Auction Information


Sat Feb 08 - 08:30AM

7 SR 655, Mill Creek, PA Click to Map

Daniel Weaver Auctioneer

Auctioneer ID#: 32963

Phone: 330-231-8865

License: 2006000010

LOCATION: 7 SR 655, Mill Creek PA 17060

DIRECTIONS: Located 16 miles West of Rt. 322 Reedsville or 7 1⁄2 miles West of Belleville or 8 1⁄2 miles East of Rt. 22 Mill Creek

SHOP TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: Mitsubishi 4D31T diesel &

clutch, hobby diesel, Grizzley 20” hyd. M. G1033 planer,

Grizzley 14” M. G0555P air band saw, Gizzley M. T0223

sliding table saw, Delta 32” hyd. lathe w/ tooling, Rock-

well hyd. shaper, Powermatic M. 66 hyd. table saw, Griz-

zley air power feed, Bridgewood BW6R air jointer, Griz-

zley oscilating G0723 air spindle sander, 8” x 4’ air belt

sander, disk & belt air sander, Hobby air compressor, 20”

band saw, Scotchman 4014 hyd. iron worker w/ dies, Ra-

dial arm saw on air, Grizzley dust blower w/ dust collec-

tor on hyd., Valvecraft 15” scroll saw, DeWalt scroll saw,

kreg jig kit, table saw fence, bolt threader, pipe vise,

trowels, air drills, new 2 yd. & 1⁄2 yd. dumping hoppers,

tool organizer, table saw w/ flex shaft, work bench, lots

of peg boards.

FARM EQUIP. & MISC.: 1 horse manure spreader, fore-

cart, dump cart, spring harrows, walking plow, 3-seater

spring wagon, 1 horse open sleigh, pony cart, pony gang

mower, 1 horse lawn roller, grass seeder w/ all plates, 40

gal. pull behind sprayer, JD. pull behind yard dump

trailer, new 3000 PSI 3.5 gal. pressure washer w/

Honda,Honda 270 GX engine, Kutup shredder w/ Honda,

1 row planter, back pack sprayer, old Yanmar motors,

water storage tanks, trough & hay feeder, calf hutch,

lawn mowers, garden tools, stack of lumber, buggy parts

– mirrors – steps – springs, dog fence, hot bed, step lad-

der, 2- 18 x 20 tents.

APPLIANCES: 4 door bake oven 30” wide w/ racks & cast-

ers, 3 door bake oven, 5 burner New Perfection oil stove

w/ bake oven, 3 burner New Perfection oil stove, D & S

wood stove, SS. furnace, oven warmers, SS. cooker,

wood stove, Maytag wringer washer, twin tubs, Emerson

microwave, Fireplace M. DV1000EP propane FMI,

Frigarie self-cleaning oven, Crosley M. X dish washer, 4

HP 14/15 split system heat pump w/ air cond. w/ paper

work installed in 2022, gas camp stoves, charcoal grill,

sm. Iron cooker.

MEAT TOOLS – MIXERS: Berkel air meat slicer, #32 meat

grinder on hyd., Enterprise sausage stuffer, air Vitamix

mixer, air Oster mixer, RZA juicer, meat grinder, Victoria

Strainer, SS. steamer, King Kutter.

FURNITURE & QUILTS: new Sunshine Shadow, Moon-

light Starlight, Barjello top, slightly used Light in the Val-

ley, new rugs, full bed, bed frames, twin bed, chest of

drawers, set of 6 acorn chairs, gun cabinet, 2 couches,

glider rockers, sm. & med. & lg. cribs, kneehole desk,

Necchi sewing machine with cabinet, poly glider chairs,

2-8’ tables, child’s table & chairs, large metal clothes

rack, folding chairs, porch glider, wooden chest,

cabinet, 4’ children’s bench, wooden porch seat, china

closet, magazine rack, book shelf.


trunk, cross cut saws, cast iron Dutch oven, local adver-

tising yard sticks, granite roaster, tins, table w/ extra

leaves, camp stove, Military burner, air horn, wooden toy

John Deere manure spreader w/ horses, old push toy

signed by Ben Z Peachy, sm. Shelf w/ 3 drawers made by

Victor Conner 1976, Amalie Oil chair, old child’s rocker,

cherry pitter, apple peeler, paintings by Abraham Z.

Peachey, arrow heads, lots of hen on nests, coal bucket,

CX 8 day wall clock w/ strike, black Sessions 8 day mantle

clock w/ strike, black Seth Thomas 8 day mantle clock w/

strike, (2) Ingraham Ginger Bread 8 day shelf clocks w/

strike, Bulova Quartz clock, Sessions 8 day mantle clock

w/ strike, 1 day Cuckoo Clock.

HOUSEHOLDS – GLASSWARE: waterless cookware,

round & heart & angel food cake pans, pie pans, cookie

sheets, large baking sheets, egg slicer, pruning shears,

tool sharpener, dish pans, roaster, SS. milk bucket,

cookie decorator & cutter, casseroles, corn cutter, turkey

lifter, pie stackers, 12” iron skillet, canning jars & rings,

20 qt. kettle, lg. foil baking pans, cutting board, dish tow-

els, Tupperware, SS. soup soup plates, new dish drainer

& containers, coffee dispenser a special gift from Rock-

land Pallets, lots of gifts from business friends, 1st annual

PA Clinic & other year mugs, ash trays, Makita lunch bag,

indoor/outdoor thermometer, quilt clamps, new music

box, wooden trash can, pillows, bedding, throw, yarns,

kerosene lamps, plate brackets, Souvenir bell OH, water

sets, fruit bowl, glasses, dishes, bowls, plates, lots of

mugs, gal. & vinegar jugs, wooden strawberry carrier,

new case of strawberry boxes, cash boxes, light rack, lots

of toys, baskets, rag rug cutter, SS. tea kettle, wishing

well, puzzles, games.

150 LOTS BOOKS – MAGAZINES: PA school history, Mif-

flin Co. Amish & Mennonite, Box Car Children, Flood of

72, Earth Quakes, train books, German books, childrens

books, 1880 Bible, 1834 Ausbund, 1873 Heilige Schrift,

Lewis B Miller, Ishmael, Laura Ingalls, Uncle Toms Cabin,

Pioneer & Indians, MAGAZINES... Golden Days – Old

Country News, Plain Interests, Family Life’s, Botschaft

Clippings, Young Companions, Black Board Bulletins,

older Country & Farm & Ranch & Reminisce & Birds &

Blooms, Common Ground Old Farmer magazine, contact

owners for book list.

TERMS: Cash or check w/ ID. LUNCH STAND: By... local

Amish Lunch Stand BREAKFAST: Free breakfast sandwich

from 6:00 AM to sale start time !



5165 TR 118 BALTIC OH 43804


SALE DAY PHONE: 330-473-3994

PA LIC. # AU005157




PA LIC. # AU005695




7 SR. 655 MILL CREEK PA 17060 

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