Auction Information

Primitives-Antiques-Crock Collection-Furniture

Sat Feb 01 - 10:00AM

421 John Deere Drive, Troy, MO Click to Map

Thornhill Real Estate & Auction Co.

Auctioneer ID#: 11244

Phone: 636-366-4206

License: 221


We will sell the following at Public Auction on:

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Beginning at 10:00am
Doors open at 8:30am


SALE SITE: Thornhill Auction Barn; 421 John Deere Drive; Troy, MO 63379

DIRECTIONS: From Troy, MO go south on Hwy 61 to Moscow Mills Hwy C Exit, go east on Hwy C to stop light, turn left on John Deere Drive (by Bank of Old Monroe) and go approximately 1 mile to sale on right, next door to Thornhill Real Estate Office.

Note: Sale will be held indoors with heat & seating. In case of inclement weather, check website or call auctioneers’ cell.



Clear glass oil lamps

English light green w/enamel metal base oil lamp

Over 15 vintage aprons

Over 15 vintage tobacco tins; Edgeworth, Prince Albert & Velvet


Czechoslovakia canister set

10 Cherry Blossom desserts, Pink depression

6 Cherry Blossom saucer, Blue Jadeite

Skaters lamp

2 Belleek creamers

2 Oak wall phones (needs parts)

Area rugs

Hook rugs

Nesting bowls

Lot old pictures

Lot ball shades

Broad axe head

Lot lamp shades

Over 200 vintage postcards

Lot comforters

Lot antique reference books

Unmarked RS Prussia cracker jar

Cut glass bowl

H.P. Nippon vase

Lot vintage pillowcases

Coca Cola clock

Lot vintage handkerchiefs

Quilt tops

Lot old phone parts

Lot old blue jars

Large green crock bowl

Several blue stoneware bowls

Stoneware butter bowl

Watts pitcher & bowl

Blue Wedgewood pitcher, England

Blue Wedgewood cracker jar, England

#6 Dazey churn

Large Nippon 2 handle vase

Large floral vase

Small 8 panel-stained glass desk lamp

Reverse painted shade lamp

Beautiful “Perfection” student lamp, dated 1881

Horse pull toy on wheels, nice

Buddy L toy metal wrecker

Child’s electric stove toy

Eagle cast iron toy stove, nice

Lot marbles

Walnut small document box, nice

Lot beaded purses

Wall hung wood candle box

“Paull’s” vintage lantern

American Telephone & Telegraph” brass candlestick phone, nice

2 Books of postcards, early 1900’s from “The Louvre” France

Primitive wood step stool

2, Needlepoint foot stool  

Cast iron base foot stool

German hat

Primitive dough bowl

Blue band water crock

Roseville 2 handle blue vase

Salt glazed 1 gallon crock

3 piece set vintage stoneware bowls, great

Army bayonet

Amber canning jar

German alarm clock

Set silverplate dinnerware

Dazey #40 churn

1 gallon stoneware crock

Egg basket

Bullseye lamp

Western oak wall phone

Lot vintage wood block planes

Draw knife & old tools

Rockingham spittoon

Whitehall 10 gallon crock

Monmouth 3 gallon crock, cobalt

Monmouth 2 gallon crock, cobalt

1 gallon whiskey jug, dated 1882

Western stoneware 5 gallon, dated 1882

Half gallon RJ Smyt “Grocer” W.VA, cobalt

Stoneware jug & crocks, 12+

2 drawer wood compartment box

Small wicker baby carriage, perfect

6½ ft. aluminum Christmas tree in original box

Color wheel for aluminum tree

Griesedieck beer box, wood, original

Early wooden rocking horse

Camel back trunk

Cast iron base piano bench

Yard long picture

Busch beer revolving drum, advertising sign, vintage

Brass doorbell

Sets of Keen Kutter knives & forks

Hanau dentist torch

Crescent toy cast iron stove

Walnut Vienna wall clock, German movement, 1870

Lot walnut wall clocks

Lot churn dashers

Pair Cappadamatic lamps  

Lot brass fire hose nozzles

Trunk, super metal work

Copper whiskey still

Copper apple butter kettle

Copper candy kettle

2 large porcelain clocks, “Strasburg” England

Pickle caster

Brass “English Carriage & Horse” clock

Lot graniteware

Vintage waffle maker

Wood duck decoy

Dr. Pepper tray, Coca Cola Tray

Candle molds

Blue band crocks

World’s Fair chimney covers

Blue crock bowls

Dress form & base

Lot ladies vintage hats

Lot ladies hat boxes

Lot vintage clothing

15+ Thomas Kinkade “Inspirations of Hope” figures

Lot comforters

Lot crock milk pitchers

Sleepy eye vase

2, early infant memorials

Star Wars “the Force Awakens” poster

Early glass fly trap

Lot women’s purses

Lot mirrors

Lot vintage dolls

Lot primitive tools

“Hot Blast” C. Emrich woodstove, dated 1899

Coal scuttle

Cast iron fireplace screen

Lot old magazines

Lot old barn lanterns

Lot vintage hanging light fixtures

Lot floor lamp parts

Lot glassware

Lot vintage quilts



Cushion rocking chair

Walnut 2 piece step back cupboard, neat piece

Walnut Victorian desk, nice

Mahogany drop-front desk

Wall cabinet w/beveled edge mirror

Early cherry rope bed

Early wooden boxes

Lot chairs

Walnut knockdown wardrobe

Early walnut table

Small primitive dry sink

Blue painted cupboard

Crock display self

PA dovetailed trunk

Red painted bench with tapered legs

Black painted coat rack

Primitive dry sink w/ upper shelf

Brown painted meal bin

Red painted meal bin w/ drawer

16 Pane step back cupboard

Rosehead nail blanket chest

Pine 6 board blanket chest

Early immigrants’ trunk

Blue painted immigrants’ trunk

Letts COOP, Vogt Bros., St. Charles, MO chicken coop boxes

Antique Chemistry table/ kitchen island

Small church pew

2 board table with tapered legs



10 gallon bee sting crock

5 gallon bee sting crock

3 gallon bee sting crock

4 gallon floral crock

5 gallon blue floral crock

3 gallon A.K Burlington, VT floral crock

3 gallon redware crock

2, 2 gallon utensil crock

2, 1 gallon salt glazed jars

Bristol glaze butter crock

2 gallon salt glaze crock

1 gallon brown glaze jar

2 gallon yellow glaze jar

½ gallon Macomb pottery canning jar

Quart Macomb pottery canning jar

1 earthenware pottery vase

2, 2 gallon salt glazed jug

2 gallon Bristol eagle crock

Butter crock dish with lid

2 gallon yellow crock

Wide 2 gallon salt glaze crock

Dorchester pottery Boston, MASS. hot water jug

Brown glaze utensil crock

Pottery bowl

F.H. Cowden Harrisburg, PA jar

F.A. Plaisted & Son. Gardiner, ME. jug

Salt glaze butter churn

1 gallon jug/jar

W.D. Suggs Smithville, MS Red 4 gallon butter churn

3 gallon butter churn dark brown

Dutch seltzer beer jug

White big stoneware bowl



Wooden beef adv. box

Blue painted captain’s chair

Inlaid Mahogany til box with (diamonds and hearts)

Small Black painted letter box

Early pegged yellow painted box

Wooden butter churn

Candle molds

Hand painted duck decoy

Brass eagle book ends

Coffee grinder 1894

Antique metal popcorn popper

Primitive highchair

Hanging enamel spoon set

Small buttocks basket

Egg gathering basket

2 Milk glass hobnail vases

Blue Onion creamer with saucer

Holtzman’s Adv. tin

Candle holder

Dairy Patke’s milk jug

Cow oil painting w/ wood and gold frame

Sweethearts print with gold frame

2 Blue blow glass candy dishes

Aladden model #11 lamp

Chicken newspaper holder

Chicken Adv. tin

Primitive chicken feeder

Primitive wood carrier

Wooden scoop

Wooden bowl with utensils

Primitive wire washboard

Small blue Japan floral bowls (set of 4)

Cheese box

Boonville, MO Adv. box

Big primitive barrel

Antique trellises

2 Big Gathering Baskets

Chalky blue painted stool

10 mason jar/ antique assorted bottles

Wooden boot jack

Wooden magazine holder

Matted cow picture

Blue and green oil lamp

Red glass fruit punch bowl

Big vintage washboard

Assortment of bottles and jars

Green & white oil lamp base

Paper label lemon nectar compound

Blue glass juice pitcher

Wooden match box

Ceramic floral hot plate

White floral ceramic jar

3 small graters

Vintage wooden mold

2 Marble eggs


AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Great collection of primitives, antiques & collectables, furniture, advertising and vintage finds. A lot of the collection is log cabin era. Something for everyone. Again, we will be in our heated building with seating. See you at the sale. Dusty, David & Bill




           314-393-7241                   314-393- 4726                 573-470-0037

           TROY, MO                        TROY, MO                       FRANKFORD, MO                 

           Lunch will be served.
          All buyers will be photographed.
          Terms: Cash or Good Check with Current Photo I.D.
           Out of State Photo I.Ds and Out of State Checks must be accompanied
          with a Bank Letter of Credit, call for details.
           We do not accept Cashier Checks.
          Items sold with no warranty.
          They stand sold AS IS.
          Owner & Auction personnel not responsible for accidents day of sale!

Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any advertisement!
Troy Office: 636-366-4206.  For full listing & terms of this auction –

Auction Listings provided by Although the information published herein is from sources deemed reliable, expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for this auction. Potential buyers are urged to verify auction date, time, and content directly through the auctioneer's website or by contacting the auctioneer directly. The terms and conditions of the auction may or may not be published in this listing. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE THE DAY OF THE AUCTION ARE BINDING AND TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY INFORMATION FOUND HEREIN.