Auction Information

Antiques, Collectibles, Household and More!

Fri Feb 07 - 04:00PM

8505 Orchard Rd., Spring Grove, PA Click to Map

Hunter's Auction Service LLC

Auctioneer ID#: 27122

Phone: 717-225-8989

License: AU005697

Antiques – Collectibles – Household & More!

Friday, Feb. 7 @ 4pm

Weather Permitting

Preview Starts at 2pm

Hunter’s Auction Service, LLC
at the Ranch

Auction House is located at
8505 Orchard Rd. – Spring Grove, PA 17362 - York County

Located between Abbottstown and Thomasville – From US 30, turn onto Orchard Rd.
then travel approx. 1 ¾ miles – Auction House is on the right

                                    Good Food, Air Condition/Heat for Your Comfort        

Always Accepting Consignments – Call 717-225-8989 for Appointment

If you can’t be at the auction and would like to leave a bid on an item, call or email us. Scroll to the bottom of the page for more info.

*** NOTE: Winter Weather – Even if the roads are clear, our stone parking
lot may not be. We will try to note any cancellations here but if you
are unsure, please call before venturing out. ***

Military Blankets Etc.

Beer Advertising Items



Crocks and Jugs

Year Books

Ladies Purses Including: Vera Bradley

Smith-Corona Typewriter

Cabbage Patch Twins

W.C. Fields Decanter

Tullamore Dew Whiskey Jug

Volkswagen Beetle and Camper Van Models

Wood Ducks

World Globes

Vintage Paper Goods

Sports Cards

Holiday Décor

Vintage Matchbox Motorway

Fiesta Ware

Polish Pottery

Lenox Wildlife Collector Plates

Hand Carved Bamboo Root Mask

Tin Doll House

Pocket Knives

Howdy Doody Items

Signed & Numbered Duck Prints/Stamps Including: Maynard Reece, Robert Bateman



Doll House Furniture


A Christmas Story Leg Lamp

Fornasetti Style Perpetual Faces Vase/Planter


Check back for updates and pictures up until day of sale.

*Pictures and descriptions are for the purpose of showing what is offered only, NOT for authenticity or in what way they are sold.*

Many More Items That Are Not Listed or Pictured

NOTE:    We do NOT accept debit or credit cards.

TERMS: CASH, GOOD PA CHECK with sufficient funds; NO out of state checks, PA Checks Only. PA Sales Tax is 6%. We reserve the right to hold any item until check clears and/or require cash or a cashier’s check for any item(s) purchased. Announcements made auction day supersede anything written or implied. All items must be paid for before removed from the premises. Everything is sold “AS IS” we make no guarantee of any kind; no returns or refunds. It is the bidder’s responsibility to determine condition and authenticity of the items. We do not authenticate autographs or any items. Once an item is sold to you, it becomes your responsibility.

LEFT/ABSENTEE BIDS: There is a $20 minimum on each left bid item. If you email, do not wait until the day of sale to do so, as we are busy, we rarely check email on sale day. If you are the winning bidder and we need to ship your items, you are responsible for all cost associated with packing and shipping the items and there will be a two-week waiting period after we cash your check until your items are shipped.

Sale Conducted by Hunter’s Auction Service, LLC. #AY002117         

(717) 225-8989


Dave Hunter #AU005697

Lisa Hunter #AU006167

Jane Eisert #AU006209

Auction Listings provided by Although the information published herein is from sources deemed reliable, expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for this auction. Potential buyers are urged to verify auction date, time, and content directly through the auctioneer's website or by contacting the auctioneer directly. The terms and conditions of the auction may or may not be published in this listing. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE THE DAY OF THE AUCTION ARE BINDING AND TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY INFORMATION FOUND HEREIN.