Auction Information

Tractor, farm equipment, mower, tools & more!

Thu Jan 23 - 07:00PM

722 Loudon Rd, St Thomas, PA Click to Map

Hurley Real Estate & Auctions

Auctioneer ID#: 1023

Phone: 717-597-9100

License: AU-003413-L



Tractor, farm equipment, mower, tools & more!


ONLINE NOW through Jan 23!


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Tractor and Farm Equipment: Farmall M Tractor, Always stored indoors, last driven in parade 8 years ago; Heston 8200 Self-propelled haybine, 2968 hours; New Holland Hayliner 320 baler with thrower and hydraulic controllers; John Deere 8250 grain drill; New Holland silage blower; Grimm hay tedder; Killbros gravity wagon with hydraulic auger; wagon running gears; Agri chemicals tank on Grove 707 Running gears; 80” bush hog with hydraulic transport wheels; Heston stack hand 10 stacker; Better Built 3200 gallon liquid manure tank (last usd 4-5 years ago for hog manure); Brillion 4” axle 12’ cultipacker; 10’ cultipacker; 7’6” double disc; 3pt stack mover; MF 3 pt 4 wheel rake; 18’ double spring tooth harrow; spike tooth harrow; Danuser post hole digger; 3 pt 6’ scraper blade; 11’ Miller transport disc; John Deere X300 riding mower; Honda 90 three-wheeler; John Deere 624 garden rototiller; large watering troughs; 


Misc farm related items: Antique single seat surrey; 20 milk cans; water troughs; martin singles small animal scale; (11) farrowing crates; tools; scrap metal; sheds full of treasures; antique farm related items and much, much, more 


PREVIEW: Wed, Jan 22nd from 3-5pm  







10 Farmall M. Always kept in shed. Has been sitting for several years. Was last driven in a parade approx 8 years ago. No battery.
11 HESSTON 8200 self-propelled Haybine. 12 foot head.P 2968 hours. Starts right up.
12 New Holland Hayliner 320 small square beller with thrower and hydraulic controls. Good working order.
13 John Deere 8250 Grain drill
14 New Holland model 25 Silage blower
15 GRIMM Hay Tedder 8‘
16 KILLBROS gravity wagon with 350 grain body and hydraulic auger. Wagon is rusted badly. Inspection encouraged.
17 KILLBROS 350 grain body no running gears
18 Wagon running gears
19 Agra chemicals, chemical tank on Grove model 707 running gears with electric motor and pump
20 80 inch Woods bush hog, with hydraulic transport wheels
21 Heston stack hand 10 stacker
22 Better built liquid manure tank. 3200 gallon. Used for liquid hog manure. Good tires. Last used 4-5 years ago. Stored indoors
23 Brilliant 4 inch axle 12 Cultipacker
24 10’ Cultipacker
25 7’6” double disc
26 3 point stack mover
27 Massey Ferguson 3point 4 wheel rake
28 18’ double spring tooth harrow
29 Old spike tooth harrow
30 Danuser post hole digger
31 3 pt scraper blade 6’
32 Approx 11 ft Miller Transport Disc
33 John Deere model X 300 riding mower. Needs a battery. Inspection encouraged. Shows wear
34 Honda 90 4-wheeler. Has been stored in the shed for over 30 years. Good condition for its age.
35 Hoffco Li'l Hoe, Rototiller
36 Order Homelite chainsaw XL 102
37 John Deere 624 front tine Rototiller. Appears to be in very good condition.
38 John Deere 15 XE electric power washer
39 Antique broadcast seeder and shoulder bag seeder
40 3 boxes of misc oil filters (John Deere, Deutz Allis, Napa and others) snowmobile oil, bucket of John Deere parts
41 Antique single seat surrey and old wagon shaft
42 Barn fan. Cord cut
43 Two milk cans
44 Two milk cans
45 Two milk cans
46 Two milk cans
47 Two milk cans
48 Two milk cans
49 Two milk cans
50 Three milk cans
51 2 John Deere tractor sun shades
52 Parker lawn sweeper
53 Parker lawn sweeper
54 Parker lawn sweeper. Needs repair.
55 Fishpond for Landscaping
56 Two hand hewn mantels. 5‘7“ and approx 6’6”
57 Four old barn doors
58 Old raised panel door and two old screen doors
59 Old barn door with antique latch
60 Two old raised panel doors
61 Two large Rubbermaid 300 gallon waterers. One has approximately 10 inch crack and one is damaged badly.
62 Rubbermaid 300 gallon water trough. Approximately 6 inch crack at the top.
63 Antique feed cart. The Favorite. Bottom rusted out.
64 Old Farm and Family Center air compressor
65 Air tank
66 Five old lawn chairs
67 Two steel wheels
68 Three steel wheels
69 Two steel wheels
70 Two Hay harpoons. One is MYERS grappling harpoon 1887.
71 Shop press frame. Needs hydraulic jack.
72 Marting single animal scale
72a Farrowing crate for sows. Approx 7 feet
72b Farrowing crate for sows see lot 72 A for sample photos. Inspection encouraged
72c Farrowing crate for sows see lot 72 A for sample photos. Inspection encouraged
72d Farrowing crate for sows see lot 72 A for sample photos. Inspection encouraged
72e 2 Farrowing crates for sows see lot 72 A for sample photos. Inspection encouraged
72f Farrowing crate for sows see lot 72 A for sample photos. Inspection encouraged
73 Two pieces of metal grate approximately 40“ x 40“
74 Two pieces of metal grate. Approximately 40” x 40”
75 Two metal wheels
76 17 used tires
77 Set a four Tarah grappler G2 tires LT 295/70 R 18
78 Three used tires
79 Parts to old trailer jacks
80 Set of four heavy duty, dolly wheels
81 Set a for heavy duty, dolly wheels
82 Miscellaneous parts and pieces, two tie rods, pulleys, etc.
83 PTO driven water pump
84 Backpack sprayer and hand crank fertilizer and seed sewer
85 Old electric fogger and block and tackle
86 Old metal tool tray, wood, plain, and part of chain binder
87 Three canthooks and cement hoe and 45 gallon buckets
88 Three John Deere hydraulic cylinders
89 Two bottle jacks and two hand crank jacks
90 Approximately 8 foot auger 4 inch diameter with electric motor. Inspection encouraged
91 Two Midwest bolster hoist. One is badly damaged.
92 Old DOLE 300 moisture tester
93 Handheld electric power tools, including Porter cable drill, Black & Decker Sabre saw and craftsman drill
94 Dyna glow 120,000 to 150,000 BTU propane heater
95 Agway salamander style heater
96 Wheelbarrow
97 Roll of 1 inch plastic coated chicken wire 150 feet long,
Three-quarter inch black plastic pipe, and other hoses
98 Assortment of old windows
99 Architectural items, including old wooden porch post, three old barn, gates, and old chicken crate
100 Four halters
101 Miscellaneous scrap metal
102 Antique wooden butcher table missing one leg
103 Skid of old bricks
104 Miscellaneous scrap metal, including tractor, parts and pieces, old jack, pulley, PTO shaft, and much more
105 Assortment of scrap metal, including old barn, hinges, and other metal items.
106 Five fuel cans
107 Fuel can
108 Antique vice
109 Drawbar for tractor
110 Large assortment of lawn and garden tools, pick heads, ax, heads, shovels, pitchforks, and more
111 Olwin pulley, hay hooks, and large belt
112 Three old electric motors
113 Old porcelain sink
114 Assortment of scrap metal, including old tractor, parts and pieces, four buckets of miscellaneous hardware, etc.
115 Approximately 20 old tires
116 Drawbar
117 Assortment of old horseshoes
118 Chain hoist
119 Antique drill press
120 Antique scale
121 Three buckets of old, scrap, metal, old hinges, etc.
122 6 hay hooks
123 Six chicken waterers
124 Large assortment of old chicken feeders galvanized
125 Assortment of scrap metal, old PTO, electric motor and more
126 Two single trees
127 Lot of metal frame windows. Some window panes are broken.
128 Lot of miscellaneous, scrap, metal, two guard rail pieces, and other assorted metal
129 Assortment of miscellaneous, scrap, metal, tractor pulley, PTO shaft, equipment, jack, and other miscellaneous scrap metal
130 Two tractor pulley
131 Metal pulley
132 Approximately 15 wooden crates
133 Roll of barbed wire
134 Roll of barbed wire
135 Three partial rolls of barbed wire
136 Six galvanized chicken waterers. Some rusted badly.
137 Heavy duty tractor grill
138 Assortment of galvanized, chicken feeders, and stainless steel livestock waterer
139 Heavy duty top link
140 Anvil
141 Assortment of miscellaneous pipe, scrap, metal, rebar, and more
142 Seven plastic barrels
143 Two wooden ladders, and two wooden easels
144 Stack of galvanized tin roofing perfect for decorating
145 Scrap lot, including hydrant, PTO shaft, and part of a pitcher pump
146 50 gallon barrel and pressure tank
147 Antique window shutters
148 Old set of truck bed racks
149 Saw horses
151 Four metal barrels
152 Two old Ritchie Waterers and old aluminum door
153 Large assortment of 5 gallon buckets and galvanized waste can
154 Two auger bins and two galvanized covers
155 Old bathtub and three old sinks
156 Hay trolly
157 Old primitive cupboard
158 Stainless double sink and galvanized tub
159 Tractor tire 13.6-28
160 Roll of hose
161 Assortment of cattle back oilers
162 Concrete mud pan and one-armed wheelbarrow
163 (4) 50 gallon metal barrels
163a (5) 50 gallon metal drums
164 Fuel tank with hand crank
165 Fuel oil tank
166 Three galvanized chick brooders
167 Galvanized electric chick brooder
168 Three round galvanized chick brooders

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