Auction Information

2 Toy Estate Auction + 2 Antiques/Tools

Sat Jan 18 - 10:00AM

5124 N Adrian Hwy, Adrian, MI Click to Map

JM Auction Service LLC

Auctioneer ID#: 1389

Phone: 517-266-4655

Update Third Estate Just Added!  70-80-90 Large Toys Collection, Transformers, Bart Simpsons, Buzz lite year, Flintstones, Caption Marvel, Superman, Super Girl, Wonder Women, Batman, GI Joe, Iron Man, Action Figurines, Spiderman, Many Toys Still in Org. Package, Other Toys, Antique Large Toy Trucks-Cars, RR Lanterns, Marble Collection, Antique Keys, RR Locks, Many Unsorted Box Lots, Glassware, Old Photos, Antique Wood Working Tools, Planes, Stanley Levels, Hand Saws, Buck Saws, Draw Knives, Wooden Tool Chest, Trunk, Cedar Chest, Oak Office Chair, Two Piece Hutch, Antique School Desk, Old Antique Floor Radio, Pocket Knives, Antiques, Primitives, Furniture, Shop Tools, Hammers, Wrenches, Table Saw, Sockets, Snow Blower, Ladder, Collectible Toys, 14k wedding Ban, Showcase Items, We have 4 Estate Already consigned! Like Always Building Will be Full check back

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