Auction Information
Civil War Collection of the late Edgar Ewing - Day
John M. Hess Auction Service, Inc.
1 - 3 Civil War New England CDV's Ink signed CDV "S.S. Andrews 1st Lieutenant Com K 13th Me Vols" JB Hall Biddeford, Maine backmark. Typed written note on reverse with service history including later promotion to Captain in 30th Maine. 3/4 view by Frank Rowell, Providence RI of Union Private wearing a sack coat. Period waist-up copy shot of a Union private with W.F. Allen East Jeffrey, NH backmark.
2 - Group of Union General Civil War CDV's Ink signed bust view of General John H Martindale, backmark by Addis, Washington DC. Service in the Mexican War and Civil War in both the 5th Corps (when this image was taken) and later in the 18th Corps. Bust view from life of Major General John Geary, backmark by Saylor, Reading Penna. Later collector's identification in pencil on reverse. CDV of Gen George B McClellan and wife, no backmark. All with rounded or trimmed corners and soiling.
3 - 4 Union Company Grade Officer Civil War CDV's Full standing view of officer cradling his sword. Backmark by J. B. Young Baltimore Street. Soiling and creasing. 3/4 seated view of officer with handle of sword visible. Collector's ID of Charles N Brownhill on reverse. Backmark of Ewing & Co Cumberland, MD. Full standing officer wearing a pin and holding a book with painted backdrop by Ridgely's, Baltimore MD. Full standing image of officer with arms crossed and sword with painted backdrop by Holyland, Washington DC.
4 - Group of 3 Union Civil War CDV's Full standing view of Union private with WM Curry, Wilmington DE backmark. Seated view of a QM Sgt with trimmed corners. Backmark by J S Medlar, Woodstock Illinois. Full standing view of company grade officer, Davies and Merritt Indianapolis, IN backmark. Soiling and staining.
5 - 55th PA Civil War Clothing Account Book Fairly rare leather bound book for Companies H and I. Registers begin in September 1861 and continue through late 1863. Original binding and red Moroccan leather spine. Chipping, wear and separation to the spine with some tape repairs. Some pages loose.
6 - Group of Identified 2nd PA Heavy Artillery Images Five Civil War images total. Full standing CDV with Brady, NY frontmark and backmark of Benjamin C Pursel. Forage cap with crossed cannons, "2" and "F" on table. Ink signed on front and reverse with inscription "B.C. Pursel of Columbia Co now in 2nd Art Pa Vol 112th Regt Nov 17th, 1863". Seated view of John Hortzell of Battery F, ink signed on reverse "John Hortzel Battery F PV Artillery", no photographer's mark. 3/4 seated view ink signed on front "Compliments W H Bratton" by Hurn Philadelphia, PA with tax stamp. Prior service in the 49th PA as a musician. Member of Company G, wounded and captured at Fort Harrison 9/29/64 with loss of hand. Bust view, ink signed on front "Serg B F Emigh". Image taken by Miller, Pittston, PA. Pencil notation has him in Battery M and promoted to 1st Lt. Gem size tintype, ink signed with great inscription "John Rapp frozen to death at Lovell Gen Hosp Jan 7th 1865" on reverse. No photographer's mark. Belonged to Battery M.
7 - 6 Civil War CDV's from 3rd PA Heavy Artillery Bust view, ink signed "Silas E Wilds Company C 3 Pa Arty". No photographer's mark. Trimmed CDV, ink signed on reverse "William Cunningham" with later collector's notes. Full standing view in front of painted backdrop. Noted that he served in Company C. Full standing view of William Foote, Co F. Image is light and was taken by Jacob Bates in Mechanicsburg, PA. Pencil identification on rear. Bust view in civilian clothes with later ink identification as John Kessel, Co B. Taken by Steinbach, Philadelphia. Full standing officer image with clipped corners taken by Myers, Mechanicsburg, Pa with revenue stamp. Pencil notation of 3rd PA. Last CDV is bust view in civilian clothes, taken by Newman's Philadelphia, PA. 20thC ink identification "Cor(poral) Christian Einselen Sr Co I 21st Pa inf Co B 3rd PA H Art".
8 - CDV Officer Allegheny Co. PA 6th Heavy Artillery Standing view taken by Johnson's, Washington DC of 2nd Lt Joseph F Cline, Battery H. Image identified from Civil War Photosleuth. Collector's notation on reverse. From Tarentum, PA.
9 - Small Group of Pennsylvania Civil War CDV's Each wearing artillery or cavalry shell jackets. Seated view with NCO stripe on pants and corporal stripes backmarked Burnite and Weldon, Harrisburg PA. Full standing view of private with Matteson, Middletown PA backmark. Full standing view of corporal with unusual button design on collar taken by Robert's, Greencastle PA.
10 - 2 Ink-Signed Identified CDV's 14th PA Cavalry Seated view in civilian clothes. Ink signed on reverse "July 17th 1864 JW Bunner". Collector's notation in pencil, enlisted 9/12/64 into Co E, 14th Pa Cav and discharged 5/30/65. Full standing view of Jacob Hull, displaying his cavalry sword in front of a painted backdrop and wearing a private purchase cap. No photographer's mark. Ink signed on reverse "J H Hull Co E 14th Pv C Porter Jefferson Co Penna".
11 - Officer CDV Tyson Gettysburg Photographer Unidentified, slightly trimmed seated view. Frock coat with velvet collar. Backmark Tyson Brothers, collector's note of 3rd PA Heavy Artillery. With a tintype of a seated individual in civilian clothes, later ink inscription notes him as James Lamb, 12th Cavalry.
12 - Identified CDV Officer 7th & 15th PA Cavalry Bust view of Lt A.M. Parker in uniform as an officer. Backmark Lochman, Carlisle, PA. Pencil signed on reverse "A.M. Parker April 1st 1863" with later collector's note. Parker first served in the Anderson Troop, later transferring to the 15th Pa Cavalry and promoted to Lt in February of 1863, close to when this image was taken. He later transferred to the 7th Pa Cav. A standing view of him with excellent history is found on "Findagrave". After the war he suffered presumably from PTSD and eventually committed suicide.
13 - 2 Identified CDV Images 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry Full standing view of Captain Ira Alexander, taken by Burkholder, Lewistown PA. Great ink inscription on rear "Captain Ira R Alexander Co M 16 Pa Cav Killed at Mine Run 29th Nov 1863". A veteran of Gettysburg, he was mortally wounded at Mine Run sadly as the battle wound down and he was reporting to his commanding officer. CDV bust view of an officer identified as 1st Lt Edmund Dunn, taken by Young, Washington PA with tax stamp. 20th C pencil ID on rear.
14 - Group of Pennsylvania Backmark Civil War CDV's Full standing view of an officer armed with his sword in front of a painted backdrop taken by Brownell, Scranton PA. Toning and staining. Full standing view of a private wearing a shell jacket holding his hat, taken by Bishop's Chambersburg PA. Full standing view of an armed cavalry private with a painted backdrop. Armed with his colt pistol and sword. Taken by Cumming's Lancaster PA. Ink signed "Seacrist". Possibly James Seacrist who served in the 20th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Full standing view of two Union pards in front of painted backdrop taken by Cummings, Lancaster. Interesting hat brass...possibly 203rd Pennsylvania.
15 - Ink Signed CDV Co K 1st PA Reserves Rare opportunity to own an image of John W Shipley, an actual resident of Gettysburg who fought in the battle and had his photograph taken in town. His name is found on the monument dedicated to Company K in the town itself. He enlisted in Company K of the 1st Reserves as a teamster on 7/24/1861. Sadly, he was killed in action on 5/18/64 during the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse. A period article published in the Adams Sentinel mentions he was killed on picket duty. Today he is buried in Fredericksburg National Cemetery in grave 4453. Full standing view taken in Gettysburg by the Tyson Brothers. Ink signed on front "Yours Truly J.W.S". Period pencil on reverse of "Co K" with later notations. Clipped corners.
16 - Collection of 5th Penna. Reserves Civil War Images Nice group of 5 images. Clear full standing view of Sgt William A Ogden striking a Napoleonic pose. Present at Gettysburg. Ink signed on reverse "Segt Wm a Ogden Co C 5th Regt Pa Res". Backmark Haas and Mailer, Alexandria Va. Image of Lt Woods J Russell, Company A. Present at Gettysburg. Nice pencil signature on reverse "Woods Russell" with an unusual Hagenback, Turbotville PA backmark. Promoted to 2nd Lt in 1863, so image post dates his promotion. Later collector notes indicate he died of wounds received at the Wilderness 5/22/64. Chest view of Lt John B Dayton taken by Addis, Washington DC. Ink signed on front "Yours Truly J B Dayton" and on rear "Williamsport, Penna". Gem size tintype of Union private with tax stamp and photographer's mark on reverse. Collectors note of 5th PA Reserves on reverse, no other identification. Full standing view of Union private taken by Miller, Baltimore MD. Ink signed on rear "Eddie Edwards"...unresearched.
17 - 3 Civil War CDV's 12th Pennsylvania Reserves Full standing view of Charles Hankins proudly displaying his forage cap with either an insignia or his cap was struck by something and he's showing off his close call. Ink signed on front and rear "Truly Yours Charles Hankins Co A12th Pa Res Corps". Backmark by Groom's Philadelphia, Pa. Full standing view of Lt John G Rohn taken by Boss, Mechanicsburg PA. Similar view on Findagrave. Collector ID on rear. Wounded at Antietam 9/17/62. Bust view of private Jacob Moyer taken by Jameson, Harrisburg PA. Collector's note, unresearched.
18 - CDV of James McK Snodgrass 9th Penna. Reserves Nice bust view, ink signed on front "Yours Truly J McK Snodgrass". No photographer's mark. Promoted to Lt Colonel on 4/1/63 and commanded the regiment at Gettysburg. Resigned from the service on 3/29/64.
19 - Group of Civil War CDV's Full standing view of Union private with veteran stripes signed at bottom "Geo Corbin" and wearing a large 6th Corps badge. Worthy of further research. Backmark by Addis/Marvin, Washington, DC. Full standing view of Union infantryman in great coat in front of painted backdrop, no photographer's mark. Full standing view of Union officer, no photographer's mark. Collector's notation on rear that this is 2nd Lt Charles Gilbert who served in the 20th PA and later in the 38th Ohio. Unresearched. Full standing view in civilian clothes of a jauntily dressed gentleman with a Wright's Philadelphia backmark. 20th C pencil notation says this is Christian Einsel Sr who served in Co B 3rd Pa Heavy Artillery.
20 - 7 Images with Ties to the 23rd Pennsylvania CDV image signed on back "Isaac Osborn Co K 23rd PA Inf", no photographer's mark. Gem size tintype by Trask's Philadelphia with period pencil "TW Snowden" and later pencil Thomas W Snowden 23rd PA Inf. Gem size tintype of Snowden's wife. With 3 other tintypes and a postwar view of T W Snowden.
21 - 2 CDV Civil War Officer Images 47th Pennsylvania Full standing view of Captain Coleman Keck. Nicely ink signed on reverse " C A G Keck Capt I Co 47th RPV Allentown Penna". No photographer's mark. Bust view with nice tones of Lt Theodore Mink also of Company I. Ink signed on reverse "Lieut Theodore Mink 47th Pa VVI". Backmark by Brady's Washington, DC. Corners clipped.
22 - Signed CDV's of McCord Brothers 49th Pennsylvania Two bust view images in uniform, both taken by McEwens Lewistown, PA. Identified in early 20th century ink on reverse as William McCord and James McCord. Both enlisted in Company B, 49th Pa in 1861. William unfortunately died 3/3/65 in Wilmington, NC. James transferred to the VRC and later mustered out.
23 - Group of 3 Identified CDV's from the 49th Penna. Standing view of Captain O S Rumberger taken by Sawyer, Philadelphia PA. Ink signed on reverse "O.S. Rumberger Capt 49 Reg Comp H". Clipped corners. Bust view from life of Sgt J B Downing. Ink signed on front "Yours truly J.B. Downing 1st Sergt 49th PV". No backmark...collector's info in pencil on rear. Full standing view of Sgt Joseph B. Downing from Lionville, PA. Woodward, West Chester Pa backmark. Pencil ID and info on rear. Corners clipped.
24 - Dead Letter Office CDV of Standing Union Private Backmark by Beaumont, Chester Pa. Ink numbered 2040.
25 - Collection of 14 Civilian Views of Women Several images are identified, with various PA backmarks, one noted as being the wife of "Corp Albertson 8th Pa Cav".
26 - 6 CDV's of Unidentified Union Officers 6 images total, Philadelphia backmarks, one possibly a dead letter office image with pin holes at top and bottom.
27 - Great View of PA Officer Holding Colt Army Pistol Full standing unidentified Union Army officer with a Lesher, Carlisle Pa backmark. Proudly displaying his Colt 1858 Army pistol with one hand and his other hand resting on his sword. Beautifully posed image. Corners slightly rounded. 2 cent tax stamp.
28 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers Associated with 51st PA Five images are noted as having belonged to the 51st Pennsylvania, possibly out of the same album. Four with Tyler backmarks and one with Knecht. 6th image is pencil id'ed as Captain Wm F Campbell of Co H with a Lewisburg, Pa mark. Portion of right edge of image is missing.
29 - 3 Civil War Military Images, Reading PA Clear full standing view of an officer with Howard backmark. Bust view from life of an officer with Yeager backmark. Full standing view with pencil ID of Sgt Harrison Fry, Co H 50th Pennsylvania with collector's info on rear.
30 - 5 Union Civil War CDV's Two with tax stamps, none are identified, Harrisburg, Pa backmarks.
31 - 5 Civil War CDV's from Lancaster Co., PA Five images, two by Gill, one each by Rupley, Hyers (Columbia Pa) and Harmany and Eberman
32 - Gettysburg Veteran 57th Penna. Civil War CDV Full standing view taken by Wolff's Gallery in Washington, DC. Nicely signed in pencil on reverse "George McMullen, 57th P Volunteers". A member of Company E, rising to the rank of Sergeant, he is listed on the Pa Monument at Gettysburg.
33 - 3 Identified CDV's from the 58th Pennsylvania Bust view taken by McClees, Philadelphia, ink signed on rear "Truly Yours Theodore Blakely Capt 58 PV" and a wonderful ink notation on front "Killed in charge upon Fort Harrison Sept 29/64". Bust view, tax stamp, no backmark of Captain Henry Metcalf. Period ID in pencil on reverse with later collector's note in pencil. Tax stamp cancelled with "JBS Feb 9 1865". 3/4 view of Colonel John R Jones, collector's notations on reverse. Killed in action at Bacheldor's Creek, 5/13/1864.
34 - CDV Images from the 71st, 72nd & 73rd Pennsylvania Seated view taken by Brady of Major Robert Parrish, 71st Pa. Enlisted in 1861 and discharged by special order in July, 1862. ID appears to be Roger Hunt's handwriting. Full standing view of an unidentified soldier wearing a Zouave -style jacket and vest under his great coat attributed to the 72nd Pennsylvania. Image taken by McClees, Philadelphia. Seated view of Union private identified in early pencil handwriting as John Ruff with a Lebanon, PA backmark. Pencil notation says "Co C 73rd Pa Legion".
35 - Identified 78th Pennsylvania Officer CDV Image taken at Lookout Mountain. Nice view of Lt Franklin Mechling from Armstrong County, Pa. Nicely signed and dated on reverse in pencil with the Point Lookout, Lookout Mountain backmark. Some damage to mount and corners clipped.
36 - Group of PA CDV's Including KIA Colonel 84th PA Full standing war date copy shot by Ewing, Harrisburg PA of Colonel William Murray, Killed in Action at Winchester, VA 3/23/62. Seated view of officer with pinky ring and what appears to be a hunting horn on his kepi which would indicate the collector's note of 80th Pa (7th Cav) isn't correct. Photo taken by Gutekunst, Philadelphia. Seated view of Union private taken by Groom's with tax stamp, ink signed "WIlliam Hildebrand". Later ink ID has him in Co D of the 75th Pennsylvania. Chest view in civilian clothes with a pin taken by Yeager, Reading Pa of Capt F.B Shalters, Co H 88th Pa. Id'ed on reverse in pencil. Shalters was wounded at Antietam and Fredericksburg. Chest view in civilian clothing by Lesher, Carlisle PA of Corp Samuel Meals. Later collector's note on reverse.
37 - Collection of 9 CDV's 87th Pennsylvania Nice group of 9 images total including: Bust view of Lt Theodore Norris by Barratt, York PA. Pencil ID on reverse, id'ed from the USMHI collection in Carlisle. Full standing view of Major Noah Ruh, id'ed from Regimental. Taken by Evans and Prince, York PA. 3 cent tax stamp. Full standing view of Lt Col James A Stahle, previously owned by Tom Gordon. No photographer's mark. Two unidentified soldiers each taken by Evans and Prince with collectors note they served in the 87th. Full standing view, ink signed "Samuel Cross" taken by Evans and Prince, York Pa. Note the photographer painted his name on the painted backdrop as well. Cross was a member of Company C and later transferred to the VRC. Full standing view of John Blosser, Co C, wearing a great 6th Corps Badge. Pencil id'd on reverse. Taken by Evans and Prince, York Pa. Full standing view of Elijah Hershberger, wearing shoulder scales. Pencil ID on reverse, no photographer's mark. Full standing view in civilian clothes of Paris A Minnick, Co C. Period pencil ID on reverse. Image by Evans, York Pa.
38 - CDV of 48th Penna. Schuylkill Co. Union Officers Very nice posed group photo of 3 officers identified from a duplicate image in the collection of John D Hoptak who published a book with this photo on the letters of Lt Curtis Pollock. L-R Lt Curtis Pollock, Capt Oliver Bosbyshell, 2nd Lt Henry Clay Jackson. Co G 48th PA. Taken by Bailey, Tamaqua, Pa. Caption in Hoptak's book notes the photo was taken in Kentucky, so this would be a period copyshot taken in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania.
39 - Seated CDV View Col. Daniel Leasure 100th Penna. Nice image taken by Phipps, New Castle Pa with 3 cent tax stamp. Collector's notes on rear. Known as the "Roundheads", the regiment was recruited in Western Pennsylvania. Leasure was wounded at 2nd Bull Run and survived the war.
40 - CDV of Col. Henry Cake, 25th & 96th Penna. Great seated view, ink signed on front "Col Cake" holding his McDowell pattern officer's forage cap. Photo by Anthony/Brady. Similar image on Civil War Photosleuth.
41 - Collection of 8 Civil War CDV's 93rd Pennsylvania Full standing view of a young Frederick Clous, musician in Company F. Nicely signed in period pencil on reverse "Yours Truly Frederick A Clous Co F 93rd Reg P Vols". Hat brass on cap. Taken by Saurbrier, Reading Pa. (4) unknown soldiers, each pencil signed on rear 93rd Pa, possibly from an album. Images taken in Reading and Lebanon. Full standing view of soldier with service stripes taken in Reading pencil signed "J Haynes 93 PVI" on reverse. Postwar view in civilian clothes of David C Smith, removed from a scrapbook. Pencil signed on reverse "David C Smith Co C 93rd Pa Inf 1867". Full standing view of Pvt Isaac Uhrich, Co A taken by Zimmerman, Lebanon Pa. Ink signed on reverse, "Your comrade in arms Isaac Uhrich".
42 - CDV Image of Corp. David Alva Barnett 99th Penna. Incredible published CDV image with a wonderful full standing view of Barnett who was later promoted to Sgt, no photographer's mark. Pencil signed on front "D A Barnett Killed" and in period pencil on reverse "D Alva Barnett wounded at Kelly's Ford 1863. Died from affects of wound after a second amputation of his limb". Barnett was born in Lancaster County and later lived with his family in Peach Bottom Township, York County. He was a member of Co. B of the 99th and was seriously wounded at Kelly's Ford, 11/7/1863. The story of his subsequent care, including amputation of his leg and his subsequent death on 11/26/63 while a patient in the Douglas US Hospital is told in the book "Lincoln's Unsung Heroes" by Philip Katcher along with a similar view of Barnett. David was 22 years old when he died. We are fortunate to know a small part of the sacrifice made by one of the many men who served and died defending the cause of freedom.
43 - Identified Civil War CDV's 48th & 53rd Penna. CDV image of Major E C Baird taken by Hurn, Philadelphia. Initial service in Co H of the 48th Pa, image taken while a major and assistant adjutant general. Ink signed on front "E C Baird" and on reverse "Major E C Baird A A Gen'l 3rd Div 9 AC". Bust view of Captain H P Moody taken by Brownell, Scranton Pa. Ink signed on reverse "H P Moody Capt Co F 53rd PV Sept 11th 1862". Bust view taken by Hopkins, Lock Haven Pa of Pvt Isaac Ellison Co F 53rd. Id'ed in later pencil on reverse.
44 - 4 CDV's from the 101st, 103rd & 104th PA Regiments Nice 3/4 standing view of Captain Fletcher Smullin taken by Behn and Hurn, Philadelphia Pa. Identified on rear in pencil by collector, similar view available on Findagrave. POW at Plymouth and held in Columbia, SC. Full standing view of officer cradling his sword by Evers, Philadelphia Pa. Collector's note of 101st Pa on reverse, no other ID. Full standing view of Captain Robert Johnson Co E 104th Pa taken by Proctor, Hollidaysburg Pa. Period pencil ID on reverse "Bob Johnson" with collector's info added. Early knees up view of unidentified officer from the 104th, no photographer's mark. Noted on rear in pencil as having come from a 104th photo album.
45 - CDV of Col. Charles Albright, Penna. Trimmed CDV of Albright cradling his sword, taken by Gutekunst, Philadelphia Pa. Well known view of Albright, pencil id'ed on reverse by collector. Commanded the 132nd and 202nd as well as the 34th Militia during the Gettysburg campaign.
46 - 2 CDV's of Jonathan T. Rorer, Co I 138th Penna. Trimmed full standing view with 3rd Corps badge on cap taken by Lenzi, Norristown Pa. Ink signed on reverse "J T Rorer Brev Maj Civil War Co I 138 Pv Pa" with later collector's note in pencil. 138th was in the 3rd Corps from July 1863 to March 1864. Full standing view of Rorer in civilian clothes without the mustache taken in Philadelphia. Pencil signed on reverse "J Rorer May 5th 1864" with later collector's notes.
47 - CDV of Fife Maj. William Snyder 130th Penna. Trimmed CDV taken by Snoddy, Shippensburg Pa. Full standing view wearing officer's sash tinted red and appears to be holding his gloves. Period pencil signed on reverse "William H Snyder Fife Major of 130 PV".
48 - Group of 10 PA Civil War CDV's, Some Identified Full standing CDV (damage to mount) of an unidentified Corporal wearing a Zouave jacket, possibly 95th Pennsylvania. Taken by Searby, Philadelphia. Standing view in 4-button sack coat, possibly of Elmer Bacon 98th PA. Taken by Keet, Harrisburg Pa. 20th century, pencil ID on reverse. Seated view of NCO from the 107th Pennsylvania taken by Clark, Harrisburg Pa. Forage cap has "107" on the sweatband. Full standing civilian view by Keim, Harrisburg Pa. Collector's ID of Albert Quigley Co B 127th Pa. Bust view, no photographer's mark, of Capt Henry F Beardsley, Co F 141st Pa. Period pencil "Capt H F Beardsley" with later collector's notes in pencil. Image of Henry F Didier and his wife taken by Van Syckel, Philadelphia Pa. Ink signed on reverse "Mrs Didier" with later pencil notes identifying the soldier from Co E 147th Pa. Full standing view of Lt John Metzger taken by Bare and Lefevre, Harrisburg Pa. Early 20th century pencil ID on reverse with later notes. Interesting seated view by Bowman, Mahanoy City Pa of Dr G B Swayze, assistant surgeon 178th Pennsylvania. Note the quill he's holding and the book on the table is signed with his initials and name. Later view of him on Findagrave. Bust view taken by Amey and Lemer, Harrisburg Pa of Lt Samuel McCurdy. Period pencil ID on front bottom of image with collector's info on reverse. Seated view, no photographer's mark of Pvt James Warberton wearing a military vest. Collector's ID on reverse, appears the image was published.
49 - Small Collection Identified CDV's 195th Penna. Two slightly different bust view images taken by Ensminger and White, Manheim Pa of Lt H Augustus Kinch. One view ink signed on front "Yours Truly A H Kinch" with pencil ID's on rear of both. Co G 195th Penna. Seated view taken by Ensminger, Manheim Pa of Private Jeremiah Pritz of Company G. Great private purchase winter cap. Period pencil on reverse "Jeremiah Pritz" with later pencil notes and 2 cent tax stamp. Seated view, no photographer's mark of George W Engle, Co C. Period pencil at bottom of image and period ID repeated several times on reverse. Accompanied by a full standing view of Engle's wife, so noted on reverse in pencil. Taken by Houghton's Lewisburg, Pa.
50 - Group of 4 Images of Armed Civil War Soldiers Seated view copy shot of private in front of a painted backdrop taken by Wood, Wellsboro Pa. Full standing view of infantryman in sack coat taken by Evans and Prince, York Pa...photographers mark painted on backdrop and also on reverse with tax stamp. Period copy shot of a full standing private taken by Lochman, Hamburg Pa in front of a painted backdrop. Full standing view of an older Union private, copy shot taken by Saurbier, Reading Pa with tax stamp.
51 - Identified CDV Colonel Robert Cox 207th Penna. Very nice full standing view taken by Burnite, Harrisburg Pa. Major in the 171st and later in the 207th. Brevetted for gallantry at Fort Steadman and Sedgwick.
52 - Lot of 7 Penna. Civil War CDV's, Some Identified Very nice full standing view, ink signed on front in early 20th century ink "Abraham Musser", holding his rifle. Copy shot done by Gillingham, Fairfax Station Va. Purported to be Abraham Musser Co H 202nd PA. Full standing view of Corporal in shell jacket by Gillingham, Fairfax Station Va. Later ID on reverse believed to be David Johns Co K 202nd Pa (soiling and creasing). Full standing view in civilian clothes by Boss, Mechanicsburg Pa. Collector's note says this is William Hauck Co E 200th Pa. Seated view, no photographer's mark, later ink ID on reverse purported to be Corp Theodore Jones 208th Pa. Nice seated view, no photographer's mark of John Metcher. Nicely ink signed on reverse "John Metcher Comp B 215 R.P.V." with tax stamp. Subject wearing hat brass on cap. Unidentified image of seated Corporal by Green, Johnstown Pa and full standing view of an unidentified soldier with Purviance, Pittsburgh Pa backmark.
53 - 12 Civil War Images, Most with PA Backmarks 1 gem size tintype and 11 CDV's with backmarks including New Oxford, Pittsburgh, Mechanicsburg, Williamsport, Scranton, Carlisle, York and Wellsboro. One nice copy shot of a musician holding his over the shoulder horn.
54 - Collection of 16 Images of Civil War Officers 1 identified as Joseph Pratt, 29th Pa Militia, 1 id'ed as Lt Emery Fisher 22nd USCT and 1 id'ed as John Herr AQM. Various photographer's marks from Johnstown, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Allentown, Northumberland, Sunbury, Bloomsburg, Shippensburg, West Chester and Landisburg.
55 - Lot of Civil War and Post War Images 10 images total with collectors ID's on several.
56 - Group of Civil War Letters, Albumen Photo & Docs Capt F B Shalters 88th Pennsylvania. Joined Company H 9/14/61 and resigned 4/10/63, wounded at Fredericksburg, VA 12/13/62. Officer's commission for his initial term of service in the 14th Pa infantry, date 6/1/61 as Sgt Major. Eagle masthead discharge from the 14th dated 8/5/61. Seated albumen photo, holding sword with forage cap and "88" inside the hunting horn, wearing one glove. Officer's commission dated 8/26/61 as 2nd Lt in the 88th. Officer's commission dated 9/1/62. 5 newsy letters in ink written to his parents dated 4/13/62, "Christmas" 1862,12/22/62, 12/28/62, 1/28/63. Content of letters mentions resigning or the desire to resign quite often. One document in ink dated 6/27/62 from his commanding officer to Colonel McLain with the request by Shalters to resign his commission. Further ink passages on reverse as the request made its way through the chain of command ultimately resulting in his request getting turned down. Ink document also dated 6/27/62, this directly from Shalters to Colonel McLain also requesting his resignation, which was also turned down. Document outlining bayonet exercises. Nice grouping of documents from a hard fought regiment.
57 - Sm. Group of Civil War Docs from Various Regiments 1st Pa light artillery, 51st Ohio, 2nd Pa Reserves, draft notice from Mt Joy Township, PA, letter from Port Hudson to wife of Governor of Massachusetts and 36th Mass, discharge paper 124th Ohio,1st VT cavalry pay document and an ordnance document.
58 - Antietam Campaign 63rd/68th/105th Penna. Document Interesting single sheet order by B.G. John Robinson directing these 3 regiments to replace Birney's Brigade which led to them missing the Battle of Antietam. Dated 9/15/62 from Robinson's HQ.
59 - 8 Documents from the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry Five documents that belonged to Lt Joseph Ferguson, Company E. Three misc. documents and a officer's commission for Charles Appel, Captain Company F.
60 - 20 Documents from Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiments Most are preprinted and filled in for individual troopers. Regiments represented include the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th,15th, 16th, 19th, 21st, officer's commission for 11th and a written order from HQ 1st Cav. Division dated 5/6/63 asking for a report to be done on the late battle.
61 - 25 War Date Documents from PA Infantry Regiments Many are preprinted documents, all in very good condition. Regiments represented include the 29th, 1st reserves, 2nd reserves,4th reserves,6th reserves,45th, 46th, 48th (letter),54th, 55th, 58th, 63rd, 68th, 72nd, 74th, 76th, 78th, 82nd and 85th.
62 - 27 Civil War Documents from PA Infantry Regiments Mix of preprinted documents, documents done in the field and letters from the following regiments: 84th, 88th, 91st, 93rd, 98th, 100th,102nd,103rd,104th,107th,109th,110th, 111th,114th,118th,119th (letter 3/29/65),141st and 199th.
63 - Penna. Documents Including 55th and 93rd Discharge 93rd discharge has tape and tape stains, discharge from 55th PA, disability discharge from 79th PA and clothing document from 1st Battalion PA.
64 - Archive Belonging to Abraham Lowman, 2nd PA Cav. Various documents including pension requests and family photos. Notes a bible once belonged with group, but is not present.
65 - Collection of Confederate Georgia Documents Collection of (13) items including: Pre-war letter dated 3/18/1808 from Savannah written by David Bradie Mitchell who was the 9th Governor of the state. Autograph of Benjamin Rice Holt, Co. A 5th GA. Clinch Rifles done on Santa Rosa Island. Voucher Capt. James Peyton dated 1/9/1864 from Atlanta. Roll of NCO's employed at the Military Prison in Atlanta for the month of January 1864. Forage requisition for Major D.J. Owen 11th Georgia Cavalry. Voucher for assistant surgeon Moses Richardson for reimbursement while serving in a hospital in Georgia. Confederate States Depository document from Athens, GA, 6/24/1864. General Orders No.11 from Savannah dates 2/12/1863. Supply voucher for Lt. John Dwyer for rooms and wood used while in Atlanta. 18th GA document, Macon, Ga 12/11/62. Pay voucher for Capt. Guess 9th GA Light artillery. Militia appointment for Lt. in the home guards who saw service in the Cherokee Legion later in the war. Orders for surgeon J.C. Mullins to report to duty in Atlanta, 11/24/62.
66 - Confederate 38th Georgia Civil War Letter 1 page, front and back in ink written on a fragment of lined paper with envelope addressed to Mr. L. E. Bentley, Washington Wicks Co. GA from Pvt Mc. A. Bentley dated 12/2/62 from Danville, GA. Newsy letter with interesting perspective: "he expects the Yankees will whip them as they are fed well and live like kings" and "he further wishes he could have the crumbs they throw to the dogs at home". Folds with tape and tape residue.
67 - Confederate Railroad-Related Civil War Documents Totaling 4 documents. One from the Danville RR dated 8/5/64 given as a pass for JT Seagler of Windsor, SC. One for Greenville and Columbia RR Co. for hauling freight. Pass for the Central RR dated Richmond 2/2/65 and the autograph on a stock certificate for the Raleigh and Gaston RR Co. of CSA General Lawrence O'Bryan Branch who was KIA at Antietam.
68 - 1st South Carolina Volunteers Civil War Document Special requisition for Company E "In the Field" for clothing signed by Capt. R.E.B. Hewetson. Dated 4/1/1863. Tape repairs.
69 - Confederate Quartermaster Civil War Documents Mostly pertaining to general requests for forage. One document pertains to Alcorn's Brigade from Mississippi. Others relate to Battery No. 9 Richmond, 7th Louisiana, Hart's Horse Battery and Army of the Tennessee.
70 - Excellent Confederate Letter Relating to Uniforms Ink, one page front and back dated December 19, 1864 written by QM General A. M. Lawton and signed by Major G.W. Cunningham, QM in Atlanta. Directing the officer to make a thorough tour of the southern states, each noted, to help facilitate the production of Army clothing. Letter marked "copy" for retention in the office.
71 - Confederate Doc. Signed by General "Grumble" Jones Blue preprinted voucher for beef form filled out in ink dated October 1852 at Fort Merrill, Texas. Signed "W. E. Jones" as a 2nd Lt. Jones was killed after being shot in the head while leading a charge at the Battle of Piedmont, VA 6/5/64.
72 - 2 Confederate Officer's Pay Account Documents Preprinted forms filled out in ink both dated 1861.
73 - Southern Telegraph Confederate Document Preprinted form filled out in ink. Unusual document dated Salem, Wyeth Co., Virginia Dec. 12, 1864. Pertains to receiving permission from the Secretary of War to ship pork.
74 - Lot of 8 Confederate Bonds and Checks One check signed by Stonewall Jackson's Chief of Staff, dated 5/1/1876 and two Confederate bonds for $100.
75 - Confederate Furlough Doc. for 36th Alabama Soldier One page in ink, front and back, for Pvt John McGill, Co. C. Signed by B.G. Henry Clayton and Alexander Stewart, Division Commander.
76 - War Date Confederate Letter, South Carolina 6 pgs. in ink (front and back of 3 pages) on brown paper from Mackeys Point, March 29th, '64. Includes cover. Newsy letter mentions troop movements and shortages of horses. Written by R. H. Chavis and comes with translation.
77 - Lot of 14 Confederate Documents Most are preprinted and filled out in ink. Documents related to the 2nd Tennessee and 7th Tennessee, Rockbridge Dragoons, surgeon's morning report from July 1862, Hampton's Legion and others.
78 - Lot of 11 Confederate Documents Various war date documents. Some preprinted and completed in ink. All good condition.
79 - Relics Incl. Cavalry Bugle Mouthpiece & Rifle Tool Total of 4 relics. Includes the base to a rifled artillery shell and a British Armstrong Time fuse.
80 - Dug Civil War Cannon Balls, Grapeshot and Misc. Large lot of items including artillery fragments, carbine socket and ramrods. One fragment with "Olustee FLA" painted on it. Carbine socket appears to be unused- could be Bannerman surplus. One ramrod with cleaning hole at end- possibly from an Enfield.
81 - Box of Dug Grapeshot, Some with Period Labels One with label stating "Used by the Mexicans 1846 in cannons". Others with "Fredericksburg, VA" and "Burnside Bridge".
82 - 2 Preprinted Wythe County, Va Benefit Documents Unresearched, presumably providing funds to the families of men killed in action. One dated July 21st 1863 and the other May 4, 1864. Preprinted and filled out in ink.
83 - 100th Pennsylvania "Roundheads" New Castle News Great "Roundhead Edition" of the Special Edition newspaper from August 28,1901 with many photos of the veterans and vignettes on each and also from the war. 4 pages. Appears to be a partial newspaper, but portion that was saved has all of the articles on the 100th.
84 - Confederate Richmond, VA "Christian Observer" News Broadside/newspaper dated February 2,1865. Large single sheet, front and back. Includes an article on the First Virginia Artillery. Toning, creasing and edge chipping.
85 - Confederate Savannah, GA "Savannah Republican" One large folded newspaper sheet making 4 pages (front/back) dated November 14,1862. Articles related to the war with additional articles from Northern newspapers, including one that says "A Battle Regarded Imminent", possibly referring to the upcoming Battle of Fredericksburg. Great advertisements for "substitutes and recruits wanted". Also, "plantations for sale" with one including "Fifty Negroes". Good with typical creasing, tears and toning.
86 - Civil War Relic Display Nice display put together sometime in the late 20th century. Includes an officer's belt plate, 2 buttons (one "I" infantry button) and an assortment of rifle and pistol rounds. All glued down, some having come loose. No key to case.
87 - Identified 124th PA "Housewife" & Snuff Box Great wool roll-up "housewife" or "needle book" used by soldiers to carry needles, thread and scraps of material. Period tag in ink states "needlebook carried during the war of 1862 & 63 Capt. Charles W. Roberts". Early 20th century tag in pencil says "needle case carried by Charles W. Roberts when in the war of 1863, Captain of Company A 124 Reg Penna Vol Reg". Roberts enlisted from Chester County on 8/12/62 and mustered out 5/17/63. The 124th was a 9 month regiment which saw combat at Antietam and Chancellorsville. A photo of him is posted on "Find a Grave". Roll-up appears to be homemade, hand-stitched and used after the war which includes buttons and needles that are 20th century. Good condition. The Snuff Box is engraved to Charles W. Roberts, hinged top, nickel-plated construction with expected finish and age wear. Overall fair condition.
88 - Relics Recovered from Georgia Battlefields Includes 11 small Riker cases with relics dug in Resaca, Atlanta, Kenesaw Mountain, Columbus, Savannah and Dalton.
89 - 2 Cigars from the Civil War Made in Pennsylvania Two period cigars with interesting history relating how they were made by Reuben Keinert from Berks County, PA who refused to pay the tax on the cigars he made.
90 - Relics Recovered from Battlefields in Virginia 9 Riker cases with accompanying tags noting they were recovered from Fisher's Hill, Petersburg and various camps.
91 - Group of Civil War Hat Brass 3 Riker cases containing crossed cannons noted as coming from Bannerman's along with company letters and numerals.
92 - Antietam Civil War Battlefield Relics Includes 2 cases. One containing the remnants of artillery fuses with collector's tag of Antietam and a group of pistol and rifle rounds also marked Antietam.
93 - Relic Militia Breast Plate Savannah, GA Pre-Civil War clipped corner breastplate noted as being dug in Savannah.
94 - Civil War Dug Rifle Rounds 3 Riker cases of Enfield and Springfield rifle and musket rounds.
95 - Recovered Relics-Point Lookout and Winchester, Va Dug flat button and Indian Head penny from the POW camp at Point Lookout, cavalry bore cleaning brush, model 1863 combination rifle tool, a spur and other relics.
96 - 2 Gettysburg Civil War Relics A Gardiner explosive bullet from the 11th Corps line and a U.S. puppy paw belt buckle noted as being found on the Taneytown Road.
97 - Gettysburg Relics, J. Howard Wert Collection 4 Riker cases each noted as coming from the famous Wert collection. During the Battle of Gettysburg, Wert acted as a guide for Gen. George Meade. A local and recent college graduate, he began collecting artifacts while the battle was still in progress and built a renowned collection after the war.
98 - Brady Early Civil War CDV View with Sutler's Tag Great image of man standing in front of a tent loaded with crates of various goods. Found with the image is a sutler's tag for Joseph A. Holahan, 8th NY. Unknown if this is the man in front of the tent. Great for research.
99 - Rifle Rounds Recovered from Gettysburg Battlefield 5 Riker cases and one loose round. The individual round is still in the wood it impacted and was later recovered. Collector's notes indicate some of these are from the Rosensteel collection, Shield's Museum, Graham collection and various places on the battlefield.
100 - Civil War Dug Relics Including Enfield Tompion 4 Riker cases with relics. One group noted as "Moss Neck Jackson's Camp".
101 - Sutler's Token JJ Benson 1st Mounted Rifles 10 cent Civil War Sutler's Token. Good condition.
102 - Civil War-Related Paper Including 3rd PA Cavalry Nice pay voucher to the sutler of the 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry, Cooper Shop Philadelphia voucher, Confederate cattle document, Harper's Weekly dated April 4, 1863, Soldiers/Sailors Pittsburgh Dedication Program 1910, repro artillery hat cord and 5th Co New Orleans Artillery Dedication Flag.
103 - Civil War Relics from Port Hudson Battlefield 2 cases, one containing mostly rifle rounds and the other containing a partial US Cartridge Box and partial Army Holster.
104 - Nice Collection of Gettysburg Battlefield Relics 7 Riker cases including nice buttons recovered from Barlow's Knoll and a Mississippi-Style Confederate spur recovered from Lee's retreat.
105 - Shell Fragments from Gettysburg Battlefield Homemade box with label noting the iron and lead artillery shell fragments are from the Culp's Hill area of the Gettysburg Battlefield.
106 - 6 Riker Cases of Dug Civil War Relics Assortment of relics including a very nice 1834 hat insignia dug at the Wilderness Battlefield.
107 - US Eagle Breastplate ex: Sydney Kerksis Dug on the Battlefield of 1st Manassas in March 1954 in the area of Keyes Brigade with note in ink by Kerksis.
108 - Civil War Bullet from Salem Church Battlefield With section of wood, mounted on stand with label.
109 - Trophy Miniatures-Victorian Campaign One Sudan mounted native with spear and 6 natives attacking with flag bearer.
110 - 5 Boxer Rebellion Trophy Soldiers of the World Miniatures sets include BS 31 "Tiger Men", BS 29 French Marines, BS 33 Boxers attacking. BS 31 French Sailors and Officer, BS 33 Chinese Imperial officer and 5 men. In original boxes.
111 - Collection of 4 Napoleonic Wars Trophy Sets miniatures of the World sets to include ND 5 "28th Regiment", 6 Gordon Highlanders Loading, 6 French Army Royal African regiment, ND 4 22nd Dragoons advancing. In original boxes.
112 - Egypt & Sudan Campaigns Soldiers of the World 3 Trophy miniatures groups include No. SS 17n Dervish Warriors Firing Rifles, No. HLS6 Highland Brigade, Black Watch Highlanders.
113 - Soldiers of the World Army of India Field Marshal Field Marshal Lord Roberts in staff car, noted as "The Staff Car". Excellent condition.
114 - Streets of Old London Trophy of the World 2 miniatures groups to include No PAS3 "Oxford and Bucks Light In Home Service" and No. PAS3 "West Kent".
115 - Collection of 5 Napoleonic Wars Trophy Miniatures Classic Collection. Set No. WA40 Hanovarian Legion, Set No. WA62 71st Highland Regiment, Set No. WA73, The Old Guards, Set No. WA43 2nd Foreign Regt in French Service, Set No. NE1 88th Light Infantry.
116 - Group of 3 Napoleonic Wars Trophy Miniatures Includes Set No WA68C Officer Lancers of Berg, No EL4 4th Hussars Regiment, Set No WA67A "Les Tambours".
117 - Dragon Crest Series Zulu War Miniatures White officer and 5 natives, Set No DC 20/A.
118 - Classic Collection Trophy Miniatures Les Tambours and 78th Highlanders, French and Egyptian War Set NE6A and South Africa 1795 set CM5.
119 - Trophy Miniatures Hand to Hand Series and Crimea Group of 2, Set CWS/2 The Sherwood Forestors and Set HZ11 Hand to Hand Sudan.
120 - Soldiers of the World Zulu War Trophy Miniatures "Behind the Barricade" includes wagon, ammo crates, 2 Zulus and 3 defenders.
121 - Soldiers of the World Crimean War Lead Soldiers Set CW41/A British 18 pounder with crew in overcoats.
122 - Trophy Miniature Sets Painted Lead Soldiers Set CWS 5 Russian Infantry, Mounted Trooper Zulu War 1879 and set RO1 Army Ordnance Corps.
123 - Traditional Toy Soldiers Painted Lead Soldiers 2 sets, Coldstream Guards officer and 5 men and 1900 Boxer Rebellion 6 Boxers attacking.
124 - Trophy Miniatures WW1 "Cooks and Supplies" Set No. EQ64.
125 - 3 Sets Classic Collection Trophy Miniatures Set ZS53 24th in shirt-sleeve order volley line, Set CWS19D, 4th Queens Own Light Dragoons, Set WA11H Carabinier Wounded Trooper.
126 - Soldiers of the World Napoleonic War Set Painted lead solder set No 444/B, "The Imperial Review".
127 - Errol John Studios Lead Soldiers & Civilians Painted traditional set. Set OCO-EAG-002, GANDAMAK 1842.
128 - 3 Soldiers Of The World Trophy Miniatures Sets Painted lead soldier sets include Set BS 29 "US Army China", (No set #) US Marine Officer with Boxer on horseback & flag and Set CWS8 Russian Heavy Artillery piece with 5 man crew.
129 - 3 Soldiers Of The World Trophy Miniatures Sets Painted lead soldier Napoleonic War sets include Set No. WA31A Polish Infantry Voltiguer Company, Set No. WA33 9th Reg't French Line Voltiguer Co. and Set No. WA38 2nd Regiment Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard.
130 - Britain Premier Series Charles Biggs Soldier Set Set No. 8912 "4-5 Howitzer with limber and 4-man Khaki Detachment" painted lead soldiers.
131 - Trophy Minatures Wales Ltd. Lead Toy Figure Limited Edition Figure for the 58th Annual MFCA show in 1999 featuring a member of the 3rd Pennsylvania Battalion 1776.
132 - Trophy Miniatures WWI Painted Lead Soldier Sets 5 sets including GWD1 "Vickers in Action", GWD2 "German Trench Raiders", GWD7 "The Ladies From Hell", GW10 "German Prisoners and Escort" and GW9 "1st Scottish Division".
133 - Group of Miniature Painted Lead Soldiers Various sets represented. No boxes.
134 - 4 Sets Britain Limited Edition Lead Toy Soldiers No. 5184 British Soldiers Lifeguards (Box # 2302), No. 5185 British Soldiers Seaforth Highlanders (Box #0354), No. 5186 British Soldiers Guards with cloth flags (Box #0441) and No. 5187 The Bahamas Police Band (Box #962).
135 - Britains, Errol John and Trophy Miniatures Sets Painted toy soldiers include Trophy miniatures No. CWS21 "Times War Correspondent", WW8 "Trooper 10th US Cavalry", HZ3 trooper on horseback and NE6B Les Tambours 4. Includes Britains set 8939 "French Machine Gun section" and Errol John Studios 1993 French Hussar 5th Regiment Set OCO-EML-VFN5.
136 - 7 Sets of Trophy Miniatures Napoleonic Wars Set No's WA46 "Trumpet Major", WA30 "17th Light Infantry Carabiner", WA68G Trumpet Major, WA66 Company Flag and Drummers, WA64 Fifer and Drummer, WA64 Fifer and Drummer, WA16D British Cavalry 1st Dragoon Guard.
137 - Albion Toy Soldiers Miniatures Unboxed group of lead toy soldiers.
138 - Group of Various Cast Lead Miniature Toy Soldiers Various sets represented, no boxes.
139 - Conte Cast Soldiers Civil War Irish Brigade Very good condition, no box.
140 - Mixed Lot of Soldiers of the World Miniatures Large tray lot, overall good condition with some bayonets bent or missing.
141 - 2 History Works Painted Confederate Flag Bearers In their original boxes, one missing the padding. One carrying the Texas flag and the other the Virginia Flag.
142 - 4 Boxes Trophy Figures "Napoleonic Wars" Set WA75G Standard Bearer, French 13th Chasseurs dismounted, 3 Mounted French 9th Regiment, 3 Mounted French Carabiniers (box missing label).
143 - 7 Boxes of Painted Miniature Toy Soldiers One set by Nickolson miniatures, one by Errol John, 2 boxes marked Soldiers of the World, 3 boxes not marked.
144 - Small Collection Soldiers of the World Mixed Sets No boxes, damage to elephant's trunk.
145 - Group of Soldiers of the World Miniatures Large group with no boxes.
146 - Tray of Assorted Painted Lead Miniature Soldiers No boxes, various makers and sets represented. Some damage to bayonets and ends of rifles.
147 - Lg. Assortment of Painted Lead Miniature Soldiers No boxes, various makers and sets represented.
148 - Soldiers of the World Various Unboxed Miniatures No boxes, various sets represented.
149 - Group of Various Cast Lead Miniature Toy Soldiers No boxes, various sets represented.
150 - Great Assortment of Miniature Toy Soldiers Includes several flag bearers. No boxes, various sets represented.
151 - Trophy Miniatures Nile River Sudan War Gunboat Appears to be complete set in very good condition with dirt from storage. No box.
152 - USS Passaic Civil War Miniature Ironclad Gunboat Label underneath with 229008 and marked Made in China.
153 - 9 Boxes of Trophy of Wales Miniature Soldiers Soldiers are married to Nickolson miniature boxes. Boxes include Boxer Rebellion, Sudan War, Zulu War, Napoleonic War and WWI.
154 - 9 Boxes of Trophy of Wales Miniature Soldiers Not in the original boxes, similar to previous lot. Groups of soldiers from the Napoleonic Wars, Waterloo, Boer War and Sudan.
155 - Lg. Group of Trophy of Wales Civil War Soldiers Includes artillery and defensive features. Unboxed, played with condition with bent weapons and wear, otherwise very good condition.
156 - Trophy of Wales Texas Revolution Set Not in the original box, includes flag bearer with Texas motto "Come and Take It". Excellent condition.
157 - Group of Civil War Miniature Soldiers Large group by various makers, with some accessories. Some figures damaged.
158 - Conte Civil War Flag Bearer Soldier Miniature Of the Irish Brigade. Great detail, excellent condition.
159 - Lg. Assortment of Civil War Painted Toy Soldiers By various makers. No boxes. Some damaged, but mostly very good condition.
160 - Group of Civil War Painted Miniatures Includes cannons, artillerymen, and soldiers by various makers. No boxes. Mostly very good condition.
161 - 3 WWI Trophy of Wales Miniatures Sets Set Nos. GW6, GW7, GW8. Excellent condition with wear to boxes from storage.
162 - Various Sets of Miniature Painted Soldiers Mismatched boxes include Mounted 21st Lancer, 16th Reg't Dragoons, French dismounted dragoons, 1880's Royal Marine Light Infantry, Zulu War command set, French Artillery, Dutch Grenadiers, Royal Marine Light Infantry, French Imperial Guard.
163 - Trophy Miniatures 7th US Cavalry Indian Wars Includes Trooper and Sioux Chief. Mismatched box, excellent condition.
164 - 8 Sets of Trophy Miniatures Various sets in their original boxes including Crimean War and Napoleonic Wars. Boxes have wear from storage, figures are excellent.
165 - 6 Boxes of Toy Lead Painted Miniature Soldiers Sets inside do not match the boxes they are in. Boxes include 42nd Black Watch, 1st Reg Imperial Guard, 92nd Highlander, Seaforth Highlanders, 24th Regt of Foot and Dismounted Chasseurs.
166 - Britain's 50th Anniversary of Parachute Regiment Limited Edition Set, Serial No. 001486. Complete set. Figures in excellent condition. Water staining to the box.
167 - 5 Boxes of Trophy of Wales Miniatures Mismatched with boxes. Groups include Charging 21st Lancer Regt, Mounted Lancers, 24th Regt of Foot, French Carbineers, Royal Navy Oxen Wagon.
168 - 7 Boxes of Assorted Soldier Miniatures Some sets are marriages, some are in the original box including Russian Army set 424/A and Highland Brigade Black Watch.
169 - Large Group of Assorted Toy Soldier Miniatures Most are by Trophy of Wales. 7 boxes total.
170 - 3 Summit Collection Civil War Figures 2 Confederate and 1 Union Infantryman. No boxes. End of Union Soldier's rifle is damaged and edge of kneeling Confederate's hat has chipping.
171 - Large Assortment of Painted Figures No boxes, from various sets and makers.
172 - Lot of US Civil War Painted Miniature Soldiers Various sets and makers, some damaged. 3 empty boxes for The Collectors Showcase included.
173 - Collectors Showcase US Civil War Soldiers Includes Berdan's Sharpshooters and Iron Brigade. Berdan's Loading, 2nd Wisconsin Flag Bearer and 2nd Wisconsin Parrying. Boxes with wear, otherwise very good.
174 - Iron Brigade Civil War Miniatures by Britains Small collection, each marked on base with copyright and some numbered.
175 - Civil War Confederate Soldier Miniatures by Conte Nice grouping of miniatures, no boxes. Most overall very good condition, a couple have broken ends to their rifles or bayonets.
176 - Conte Union Zouaves Civil War Soldier Miniatures Nice group of 8 including a scene of hand to hand combat, each marked on base. Very good condition. No boxes.
177 - 2 Groups of Civil War Soldiers by Conte Nice action scenes, appear related to the Battle of First Bull Run. No boxes, good condition.
178 - Group of Confederate Artillery Soldiers Most by Conte with additions. Nice overall battle scene in good condition
179 - Lot of Assorted Civil War Miniature Soldiers Various makers, no boxes.
180 - Union Soldier Civil War Miniatures by Conte Various sets represented including Iron Brigade.
181 - Group of Union Zouaves Marked W. Britain With copyright. Some are numbered from sets. No boxes, nice condition.
182 - Union Civil War Miniature Soldiers Marked W. Britain with copyright. Some are numbered from sets. No boxes, nice condition.
183 - Confederate Civil War Miniature Soldiers Marked W. Britain with copyright. Some are numbered from sets. No boxes, nice condition.
184 - Confederate Miniature Soldiers Marked W. Britain Soldiers from sets 31240, 31265, 31261, 31258 and 31264.
185 - 11 Boxes of Painted Soldier Miniatures Various makers. Boxes do not match contents.
186 - 12th Tennessee Confederate Group by Conte Missing box, excellent condition with 3-piece set by King and Country of wounded cavalryman getting treated.
187 - 2 Miniature Artillery and Soldier Sets Royal Horse Gun Battery is complete, box has soiling. Indian Army Artillery is missing one piece.
188 - Large Group of Misc. Painted Miniature Soldiers 8 boxes of soldiers total from various makers. Good condition.
189 - Group of Misc. Painted Miniature Soldiers Various makers, no boxes included.
190 - Artillery, Siege Guns & Painted Miniature Soldiers Various pieces, no boxes with 4 American Civil War History Works Confederate Flag Bearers (Alabama flag holder damaged).
191 - 11 Boxes of Painted Soldiers Most by Trophy Mismatched boxes. Soldiers in very good condition.
192 - 2 WWI Trophy Miniatures Wales Sets Sets EQ62 & GWD5. Boxes with soiling, mortar crew has broken arms.
193 - Welsh Trophy Mounted 7th US Cavalry Officer Appears to be Gen. Custer. Not in original box.
194 - Large Assortment of Painted Miniature Soldiers Various soldiers including Napoleon on horseback.
195 - 6 Different Sets of Trophy Miniatures Original boxes have soiling from storage. Complete in very good condition.
196 - 2 Soldiers of the World Sets The Chosen Men 95th Rifles No 21 of 100 and Set N358 Imperial Guard 3rd Reg. Boxes with soiling, otherwise very good.
197 - Large Assortment of Painted Toy Miniature Soldiers Mismatched boxes, various makers. Good condition.
198 - Large Assortment of Painted Miniature Soldiers Various makers and sets, mismatched boxes, good overall condition.
199 - Britain's Seaforth Highlander Special Edition Set No. 004704, complete set in excellent condition.
200 - Collection of Painted Soldier Miniatures By various makers. Mismatched boxes and various sets represented. Played with condition.
201 - Civil War Cavalrymen Painted Miniatures Display Scene featuring the raising of the US Flag with the cavalry band on horseback.
202 - The Story of Our Regiment A Hist. of the 148th Pa. Volunteers, copyright 1904, inside cover is inscribed for A.A Patterson Bellefonte Pa. 1905, with the inside page having handwritten information, binding wear and age discoloration, cover shows areas of thinning on the edges, having a few loose pages near the front of the book, signs of mildew spots on the cover, overall fair condition.
203 - History of the 7th Pa. Cavalry Written by William B. Sipes, original copy, normal age discoloration and wear to the covers, overall fair to good condition.
204 - Hist. of The Pittsburgh Washington Infantry (102nd Pennsylvania), original copy 1931, normal age discoloration and signs of age, finish wear to the covers, overall fair to good condition.
205 - Artillery Fuses of the Civil War By Charles H. Jones, First edition 2001, very good condition.
206 - The English Connection by Russ A. Pritchard Jr. Copyright 2014. Very good condition.
207 - Civil War Era Compass Separated case, faint and worn engraved name on the front of the case, various chips and roughness on the edges of the glass, overall fair condition.
208 - Relic US Pattern 1839 Belt Plate Missing belt attachments with loss to the lead-filled back. As-found dug, relic condition.
209 - 2 Recovered Confederate Whitworth Bullets Consignor has noted that they were recovered outside of Orange Virginia by Chuck Thompson 1960. As-found dug, relic condition.
210 - Framed Photograph of Union Soldier 10-3/4" x 8-3/4", marked Saylor's, New Photograph Gallery, Reading , Pa, expected color toning and signs of age.
211 - 1/6th Cased Ambrotype of Union Soldiers Clear image with normal signs of age and wear to the case.
212 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image of a seated soldier wearing a pattern 1839 belt plate with cartridge box a keppi hat, missing case cover with expected wear.
213 - 1/6th Cased Ambrotype of Union Soldier Clear image in half case, expected finish wear and signs of age.
214 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of New Hampshire Union Soldier Visible New Hampshire Co. F Volunteers on the top of the Kepi hat, clear cased photograph, expected signs of age and wear.
215 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Seated Union Soldier Clear cased image with a separated cover, expected finish loss and wear to the case.
216 - 1/6th Cased Ambrotype of Seated Union Soldier Clear image with normal finish wear and signs of age to the case.
217 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Armed Union Soldier Clear image of a seated soldier in full uniform with contract musket, separated case cover with expected finish wear to the case.
218 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Seated soldier wearing a Greatcoat while holding his Kepi hat, clear image with expected wear to the case.
219 - 1/4th Cased Tintype of Two Union Soldiers Clear cased image of two seated Union soldiers, clear image with expected finish wear and loss to the case.
220 - 1/6th Case Ambrotype of Union Infantry Soldier Clear cased image of a standing soldier wearing a infantry greatcoat, clear image with a separated case cover.
221 - Cased Cabinet Card of Seated Soldier with Wife Normal color toning and signs of age backside of card is marked 13th N.H Inf. officer and wife.
222 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image of soldier in full uniform wearing a pattern 1839 belt plate and holding a contract musket.
223 - Recovered .58 Musket Bullet with Charge As-found recovered condition.
224 - 2 Contract Musket Worms As-found recovered condition.
225 - Grapeshot Recovered From the Wilderness As-found recovered condition.
226 - (2) .32 cal. Teatfire Cartridges As-found recovered condition.
227 - 3 Recovered .36 cal. Colt Bullets As-found recovered condition.
228 - Recovered U.S. Eagle Breast Plate Both loops have rusted off, was recovered in New Bern, North Carolina, as-found relic condition.
229 - (2) 12mm Perrin Cartridges As-found recovered condition.
230 - Recovered Relic Pattern 1839 Belt Plate Reverse side is marked "W H SMITH/ BROOKLYN", intact lead filled with posts, later applied hole drilled near the bottom of the plate, as-found relic condition.
231 - 2 Recovered Cavalry Insignia Pins Crossed sabers for enlisted troops, as-found condition.
232 - Assortment of Recovered Relic Bullets Recovered from Reams Station, as-found relic condition.
233 - Allegheny Pattern Percussion Cap Box No visible makers marks, dry aged leather finish with crazing and expected wear, has only a remnant of wool on the interior, single belt loop with an intact latch strap, overall fair condition.
234 - McFarland Percussion Cap Box Excessive age cracks and crazing, dry aged leather finish, faint makers name on the outer flap, overall fair to poor condition.
235 - Unmarked Percussion Cap Box Single sewn belt loop, dry aged leather that is still supple, expected age crazing and wear.
236 - John I. Pittman Percussion Cap Box Faint worn barely legible makers name on the inside flap, loss to the outer flap, expected crazing and wear, overall fair condition.
237 - Lot of 2 Civil War Folding Camp Chairs One with leather seat that is split and the other with canvas seat that is complete.
238 - Civil War Era Surgeons Saw Signed 'SMITHSON / SHEFFIELD", has an incised carved "U.S" on the right side of the handle, showing dark oxidation spots with expected signs of age.
239 - Riker Mount of Williams .58 cal. Paper Cartridges As-found recovered condition.
240 - Riker Mount of Recovered Bullets Includes Merrill and Burnside carbine bullets, Colt revolving rifle bullets and Williams bore cleaner bullets, as-found recovered condition.
241 - Riker Mount of Combustible Cartridges Includes Johnson & Dow, Watervliet arsenal, Hazard compressed powder, Bartholow's, used in Colt, Remington and Savage revolvers, as-found recovered condition.
242 - Riker Mount of Recovered Bullets and Musket Balls Includes, minie, a Confederate minie, Williams cleaner, Burnside, Spencer, Ringtail and Sharps, as-found recovered condition.
243 - Riker Mount of Relic Bullets in Wood As-found recovered condition.
244 - Riker Mount of Civil War Cartridges Includes, Burnside, Henry, Smith, Sharps, Maynard, and Gallager, as-found recovered condition.
245 - Assortment of Recovered Civil War Cartridges As-found recovered condition.
246 - Composition Model of U.S.S. Cairo 20-1/2" long, good-appearing condition.
247 - Composition Model of C.S.S. Atlanta 21-1/4" long, missing mast on the bow of the boat.
248 - Composition Model of C.S.S. Tennessee 21" long, good-appearing condition.
249 - Large Grouping of Cast Lead Soldiers Manufactured by Conte, King and Country, and other manufactures, averaging 2-1/4" T, overall good condition.
250 - Cast Lead Artillery Soldiers with Cannon Manufactured by soldiers of the world, averaging 2-1/2" T, minor paint wear.
251 - Trophy Miniatures Cast Lead Italian Infantry Very good condition with original box.
252 - Trophy Miniatures Cast Lead Prussian Infantry Very good condition with original box.
253 - Trophy Miniatures Cast Lead Corsica Soldiers Very good condition with original box.
254 - Small Selection of Cast Lead Hand Painted Soldiers Manufactured by Trophy miniatures and Soldiers of the World, includes, Royal Marines, Zulu Warriors, the 42nd Highlanders, minor paint wear.
255 - Allegheny Arsenal Saddle Tree Tag Dated 1861, brass embossed tag, as-found recovered condition.
256 - 4 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil War Relics As-found recovered condition.
257 - 38 WCF Bullet Mold Expected signs of age with areas of oxidation.
258 - Identified Infantry Badge with Photographs Identified to Pvt. Justice McCarthy of Co. K 129th Pa Infantry division, includes infantry badge with excessive plating loss and signs of age, clear stampings, also included are two photographs mounted in a plated watch case showing Pvt. McCarthy and his assumed wife, clear images with expected wear to the watch case.
259 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Seated Union Soldier Clear image with the case missing its cover, normal wear and signs of age.
260 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image of a seated soldier wearing a frock coat, areas of tarnish on the guilt plated matting, expected wear and signs of age.
261 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Seated clear-appearing image, normal finish wear and age discoloration to the case.
262 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Two Union Seated Soldiers. Clear image of two seated soldiers in full uniform, separated case cover with color fading and normal wear.
263 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Seated Union Soldier Clear image of soldier in full uniform, normal color fading and wear to the case.
264 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image with plating loss and tarnish to the border, expected finish loss and wear to the case.
265 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image of soldier in full uniform standing at attention holding a contract musket, case is missing the cover with expected finish wear and signs of age.
266 - Riker Mount of Recovered Civil War Minie Balls As-found relic condition.
267 - Embroidered Hat Insignia 124th Infantry Regt. Believed to be 124th Pennsylvania. Embroidered horn insignia with bullion and sequins on a black velvet backing, normal age discoloration and minor color fading, as-found recovered condition.
268 - Grouping of Pa National Guard Buttons Minor plating wear.
269 - (2) 1/6th Cased Tintypes of Union Soldiers 2 full uniform dressed images that are crisp and clear, expected finish wear and signs of age to the case.
270 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image with light fading, separated case lid with normal wear.
271 - 1/4th Cased Tintype of 2 Union Soldiers 2 seated soldiers in full uniform with Kepi hats, clear image with light fading, missing case cover with expected wear to the case.
272 - 8 lb. Solid Shot Cannonball Consignor had noted it was recovered in Winchester, Virginia. As-found, relic condition.
273 - 12 lb. Relic Cannonball Consignor noted that it was recovered at Lookout Mountain, Tn.
274 - Assortment of Cast Lead Civil War Soldiers Assorted manufacturers with hand-painted features, minor paint chips with some figures have assumed small detail loss.
275 - Trophy Miniatures Boxed Artillery and Infantry Set 54mm figures, new-appearing condition with original box.
276 - Trophy Miniatures British Grenadier Guards 54mm figurines with minor paint wear.
277 - Trophy Miniatures WW1 "Somme Bombardment 1916" Set number EQ67, good condition with original box.
278 - Trophy Miniatures Infantry Set "Legion of the North Polish". Good condition with box.
279 - Trophy Miniatures 4th Dragoons Set Good condition with box.
280 - Trophy Miniatures 24th South Africa Regiment Good condition with box.
281 - Trophy Miniatures Rifle Brigade Good condition with box.
282 - Volunteer Enlistment with Tintype Identified as Daniel Gander from Dauphin Co. Pa, enlisted Sept. 7th 1864 to serve as a soldier for one year, expected color toning and minor wear.
283 - Recovered Shoulder Boards with Insignia As-found condition with age discoloration and loose threads.
284 - Framed Photograph of Union Soldiers 3-3/4"x 4-1/2" image of soldiers standing by a home with soldiers also looking out the windows, normal color-toning and wear to the outer edges.
285 - Relic Collection of Civil War Cartridges Includes Spencer cartridges and 7mm & 12mm pinfire. As-found, recovered condition.
286 - 3 Riker Mounts of Recovered Minie Balls and Shot As-found, relic condition.
287 - 3 Riker Mounts of Civil War Relics As-found, relic condition.
288 - 2 Framed Civil War Photographs Believed to be of husband and wife, 4-1/2" x 7" photograph with normal color toning.
289 - 3 Banknotes Includes a Scottish 900 United States Cavalry script note, an Alabama Confederate 50-cent note, and a North Carolina 5-cent note. Normal color toning signs of age and wear.
290 - Hardee's Infantry Tactics 1862 Watson Edition Paperback edition with loss to the cover, normal color-fading and wear, expected wear to the edges, back of book is signed "Capt. Spaulding".
291 - 3 Civil War Discharge Papers Age discoloration, color-fading and normal, expected wear.
292 - Discharge Papers, Muster Out Roll and Enlistment Age discoloration, color-fading and normal, expected wear.
293 - Union Army Infantry Hat Badge Having an untouched, aged, patina with plating wear.
294 - Framed Cabinet Card of Seated Union Officer Cut down cabinet card mounted in a gilt- plated frame, measures 2-3/4" x 3-3/4", clear image with minor wear.
295 - 1/9th Case Tintype of Union Soldier Clear seated image in full uniform with kepi hat, expected finish and age wear to the case.
296 - 1/6th Cased Ambrotype of Union Soldier with Wife Clear image with expected age discoloration and wear to the case.
297 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of New Hampshire Volunteer N.H.V. visible on the seated soldiers Kepi hat, dressed in full uniform with a pattern 1839 belt plate, missing case cover, expected wear and signs of age.
298 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Seated Union Soldier Clear image with expected wear to the case.
299 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image with a missing case cover, normal signs of age and wear.
300 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of Union Soldier Clear image of soldier in full uniform with a tape-repaired case cover, normal finish wear and signs of age.
301 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of Union Soldier with Wife Clear image with light color fading, expected signs of age and wear.
302 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of New Hampshire Volunteer Dressed in full uniform with a visible " Co. D, N.H.V. " on the kepi, expected wear and signs of age on the case.
303 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Seated Union Soldier Seated image wearing full uniform, expected finish and age wear.
304 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of Seated Union Officer Clear image with minor loss to the upper side of the image, normal wear and signs of age.
305 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Seated Union Soldier Separated case cover, clear image, case shows normal signs of age and wear.
306 - 1/9th Cased Ambrotype of Union Soldier Clear image in full uniform, missing case cover, separation to the case and signs of age.
307 - Don Troiani 155th Pa. Regiment Print Signed and numbered, measures 20-1/2" x 24-1/2", overall good condition.
308 - Don Troiani Artillery of New Orleans Print Signed and numbered, measures 20-1/2" x 24-1/2", overall good condition.
309 - Don Troiani Confederate Medical Service Print Signed and numbered, measures 21-1/4" x 25-1/4", shows finish wear to the frame, overall good condition.
310 - Framed 55th Pa Volunteers Co. B Register Shows separation extending from the top edge, expected color toning and age discoloration, measures 21-1/2" x 26-3/4", finish scratches and wear to the frame, overall fair condition.
311 - 8 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil War Relics As-found dug condition.
312 - 2 mod. 1855 Socket Bayonets Includes dry, age-cracked leather scabbards with brass fittings. One bayonet has excessive finish wear and pitting with a visible Letter "U" proof mark. The other bayonet has no visible markings and has cleaned, polished pitting. Overall fair condition.
313 - Autograph of CSA Brigadier Gen. Matt. W. Ransom Dated 1877, 18" long, overall good condition.
314 - 7 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil War Relics Includes a Confederate artillery button, case shot and assorted relics. As-found relic condition.
315 - 5 Reference Books on Pa. Volunteers Includes regiments: 49th Pa, 150th Pa, 141st Pa, 153rd Pa, 51st Pa. Overall good condition.
316 - 5 Reference Books on Pennsylvania Cavalry Includes: 6th Pa. Cavalry, 1st Pa., 4th Pa, 7th Pa. Overall good condition.
317 - 4 Riker Mounts of Civil War Relics As-found dug condition.
318 - 9 Civil War Envelopes Normal color toning and signs of age, overall good condition.
319 - Assortment of Cast Lead Civil War Soldiers Assorted manufacturers with hand-painted features, minor paint chips with some figures have assumed small detail loss, averaging 2-1/2" tall, overall good condition.
320 - Assortment of Cast Lead Civil War Soldiers Assorted manufacturers, averaging 2-1/2" tall, minor detail loss and wear, overall good condition.
321 - 1/9th Framed Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image without case, overall good condition.
322 - 1/6th Cased Ambrotype of Union Soldier Clear image of soldier in full uniform standing at attention, holding a contract musket and wearing a pattern 1839 belt plate, minor finish scratches on the image, having a separated case cover with expected wear, overall good condition considering its age.
323 - (2) 1/6th Cased Tintypes of 2 Union Soldiers Is assumed to be of two brothers serving in the Union army, dressed in full uniform wearing Kepi hats in two different seated positions, clear image with expected wear and signs of age to the case, overall good condition considering its age.
324 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image of soldier holding a contract musket and wearing a slouch hat, shows areas of minor blistering, expected finish wear and signs of age.
325 - 1/4 Plate Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image of standing, young soldier dressed in full uniform, missing case, light finish wear and fading, overall good condition.
326 - 1/6th Plate Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image of seated soldier in full uniform holding what appears to be a S&W 2nd model Army revolver, minor blistering and wear, overall good condition considering its age.
327 - 1/6th Case Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image with minor blistering and wear, reverse side is etched with an illegible soldier's name dated 1862 and identifying him as a member of the 48th Pa. volunteer regiment, tarnish to the brass matting with normal wear to the case, overall fair to good condition.
328 - Assortment of Civil War Pay Slips Normal color toning and signs of age, some are blank, overall good condition.
329 - 1/9th Cased Tintype of Seated Union Soldier Dressed in full uniform wearing a pattern 1839 belt plate, minor image wear with a separated missing case lid, expected wear and signs of age, overall good condition.
330 - (2) 1/6th Cased Tintypes of Union Soldiers Shows clear images of seated soldiers dressed in full uniform, plates show areas of blistering and image loss around the outer edges, expected finish and age wear to the case, overall good condition considering their age.
331 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Seated Union Soldier Clear image of seated soldier dressed in full uniform, separated case cover with separation to the velvet border, overall fair to good condition.
332 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image of standing soldier wearing a greatcoat while holding a mug, areas of speckled image loss, case lid interior is unattached with loss to the edge of the lid , normal wear and signs of age, overall fair condition.
333 - 1/6th Cased Tintype of Union Soldier Clear image of full-dressed uniform soldier holding a contract musket, unattached case lid, minor blistering with light speckled image loss, overall fair to good condition.
334 - 1/6th Plate & Ambrotype Images of Union Soldiers Clear images of soldiers dressed in full uniform. Tintype image playing the fife - faded image that is still visible with minor blistering. Ambrotype is of a seated soldier in full uniform - shows image scratches and wear. Overall fair condition.
335 - 1/6th Cased Image of Seated Union Soldier Clear image with minor image scratches, missing case cover with expected wear, overall fair condition.
336 - Civil War Letters and Special Orders Having two letters written by L. Helman of the 11th Pa. reserves that talk about the battle of Bull Run includes envelopes and headquarters papers. Normal color toning and signs of age.
337 - 1/9th Plate Ambrotype of Union Soldier Clear image of a young soldier wearing a hard hat, clear image with image loss and wear around the outer edge, missing case, overall fair to good condition.
338 - 1/9th Plate Tintype of Seated Union Soldier Wearing 6th Corp. badge. Clear image with minor fading and wear, is missing case, overall good condition considering its age.
339 - (2) 1/6th Plate Tintypes of Union Soldiers Clear images in full uniform with areas of light blistering, minor image wear and fading, overall fair condition.
340 - 3 Riker Mounts of Recovered Civil War Minie Balls As-found dug condition.
341 - Grouping of Dug Gettysburg Relics As-found dug condition. Includes a table-top wooden showcase that measures 18"L.
342 - 4 Volumes of the History of Pa. Volunteers Index to the original set by Samuel P. Bates, copyright 1994 by Broadfoot, overall good condition.
343 - 2 Ref. Books on Confederate Handguns and Muskets Overall good condition
344 - 5 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil War Relics Includes bullets, shoulder scales, and Sharps charges. As-found relic condition.
345 - Grouping of Civil War Era Dominoes Bone and ebony construction with three brass pin attachments, expected signs of age and wear with one having a large chip on the corner, overall fair condition.
346 - Civil War Officer's Sash Approx. 10'l. and 4"w. Has large acorn terminals and tassels, showing some small separation and holes along its length, having a few dark, discolored areas, overall fair condition.
347 - 5 Riker Mounts of Recovered Civil War Relics Includes relics recovered from Antietam, Five Forks, and Monocacy, MD. As-found, relic condition.
348 - Assortment of Recovered Artillery Fragments As-found dug, relic condition.
349 - Grouping of Model Artillery Cannons Metal and composition construction, largest has a 6" barrel, some stands have unattached cannonballs, overall good condition.
350 - Fabric Swatch from a Confederate Coverlet Has a handwritten letter of origin that is dated 1945 at Indiantown Gap Pa., that its presented to Nevin N. Moyer while he was on duty, letter has water damage and is somewhat legible, gives information on who the swatch was given to by Mun Wilson representative of Ky stating that his mother made the coverlet from discarded socks that were unwoven and dyed to make the coverlet then given to a Confederate soldier in Clarksville Tenn. Fabric measures 10" long and is 4" wide. Signs of separation and loss, overall fair condition.
351 - Assortment of Recovered Artillery Fragments As-found, dug, recovered condition.
352 - 2 Cavity Colt's Patent Bullet Mold Is believed to cast .44 cal. bullets and .36 cal. round balls. Has been cleaned and polished, removing all of its original finish, dark oxidation spots and signs of age, overall fair condition.
353 - Ordnance Dept. Experiments with Small Arms 1856 Published by the Secretary of the War, copyright 1856, Titled Reports Of Experiments with Small Arms for The Military Service by Officers of the Ordnance Dept. Expected finish wear and loss to the covers, expected age discoloration with water staining on the lower corner, pages show crease and normal wear, handwritten notes on the back and front pages, overall fair condition.
354 - General Orders Affecting The Volunteer Force 1861 Dated 1862, published by the Adjutant General's Office, inside page is marked "Headquarters 96th Regiment Penna, Volunteers, January 1st 1864. Excessive finish loss and staining to the covers, normal color toning and signs of age to the pages, overall fair condition.
355 - 1862 Field Manual Evolutions of the Line Inside has a mark identifying it as property of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Color fading due to age with expected wear, speckled staining to the pages with normal signs of age, overall fair condition.
356 - Manual of Bayonet Exercise by George McClellan Dated 1852, front page is signed George Fuller Catasauqua Lehigh Co. Penna. Research shows that he was a member of the 47th Pa. Infantry regiment. Expected color fading to the cover with signs of age, overall fair condition.
357 - Regs. for the Army of The Confederate States 1862 Printed 1862 in Richmond, Virginia by West & Johnston. Inside cover is signed and dated 1863. Heavy finish wear and loss to the covers, heavy foxing to the pages, excessive color toning and signs of age, overall fair to poor condition.
358 - Cavalry Tactics First Part 1855 Printed in Philadelphia by the order of the War Dept. Front cover is separated, color toning with heavy finish loss and wear to the covers, overall fair condition.
359 - U.S. Infantry Tactics 1861 Published by J.B Lippincott & Co. 1861. Foxing with color toning, expected finish fading and wear to the covers, overall fair condition considering its age.
360 - Cavalry Tactics Second Part 1862 Published by J.B Lippincott & Co. 1862. Inside cover is signed by Capt. John C. Paul Co. D 4th Pa. Cavalry. Foxing with color toning, excessive wear to the covers and binding, overall fair condition.
361 - Cavalry Tactics Third Part 1862 Published J.B Lippincott & Co. 1862. Binding wear with foxing and color toning, loose fitting covers, expected wear and signs of age, overall fair condition.
362 - Infantry Tactics Vol. 3 by Brig-Gen. Casey 1862 Inside is signed C.W McClintock. Research found him to be a member of the 192nd Pa. Infantry. Faded, worn, aged finish with color toning and age discoloration, front cover is starting to seperate, overall fair to good condition.
363 - Bible of Prvt. Reuben D. Spangler Pa. Infantry Inside cover is signed "R.D. SPANGLER/ Co. C 149. R.P.B.V", known as the Bucktail Brigade. Research by consignor was that he was wounded in action May 5th 1864, and died from his wounds. Expected color toning and foxing, binding has a tape repair, expected age discoloration and wear, overall fair condition.
364 - 4 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil War Relics Includes Spencer cases, assorted minie balls and bullets, and hardtack. As-found recovered condition.
365 - Civil War Artillery Tow Hook 13"l. with a claw hammer head and iron handle and hook. It was used for prying open wooden crates with artillery shells packed inside. As-found, recovered condition.
366 - 4 Riker Mounts of Dug Civil War Relics As-found dug, relic condition.
367 - 2 mod. 1855 Socket Bayonets Includes scabbards that have excessive finish flaking, crazing, and wear. One bayonet has a visible U.S. proof mark and the other has an "A.D." proof mark. Overall fair condition.
368 - Civil War Era Tin Cup 4-1/2" tall with a wire-form bail handle, expected oxidation and signs of age, overall fair condition.
369 - Civil War Era Drum Major's Baton Turned, wood construction with a brass-wrapped tip, large age crack appearing on the handle, loose fitting brass attachment, expected finish and age wear. Measures 45-1/2" long.
370 - Civil War Era Tobacco Twist As-found recovered condition.
371 - Civil War Pocket Telescope Extends to 12" long, turned wood and brass construction, having a untouched, aged patina, normal finish scratches and wear to the turned wood body, front of the scope is missing the brass tack for attachment, overall fair condition.
372 - Cabinet Cards and Photographs Photographs are 8" tall showing clear images of soldiers in full uniform, color toning with areas of image wear and loss, overall fair condition.
373 - Selection of Cast Lead Civil War Soldiers Averaging 2" tall with minor paint wear.
374 - Recovered Minie Balls and Spencer Cartridges 4 Riker mounts. As-found dug, relic condition.
375 - Large Assortment of Cast Lead Civil War Soldiers Averaging 2-1/2" tall, assorted manufacturers with minor paint loss and wear.
376 - Assortment of Pa. Cavalry Reunion Ribbons Areas included - Gettysburg, Lykens, Duncannon, Philia., Middletown (PA). Expected signs of age and wear, overall fair to good condition.
377 - Assortment of Pa. Cavalry Reunion Ribbons Expected age discoloration with loose threads, overall fair to good condition.
378 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers Dressed in full uniforms with one card of a man in civilians clothes, backmarked for Pa. photographers, one card is showing water staining, clear images with normal color toning, overall fair to good condition considering their age.
379 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers Dressed in full uniforms, backmarked with assorted Pa. photographers, one card is hand written "David S. Seibert Capt. Co. D 48th Pa. Militia 1863", clear images with color toning and minor loss, overall fair to good condition.
380 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers Dressed in full uniforms, backmarked with assorted Philadelphia photographers, clear images with normal color toning and wear, overall fair to good condition.
381 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers Dressed in full uniforms, backmarked with assorted Pa. photographers, includes one dead letter office image, normal color toning and signs of age, overall fair condition.
382 - Tintype and 5 CDV's of Union Soldiers Backmarked for assorted Pa. photographers, expected color toning and areas of staining, overall fair condition.
383 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers Dressed in full uniforms, backmarked for assorted Pa. photographers, normal color toning and signs of age, overall fair to good condition.
384 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers Backmarked for assorted Pa. photographers, expected color toning and areas of staining, overall fair condition.
385 - 6 Pa. Cavalry Discharge Papers As-found condition with areas of foxing and normal color toning, some showing handwritten pay information, overall fair condition.
386 - CDV of Naval Officer with Recovered Buttons Two Riker mounts with recovered buttons includes a Confederate button, infantry and navel buttons, as-found relic condition.
387 - Grouping of Relic Breast and Belt Plates As-found dug, relic condition.
388 - Pa. 7th Regiment Appointment Paper Promoting John Dietrich of Perry Co. Pa, to Second Lieutenant of Co. R of the 7th Pa. Regimental Infantry, dated 1862, areas of separation and creases, normal color toning and signs of age, overall fair condition.
389 - Confederate $100 Bond Certificate C.S. Loan dated February 20th 1863, printed on dark pink paper, missing one coupon, normal signs of age, overall fair to good condition.
390 - 3-Volume Set of Round Ball to Rimfire By Dean S. Thomas, copyright 2003. Like-new condition.
391 - 6 Identified CDV's of Pa. Union Soldiers Each card has a handwritten information of name and rank of each soldier as well as their co. or regiment. Normal color toning and areas of light discoloration, overall fair to good condition.
392 - 6 Identified CDV's of Pa. Cavalry Soldiers Each card has a handwritten information of name and rank of each soldier as well as their co. or regiment. Normal color toning and areas of light discoloration, overall fair to good condition.
393 - 6 Identified CDV's of Pa. Cavalry Soldiers Handwritten information on the back side giving names and ranks, members of the 9th, 6th and 8th Pa. Cavalry. Normal color, and signs of age, overall fair condition.
394 - 6 Identified CDV's of Pa. Cavalry Soldiers Handwritten information on the back side giving names and ranks, members of the 9th and 11th Pa. Cavalry. Normal color, and signs of age, overall fair condition.
395 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers and Cavalry Members With some cards having handwritten information on which troop they belonged to. Normal color toning and signs of age, overall fair condition.
396 - 6 CDV's of Union Soldiers Backmarked for assorted Pa. photographers, expected color toning and areas of staining with some cards having handwritten information. Overall fair condition.
397 - 6 CDV's Identified of Union Soldiers Having assorted Pa. photographers, all cards have handwritten names with rank and company or regiment information, normal color toning and signs of age, one card has cut corners.
398 - 5 CDV's of Identified Union Soldiers Having handwritten information on the back of the cards, expected color toning and signs of age, overall fair condition.
399 - 12 Relic Belt and Shoulder Plates As-found dug, relic condition with consignor noting where they were recovered.
400 - Grouping of Dug Civil War Relics As-found dug, relic condition with consignor noting where they were recovered.
401 - Unidentified CDV of Full Dressed Union Soldier Standing studio image of union soldier in full uniform holding a contract musket, clear image with cut lower corners, normal wear and signs of age, backmarked for a Philadelphia photographer.
402 - 3 Virginia Treasury Notes Dated 1861, expected color toning and age discoloration, shows small creases and expected wear, overall fair condition.
403 - 5 Virginia Treasury Notes Dated 1862, expected color toning and age discoloration, shows small creases and expected wear, overall fair condition.
404 - 10 Confederate Alabama Banknotes Expected color toning and age discoloration, shows small creases and folds, minor loss around the edges, overall fair condition.
405 - 4 Confederate Arkansas Banknotes Expected color toning and age discoloration, shows small creases and folds, minor loss around the edges, overall fair condition.
406 - 7 Confederate Florida Banknotes Expected color toning and age discoloration, shows small creases and folds, minor loss around the edges, overall fair condition.
407 - 9 Confederate Georgia Banknotes Expected color toning and age discoloration, shows small creases and folds, minor loss around the edges, overall fair condition.
408 - 10 Confederate Georgia Banknotes Expected color toning and age discoloration, shows small creases and folds, minor loss around the edges, overall fair condition.
409 - 5 CDV's of Union Soldiers One card is handwritten as a member of the 13th New Hampshire Infantry, the other has a later-applied backing being identified as Sgt. Joseph Wagner of Co. H 33rd Regt. oy N.Y Volunteers, normal color toning and signs of age, normal wear on the outer edges of the cards, overall fair condition.
410 - 6 CDV's of Unidentified Union Soldiers Back marked for assorted New England photographers, clear images with minor color toning, normal wear on the outer edges of the card, overall fair condition.
411 - Confederate Receipt for a Rifle Received of James A. Monroe, representing a receipt from Alabama for the purchase of a rifle for $10, money to be paid to the receipt by Col. W. R Pickett A.Q.M at Montgomery after the gun is delivered, normal color toning and wear.
412 - Grouping of Confederate Pay Accounts Color toning and age discoloration, expected signs of age, overall fair condition.
413 - 8 Confederate Louisiana Banknotes Expected color toning and age discoloration, shows small creases and folds, minor loss around the edges, overall fair condition.
414 - 6 Confederate Mississippi Banknotes Expected color toning and age discoloration, shows small creases and folds, minor loss around the edges, overall fair condition.
415 - 11 Confederate South Carolina Banknotes Expected color toning and age discoloration, shows small creases and folds, minor loss around the edges, overall fair condition.
416 - W.H. Smith US Regulation Pattern 1839 Box Plate Visible makers mark on the lead filled back, wire attachment rings have a polyurethane coating, aged, faded patina on the rolled brass face, overall fair condition.
417 - Grouping of Regiment Reunion Ribbons Age discoloration with areas of staining, overall fair condition.
418 - Grouping of Pa. Regiment Reunion Ribbons Towns include, Lebanon, Steelton, Erie, Canton, and Philadelphia, normal age discoloration and areas of staining, overall fair condition.
419 - Grouping of Pa. Regiment Reunion Ribbons Includes the 99th,104th, 105th volunteer regiments, normal color toning, areas of minor staining and normal signs of age, overall fair condition.
420 - Grouping of Pa. Regiment Reunion Ribbons Includes the 128th, 130th, 131st volunteer regiments, normal color toning, areas of staining and normal signs of age, overall fair condition.
421 - Confederate Rifles & Muskets by Murphy/Madaus Copyright 1996, overall good-appearing condition.
422 - Assortment of Cast Lead Soldiers Most figures are marked Collectors Showcase, averaging 2" tall, having possible detail loss, overall good condition.
423 - Grouping of Pa. Regiment Reunion Ribbons & Badges Includes ribbons and badges from, 54th, 55th, 57th, 62nd, and 68th regiments, expected age discoloration with areas of staining and wear, overall fair condition.
424 - 155th Pa. Vol. Infantry Reunion Ribbons Includes program. Minor age discoloration with creases and folds, loose threads appearing around the edges, overall fair condition.
425 - Riker Mount of Relics From Winchester, VA As-found relic condition including a relic pattern 1826 shoulder plate.
426 - 3 Missouri Defense Bonds Includes two unissued $1 bonds featuring a rural scene with bell at the bottom, also included is a $3 note dated 1862, showing crease and folds with one having significant loss around the border, overall fair condition.
427 - 6 Confederate North Carolina Currency Handwritten treasury signatures, with some having handwritten serial numbers, expected color toning and signs of age, expected creases and folds with roughness on the outer edges, ranging from fair to poor condition.
428 - 9 Confederate North Carolina Currency Handwritten treasury signatures, with some having handwritten serial numbers, expected color toning and signs of age, expected creases and folds with roughness on the outer edges, ranging from fair to poor condition.
429 - 4 Tennessee and Chattanooga Banknotes Handwritten treasury signatures, with some having handwritten serial numbers, expected color toning and signs of age, expected creases and folds with roughness on the outer edges, ranging from fair to poor condition.
430 - 6 Texas Treasury Warrants Handwritten signatures and dates, with some notes having a handwritten X over top the notes, expected creases and folds with some having loss around the edges, overall fair condition.
431 - Grouping of Pa. Regimental Reunion Ribbons Includes 76th, 79th, 81st, 87th, and 95th Pa. regiments, age discoloration, areas of staining and expected wear, overall fair condition.
432 - Grouping of Pa. 5th Reserves Reunion Ribbons Expected color fading and signs of age, areas of staining and wear with some loose threads showing, overall fair condition.
433 - Assortment of Union Veterans Ribbons Expected age discoloration and color fading, with one ribbon showing separation and some having loose threads, one ribbon is showing moth bites, overall fair to poor condition.
434 - (3) 1/6th and 1/9th Cased Union Soldier Tintypes One image is of a seated soldier with a single action Army revolver in his holster wearing full uniform with sergeant stripes, that image has heavy finish scratches with image loss, the other two are clear images with minor blistering and wear, overall fair to poor condition.
435 - 5 Riker Cases of Civil War Artifacts From VA battlefields. 3 cases noted as having been found by Bill Gavin, one case noted from Fort "Stanley Landis" and another noted as having been dug around Harrison's Landing.
436 - Framed Discharge Papers for Hiram F. Shaffer Discharged June 1865, was a member of Co. E of the 202 Regiment of the Pa. Volunteers, Measures 12" x 15", normal color fading and signs of age with creases and folds, overall fair condition.
437 - Photo of Capt. James Harvey 198th Pa. Infantry Framed, 11"x 14". Consignor has done research and has a handwritten note identifying the image, overall good condition with a few water spots.
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