Auction Information

Advertising Signs, Antique Furniture, Fenton, Depr

Tue Jan 21 - 02:00PM

7840 Lincoln St SE, East Canton, OH Click to Map

KIKO Auctioneers, Real Estate Broker KIKO

Auctioneer ID#: 1625

Phone: (330) 455-9357

License: Russ Kiko Associates Ohio Auction License # 6319-770-4719

Advertising Signs, Antique Furniture, Fenton, Depression Glass, Early Boy Scout Items, 1980s GI Joe Action Figures, Lots Of Other Collectibles

Absolute auction, all sells to the highest bidder online only.
7840 Lincoln St. SE, East Canton, OH 44730

Starts: Thursday - January 16, 2025 - 2:00 PM
Ends: Tuesday - January 21, 2025 - 2:00 PM
Preview Date: Friday - January 17, 2025 – 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Pickup Date: Saturday - January 25, 2025 – 10:00 AM - 12:30 AM

Furniture. Early Oak Doctor's Chair; Empire Chest; Dough Box; Early Lion Chair; Game Table; Curved Glass China; 2-Drawer Dropleaf Stand; MCM Chair; Vanities; Metal Coat Rack; Oak Ice Box. Antiques & Collectibles. 1914 Boy Scout Photo Negatives; 1980s GI Joe Action Figures; Norka Root Beer Sign; Interstate Batteries Cleveland Browns Sign; Flange Phone Sign; Early Boy Scout Items; Nehi Flavors Clock; Fenton; Depression; Carnival; MCM Glass; Roseville & Weller Pottery;   Sewer Tile; Sausage Stuffer; Jasmine Acoustic Guitar; Curved Windows; Leaded Glass Windows; Budweiser & Other Beer Steins; Porcelain Dolls; Costume Jewelry; Bryer & Other Horses; MCM Alexssi Teapot; Die-cast Cars; Monster Magazines; Table Lighters; Zippo; Postcards; Barbie & Ken Dolls; Records; Video Games; Bailey Western Hats; Books HC DJ; MCM Lamps; 1856 Coverlet; Hudson Bay Blanket; US Military Items; Shelby Flyer Bicycle; Automobile Car Related Advertising Items; Model Kits; Vintage Mickey Mouse Items Walt Disney; Bio Freeze; Vintage Tin Litho Electronic Space Ship; Early Games; Dept. 56 Dickens Heritage Village; Wooden Hangers; Nail Polish; Pamela Anderson Life-size Stand-up; Barrel Keg On Stand; Early Gothic Hanging Light; Matchbooks; Fountain Pens; Masonic Malta Lighter; Graniteware; Art Glass; Hall Dishes; Signed American Duels Book & Letter; Signed Sam Rutigliano Cleveland Browns Book; Author Signed Books; Jugstown Chicken Stoneware Bowl; Fiesta; WWI Era Tramp Folk Art; Majolica; Lladros; Vintage Skateboard Items; Spirit of St. Louis Field Phone; Vintage Halloween Decor; Pfaltzgraff; Royal Heager; Vintage Panasonic Boom Box; 1938 World's Fair Photo Negatives; Early Sports Booklets; Starting Lineups; Fisher Price Geo Trax; Metlox Poppy Trail Dishes. Nice clean auction from start to finish. All one level for easy loading and plenty of parking at the storage unit facility.

Terms On Chattels: Visa, MasterCard & Wire Transfer accepted. Wire Transfer required on purchases totaling $2,500 or greater. 15% buyer’s premium on all sales. Information is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. Multi Par auction process may be used. For 3rd party shipping, email your Proxibid invoice to or call 330-334-9999 ext. 9. The total fee for shipping, packaging, and pickup is an estimated $40 minimum, so please bid accordingly. Shipment of ammunition or currency may incur an additional charge. All applicable sales tax will be added to the purchase price of all purchases deemed taxable in accordance with Federal, State and/or Local Laws. Stark County sales tax applies.

Auctioneer/Realtor: Jack W Kiko, 330-206-0174 or

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