Auction Information


Sat Jan 18 - 09:00AM

1141 Wea Wit Street, East Earl, PA Click to Map


Auctioneer ID#: 12084

Phone: 717-687-7018

License: AY00228

Saturday January 18, 2025 starting at 9:00am

Location: 1141 Wea-Wit Street East Earl PA 17519

Large amount of Snap-On, MAC & Blue Point tools to include Snap-On 54"X29"X47" 14 Drawer Toolbox. 41"X41"X47" 4 Drawer Snap-On Toolbox. 51"X22"X23" 8 Drawer Snap-On Top Toolbox. 24"X29"X63" Snap-On Toolbox. 34"X19"X40" 8 Drawer Matco Toolbox. 31"X15"X17" Snap-On Toolbox Top. Snap-On MT3750 Starting & Charger System Tester. Snap-On 800 ABC Muscle Mig Welder. Snap-On AC Recharge Station. Torch Kit. Hypertherm Power Max 600 Welder. Miller Matic 135 115V Wire Welder. (4) Floor jacks includes (2) Snap-on. Symtec LCA2EZ Head lamp Alignment system. Snap-On Spindle/Drum Grinder. Snap-On Engine Bay Puller. Snap-On Membrila. Snap-On Advertising Pcs. Snap-On calendars, shirts, hats, mugs, Knifes, letter opener, Windross trucks. Several snap-On clocks. Snap-On Logo signs. Snap-On Socket Rails Includes 1/4" 3/8" and 1/2" shallow sockets, deep sockets and Impact sockets. (3) Sets of Snap-On Crows. Snap-On Puller set W/ cabinet. Misc Snap-On Ratchet and Breaker Bars 1/4" up to 1". Snap-On Extensions vary from 1" up to 2'. Snap-On Punches, pliers, Screw drivers, Dead blow and brass Hammers. Snap-On Pneumatic ratches, Impacts, Air Ratches. (3) Air Guns 3/8" and 1/2". Numerous Snap-On Batteries. Snap-On Screw Gun. Snap-On Headlamp. Reciprocating Saw. Snap-On screw drills and Impacts, Lights. Battery Chargers. 5' Snap-On Pry Bar. 18" Snap-On Pliers, Snap-On Valve stem Remover Kit. Snap-On Camera. Snap-On Battery Charging System tester, timing light. Several Snap-on Modis Scanners. Lots and Lots Motis Attachments.

Assorted Metal Cabinets. (4) Fiberglass step Lappers. Craftsman Bench Grinder. Assorted Shop signs. Jumper Cables. Creepers. Bar stools. Electric cords and Misc Hardware. Large amount of assorted hand tools. Wheel barrel. Bench vises. 12 Volt Fuel Pump. Grease Guns. Shop Fans. Little Giant Step Ladder. 20 Ton Jack Stands. Bead Seater. Truck Tire Dolly. Heavy Duty Jumper Cables. Boat/Ski Supplies. Blue Point Misc tools includes Sockets and ratches wrench set. Blue point magnetic trays. Lots more Blue point items. Metric Gear wrench sets. OTC torch kit. Power Probe. Gear Wrench Ratchet Sets. OTC Ball Joint Tool. Milwaukee Right Angle Drill. Milwaukee Hole Hog Drill. Office Supplies. Much more too numerous to mention. This a large shop liquidation with a big variety of items. Plan to attend.

Terms by PA Auction Center license AY002284.

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