupboard, Hoosier Cabinet Combo - One-of-a-kind, made from two seperarte Hoosier cabinet pieces. - Good look and early apple green paint - 6'4" tall and 3'4" long
11a - Early Wood Wagon Wheel,
12 - Early Sled
12x - 1 piece cupboard
12z - Rockingham Milk bowl
13 - Galvanized Lined Ice Chest
13a - Industrial Feed / Warehouse Dolly
13z - Pantry box
14 - Dry sink
15 - Coffee box
15a - ATTENTION: Watch for Shipping Notices!
15z - UHL 1 gallon crock
16 - Country Store Pie safe, Rotating Merchandiser
16x - Golden rule tea can
17 - (2) Early Chairs
17x - Coffee grinder
18 - Oak Pressed Back Sewing Rocker
18a - Early 6-Board Blanket Chest, Red Paint
19 - Blue grey hanging cupboard
19a - Paneled Country Store Counter
19f - White Work Table, 1-Drawer
20 - CHERRY Table top / Hanging cabinet
20x - Copper tea kettle
21 - Butter churn with glass sides
21a - 1800's Mortised Bench w/Back in old paint
21x - Rockingham Teapot
22 - Wooden box early
22x - Early Divided Tote
23 - Meal bin w/ 2 drawers & dough board
23a - Early work table, Natural Finish
24 - Sugar bucket
25 - Griswold cast-iron skillet
25a - Advertising Grocery Sign
26 - 12-Hole Candle mold
27 - Basket doorstop, Original Paint, Cast-iron
28 - Lodge cast-iron skillet
29 - Lodge cast-iron skillet
29a - Early Work Table w/ Removable Top
30 - Antique Cupboard, Unique - Early Cupboard top matched with a country store base. This is a marriage, but they have been together for years. Good primitive look.
30a - ATTENTION! Watch for Shipping Notice!
30x - Settle Bench
31 - Sugar bucket
32 - Stoneware crock jug
33 - Pin Wheel Quilt 77" x 68", hand-stitched
34 - Fan quilt, 6' x 5', Hand-stitched
35 - 1862 Coverlet, Star pattern, 8' x 6' 6" in corner
35a - Bookshelf
36 - Early STAR Quilt, 7' x 6', hand-stitched
37 - 4 gallon butter turn
38 - SK #5 Skillet, with heat ring
39 - #5 Cast-iron Skillet with heat ring 2
40 - 3 gallon crock jug
41 - Galvanized Christmas tree
42 - Sifter antique
43 - Stoneware crock jug
44 - Welcome snowman sign
45 - Old green paint sifter
46 - 8-drawer Spice cabinet, gray paint
47 - Early Sap Bucket
48 - Early Blue Stool, Boot Jack cut-outs
49 - Granite ware coffee pot
50 - Mustard painted storage box
51 - Red painted lift lid footstool storage box
52 - Early Sifter, Original Finish
53 - Checker board footstool
54 - Brown stoneware bowl
55 - 5 cup Duplex Sifter antique
56 - Early Tool Tote, red paint
57 - Early Gathering Basket
58 - Coffee Box
59 - Fancy Cut-out Bread Board
60 - Child's Ladder Back Chair, rush seat
60a - ATTENTION: Watch for Shipping Notices!
61 - AWESOME Noodle board, Great Patina
62 - Butler Hatchery egg crate Butler, IN
63 - Early Vegetable basket
64 - White laundry soap box with winter scene
65 - Whirley gig man chopping wood
66 - Early Tool Chest
67 - Early Tabletop dough box
69 - Country floor rug
70 - Antique metal meat hanging rack
71 - Pine dough board
72 - Early Mustard Tote / Caddy
73 - Firken, Natural Finish
75 - LOG CABIN Quilt 5'6" by 6'6", Hand-stitched
76 - Purple and white quilt 6' x 5' 6 inches
77 - Country Braided Accent doillies
78 - Early Sugar bucket, Natural Finish
79 - Early Spice Set, Stenciled
80 - Snow Shows, Vintage
80a - ATTENTION: Watch for Shipping Notices!
81 - Wooden bucket with paper labels
83 - Stoneware jug
84 - Salt crock
85 - Wooden measure
86 - Sleepy eye vase
88 - 4 gallon brown and white crock
89 - Red ware crock
90 - Brown glazed pitcher
91 - Brown stoneware jug
92 - Stoneware canning crock
93 - Country scene print
94 - Vase of flowers print -Frame (21" Tall x 17" Wide)
95 - Camp stove
96 - Wooden swan
97 - Watt ware pitcher
98 - Wooden bench
99 - Star pattern antique spatula
100a - ATTENTION: Watch for Shipping Notices!
102 - Brown crock jug
103 - Fireplace tool holder
105 - Pink and white quilt
106 - Brown and white quilt
107 - Blanket
108 - Glaze small pitcher
109 - Stoneware Brown pitcher
110 - Primitive shovel
111 - Folk art angel
112 - Grapevine balls
113 - Caramel colored glaze bowl
114 - Wire food cover
115 - Old country primitive rake
116 - Ball perfect Mason blue jar with the zinc lid
117 - Ball perfect Mason blue jar with zinc lid
118 - Hand painted blue platter
119 - Ice cream scoop
120 - Candle mold six holes
121 - Yellow ware bowl with four stripes
122 - Terra-cotta string holder
123 - Baby quilt
124 - Stoneware bowl
125 - Large green Christmas ornaments
126 - Bennington Plate
127 - Handstitched ABC life's greatest treasure
128 - Bennington Mush Bowl
129 - Rolling pin
130 - Oil lamp
131 - Sugar bucket
132 - Brown and white 1 gallon croc
133 - Early Butter press
134 - Candle mold- 12 holes
135 - Yellow-ware bowl
136 - Brass Country Store scoop
137 - Rockingham Bundt cake pan
139 - Oil lamp wall mount
139a - ATTENTION: Watch for Shipping Notices!
140 - Salt glaze crock 10 inches tall
141 - Early B&W Pitcher
142 - Butter mold
143 - Glass washboard
144 - Sugar bucket
145 - Redware pot with lid
146 - Shooting gallery cast-iron bird
147 - Butter press stamp
148 - Pudding Mold, Yellow-ware, Corn Pattern
149 - Wooden bucket large
150 - Fruit croc jar
151 - Candle mold 12 holes
152 - Rolling pin with molds
156 - Turnip slicer
157 - Trench bowl
159 - Butter mold
159a - ATTENTION: Watch for Shipping Notices!
160 - New era potato chip can
162 - Black Painted stool
163 - Rolling pan with art cut out molds
164 - Tobacco or sugar cutter
165 - Emerson BROMO-seltzer bottle
166 - Ebony salt and pepper shakers
167 - Candle mold
168 - Butter mold pineapple press
169 - Stoneware crock bowl does have crack
171 - Brown stoneware croc
172 - Columbia family scale
173 - ICE Cream mold
174 - Butter mold pineapple
176 - Stoneware pitcher
177 - Stoneware crock jug
178 - Chocolate mold pewter
179 - Cloth vintage sheep
180 - Blue white enamel pipe pan
181 - Small size tree
182 - Grey painted bucket
183 - Glazed stoneware bowl
184 - Pair of scoops
185 - Cobalt blue medicine bottle
186 - Buttocks basket
187 - Striped crock bowl with plastic potatoes
188 - Rockingham Bundt cake mold
189 - Down to earth wooden bowl
190 - Paul Revere Copper tea kettle
191 - Candle mold 12 holes
192 - Sponge pitcher does have cracked on bottom
193 - Striped stoneware bowl does have hairline crack
194 - Round wooded hand turned lidded bowl
195 - Green pepper can
196 - Redware Bundt cake mold
197 - Red handled potato mashers
198 - Green and beige enamel pipe pan
199 - Candle mold 2 holes
200 - Wooden potato masher primitive
200a - ATTENTION: Watch for Shipping Notices!t
201 - Brown stoneware bowl
202 - Rolling pin
203 - Wire egg basket
204 - Grain Scoop
205 - Trosser coffee grinder
206 - Candle stand
207 - Browned dip glaze jar with spout for plug
208 - Stoneware bowl with blue stripe
209 - Wooden bucket
210 - Buttocks basket
211 - Stoneware Blue white sponge bowl
212 - Oil lamp wall mount
213 - Weaved country basket
214 - Foot warmer antique
215 - Small wooden bench
216 - Pitcher and bowl set
217 - Stoneware pitcher
218 - Stove damper
219 - Granite ware pie pan
220 - Wooden potatoes
221 - Wooden apples
222 - Weaved basket early
223 - Tea pot brown glazed
224 - Stoneware crock
225 - Carmel glazed bowl
226 - Primitive potato masher
227 - Primitive duck candle holder
228 - Stoneware crock bowl
229 - Metal forks
230 - Red Cross framed advertisement
231 - Wanamakers Grand depot clothing sign
232 - Cast-iron basket doorstop
233 - Bennington sponge wear seashell pattern spit toon
234 - Brown stoneware pitcher
235 - Stoneware butter crock
236 - Push-up candle lamp
237 - Pie pans
238 - Primitive candleholder house
239 - Stoneware water pitcher
240 - Stoneware covered casserole dish
241 - Rolling pin
242 - Small tree
243 - Enamelware pie pan
244 - Shoe stretchers
245 - Pie rack
246 - Santa Claus
247 - Santa Claus with skis
248 - Wooden bowl
249 - Handpainted platter
250 - Brown glaze bowl with flower embossed
251 - Weaved basket
252 - Buttocks basket
253 - Bennington deep glazed bowl
254 - Rockingham bowl early
255 - Weaved basket
256 - Wooden potato masher
257 - Santa Claus 36 "
258 - Tree
259 - Welcome sign
259a - ATTENTION: Watch for Shipping Notices!
260 - Let it Snow wooden sign
261 - Light up fiberglass sled
262 - Goodyear advertising frame print
263 - Santa Claus
264 - Standing reindeer
265 - Sitting Santa Claus
266 - Galvanized watering can
267 - Wooden crate
268 - Santa Claus
269 - Galvanized watering can
270 - Santa Claus
271 - Coffee grinder
272 - Morton Brown glazed pie plate
273 - Rockingham glazed brown bowl beater edge on blisters
274 - Brown glaze pie plate does have chip
275 - Brown glazed pie plate
276 - Ironstone teapot
277 - MAJOLICA pitcher with Lily pad design
278 - Wooden spools
279 - Stoneware cattle pitcher
280 - Brown glazed oyster bowl
281 - Plastic fruit and vegetable vegetables
282 - Brown glazed pattern is ground loop and cable bowl
283 - Country floor rug 2' x 2'
284 - Basket with deer tree and Holiday scene
285 - Basket with bamboo handle
286 - Brown glazed plate does have crack
287 - Paper roller cutter
287a - Roll of paper unopened
288 - URN
289 - Bennington 11 inch pipe plate
290 - Rockingham Brown glazed dish
291 - String and wicker balls
293 - Butter Worker
294 - (3) brown glazed soup bowls
295 - Brown glaze pie plate 11 inch
296 - Ironstone platter and plate
297 - Wire basket bread rack
298 - Metal spoons and kitchen utensil
299 - Rockingham Brown glazed plate
299a - ATTENTION: Watch for Shipping Notices!
300 - Fireplace parts
317 - Oiler
318 - Oiler
319 - Wooden angel
320 - Orchard spray nozzle
321 - Nail remover
322 - Oiler
323 - Soldering iron
324 - Potato masher
325 - Nativity
326 - Checker board cloth and checkers
327 - Wooden tote
328 - Nativity pieces
329 - Santa Claus
330 - Cake plate
331 - Picnic basket
332 - Ammunition box
333 - Frame print of train by water tower
334 - Humidor
335 - Brown glazed platter very rare for SEARS by Morton P 1967
336 - Country rug 7' x 3 1/2
336a - ATTENTION: Watch for Shipping Notices!
337 - ERROL platter Adams and Company England
338 - Holmes Laughlin platter
339 - print of little girl
340 - Man and woman looking at pictures framed print
341 - Homer Laughlin water pitcher
342 - Tool tote
343 - Picnic basket
344 - Pie rack
345 - Queen kerosene can
346 - Lantern vintage anchor
347 - Stoneware bowl
348 - Pall Mall famous cigarette advertisement stand
349 - Wooden box with purple velvet interior
350 - Brass Viking oil lantern
351 - Cake stand
352 - Country Runner rug 7' x 2'
353 - Early Basket in old paint
354 - Early Iron Tongs
355 - Cow Stoneware pitcher
356 - Wooden pedestal with battery operating candle
357 - Vintage lamb and sheep miniature figure
358 - Wagon wheel with greenery and winter scene
359 - Red painted grain bin box
360 - Wooden box
361 - Vintage sewing spinning wheel
362 - display pedestal
363 - 4 foot level
364 - Clothes basket
365 - Grinding stone polisher

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