Auction Information

Public Auction

Fri Jan 17 - 01:30PM

85 Industrial Ave, Kutztown, Pa Click to Map

Clarence N. Shirk Auction Service

Auctioneer ID#: 4430

Phone: 610-683-5093

License: AU-3757-L


1915 Ford Model T Phaeton Brass Era Touring Car; Original P. D Brass Betty Lamp; (9) V. Shearer O/C Paintings; Large 1900 C.H. Shearer O/Board; G.B. French Therom; Ben Austrian Prints; Shenfelder Dec. Crock; 1853 Engraved Green Bottle; Stahl, Breininger, Foltz, Haycreek pottery pieces; Roseville & Majolica Pieces; Tin & C/I Toys; Bricker’s Golden Flake Bread Display Case; Pioneer Express Wagon; Beatty Broadaxe; Furniture;

 FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2025 @ 1:30 PM

LOCATION: Saucony Hall: 85 Industrial Ave., Kutztown, Berks Co. Pa 19530. From E. Main st. In Kutztown, turn onto Willow St., 1 block, turn right onto Industrial Ave. to Hall on right.

FURNITURE(1:30): Oak bowside china cabinet w/mirrored canopy top & lion’s heads; Van Sciver 8 piece mahogany bedroom suite; Antique 12 pane Dutch cupboard w/dovetailed top; early cherry 12 pane step back cupboard; early dovetailed lidded drysink; early tilt top table w/2 drawers; old 2 door cabinet w/shelves; Mahogany serpentine front kneehole desk; Wernicke 5 section stackable bookcase; large dovetailed blanket chest w/scenery paintings by M. Hoover; oak round pedestal table w/claw feet; slant front panel wood box; Slant top schoolmasters desk; Victor marble turtle top heavily carved parlor stand; marble top washstand; chest of drawers; early Windsor arm chair; empire pedestal drop leaf sew stand; Martha Washington sew stand; (2) 4’ mortised benches; 1 drawer drop leaf table; Empire & splayed candle stands; Dovetailed blanket chests; turned leg stands; Marble pedestal; oak mirrored sideboard; Mahogany china hutch; Cindy Crawford Home sofa; Leather recliner (like new); (3) full mattresses; (2) queen mattress & box spring; 3 piece blond bedroom set; 3 piece cherry bedroom set (no bed); 4 piece light pine bedroom set; side by side bookcase/desk; hall rack; mission style library table; jewelry armoire; pine roll top desk; Kenmore washer; Magic chef chest freezer; office chairs; table w/5 chairs; table & floor lamps; dressing mirror; cedar wardrobe; cedar chests; ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES (2:45): Vintage Bricker’s Golden Flake Bread counter top case; small dovetailed blanket chest; Vintage Pioneer Express metal wagon; Bright & Co. Reading wooden wheelbarrow; 1853 green hand blown bottle w/Robert & Jane Richardson & scenery engravings; Shenfelder 1 gal. Blue decorated crock; Unsigned decorated jugs; A.L. Hyssop glass Bloomsburg 2 gal jug; 1901 D. Reed pottery pitcher; Approx. 8 Stahl pottery urn, pitchers, creamers, mugs, & candle holders; Foltz, L.H. Russell Henry, & Breininger pottery; Small vintage Hamburg redware crock; Redware jugs & coin banks; Redware slip plates; Majolica monkey head tobacco jar; Approx. 20 pieces assorted majolica; Peafowl & other spatter ware; Assoprted Roseville pottery; blue, green, & gray swirl agate coffee pots, cream & berry pails; old tin cookie cutters; original 1854 P.D brass Betty lamp; Early wooden utensil caddy w/heart cut-out handle; dovetailed slide top box; vintage wood & wire mouse trap; Early slaw cutters; large wooden baking boards; Assorted sizes splitwood baskets; Silver No. 3 glass egg beater w/measure; Oakes egg scale; Griswold #7 & #9 fry pans; Griswold #275 corn pan; large copper Applebutter kettle; Enterprise sausage stuffer;  Early tin baby bottle; Vintage Thomas’ Mfg. Co. Tin tip tray; Assorted Beer adv. items; Old Reading Beer cardboard poster; Porcelain “NO ADMITTANCE” sign; Mail Pouch adv. tin thermometer; Winston Salem metal cigarette display rack; Beatty 10” Broadaxe; (4) brass jelly buckets; C/I terrier dog door stops; six planet slag glass lamp; Lehigh Valley & Freeman’s milk wooden crates; Arrowheads; Quaker adv. Paramount Stars pinbacks; Early political & other pinbacks; Gold, Sterling, & costume jewelry; J.W. Heinly Hamburg bottles; Santa & Snowman blow molds; C/I horse drawn surrey; Kenton C/I fire truck; C/I motorcycle w/sidecar; C/I Plymouth tow truck & other vehicles; Toyland’s milk & cream tin horse drawn wagon; Heinz pressed steel truck; Tonka ambulance; (5) cases Matchbox toys; assorted glassware; ARTWORK (4:00): 1900 30” X 60” C.H. Shearer oil on board; (9) various sizes V. Shearer oil on canvas; G.B. French therom & watercolors; 1940 Joseph A. Atchinson watercolor; (4) Ben Austrian prints; MOWERS & MISC(6:00): Snapper SR1433 rear  engine rider w/bagger; Subaru SGX7500 portable generator;Black max 25 gal. Portable air compressor; ariens front tine tiller; pull type drop spreader; 

CAR (6:00): Rare 1915 Ford Model T Phaeton, brass era, touring car. Being sold w/seller’s confirmation.

Auction for Local Estates

TERMS: Visa/MC/Disc. 3% admin fee, waived for cash or Pa check. 6% Pa sales tax.   No buyers fee. 


AU-3757-L       (610)-683-5093


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