Auction Information
Dual real-estate and regular sale
Fry's Auction Hall
We will be having an auction February 24th 2025 auction will start at 4:00 p.m. we will take a break and sell both properties at 6:00 p.m. properties will be sold off the block at the auction Hall at 400 Village Road pennsdale PA at the auction Hall
Properties are as follows
109 saeger Station Road Montgomery PA 17752
125 burley drive Montgomery PA 17752
Terms of sale for properties $3,000 down each property day of sale cash or PA check with proper ID no out-of-state checks 4% buyers premium drive by to inspect properties before day of auction, real estate to be sold with sellers immediate confirmation call Alan fry for details at 570-419-1340
We will also be having our regular auction the same day and time with tons of great items from inside the home and as well as other Consignments terms of sale for regular sale cash or check with proper ID credit cards are accepted 10% buyer premium not for real-estate only contents all items sold as/is no warranties applied or expressed
Call Alan fry 570-419-1340 AU-001615L
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