Auction Information
Merrill's Auctioneers amp Appraisers
1848 Riddle family (John Dunlap Riddle 1802-1876 Bedford, NH) needlework family record, wrought by Martha Riddle in 1848, framed 21" x 20"
Lot: 2 - 1833 Needlework Sample Pattern Sampler
1833 needlework sampler initialed AT showcasing multiple examples of borders and design elements, 16" x 14 1/4" framed
Lot: 3 - Charles Louis Heyde (VT 1822-1892) Potash Brook
Charles Louis Heyde (Vermont 1822-1892) "Potash Brook 1855" with a view of Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks- oil on canvas board, signed and dated reverse with later framing information- no. 57 in the Heyde catalog ( signature, date and identification revealed when old framing removed) - 8 x 10" 10.5 x 12.5" as framed.
Lot: 4 - Omega Automatic Men's Wrist Watch
Vintage yellow gold men's Omega Automatic wrist watch. 34 mm diameter case. Running condition. Newer leather band.
Lot: 5 - Dale Chihuly (AM 1941-) Seaform Suite
Dale Chihuly (American 1941-) Suite of six Seaform glass vessels in blue green, intended to nest, vessels range from 13 x 11 x 5" - 3 x 3 x1" all appear to be in excellent overall condition with characteristic delicacy, no detectable flaws outside of pontil marks from the making- Largest vessel signed Chihuly and dated 1981. EX. Meridian Arts NY and includes paperwork from them for the purchase in 1985.
Lot: 6 - Baldwin Gardiner NYC Coin Silver Water Urn
Fine ca. 1830 Baldwin Gardiner (1791-1868) New York City early American coin silver hot water urn having classical acanthus decorated lid and frieze bands, on four foliate legs terminating in ball feet, cast floral decorated spout, hand chased "H" monogram, some minor dents and imperfections 15" x 10" 82.4 troy oz.
Lot: 7 - 19th c. Geo IV Pink Luster Oversized Show Jug
ca. 1820 pink and copper luster decorated oversized Pearlware soft paste porcelain display or presentation jug, having polychrome scenic transfer decoration of thatched cottage, family with dog, and travelers on bridge over river, inscribed "GR. IV" (in honor of King George IV who reigned Great Britain 1820-1830), signed on base "Bailey & Co." some staining, 2" old check to rim.
Lot: 8 - Patrick Galbreath Phila Chippendale Tall Case Clock
Fine Philadelphia Chippendale mahogany tall case clock. Broken arch top hood with flame twist finials, floral carved rosettes, and full molded columns. Floral decorated tombstone face with Arabic minutes and Roman numerical hours, second hand, calendar, and original hands. Face signed Patrick Galbreath Philadel. Brass bell strike works. Mahogany case with ogee feet. 97" h.
Lot: 9 - PA 18th c Chippendale Walnut Slant Front Desk
18th c Pennsylvania Chippendale walnut slant front desk. 2 over 3 drawers, fitted interior, and bracket base.
Lot: 10 - Late 19th c Bucket with Eagle & Motto
Late 19th c kerosene bucket in old red paint decorated with a Federal eagle and the motto "Live Free or Die" (New Hampshire), signed Van Delft on bottom, ht 13", diameter at base 13 1/2"
Lot: 11 - Early 19th c Stuffed-Work Quilt with Federal Eagle
Early 19th c geometric pattern quilt with Federal eagle, stuffed-work quilting, some sunfade, mouse hole, stain, 8' x 8' 2" (96" x 98")
Lot: 12 - Early 19th c Pieced Linsey-Woolsey
Early 19th c New England pieced linsey-woolsey quilt/ coverlet, minor losses commensurate with age and use, overall good condition, 5' 9" x 7' 1" (69" x 85")
Lot: 13 - Mid 19th c Red, White, & Blue Quilt
Mid 19th c red, white, & blue geometric pattern quilt, hand made with hand stitched quilting, 68" c 96" (6' 8" x 8'), slight staining, overall excellent condition
Lot: 14 - Mid 19th c Sandpaper Picture with Indians
Mid 19th c sandpaper picture with First Nations People and canoe by large body of water, with stone church, other buildings, likely a Canadian scene, on prepared board, 15 1/2" x 19 3/4", in gilt frame with losses, overall size 19" x 23 1/2" x 2 1/4"
Lot: 15 - 19th c Dovetailed Candlebox with Carved Heart
19th c tiger maple candle box with slide top, dovetailed construction, carved heart on slide, likely Quebec, refinished, good condition, 12" x 5 1/4" x 5"
Lot: 16 - Early 19th c Hester M Buck Schoolgirl Sampler
Early 19th c New England schoolgirl needlework sampler, signed "Hester M Buck Sampler Wrought at H White School", with alphabet and verse, strawberry border, likely Vermont, overall excellent condition, overall 17 1/4" x 18 3/4"x 5/8" framed
Lot: 17 - 19th c Carved Wooden Two Part Sugar Mold
19th c carved wooden 2-part maple sugar sugar mold, horse and rider, likely Northern New England or Quebec, one half with old tin & nail make-do repair, each 10 1/4" x 8 3/4" x 1"
Lot: 18 - Large 19th c Calligraphy Drawing of a Horse
Large 19th c calligraphy pen & ink drawing of a horse, signed E Besset, minor staining, sight 19 1/2" x 26 1/2", overall in frame 29 1/2" x 36 1/2" x 3/4"
Lot: 19 - 19th c Silhouette of a Gentleman
19th c watercolor & ink silhouette of a gentleman in tails, with old label "Painted by R W Kerry (artist) City of Durham 1830" and bearing the printed label of T Peele Cabinet Maker, Carver, Gilder, Picture Frame Manufacturer, Auctioneer & Appraiser, No 71 New Elvet, Durham (England), image size 9" x 7", overall 14 3/4" x 12 3/4" x 1", one corner of glass damaged
Lot: 20 - 19th c Silhouette of a Lady
19th c watercolor & ink silhouette of a lady with hat, parasol, and bustle signed Hoernig, ink note on back says Nesner, good condition, overall in frame 9" x 12"
Lot: 21 - Early 20th c Folk Art Rooster Weathervane
Early 20th c folk art hollow body copper rooster weathervane, with directionals and roof mounting bracket, rooster 20" x 24", base ht 42"
Lot: 22 - Mid 20th c Folk Art Running Fox Weathervane
Mid 20th c folk art hollow body copper running fox weathervane, with directionals, fox 32" x 14", depth 6", directionals ht 28", width 15", depth 4"
Lot: 23 - Mid 20th c Folk Art Whale Weathervane
Mid 20th c folk art hollow body whale weathervane, with directionals and stand, whale 40" x 18" x 4", base ht 46", base 20" x 21" across
Lot: 24 - Small 19th c Paint Decorated Dome Top Box
Small 19th c Paint Decorated Dome Top Box, with drape & wreath decoration, 20" x 10" x 8"
Lot: 25 - Small 19th c Paint Decorated Dome Top Box
Small 19th c Paint Decorated Dome Top Box with initials RM, flowers, snipe hinges, 15" x 9" x 8"
Lot: 26 - Stevens I Always Did 'Spiise a Mule Bank
1880's J & E Stevens "I always did 'spise a mule" cast iron mechanical bank, excellent original paint and condition, functions well, length 10", ht 8"
Lot: 27 - Large Clipper Ship Cast Iron Door Stop
Early 20th c large cast iron clipper ship doorstop, excellent original paint and condition, length 12", ht 9 1/2"
Lot: 28 - 19th c Hand Blow Glass Parade Cane
19th c aqua blown glass parade cane, with a twist, likely New England or New York, length 38"
Lot: 29 - Chicago Mosaic Leaded Glass Hanging Dome
Attributed to Chicago Mosaic "Water Lily" pattern bronze & leaded stained slag glass hanging dome light fixture, ca 1910, diameter 24"
Lot: 30 - Gustav Stickley Hammered Copper Tray
Gustav Stickley hammered copper Arts & Crafts tray, large clamp mark with Gustav Stickley in circle, diameter 16 1/4"
Lot: 31 - Sabra Field (VT 1935-) Rain Clouds Dusk
Sabra Field (Vermont 1935-) Rain Clouds Dusk woodblock on paper signed and identified lower margin editioned 62/100 plate 15.5 x 15.5" 23 x 23" as framed.
Lot: 32 - Sabra Field (VT 1935-) Barns,June
Sabra Field (Vermont 1935-) Barns, June woodblock on paper signed and identified lower margin- plate 7 x 7" 14 x 14" as framed
Lot: 33 - 19th c Portrait of a young boy with a whip
19th c oil on canvas American school portrait of a young boy with a whip,- somewhat recent conservation, and relined. 28 x 22" 31 x 26" as framed.
Lot: 34 - 19th c Portrait of a young girl
19th c oil on board American school portrait of a young girl with flowers- some fading . 18 x 14" 23.5 x 19.5" as framed.
Lot: 35 - Five Small 19th c Primitive Landscape Paintings
Five charming 19th c landscape paintings three framed,- Four oil on board minor imperfections as shown. - 7.5 x 11.5" -10 x 12"
Lot: 36 - Circa 1850 oil on board still life with fruit
Circa 1850 American School Still Life with Fruit- oil on board in later grain painted frame- 18 x 24" 24 x 30" as framed.
Lot: 37 - Unsigned oil on board of the Clipper Ship"Forest State" in Arctic Waters
Circa 1900 American School oil on canvas painting of clipper ship "Forest State" (The historical vessel sailed out of Freeport Maine and sunk off Mussel Shoals in Bahamas in 1857) 20 x 24"
Lot: 38 - Pair of circa 1850 Portraits of an attractive young couple
Pair of Circa 1850 American School Portraits of an attractive young couple dressed in a mid 19thc style, both paintings have been conserved with revarnishing, relined, and are in later frames. 32 x 26" 38 x 32" as framed.
Lot: 39 - Two ca 1850 portraits attr. John Mix Stanley
Pair of Circa 1850 American School Portraits of a stately older couple - Attributed to John Mix Stanley (Am 1814-1972) by Dr. Julie Schimmel of the National Portrait Gallery in 1983- sitters identified as Jacob Gideon and Mary Coons Gideon and descend in their family - oil on linen, conserved in 1998, relined in later frames, 30 x24" 35 x 30" as framed.
Lot: 40 - Oil on Board after Barthel Beham (DE 1502-1540)
After Barthel Beham (German 1502-1540) Chancellor Leonhard Von Eck - oil on panel dated 6 Jan 37 with backstamps identifying piece as a reproduction from the Metropolitan Museum of Art 22 x 14" 19 x 27" as framed.
Lot: 41 - Queen Anne Tiger Maple Highboy
Mass. Queen Anne tiger maple highboy. Upper section with 2 drawers over 3 drawers. Lower case with one long drawer over 3 drawers over cabriole legs. Refinished, replaced hardware, pine secondary. 68" h, 36" wide upper case.
Lot: 42 - Federal Mahogany N Monroe Concord Tall Case Clock
Nathaniel Monroe Concord MA Federal mahogany tall case clock. Moon phase dial, second hand dial, Arabic & Roman numerals, with raised gilt decoration. Ormolu & brass inlaid columns and corner columns. String inlays. Molded edge base. Brass works. 92" to top of finial. Refinished.
Lot: 43 - Rare 19th c 8 1/2 FT Shaker Meeting House Table
Rare 19th c Shaker meeting house table. 8 1/2' long two board pine top with breadboard ends. 2 Cherry pilaster supports each ending in well proportioned arch shoe feet. Each pilaster is supported by hand forged interior bolt and nut that is capped inside support. Under support enforced with hand forged L-bracket. Worn age appropriate mellow surface. Screw replacements under table, otherwise appears all original. 102" long, 34" wide, 27 1/2" high.
Lot: 44 - Mt. Lebanon Shaker #6 Rocker
Signed Mt. Lebanon NY Shaker rocker. Stamped #6 on back. Original surface, with a cream tab seat.
Lot: 45 - Queen Anne Cherry Chest on Frame
18th c New England Queen Anne cherry chest on frame. 5 drawer upper case section over a frame with cabriole legs, and 3 drawers with center fan. Base restored and married to upper case. 39" w, 61" h, 19" deep. Refinished and replaced brass.
Lot: 46 - Hepplewhite Cherry Pembroke Table
Ca. 1800 New England Hepplewhite cherry Pembroke table. Original oval brass pull on drawer. Pine secondary wood. 32" l, 29" h, 23" wide. Refinished.
Lot: 47 - William & Mary Tiger Maple Highboy
William & Mary tiger maple two part highboy. Upper case with 2 over 3 drawers, lower case with 3 drawers, turned legs, cross stretcher base. Chippendale style hardware. 39" wide x 63"h. Made of various old parts. Good overall condition.
Lot: 48 - Signed E P Lynes York PA Pie Safe
19th c York Pennsylvania signed E P Lynes poplar & pine pie safe. Double 3 panel door fronts, 45" w, 57" h. Refinished.
Lot: 49 - 18th c Knuckle Arm Windsor Chair
18th c Windsor arm chair with scroll carved ears, knuckle arms, saddle seat, and H-stretcher base. Refinished, restorations. 45" h, 46" wide to outside of knuckles.
Lot: 50 - Sheraton Cherry Canopy Bed
Ca. 1830 New England Sheraton cherry canopy bed. 54" double modern conversion. Refinished, arch canopy, rope twist posts 69" h.
Lot: 51 - Andrew Fisher Bunner (AM 1841-1897) Ile di Murano Venice
Andrew Fisher Bunner (American 1841-1897) "Ile di Murano Venice" oil on canvas signed lower left identified reverse 15 x 30" 25 x 40" as framed
Lot: 52 - 17 or 18th c Dutch interior on panel
17th or 18th c Dutch Interior on panel with fragment of label identifying artist"- Je ----yigne decla/av--peint le tableau/ G Van-nellacsh" 18 x 15" 22 x 19" as framed.
Lot: 53 - Thomas Rowlandson (EN 1756-1926)
Thomas Rowlandson (English 1756-1926) the sculptor,-pen and ink signed lower margin identified- 17 x 15"
Lot: 54 - 19th c oil on canvas portrait of a young boy in a hat
19th c oil on canvas American school portrait of a young boy in a straw hat, 20 x 16" 24 x 20"
Lot: 55 - 20th c pastel portrait of a young woman
20th c pastel portrait of a young woman signed - Press with a monogramme - 20 x 16" 25 x 21.5" as framed.
Lot: 56 - Five Robert Grace 20th c oil on board animal paintings
Five Robert Grace 20th c oil on board animal paintings- each 6 x 8" 9.5 x 11.5" as framed
Lot: 57 - Harold Lawes (EN 1865-1940) On the Lyn Devon
Harold Lawes (English 1865-1940) On the Lyn Devon watercolor on paper identified reverse- 19 x 12" 26 x 18.5" as framed.
Lot: 58 - 19th c English School Pastoral with sheep
19th c English Pastoral landscape with sheep and a wild river- 10 x 16" 19 x 24" as framed.
Lot: 59 - attr. William Stacy (VT 1836-1919) Winooski High Bridge
Attr. William Stacy (Vermont 1836-1919) Winooski High Bridge oil on board 7.5 x 9.5" 10.5 x 12.5" as framed.
Lot: 60 - 19th c pastel/ sand paper landscape with bridge
19th c Pastel/ sandpaper landscape with bridge in gilt frame- 16.5 x 22.5" as framed.
Lot: 61 - Reed and Barton 4 pc. Sterling Silver Tea Set
Mid 20th c. Reed and Barton "Georgian Rose" pattern 4 pc. sterling silver tea set including coffee pot, teapot, creamer, and covered sugar bowl, accompanied by a silver-plated double handled serving tray, overall good condition 6"-10", 16" x 27" approximately 76 troy oz. weighable
Lot: 62 - 4 pc. Sterling Repousse Tea Set
ca. 1900 Edwardian era Meriden Britannia Co./International Silver Co. 4 pc. floral repousse decorated sterling silver tea set including teapot, covered sugar bowl, creamer and waste bowl, ht. 4"-9" -some dents, lid to teapot unhinged, handle loose. Approximately 35.8 troy oz.
Lot: 63 - 79 pcs. Gorham Strasbourg Sterling Flatware
79 pcs. Gorham "Strasbourg" pattern sterling silver flatware including 12 dinner forks, 12 dessert forks, 12 butter spreaders, 18 teaspoons, 12 soup spoons, 12 dinner knives with stainless steel blades, and a cracker scoop, all in mahogany storage chest 79.3 troy oz. weighable
Lot: 64 - 72 pcs. Watson Commonwealth Sterling Flatware
72 pcs. Watson Newell and Co. "Commonwealth" sterling silver flatware including 6 tablespoons, 12 dinner forks, 12 luncheon forks, 12 dessert forks, 6 teaspoons, 12 dinner knives with plated blades, and 12 luncheon knives with plated blades, having Gothic script "B" monogram, 67.8 troy oz. weighable
Lot: 65 - 108 pcs. Continental 800 Silver Flatware
108 pcs. Continental German 800 silver flatware including 10 butter knives, 12 dessert forks, 12 luncheon forks, 12 dinner forks, 12 hors d'oeuvre forks, 12 tablespoons, 11 teaspoons, 2 smaller butter knives, olive fork, serving spoon, 17 dinner knives with stainless steel blades, and 6 knife handles (no blades) , all cased in a fine cherry locking storage chest with keys, 124.9 troy oz. weighable
Lot: 66 - Gorham Sterling Silver Teapot, Sugar and Creamer
Gorham sterling silver neoclassical urn form footed teapot, accompanied by a Gorham open sugar bowl and creamer, all having Gothic script "F" monogram ht. 3" -10" approximately 28.7 troy oz.
Lot: 67 - Mexican 950 Silver Scalloped Charger Tray
ca. 1940 Menooza Mexican 950 silver scalloped round serving tray or charger, inscribed "1905 Gore 1940 PMLG 1941" (Phillip Michael Larner Gore) dia. 12.75" 18.2 troy oz.
Lot: 68 - Set of 4 Sterling Pepper Pots and Master Salts
Set of 4 Reeves and Brown sterling silver pepper pots and matching cobalt blue glass lined master salts, all on figural lion tri-footed bases, sturdy construction, "AWG" cursive script monogram, some minor dents, very good overall condition ht. 1.75"-5" 25.6 troy oz.
Lot: 69 - 4 Elgin Silversmiths Sterling Bread Plates
Set of 4 ca. 1920 Elgin Silversmiths sterling silver scalloped bread and butter plates having Gothic script "D" monogram in center dia. 6.5" 15 troy oz.
Lot: 70 - 3 Art Nouveau Era Sterling Silver Dishes
3 Art Nouveau sterling silver dishes, including Simpson, Hall and Miller oval bowl with mermaid among cresting sea waves, 1899 Whiting reticulated lattice basket, and Gorham pansy repousse bowl 5.5"-9.5" 12.7 troy oz.
Lot: 71 - Chinese Export Porcelain Grisaille Punch Bowl
Large 18th c. Chinese Export porcelain Qianlong period punchbowl having hand painted grisaille decoration of an English hunt scene, professionally restored fracture 7" x 15.25"
Lot: 72 - Pair of Chinese Export Porcelain Platters
Pair of 18th c. Chinese Export porcelain Qianlong period platters having faint celadon glaze and hand painted grisaille decoration surrounding monogram cartouches, several nicks to corners, otherwise very good overall condition 15" x 18.5"
Lot: 73 - Chinese Export Famille Rose Chamber Pot
Late 18th/early 19th c. Chinese Export porcelain Qianlong period oblong covered chamber pot having reticulated basket weave handle and Famille Rose enamel floral decoration, old restorations to inside rims, some wear to gilding, overall very good condition, 6.5" x 10"
Lot: 74 - 11 pcs. Chinese Export Scenic Decorated Porcelain
11 pcs. 18th c. Chinese Export porcelain tableware including double handled covered pot with raised floral and raspberry "fishnet" decoration, two figural acrobat decorated dishes, pair of dishes with scenic decorated panels of family in center, 2 scenic saucers (one with chipped base), two handleless cups, acrobat decorated bowl, etc. ht. 2"-5.5"
Lot: 75 - 8 pcs. Chinese Export Jesuitware Porcelain
8 pcs. 18th c. Chinese export porcelain Qianlong period "Jesuitware" having hand painted grisaille decoration, including footed creamer, 5 small cups. saucer, and dresser jar with inscription "Cause Caused it" on lid 3"-5"
Lot: 76 - 10 pcs. Chinese Famille Rose and Scenic Porcelain
10 pcs. Chinese export porcelain Qianlong period tableware including Famille Rose creamer, scenic decorated tea cups, dresser jar, etc. ht. 2"-4.5"
Lot: 77 - 11 pcs. Chinese Export Porcelain incl. Armorial
11 pcs. 18th c. Chinese Export porcelain Qianlong period tableware including reticulated chestnut basket (damaged, missing handles), armorial decorated handleless cup and mug, 2 small teacups, armorial plate (heavily restored), 2 tea caddies, and two reproduction armorial plates. 2"-10"
Lot: 78 - 4 pcs. 19th c. Chinese Export Scenic Porcelain
4 pcs. 18th/19th c. Chinese export porcelain including cylindrical jar (repaired), scenic bowl (repaired), plate with female musician (rim restorations), and scenic Rose Medallion plate 7"-10"
Lot: 79 - 14 pcs. Assorted 19th c. Chinese Export Porcelain
14 pcs. assorted 18th/19th c. Chinese export porcelain including a pair of small blue and white decorated cups, scenic tankard mug, soap dishes, Rose Medallion bowl, Canton blue willow plate and covered dish (repaired), and blue and polychrome decorated platter 2.5"-11"
Lot: 80 - 4 pcs. Contemporary Flambe Glaze Art Pottery
4 pcs. of Contemporary red/plum flambe glaze studio art pottery including two vases, and two bowls, embossed marks on base dia. 5"-12"
Lot: 81 - Antique 4 CT Old Mine Cut Diamonds & Gold Locket.
Fine 18th or early 19th c ornate yellow gold heart shaped locket with glass back panel (possibly for hair). Front with 63 old mine cut diamonds from 3/4 ct to .01 ct. Approx 4 cts t.w old mine cut diamonds. 1 1/2" long. 16.1 grams t.w.
Lot: 82 - Ca. 1940 14k White Gold & Diamond Earrings
A pair of 14k ca. 1940 white gold clip on earrings with center .2 ct round cut diamonds, and 15 other round cut diamonds. Approx. 1 ct t.w. diamonds in both earrings. 7/8" long each. 7.6 grams t.w.
Lot: 83 - Antique Gold, Silver, & Old Mine Cut Diamond Brooch
19th or 18th c antique brooch / pin pendant set with 14k yellow gold & silver. Ornate decoration with 70 small pearls (3.5 mm largest) and 3 center old mine cut diamonds approx. .28 cts.t.w. 2 1/2" long. 17.9 grams t.w.
Lot: 84 - Antique Yellow Gold & Enamel Snake Necklace
14k yellow gold snake necklace with snake like link chain ending in a serpent or snake head with blue enamel, seed pearls, hinged tongue, and ruby eyes. Snake head 40 mm long. 5 mm wide chain. 16 1/2" long chain.
Lot: 85 - Old Mine Cut Diamond, Sapphire, Pearl & Gold Ring
18th or early 19th c yellow gold ring with oval setting having a 5 mm center pearl, 13 small baguette channel set sapphires in silver, surrounded by 16 approx. .08 ct old mine cut diamonds in silver prongs, surrounded by 32 small baguette channel set sapphires. each edge of ring band set two old mine cut .08 ct diamonds. Ring size 7. Top panel 22 mm x 18 mm.
Lot: 86 - 18k Ruby & Sapphire Floral Brooch
Marked 18k Italy, yellow gold brooch pin with floral motif, 16 small sapphires, and 3 small rubies. 1 1/2" long. 9.8 grams t.w.
Lot: 87 - Victorian Yellow Gold Slide Bracelet
Victorian yellow gold mesh bracelet with slide ornate slide clasp with 3 small fresh water pearls. 15 mm wide.
Lot: 88 - 14k Pearl, Ruby, Cocktail Ring
Ca. 1950 14k yellow gold cocktail ring set with 8 pearls and 6 small round cut rubies. Ring size 6.
Lot: 89 - 3 Antique Pins
3 19th c pins including Victorian yellow gold bar with 2 round cut garnets and 4 seed pearls, 14k yellow and white gold open work bar with small round cut sapphire, and a Victorian round brooch pendant. 1 1/2" long.
Lot: 90 - Antique Ornate Yellow Gold Watch Fobs & Key.
18k yellow gold ornate Antique watch key and two matching fobs. 1 1/4" long each. 13.5 grams t.w. Hall marked- possibly- I P D.
Lot: 91 - 14k Yellow Gold Cigarette Case
14k yellow gold cigarette case. Monogrammed I L O. Dated on the interior January 16, 1934. 3 1/8" x 4". Small dents on back. 103.3 grams t.w.
Lot: 92 - 14k Yellow Gold Compact
14k yellow gold compact with M O K monogram in blue enamel, 4 cabochon sapphire buttons to open. Interior with mirror door, powder door, and pill door. 3 " x 2 1/4". 93.1 grams t.w.
Lot: 93 - 14k Two Tone Compact
14k yellow and white gold rectangular Art Deco compact. Monogrammed I L O. 1 3/4" x 2 1/4". 36.8 grams t.w.
Lot: 94 - Austrian Sterling & Enamel Compact
Round ca. 1900 Sterling enamel Austrian compact. Green, red, gold, & blue enamel. Monogrammed M O K. Mirror interior with puff. 3 1/8" diameter. 2 edge damage to enamel.
Lot: 95 - 4 Antique Gold Jewelry Items
4 pieces of antique yellow gold jewelry including a ladies pocket watch missing hands 1" diameter, a Victorian oval hair locket with black enamel decoration 1 1/4" long, a yellow gold cameo ring, and a 14k yellow gold monogram fabric slide 1 1/4" long.
Lot: 96 - 14k Yellow Gold Pen Knife
14k yellow gold pen knife. 2 1/8" long. 16.8 grams t.w.
Lot: 97 - Yellow Gold, Blue Enamel, & Ruby Snake Ring
18k yellow gold ring in the form of a snake with blue enamel and small ruby eyes. Ring size 6. 6.5 grams t.w.
Lot: 98 - 3 Victorian Cameos
3 Victorian cameos including a 2 3/4" long rectangular female bust, a oval shell Classical scene initialed F D 2 1/2" long, and a early 19th c oval of woman feeding eagle 2" long in silver surround.
Lot: 99 - 14k Yellow Gold & 2 CT Tanzanite Ring
14k yellow gold ring set with a approx. 2 CT pear cut tanzanite and 4 small white sapphires. Ring size 7.
Lot: 100 - 14k 3 CT Aquamarine, Diamond, & Ruby Ring
14k yellow gold ring with a emerald cut approx. 3 CT aquamarine with 10 round cut .02 ct diamonds and 4 .02 ct round cut rubies in surround. Ring size 7.
Lot: 101 - 19th c Russian Exaltation of the Cross Icon
19th c Russian Icon "Exaltation of the Cross" with Emperor Constantine and his mother St Helen, paint on gesso & wood, 11" x 15" x 3/4"
Lot: 102 - 18th c Russian Christ Pantocrator Icon
18th c Russian "Christ Pantocrator" icon, egg tempera paint on gesso & wood, 10" x 12" x 1"
Lot: 103 - Small 16th c Russian Saints Icon
Small 16th c Greek Orthodox Russian "Saints" icon, egg tempera on gesso & wood, hewn back, 6 1/2" x 5 1/4" x 3/4"
Lot: 104 - Miniature Inlaid Mahogany Tea Caddy
Early 19th c English inlaid mahogany tea caddy/ valuables box with paint decoration, velvet lining, 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" x 4 1/4"
Lot: 105 - English Inlaid Mahogany Tea Caddy
Early 19th c English inlaid mahogany tea caddy with 3 sections, 10" x 5" x 5"
Lot: 106 - English Parquetry Inlaid Bracket Clock
Late 19th c English parquetry inlaid bracket clock with unmarked brass works, 14 1/2" x 10" x 6"
Lot: 107 - English Inlaid Mahogany Lap Desk
19th c English inlaid mahogany lap desk, with burl panel, interior with 2 drawers, 13 1/2" x 12 1/2" x 5"
Lot: 108 - English Inlaid Mahogany Sewing Box
19th c English inlaid mahogany sewing box/ jewelry box, with fitted till in top drawer, dovetailed construction, 14" x 12" x 10"
Lot: 109 - English Inlaid Mahogany Miniature Chest of Drawers
Late 19th c English inlaid mahogany miniature chest of drawers, serpentine front,square nailed construction, 11 1/2" x 11" x 8"
Lot: 110 - Large Queen Anne Mahogany Mirror
Large 18th c Queen Anne mahogany wall mirror with shaped beveled corners, 42" x 20"
Lot: 111 - 19th c Mortar & Pestle in Salmon Paint
19th c wooden mortar & pestle in salmon paint, ht 7 1/8", diameter 5"
Lot: 112 - Large 19th c Turned Wooden Bowl
Large 19th c turned wooden bowl, likely birch, good untouched oxidized surface, no cracks or faults, top diameter 19 3/4" to 20 3/4", ht 6 3/4"
Lot: 113 - Two 19th c Figured Maple Footstools
Two matching figured maple footstools with splayed legs, Oriental carpeting, hts 18", 12" lengths 14 1/2", 10"
Lot: 114 - 19th c Vermont Red Painted Sap Buckets
Pair of matching 19th c Vermont sap buckets in original red paint, ca 1850 Smith farm, Cabot, VT, 3 metal bands, untouched old surface, ht 11 1/2", diameter 11 1/2"
Lot: 115 - Pantry Box, Cheese Basket, Cricket, Toleware Tin
Pantry Box in old green paint signed Mary on top, sold with a heart & star inlaid jewelry box with till, a miniature cheese basket (one tiny break), Windsor cricket, and a painted toleware tin box (ex David Merrill collection), box diameter 7", basket diameter 5 1/2", cricket length 11", tin box length 9"
Lot: 116 - 19th c Canted Blanket Box in Old Green Paint
19th c dovetailed pine canted blanket box in old green paint, good surface, with French Foreign Legion North African Desert Fort painted under lid (old paint), original hinges and iron handles, 34 1/2" x 15" x 13"
Lot: 117 - Late 19th c Push Sled in Blue Paint
Late 19th c push sled in later blue paint, red upholstery, length 46", ht 38", width 17"
Lot: 118 - Large 19th c Pantry Box with Lid
Large 19th c pantry box with lapped lid, nailed and pegged construction, refinished, overall very good condition, diameter 15 1/4", ht 8 1/4"
Lot: 119 - 1843 Schoolgirl Sampler, Remembrance Watercolor
1843 schoolgirl sampler signed "Hannah Plummer Lane born July 16, 1829 Give to friendship friendship's due, Remember me and I will you" with basket of flowers, sampler framed 12 1/2" x 12 1/2", remembrance watercolor 9 1/2" x 8 3/4"
Lot: 120 - Two Late 19th c Painted Pantry Boxes
Two late 19th c painted pantry boxes, dark green over blue and wooden pegged mustard yellow, diameters 9 3/4", 8 3/4"
Lot: 121 - Group of 4 19th c Silhouettes
Group of 4 19th c silhouettes, including Anna Maria Winter (author of "Thoughts on the Moral Order of Nature"), Alexander Chesney (British Loyalist during the American Revolution), and two others, each 5 1/2" x 4 3/4"
Lot: 122 - Group of 4 19th c Silhouettes
Group of 4 19th c silhouettes, likely English, various sizes, hts 5" to 10 1/2"
Lot: 123 - Group of 20 Lacquered Boxes, Snuff Boxes
Group of 20 small lacquered boxes, including snuff boxes, some with hand painted figures, most 2" to 3 1/2"
Lot: 124 - Group of Country Americana
Group of Country Americana, including marble bible handwarmer, burl plate, scroddleware pig bank (damaged), miniature painted wooden bellows, painted oval box, painted wooden box, needlework pocket (dam), mocha pepper pot (repaired), diameters/ lengths/ hts from 4" to 8"
Lot: 125 - Large Edward Fields NYC Custom Main Carpet
Large Edward Fields NYC Custom Main Carpet, allover geometric pattern,
Lot: 126 - Mid 20th c Persian Main Carpet
Mid 20th c Persian Mashad room size carpet, center medallion with signature panel, overall good condition, 8' 4" x 11' 4"
Lot: 127 - Mid 20th c Persian Main Carpet
Mid 20th c Persian Sarouk room size carpet, allover floral medallions, good condition, 8' 9" x 9' 2"
Lot: 128 - Mid 20th c Persian Main Carpet
Mid 20th c Persian allover floral Kashan room size carpet, good condition, 9' 1" x 12' 3"
Lot: 129 - Mid 20th c Persian Main Carpet
Mid 20th c Persian center medallion room size rug, good condition, 6' 7" x 9' 9"
Lot: 130 - Mid 20th c Persian Area Rug
Mid 20th c Persian Area Rug, allover boteh filled field, good condition, 4' 4" x 6' 4"
Lot: 131 - Francis Colburn (VT 1904-1984) Still Life
Francis Colburn (Vermont 1904-1984) Still life with Apples and Grapes oil on board signed lower left 9 x 12" 13 x 16" as framed.
Lot: 132 - Francis Colburn (VT 1904-1984) Still Life
Francis Colburn (Vermont 1904-1984) Still life with Apples and Grapes oil on board signed lower left 9 x 12" 13 x 16" as framed.
Lot: 133 - Cecil B Larson (VT 1908-) Chipmunk
Cecil B Larson (Vermont 1908-) Chipmunk oil on board signed lower left 10 x 14" 13 x 17" as framed.
Lot: 134 - Cecil B Larson (VT 1908-) Covered Bridge
Cecil B Larson (Vermont 1908-) Covered Bridge- Proctor Vermont oil on board signed lower right 9 x 12" 12.5 x 15.5" as framed.
Lot: 135 - Mary Bryan (VT 1907-1978) Two Harlequins
Mary Bryan (Vermont 1907-1978) Two oil on board paintings of Harlequins one with lute and one with zither both signed and identified- 14 x 10" 20 x 16" as framed,
Lot: 136 - Thomas Curtin (VT 1899-1977) Spring Blossoms
Thomas Curtin (Vermont 1899-1977) Spring Blossoms oil on canvas signed lower left 24 x 30" 33 x 39" as framed.
Lot: 137 - Francis Colburn (VT 1904-1984) Portrait of Gladys Colburn
Francis Colburn (Vermont 1904-1984) Portrait of Gladys Colburn oil on masonite- a rare example of a portrait by Colburn, and an unusual work in process by him. 36 x 32" signed lower right -
Lot: 138 - Sabra Field (VT 1935-) Battell Bridge
Sabra Field (Vermont 1935-) Battell Bridge- Woodblock on paper- plate 8 x8" Sheet 11.5 x 11.5" 16 x 16" as framed. 62/300 signed and editioned lower margin
Lot: 139 - Sabra Field (VT 1935-) It's Snowing
Sabra Field (Vermont 1935-) It's Snowing - Woodblock on paper - plate 8 x 8" sheet 11.5 x 11.5" 16 x 16" as framed. 162/ 300 - Signed and editioned lower margin.
Lot: 140 - Sabra Field (VT 1935-) Three Windows
Sabra Field (Vermont 1935-) Three Windows woodblock on paper signed and identified lower margin, sheet 8.5 x 13" plate 4 x 9.5" 19 x 23" as framed.
Lot: 141 - 19th c Salmon Painted Table Top Desk
19th c New England pine slant top table top desk deck top having 6 pigeon holes and two drawers. Dry old surface. 30" wide, 29" h.
Lot: 142 - Federal Cherry Tall Case Clock
Fine New England flame cherry tall case clock with peafowl & fruit decorated face, original hands, wooden works. Overall good condition. 7' high.
Lot: 143 - 5 Foot Primitive Butcher's Table
Sabra Field (Vermont 1935-) It's Snowing - Woodblock on paper - plate 8 x 8" sheet 11.5 x 11.5" 16 x 16" as framed. 162/ 300 - Signed and editiond lower margin.
Lot: 144 - 19th c Blue Jelly Cupboard
19th c New England pine 2 door cupboard in rubbed blue paint. Upper door with two shelves. Lower door with pierced tin pie safe panel and interior shelf. 36" w, 17"d, x 70" h. Later blue surface. Good overall condition.
Lot: 145 - PA Sheraton Settee
Ca. 1830 Pennsylvania Sheraton stenciled settee in black paint. Worn arms and scratches in seat. 78" long, 18" wide seat.
Lot: 146 - Primitive Pencil Leg Drop Leaf Table
Early 19th c Vermont petite pencil leg drop leaf table in original surface. Pine single board top with D-shaped drop leaves. Maple & pine base with tapered pencil legs in original Spanish brown paint. 36" long, 29" h, 18" wide.
Lot: 147 - Ca. 1840 Putti Painted 4 drawer Chest
Vermont ca. 1840 putti painted 4 drawer chest with round knobs. Basswood. 39" w x 36" h x 17" d.
Lot: 148 - Powers Lyndonville VT Baseball Arm Chair
19th c Signed Powers Lyndonville, Vermont baseball arm ladderback arm chair. Original red surface, 3 slat back with peg construction. Worn signature. Split ash seat with some brakes.
Lot: 149 - Primitive Hanging Cupboard in White
Mid 19th c Hanging cupboard in alligator white painted surface having 2 raised panel doors over 3 drawers. Worn original cupboard. Missing left edge by drawer. 36" w, 11" d, 33" h.
Lot: 150 - 10 Foot 19thc Green Turned Leg Country Store Table
19th c Country store table in green paint. 34" h, 10' long, 31" wide.
Lot: 151 - James Sulkowski (AM 1951-) Fall Harvest
James Sulkowski (American 1951-) Fall Harvest oil on canvas signed lower right dated 1987 24 x 28" 31 x 35" as framed.
Lot: 152 - Chan Tinyan (CN 1942-) Garden in June
Chan Tinyan (Chinese 1942-) Garden in June oil on canvas signed lower right identified reverse - 24 x 30" 36 x 42" as framed.
Lot: 153 - David Bryan Holmes (CA 1936-1994) Clouds over Loch Broom
David Bryan Holmes (Canadian 1936-1994) Clouds over Loch Broom oil on board, signed and identified reverse, signed lower right. 24 x 32" 30 x 38" as framed.
Lot: 154 - Julio Granda (AM 1931-) Watercolor
Julio Granda (American 1931-) Watercolor and acrylic on paper 18 x 12" 25 x 19.5" as framed. signed lower left dated 1970
Lot: 155 - Jason Stewart (AM 20th c) Two Mixed Media Pieces
Jason Stewart (American 20thc ) Two Mixed Media Pieces - Watercolor, Paper- Sheet 30 x 22" 32 x 25" as framed.
Lot: 156 - George A Newman (PA 1875-1965) The White Swan
George A Newman (Pennsylvania 1875-1965) The White Swan oil on board signed lower left identified reverse 12 x 16" 15 x 18.5" as framed
Lot: 157 - William Henry Beacom (AM 1886-1952) Summer Landscape
William Henry Beacom (American 1886-1953) Autumn Landscape with Covered Bridge oil on canvas signed lower left dated 1938- Beacom was a founder of Goldey-Beacom College in Wilmington DE. 28 x 24" 32 x 28" as framed.
Lot: 158 - WIlliam Henry Beacom (AM 1886-1952) Summer Landscape
William Henry Beacom (American 1886-1953) Summer Landscape oil on canvas signed lower left dated 1938- Beacom was a founder of Goldey-Beacom College in Wilmington DE. 20 x 16" 23 x 19" as framed.
Lot: 159 - Harvey John Dodd (MA 1933-2011) The Kite Flyer
Harvey John Dodd (Massachusetts 1933-2011) Summer evening watercolor on paper signed lower right dated 1993- 7 x 26" 13 x 33" as framed.
Lot: 160 - Harvey John Dodd (MA 1933-2011) Summer Evening
Harvey John Dodd (Massachusetts 1933-2011) Summer evening watercolor on paper signed lower right dated 1993- 7 x 26" 13 x 33" as framed.
Lot: 161 - Richard Klemm Dresden Hand Painted Cabinet Vase
ca. 1900 Richard Klemm Dresden Art Nouveau/Jugendstil porcelain cabinet vase having exquisite gold encrusted raised gilt enamel decoration surrounding hand painted romantic scenic panel of two female musicians 13.5" x 5"
Lot: 162 - Schutz Celli Hand Painted Female Portrait Plaque
ca. 1900 Ludwig Schutz Celli hand painted porcelain portrait plaque of attractive young woman in elaborate headdress having exquisite raised enamel accents and gilt scroll over cobalt glazed border 16" dia. -well concealed old restorations to rim on lower left, touch-ups to gilding, overall excellent presentation
Lot: 163 - 11 Minton "Corinth" Porcelain Dinner Plates
Set of 11 ca. 1920 Minton "Corinth" pattern having spring green and raised gilt enamel neoclassical decorated borders including fluted columns, urns, rosettes, and laurels, retailed by the Bailey, Banks and Biddle Co. of Philadelphia, excellent condition. dia. 10.5"
Lot: 164 - 12 Lenox Cobalt Oriental Bird Dinner Plates
Set of 12 ca. 1920 Lenox cobalt Oriental bird decorated dinner plates having gilt Asian inspired accents dia. 10.25" -1 damaged with significant rim chip, otherwise excellent overall condition
Lot: 165 - 7 Royal Worcester Orientalist Dinner Plates
Set of 7 Royal Worcester porcelain dinner plates having burgundy banded and gadrooned edges surrounding gilt Orientalist Chinoiserie scenic decorated center panels dia. 11"
Lot: 166 - 10 Spode Gilt Gadrooned Creamware Dinner Plates
Set of 10 Spode creamware porcelain dinner plates having gilt scalloped gadrooned rims, retailed by the Charles R. Lynde 424 Lynde 424 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. dia. 11"
Lot: 167 - 16 Myott Chelsea Bird Harlequin Luncheon Plates
Set of 16 Myott Chelsea bird transfer decorated luncheon plates having raised gilt accents and multi-colored harlequin blue, green, maroon and gold dia. 9" -some crazing, one has rim check
Lot: 168 - Myott and Johnson Brothers Floral Luncheon Plates
2 sets of mid 20th c. floral decorated porcelain luncheon plates including 8 Myott with raised enamel accents, and 10 Johnson Brothers (one chipped), some crazing dia. 9"
Lot: 169 - 10 Charles Martin Limoges Luncheon Plates
Set of 10 ca. 1900 Charles Martin Limoges porcelain luncheon plates having rose lattice border and green enameled rim with gilt edge, retailed by C. Reitzenstein and Son. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, PA. dia. 8.5"
Lot: 170 - 10 Krautheim Bavarian Gilt Engraved Dinner Plates
Set of 10 Krautheim Bavarian porcelain dinner plates having fine gold engraved and gilt applied neoclassical style decoration on borders and center. dia. 11" -one with rim chip, otherwise very good overall condition.
Lot: 171 - 19th c. Deep Blue Staffordshire Porcelain Tureen
19th c. deep blue Staffordshire transferware soft paste porcelain tureen having romantic scenic decoration, basket form applied handles, fruit decorated knob, and original ladle, some discoloration commensurate with age, overall excellent condition 10" x 14"
Lot: 172 - 4 pcs. Staffordshire incl. Landing of Lafayette
4 pcs. of 19th c. deep blue Staffordshire transferware soft paste porcelain including teapot with sailboat scenic panels (spout repaired), Clew's hunt scene plate, Landing of Lafayette at Castle Garden historical plate (old staple repairs), and pitcher with public buildings (cracked base) 7"-12"
Lot: 173 - ca. 1830 Ridgways Platter of U.S. Capitol
Large ca. 1830 Ridgways historical Staffordshire porcelain platter having transferware decoration depicting the U.S. Capitol building in Washington D.C. 17" x 21" -old check to rim
Lot: 174 - 19th c. Blue Willow Transferware Platter
Large early 19th c. J. Meir and Sons English Staffordshire porcelain platter having blue willow type Orientalist transfer decoration 17" x 21.5" `-two old checks to rim
Lot: 175 - Collection of 12 Youth Presentation Mugs
Collection of twelve 19th c. soft paste porcelain youth presentation mugs including canary and copper luster, pink luster banded, scenic transferware and mottos, some with chips, checks and imperfections 2.25"-3"
Lot: 176 - Collection of 8 Youth Presentation Mugs
Collection of eight 19th c. soft paste porcelain youth presentation mugs including canary, transferware and mottos, some with chips, checks and imperfections ht,1.25"-3"
Lot: 177 - Collection of 34 Transferware Cup Plates
Collection of 34 early 19th c. soft paste porcelain cup plates including green, red, brown, and aubergine, some with historic and scenic views, pink luster, polychrome, etc. -some with checks and repairs approx. 4" dia.
Lot: 178 - Collection of 42 Transferware Cup Plates
Collection of 42 early/mid 19th c. soft paste porcelain and ironstone cup plates including flow blue, mulberry, blue Staffordshire, sponge decorated spatterware, Chelsea perrywinkle, etc. approx. 4" dia.
Lot: 179 - 19th c. Youth Plates and Early Porcelain
Group of 19th c. transferware children's plates and other early porcelain tableware including silver luster, gaudy welsh creamers, pink lusterware, flow blue with luster accents, early sprig decorated pearlware sugar bowl (no lid), etc. 3"-5.5"
Lot: 180 - 19th c. Light Blue Staffordshire Tureen
Mid 19th c. light blue Staffordshire transferware soup tureen having scenic decoration of fantastical Gothic ruins, some crazing and imperfections, replacement ladle 11" x 12"
Lot: 181 - 14k Diamond & 4 CT Blue Tanzanite Ring
14k yellow gold ring set with a approx. 4 CT oval cut blue tanzanite with 4 .02 ct round cut diamonds. Ring size 7.
Lot: 182 - Pair of Large Teardrop Amethyst & Blue Topaz Rings
Two rings, a large 28 mm x 20 mm teardrop cut amethyst in yellow wire ring frame with a 30 mm x 18 mm teardrop cut blue topaz in a silver wire frame. Ring size 6.5.
Lot: 183 - 14k Diamond & 8 CT Blue Tanzanite Ring
14k yellow gold ring with a emerald cut approx. 8 CT tanzanite with 16 .03 ct round ct diamond surround. Ring size 7.
Lot: 184 - 14k & Diamond Necklace
14k yellow gold chain with a pendant having a .1 ct pear cut diamond and 11 .02 ct baguette cut diamonds in surround. 3.2 grams t.w.
Lot: 185 - 18k Yellow Gold Bangle
Marked 18k bangle. 2" diameter. 11.3 grams t.w.
Lot: 186 - Group of Yellow Gold Jewelry
A group of yellow gold jewelry including a 14k bar pin with small diamonds and pearl, a pair of 14k & round green jade earrings 12mm diameter, a pair of yellow gold diamond shaped earrings 15mm long, 14k oval brooch pendant with cameo, and a 10k fraternal pin. 16.1 grams t.w.
Lot: 187 - Yellow Gold Hoop Earrings
14k yellow gold hoop earrings. Hollow core, 1 7/8" diameter. 4.6 grams.
Lot: 188 - Chinese Jade Carved Pendant
Ca. 1900 Chinese oval nephrite jade carved pendant. 2 1/8" diameter. Black cloth chain.
Lot: 189 - Tiffany 18k Star Pendant
18k rose gold Tiffany chain and Picasso star pendant. 1 1/4" long pendant. 6 grams t.w.
Lot: 190 - 18k, Diamond, Green Peridot Ring
18k white gold ring set with a oval cut 6 ct green peridot with 60 .005 ct diamonds in surround and down band. Approx. 1/2 ct t.w. diamonds. Ring size 5.5. 7.4 grams t.w.
Lot: 191 - 1997 Insignia Red Wine
1997 Joseph Phelps Insignia Napa Valley Red Wine. Sold to benefit The Lake Champlain Land Trust. Local Pick up only
Lot: 192 - 2 Bottles 2000 Chateau Beychevelle Red Wine
2 bottles 2000 Chateau Bechevelle, Saint-Julien red wine. Sold to benefit The Lake Champlain Land Trust. Local Pick up only
Lot: 193 - 2 Bottles 2002 Solaia Red Wine
2 bottles 2002 Solaia Annata Diversa Antinori red wine. Overall good condition. Sold to benefit The Lake Champlain Land Trust. Local Pick up only
Lot: 194 - 2 Bottles 2001 Cos D'Estournel Red Wine
2 Bottles of 2001 Cos D'Estournel Saint-Estephe red wine. Good overall condition.Sold to benefit The Lake Champlain Land Trust. Local Pick up only
Lot: 195 - 5 Bottles French Red Wine
5 Bottles of Various French Red Wine including 1983 & 2000 Chateau Gruaud Larose , 2000 Chateau DuTertre, 2000 Chateau Lynch Bages, 2000 Chateau Grand-Pontet. Sold to benefit The Lake Champlain Land Trust. Local Pick up only
Lot: 196 - 4 Bottles 2005 Chateau Rauzan-Segla Red Wine
4 Bottles 2005 Chateau Rauzan-Segla Margaux red wine. Overall good condition.Sold to benefit The Lake Champlain Land Trust. Local Pick up only
Lot: 197 - 6 Bottles Italian Red Wine
6 Bottles Italian red wine including 2 2000 Pian Delle Vigne, 2 2003 Tignanello, 2 Cuado Al Tasso Bolgheri.Sold to benefit The Lake Champlain Land Trust. Local Pick up only
Lot: 198 - 16 Bottles Italian Red Wine
16 Bottles of Italian Red Wine Sold to benefit The Lake Champlain Land Trust. Local Pick up only
Lot: 199 - 8 Bottles California Red Wine
8 bottles of California red wine including 1998 Etude Cabernet Sauvignon, 2006 Merry Edwards Russian River Valley Pinot Noir, 2005 Lynmar Russian River Valley pinot noir, 2 2017 Duckhorn Cabernet Sauvignon, 2 1997 Caymus Cabernet Sauvignon, 2 2000 Beringer Cabernet Sauvignon. Sold to benefit The Lake Champlain Land Trust. Local Pick up only
Lot: 200 - 19 Bottles French Red Wine
19 bottles of French red wine including 5 2005 Château Leoville Poyferre, 3 2000 Château Troplong Mondot, 3 2000 Château Cantemerle, 3 2005 Chateau Leoville Barton, 2 2003 Chateau Pontet-Canet, 3 2005 Château Haut Bages Liberal.Sold to benefit The Lake Champlain Land Trust. Local Pick up only
Lot: 201 - Early 20th c Painted Wooden Bulletin Board
Early 20th c painted wooden bulletin board, 34 1/2" x 42"
Lot: 202 - Early 19th c Miniature Redware Jug
Early 19th c New England ovoid form redware jug, slight glaze flaking near lip ht 6"
Lot: 203 - Early 19th c Stoneware Batter Pitcher
Early 19th c New England ovoid form stoneware batter pitcher, unusual glaze, minor flake on base from manufacture, ht 10 3/4"
Lot: 204 - Two 19th c Blue Decorated Stoneware Crocks
Two late 19th c blue decorated stoneware crocks- Norton, Worcester, MA 2 gallon, S L Pewtress, Fair Haven, CT 2 gallon (check in base)
Lot: 205 - Three 19th c Blue Decorated Stoneware Jugs, Crock
Three 19th c blue decorated stoneware jugs & crock, including 3 gallon Ballard, Burlington jug, unmarked 1 gallon jug with leaf, 1 gallon crock with leaf, hts 8 1/2" to 16"
Lot: 206 - Fairfax, VT Ovoid Crock, Pa Ovoid Crock
Farrar & Stearns, Fairfax, VT Albany slip glaze ovoid crock with applied ears, sold with a Cowden & Son, Harrisburg, PA Albany slip glaze ovoid crock, hts 8", 6", diameters 7 1/2" each
Lot: 207 - Early 20th c Lone Star Quilt
Early 20th c Lone Star quilt, eight pointed star, interesting sack cloth backing, VT Quilt Project #5873, 5' 7" x 7' 3" (67" x 87")
Lot: 208 - Early 20th c Red & White Pieced Quilt
Early 20th c red & white geometric pattern pieced quilt, 5' 6" x 6' 4" (66" x 76")
Lot: 209 - Early 20th c Blue & White Basket Quilt
Early 20th c blue & white basket pattern quilt, 5' 5" x 5' 10" (65" x 70")
Lot: 210 - Early 20th c Geometric Pieced Quilt
Early 20th c geometric pieced quilt, 5' 11" x 6' 11" (71" x 83")
Lot: 211 - Brass Writing Stand, Blotter Corners, Letter Stand
Brass writing stand with inkwells & pen tray, set of 4 brass blotter corners marked PEG NY 1336, and a modern envelope stand, writing stand 10" x 6" x 4"
Lot: 212 - 1858 Macaulay's Essays (3 vols)
1858 Lord Macaulay "Critical & Historical Essays Contributed to the Edinburgh Review", 9th edition (3 vols), gilt embossed leather, the set with presentation plate from king's College, London in 1861 to Duncan Crookes Tovey, each 8 3/4" x 6" x 1 1/2"
Lot: 213 - 1801 Life & Writings of Wm Robertson (8 vols)
1801 Life & Writings of William Robertson (8 vols), Cadell & Davies, London, with 4 fold out maps of the Americas, fold-out page with Meso-American art, each 11" x 9" x 1 1/2"
Lot: 214 - 1882 McCarthy History of the Four Georges
1882 Justin McCarthy "A History of the Four Georges" (4 vols), hatto & Windus, London, 3/4 calf, 8 3/4" x 6" x 1 1/2"
Lot: 215 - Mid 20th c Turkish Kilim Main Carpet
Mid 20th c Turkish Kilim room size carpet, overall good condition, 8' x 9' 9"
Lot: 216 - Early 20th c Persian Prayer Rug
Early 20th c Persian prayer rug, oxidizing black, analine orange & yellow dyes, overall good condition. 3' 2" x 4' 11"
Lot: 217 - Early 20th c Persian Prayer Rug
Early 20th c Persian prayer rug, oxidizing black dye, some uneven heavy wear, 2' 10" x 4' 1"
Lot: 218 - Late 20th c Kazak Style Main Carpet
Late 20th c Kazak style room size carpet, overall good condition, 7' 5" x 9' 9"
Lot: 219 - Late 20th c Kazak Style Main Carpet
Late 20th c Kazak style flat woven room size carpet, overall good condition, 8' 2" x 10 4"
Lot: 220 - Late 20th c Kazak Style Area Rug
Late 20th c Kazak style area rug, good condition, 5' 2" x 6' 4"
Lot: 221 - Early 19th c Mortar & Pestle in old red paint
Early 19th c mortar & pestle in old red paint, ht 8", diameter 6 1/2"
Lot: 222 - Late 19th c Saratoga Mineral Water Bottles
Three late 19th c Saratoga Congress, Congress & Empire Spring Co. bottles, including C spring pint (small nick on lip), C spring quart, darker teal green C spring quart, hts 7 3/4" to 9 1/4"
Lot: 223 - Late 19th c Hall Bros Cow Stenciled Butter Churn
Late 19th c Hall Bros, West Acton, MA #1 Improved crank operated table top wooden butter churn with cow stencil decoration, ht 14 1/2"
Lot: 224 - Four 19th c Small Wooden Boxes
Four 19th c small wooden boxes including lock-lapped birchbark spruce gum box, neat small two-finger lap pantry box with lid, Harvard Shaker oval box marked Allspice on lid (old glue repair), and a rough small pantry box, lengths/ diameters 3 1/4' to 7"
Lot: 225 - 19th c Treenware Apple Tea Caddy
19th c treenware apple form tea caddy, good condition, ht 5", diameter 5"
Lot: 226 - Pair of Albert Whittekind Carved Wooden Figures
Pair of early 20th c Albert Whittekind carved wooden classical figures, attributed to the Richards Furniture Shop of Winooski, VT. Where Albert H Whittekind (1859-1943) was employed as a specialty carver, unfinished, hts 22 1/2" each
Lot: 227 - 19th c John Rogers Group Checkers
Late 19th c John Rogers figural group "Checkers Up on the Farm", patented 1875, as found, some damage, 20 1/2" x 17" x 12" (local pick-up/ private carrier strongly suggested due to size & weight)
Lot: 228 - 19th c Urn/ Cornucopia Pint Flask
19th c urn/ cornucopia pint historical flask, green glass, good condition, ht 6 3/4"
Lot: 229 - 19th c Ft Edward, NY Bird Decorated Jug
19th c New York Stoneware Co., Fort Edward, NY 3 gallon blue decorated jug, good condition, ht 16", diameter 10"
Lot: 230 - Glenn Cooke Sleeping Black Duck Decoy
Glenn Cooke (1932-2023 Manasquan, New Jersey) sleeping drake black duck decoy, signed on base and inscribed "carved for Doctor John Motley 1992", good condition, length 14"
Lot: 231 - Cornelius Nozeman and Christian Sepp- Two Bird Engravings
Cornelius Nozeman (Dutch 1712-1786) and Christian Sepp (Dutch 1739-1798) Two hand colored engravings of birds on laid paper circa 1770- "Falco Buteo" (Common Buzzard) "Hirundo Domestica" (Barn Swallow) -29.5 x 25.5" as framed.
Lot: 232 - Two Lithographs After George Catlin
Two 20th c Lithographs after George Catlin (American 1796-1872) No1 "North American Indians" and No.25 "Wi-Jun-Jon"- 20th c lithographs after Day and Haghe Lithos. 29 x 22.5" as framed,
Lot: 233 - Anibale Caracci (IT 1560-1609) Pastoral Landscape
Anibale Caracci (Italian 1560-1609) Pastoral landscape engraving on paper executed by John Torond plate 8.5 x 11" 14.5 x 17.5" as framed.
Lot: 234 - Olivia Parker ( AM 1941-) Last Pate
Olivia Parker (American 1941-) Last Pate signed lower margin dated 1979 14 x 11"
Lot: 235 - Paul Calle (AM 1928-2010) Neil Armstrong
Paul Calle (American 1928-2010) Neil Armstrong - Lithograph on paper, signed by Artist in plate and lower right. Autographed By Armstrong lower center, editioned 923/1000- 30 x 24"
Lot: 236 - Anatoli Ivovich Kaplan (RU 1903-1980) In Boiberik
Anatoli Ivovich Kaplan (Russian 1903-1980) lithograph on paper signed lower margin identified reverse editioned 65/125 - 13 x 17" 21 x 27"
Lot: 237 - Marshall Bouldin III (AM 20th c ) The Return
Marshall Bouldin III (American 20th ) The Return oil on canvas signed lower left dated 66" modest impact damage as shown. 24 x 36" 31 x 43" as framed.
Lot: 238 - Late Summer Landscape
19th c Late summer landscape oil on canvas mounted to masonite, signed J Hope lower right- 9 x 12" 14.5 x 17.5" as framed.
Lot: 239 - Charles Edward Conder (EN 1868-1909) Nude with Suitor
Charles Edward Conder (English 1868-1909) Romantic Scene with a nubile being serenaded while putti fly overhead. Watercolor on silk, minor staining. 9 x 10" in old mat does not seem to be laid down.
Lot: 240 - Charles Edward Conder (EN 1868-1909) Three Ladies
Charles Edward Conder (English 1868-1909) Three Ladies, minor loss as shown. 14 x 10" 24 x 19" as framed.
Lot: 241 - English Regency Pembroke Table
English Regency 19th c pedestal base drop leaf table with drawer. Mahogany, single drawer with double brass rosette pulls on pedestal base with castor ends. Oak secondary. 38" x 21" w x 29" h.
Lot: 242 - 1715 English Oak Step Back Cupboard
1715 English two part oak step back cupboard with base having bracket base, double doors, and 2 drawers. Upper section with barrel twist columns, double plate rail shelves with center lock compartment, upper molding with carved date of 1715. 50" w x 76" h. Restorations, later finish, overall good condition.
Lot: 243 - 18th c English Wheel Back Windsor Arm Chair
18th c English wheel back Windsor arm chair. Elm wood, H-stretcher, 48" h, saddle seat 19" wide.
Lot: 244 - No Lot
No Lot
Lot: 245 - George III Inlaid Card Table
Fine 18th c George III English Demi-lune card lift top card table. Mahogany top with satin and string banding, green felt interior. Front of table with center satin panel, string and banded inlay. Legs with panels, sting inlay, and spade feet. 36" wide, 29"h. Old surface, wear marks, overall good condition.
Lot: 246 - George II Burl Walnut Chest
18th c George II English burl veneer 2 over 3 drawer chest with banded inlay, bracket base. Period hardware. 21" x 37" w x 36" h.
Lot: 247 - Pair of Mahogany Bow Front Chests
Pair of 20th mahogany inlaid bowfront chests of drawers. 2 drawers over 3 drawers. 36" w x 32" h.
Lot: 248 - No Lot
No Lot
Lot: 249 - Chippendale Cherry Tall Chest
Ca. 1790 New England Chippendale cherry 6 drawer tall chest. Molded top, 6 flush drawers, over a bracket base. Refinished, replaced brass. Pine secondary, 56" x 37" w x 19" d.
Lot: 250 - Fine Mahogany Butterfly Table
Circa 1900 mahogany butterfly table, lyre style base with swing legs, single drawer. Surface cracks. 29"h, 10" wide, leaves up 36" wide.
Lot: 251 - Luigi Lucioni (VT 1900-1988) Design of the Trees
Luigi Lucioni (Vermont 1900-1988) Design of the trees etching on paper with price and note by Lucioni in his own hand, dated 1966 (original price also listed) sheet 13 x 17" plate 9 x 11.5"
Lot: 252 - Luigi Lucioni (VT 1900-1988) Etching of Trees
Luigi Lucioni (Vermont 1900-1988) Etching of Tree signed lower margin, presumed to be Associated American Artists- Sheet 16 x 13" Plate 11.75 x 9.75"
Lot: 253 - Luigi Lucioni (VT 1900-1988) Pattern of the Trees
Luigi Lucioni (Vermont 1900-1988) Pattern of the Trees published by Associated American Artists - sheet 12 x 15" plate 7.75 x 11.75"
Lot: 254 - Luigi Lucioni (VT 1900-1988) Etching with tree
Luigi Lucioni (Vermont 1900-1988) Etching with tree presumed to be published by Associated American Artists- pencil signed lower margin plate- 9.75 x 7.75"
Lot: 255 - Luigi Lucioni (VT 1900-1988) Pine in the Birches
Luigi Lucioni (Vermont 1900-1988) Pine in the Birches - Etching on paper pencil signed by Lucioni, Published by Associated American Artists NY- Sheet 9 x 13" plate 8.25 x 11.75"
Lot: 256 - Arthur Kelly David Healy (VT 1902-1978) Fishing For Trout
Arthur Kelly David Healy (Vermont 1902-1978) Fishing For Trout Watercolor on paper signed upper right dated '75 - Sold to benefit acquisitions at Middlebury College Museum of Art- 22 x 30" unframed- but matted.
Lot: 257 - Arthur Kelly David Healy (VT 1902-1978) Ca Marche - Haiti
Arthur Kelly David Healy (Vermont 1902-1978) Ca Marche- Cap Haitien Haiti, Feb 6 1970, Pendant le Matin - watercolor on paper signed upper right, 22 x 30" Sold to benefit acquisitions at Middlebury College Museum of Art
Lot: 258 - Arthur Kelly David Healy (VT 1902-1978) La Citadelle
Arthur Kelly David Healy (Vermont 1902-1978) La Citadelle de Henri Christophe Roi d'Haïti signed upper left - watercolor on paper 22 x 30" sold to benefit acquisitions at the Middlebury College Museum of Art
Lot: 259 - Warren Kimble (VT 1935-) Four Seasons
Warren Kimble (Vermont 1935-) Four Seasons offset lithograph on paper -Facsimile signed in prints, 33 x 33" as framed. Image of a barn
Lot: 260 - Stephen Sebastian (AM 20th c )Suite of Seven Winter Prints
Stephen Sebastian (American 20th) Two Winter scenes- Aquatint and Engraving with intaglio elements- "Winter Blanket" - Oval Plate 15 x 27" 26.5 x 38" as framed. "Victorian Grace" oval plate 17.5 x 11.5" 26 x 21" as framed. Five smaller prints of various sizes
Lot: 261 - 10 Watson Newell Wedding Rose Sterling Teaspoons
Set of 10 Watson, Newell & Co. "Wedding Rose" pattern Art Nouveau style teaspoons, each having Gothic script "D" monogram 5.5" 8.2 troy oz. weighable
Lot: 262 - 10 pcs Schiebler Diamond Sterling Flatware
10 pcs. Schiebler "Diamond" pattern ornate Victorian motif sterling silver flatware including 5 dinner forks and 5 teaspoons 6.5", 7.5" 11.7 troy oz.
Lot: 263 - 10 Watrous Richmond Sterling Teaspoons
Set of 10 Watrous "Richmond" pattern teaspoons having cursive script "H" monogram 6" 8.2 troy oz.
Lot: 264 - 12 Alvin William Penn Sterling Teaspoons
Set of 12 Alvin "William Penn" pattern sterling silver teaspoons having Gothic script "H" monogram 5.75" 9.9 troy oz.
Lot: 265 - 10 pcs. Gorham Norfolk Sterling Flatware
10 pcs. Gorham "Norfolk" pattern sterling silver flatware, accompanied by a similarly patterned Gorham teaspoon, 14 troy oz. weighable
Lot: 266 - 23 pcs. Dominick and Haff Sterling Flatware
23 pcs. Dominick and Haff "Virginia" pattern sterling silver flatware including 6 tablespoons, 6 teaspoons, and 11 dinner forks 30.3 troy oz.
Lot: 267 - Tiffany and Co. Sterling Silver Desk Box
Tiffany and Co. mid century sterling silver desk box having mahogany liner, inscribed "PMLG" (Phillip Michael Larner Gore) on lid 1.5" x 4.25" x 3.25" approximately 10 troy oz. estimated weight
Lot: 268 - English Sterling Inkstand, Salver and Dresser Box
3 English sterling silver articles including 1909 Elkington and Co. London sterling inkstand with cut glass inkwell insert (missing small nut under base), 1785 neoclassical small oval salver (repaired), and a machine turned Birmingham dresser box with mirror under lid 3.5"-6.75" 8.7 troy oz. weighable
Lot: 269 - 5 pcs. Assorted Sterling Silver Hollowware
5 pcs. of assorted sterling silver hollowware including a Gorham tea caddy, International sugar and creamer set, round footed bowl, and Humpty Dumpty youth mug, 2.75" -4" 16.2 troy oz.
Lot: 270 - 10 pcs. Assorted Sterling Holloware and Flatware
10 pcs.. assorted sterling silver hollowware including 2 Ellmore gadrooned bowls, Fisher gadrooned bread tray, Mappin and Webb Birmingham child's tankard mug (dented), Hong Kong sterling child's mug and 3 pc. cutlery set. 3"-12.5" 21.7 troy oz.
Lot: 271 - PA Sheraton Paint Decorated Roll Arm Settee
Ca. 1830 Pennsylvania Sheraton roll arm paint decorated settee. Stencil and free-hand decorated in green, yellow, & brown paint. Single board seat. 73" long, 21" deep seat. Good original condition.
Lot: 272 - Shaker Rocking Chair
Shaker arm rocking chair. Refinished with split ash seat and back. Appears to be a #4. One interior side seat support broken.
Lot: 273 - 19th c Step Ladder
19th c primitive 5 step ladder in old refinished surface. 50"h x 15" wide.
Lot: 274 - 19th c Lipstick Red Pencil Leg Stand
New England 19thc pencil leg stand with lipstick red painted surface. Single board top. Overall good condition. 23" x 17" x 28" h.
Lot: 275 - Two English Windsor Stools
Two 18th or early 19th c English Windsor stools. 29" and 20" high. Elm, turned legs, and canted form.
Lot: 276 - Walnut Rope Twist Sofa Table
Walnut side table or sofa table with rope twist legs and center butternut panel in top. Castors, 47" long, 30" h, 17" wide. Refinished.
Lot: 277 - Baltimore Federal Mahogany Card Table
Circa 1800 Mid-Atlantic or Baltimore mahogany Federal inlaid card table. String & Satin banded top, skirt, & legs ending in spade feet. Pine secondary. Some veneer losses and popping. Refinished. 28", 36" w, 18" d.
Lot: 278 - Windsor Comb Back Rocker
Early 19th c Windsor comb back rocking chair. Old surface, rolled arms, 21" wide. Old note on bottom.
Lot: 279 - Henkel Harris Mahogany Silverware Chest
Henkel Harris Virginia Galleries mahogany inlaid silverware cabinet. Lift top, drop front with 3 drawer interior over a single drawer on cabriole legs. All with fitted interiors and felt lined. 40" h, 20"w, 15" d. With key, overall good condition.
Lot: 280 - Walker & Linde Mahogany Music Cabinet
Circa 1900 bow front mahogany music cabinet with north wind head carved splash, ornate dragooned carved double door mid case section over shelf and claw feet. Original label on back for Walker & linde Philadelphia PA. Similar to Horner NYC 46" h, 27" w, 17"d.
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