Auction Information


Sat Feb 01 - 10:30AM

N6011 Biggs Rd, Argyle, WI Click to Map

B&M Auctions of WI, LLC

Auctioneer ID#: 6362

Phone: 608-328-4878

License: 740




N6011 Biggs Rd., Argyle, WI
For auction questions phone Casey @ 608-558-3803

DATE: Saturday, February 1st 
TIME: 10:30 a.m.   NO SMALL ITEMS. SALE ORDER: Attachments, Equipment, Tractors, Feed, & Cattle. Go to for an exact sale order. 
LOCATION: N6011 Biggs Road, Argyle, WI. From Argyle go south on Highway 81, go east on highway C app 3 miles to Biggs Road, go north on Biggs Road app 1 mile to the sale. 
NOTES: Casey takes immense pride in all his equipment, and it shows. You will not be disappointed with this line of tractors & machinery. All equipment is stored inside and well maintained. Pictures were taken before the equipment was washed. There are very few small items, please be on time.  
FEEDER CATTLE: 19-Head inc.17-heifers & 2-steers. app. 700-900 lbs.  On full feed & dry hay. Up to date on vaccinations & worming. Angus/Simm/Hereford Cross. Mostly black with a few BWF. All home grown and raised.
FEED: Lg.Sq. bales, 3x3x8’s, 37-2nd crop, 32-3rd crop, 16-4th crop, pure alfalfa, little grass, seller will load;  
TRACTORS: JD 8410, tach shows 5,450 hrs, fwa, 8.1 motor, cat 2 quick-hitch, 16 spd power shift, 4-reverse gears, heat, a/c, LED lights, rear weights, 4-hyd remotes, power beyond, hammer strap, 1,000 pto, auto track ready, 23 degree radials, 380.85/R34, sells w/duals & front weights, clean interior, sharp; JD 8400, tach shows 8,714 hrs, 8.1 motor, 16 spd power shift, 4-reverse gears, cat 2 hitch, hammer strap, power beyond, 3-hyd remotes, LED lights, 1,000 pto, auto track, new rear 480.80/R36 tires, new front 380.85/R34 tires, buddy seat, heat, & a/c, clean interior, sharp; JD 8300T track tractor, tach shows 6,250 hrs, 24” track is good, 8.1 motor, hammer strap, 4-hyd remotes, cat 2 quick-hitch, buddy seat, LED lights, 16 spd power shift, heat, a/c, sells w/9-suitcase weights, clean interior, sharp; JD 7810, tach shows 10,540 hours, new transmission & pto, triple hyd’s, 540 & small 1,000 pto, 3pt, 18.4.42 good rubber, 380.85/R30 front tires, power quad, LED lights,  runs good, starts all of the time, sells w/complete set of front weights & hubs, sharp; JD 4010, diesel, tach shows 7,153 hrs, wf, 16.9.38, good rubber, pto, dual hyd, 3pt; Farmall H, nf, fenders, pto, 5 spd, sharp; Farmall 560, diesel, wf, tach shows 7,242 hrs, fenders, hyd, pto, 10 hrs on new injector pump & redone head, has power steering, but needs work;  
COMBINE & COMBINE HEAD: 2014 JD680 Combine, 2,802 engine hrs & 2,007 separator hrs, pro drive transmission, 5 spd feeder house, premium cab, power fold top, power cast, 650x38 duals, 2WD, 750x26 Firestone rear tires, contour master, 26’ Hi unload rate auger, apx $30,000 worth of new repairs w/in last year, done at Sloans from Mt. Horeb, WI, receipts to be presented sale day, field ready; 2014 JD 612C 12-row Corn Head, 30” poly snouts, inter meshing chopping rolls, nice shape, good paint; 2018 JD 630 FD 30’ flex draper head, good belts, crary air bar, 1 yr old sickle bar, flip over reel, very nice,

SEMI TRACTORS: 1984 Peterbilt 359 semi tractor, day cab, 3406B engine, 1,252 003 miles, new transmission 24,000 miles ago, 13 spd Eaton transmission, 11R/24.5, new front tires, good rear rubber, steers, runs good, lots of power, heat, a/c, air ride cab, wet kit, sliding 5th wheel, LED headlights; 1989 Peterbilt, 1,096,830 miles, Eaton 10 spd transmission, air ride, day cab, 3406B cat engine, 2-line wet kit, 11R.24.5 tires, headache rack, air slide 5th wheel, all alum rims, rods & mains done 5k miles ago;  SEMI TRACTOR TRAILERS: 2012 Merrit, Model 420x096x068x26x2AXH42, elec. tarp, air ride, good 11R/24.5 tires, standard hoppers, air gauge, LED lights, good brakes & drums; 2010 Wilson, 42’, elec. tarp, air ride, 11R/24.5 tires, ag hoppers, air gauge, LED’s, good brakes & drums, has not seen winter in the last 8 years;  

WAGONS: Unverferth HT30 Head Cart Trailer, 30’; EZ Trail 680 Head Cart, 30’; Brent 670 Grain Cart, new upper tube, good auger, nice; J&M 620-14 Grain Cart, hyd spout, tarp, good tires, sharp; M&W Little Red Wagon Gravity Box w/top extensions, flotation tires, ex. tongue, hd gear, 400 bushel, 16.5x16.1 tires; Schuette Portable 6x12 feeder wagon; 

TILLAGE & FORAGE: 2013 JD 1770 NT Max Emerge XP, 12-row Planter, all new parts, infurrow fertilizer w/150 gal tank, yetter shark tooth row cleaners w/clean sweep, furrow force, v-set, v-drive, speed tubes, 3-bushel boxes, hyd compressor, delta force, alternator, flow sense, new updated parcel arms w/bushings, 2-ground driven pumps, precision vacuum, Gen 3 monitor, conceal on both sides, 450 gal tank, sharp; JD 980 Field Cultivator w/4-section 5-bar drag, 25’, sweeps & shovels are good, no cracks or welds, nice; Great Plains 2200 Turbo Till, front discs 19”, rear discs 20”, weight kit, good shape, good paint; NH BB940A Crop Cutter , acid tank, 43,000 bales, poly bands, automatic greaser, nice; Earth Master 3pt 5-shank ripper w/2-section drag; Kinze 2600 12-23 Precision Planter, can be used to no-till, 20/20 seed sense, row flow, true count air shut off’s on all rows, 1-spike closing wheel, center pivot, good tires, lights; PARTS FOR KINZE 2600: sells w/planter, Gen 1 2020 precision monitor, fold box, ag leader globe, air compressor, corn & bean discs & meters for all 23 rows, finger planter, insecticide boxes, trash whippers, no-till coulters, & extra closing wheels;  
CATTLE TRAILER: Hillsboro 7×20 Aluminum Cattle Trailer, wood floor, divider gate, lights, new axles, bearings, & brakes, good floor & tires, clean trailer;

MISC. FARM EQUIPMENT: Gehl MS1315 Scavenger Slinger Spreader, floating auger; Berlon 4-tine bale mover; Virnig 3-tine bale mover; JD #78 3pt Scraper Blade; Kory 6872 running gear; 500- gal fuel barrel w/elec. pump; 20hp 3 phase motor, comes w/control, box, & cord; JD HX15 Batwing Mower; 

TRUCK MOTOR & FRAME: 2004 Chev. 2500 HD Duramax LLY motor, & frame. complete w/fenders, 5th wheel & DMI Bumper. 175,000 miles. Seller states motor, transmission & rear end are all good.  Tree fell on the truck. 

TERMS: Cash or good check. Not responsible or accidents or losses. 
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AUCTIONEERS: Tom Bidlingmaier, Browntown, WI  608-328-4878 & Cory Bidlingmaier, Auction Time Rep, Monroe, WI 608-558-4924. WRAL #740 & 1283. B&M Auctions of WI, LLC, Browntown, WI  WRAL#166 
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