Auction Information
Heffner Estate Auction from Washingtonville
Sat Feb 01
- 09:00AM5848 Broadway Road[ Fair Building], Montour DeLong Fairgrounds, Danville, PA Click to Map
Michael P. Weaver, Auction Service
Due to parking issues , We will offering at
Public Auction the Betty Heffner Estate at the Montour DeLong Fair Complex,
Located at 5848 Broadway Road
[Washingtonville] Danville, Pa. 17821. Follow Signs from Rt 54 & Rt 254 Day of Auction.
Starting at 9:00
Montour County: Brass
U.S.POST OFFICE Plate by Yale & Towne Mfg Co, The Wrigley Jr. Postal Scale;
Fairbanks Cast Iron Pan Scale; Ideal Postal Scale; Leather Lockable Postal Bag;
Greenfields Pure Sugar Stick Candy Box
w/ Label; Glass Sugar Stick Store Jars; J.P. Coats Countertop Spool Cabinet; A.E.StaleyMfg.Co.Cream Corn Starch Wooden Box;D.M.Ferry & Co. Wooden Flower Seed Box;
Glass Barrel Jar w/ Metal Bail Handle
; Mid
Century Green Upholstered Barrel Chair [ From Dr. Rishels Office- Ottawa]; LOCAL
COLLECTIBLES: D.ACK Mooresburg, Pa. Brown Glaze Jug; J.F.Ack Brown
Glaze Crock[ w/ crack]; Heffner Funeral Home 1946 Turbotville, Pa. Calendar; Emerson Heffner Lighted Funeral Home Sign;
Bronze Heffner Funeral Home House Plaque; Jos.M. Schain Berwick,Pa.
Buckwalter Range Compact Mirror; Various Advertising Pencils & Pens;
Coopers Service Station Washingtonville. Pa. Ashtray; 1964,65,68 Danville
High School Yearbooks; Deitrichs Dairy Metal Porch Box; Maurers Dairy Tall
Round Baby Face Pyro Painted Qt Milk Bottle- Shamokin; Watsontown Wilson Walkie Ramp Walkers: [ Soldier, Sailor, Black
Mammy, Easter Rabbit, Pig Faced Rabbit; Penquin]; Plus Many More Local Items to
Be Found; Brown Top Pickle Crocks; Blue Spongeware Mixing Bowl; Kerosene Finger
& Pedistal Lamps; Wooden Coffee Grinder; Green Pottery Milch Pitcher; Early Blown Glass PICNIC Amber Flask
Bottle; Decorated Milch Can; Wooden
Bucket; Brass Bucket; Weller Oak Leaf
Vase; Stereoscope w/ Viewing Cards;
1 Pc. 84in High Blind Door Walnut Corner Cupboard w/ Great Molding ;
Needlepoint Victorian Balloon Back Chairs; Soldier Head Vase; Vintage Mid
Century Candles; Gurley Novelty Candles; Softwood Stepback Dry Sink; Watt
Pottery Poinsettia Milch Pitcher; Bamboo Bookshelf; Various Cups & Saucers;
Carnival Glass Pcs; Walnut Deepwell Frames w/ Covered Bridge Prints; Milkglass
Stacking Candy Dish; From The DeLong
Mansion: [3 Bottle Decanter Set
w/ Ornate Box w/ Secret Drawer; Set of Fish Plates and serving Pcs;]; [2]
Silverware Flatware Sets; Few pcs Sterling Silver; Gold Masonic & Consistory Mens Rings; Elgin 25yr Case Pocket
Watch; Large Selection of Ladies
Jewelry; AWS Army Airforce Asst Chief Observer Wing Pin; Conastoga Wagon Lamp;
Lovell Mfg, Co, Wringer Wooden Stand; Cast Iron Fluter; Brass Scool Bells; Cow
Bells; Windsor Chair; Vintage Rotary Dial Telephone; Hummel Boy w/ Basket
Figurine; One Room Schoolhouse Desk w/
Inkwell; Pottery Inkwell; Various Local History Books Victorian Platform
Rocker; TOYS:[ Vintage Early German
Dolls, Mickey Mouse Library of Games, The Little Red Hen Laying Chicken,
Chubby The Reading Bear; Mechanical Drummer Bear; Metal Noise Makers, Smokey
FOOTBALL HELMET [ Stitching issues]; Pennsbury Rooster Dinnerware Set; Childs
Oak and Cane seat Rocker; 2 Section Barrister Bookcase; Jar of Marbles; Vintage German Mettlach Beer Steins[#2580,
2882, 2105, 2176, 2083, 2181, 2373, 1786,] Victorian
Marbletop Parlor Stands; Wooden Cradle; Tall Case Grandfathers Clock;
Wooden Clothes Tree; Wooden 1 Drawer Sewing Stands; Oak China Cabinet; Vintage
Ladies Hats; 4pc Pennsylvania House
Bedroom Suite; 3pc Spoon Carved Oak Bedroom Suite; Oak washstands; Oak Case
Treadle Sewing Machine; Barn Lanterns; Square Galv. Tubs; Early Church Wooden
Pew; Wicker Fireside Funeral Baskets; Tin Educators Cracker Box; Mason 1858
Small Jar w/ PTD Nov 2 on bottom; Decorated
set of 4 Plank Bottom Chairs; Drop Leaf Tables; 1 Hole Corn Sheller; 1 Row
Horse Drawn Planter; Cast Iron Butcher Kettle w/ Crack; Ice Tongs; Hay Spear;
Alum. Step Ladders; Decorated Water Can; Glass Hen on Nest; Seasonal
Decorations; Wall Drug of South Dakota Metal Sign; Cast Alum. Sitting Rabbit
Doorstop; Copper Tea Kettle; Various Cook and Bake wares; Printed Tauffcheins [ some Hand Colored]; Early German Dovetailed Dower Chest w/ 2 Bottom Drawers, Fishtail Hinges and Grab Lock & Key [missing
pulls]; Fancy High Wheel Egg Shape Wicker Baby Buggy; Plus 100 Boxes in Attic Still To be Gone Thru- Treasures Await Us!!!!
AUCTION NOTE: Make plans
today to be in attendace of a Great Auction of a Long Standing Family in Montour Co. Ranging From Country Doctor, General Store
Owner, Postmaster and Undertaker and Local Historian- We Have Something For
TERMS: Cash, Good PA.
Check; [ Credit Cards w/ 4% Service Fee] ;No Buyers Premium Charged
Auction Held
in Heated Hall* Great Parking * Great Eats From Fair Association
PHOTOS Go To: Auctionzip .Com #2189 * GoToAuctions # 4136 *
: Michael & David Weaver AU002180-L
17696 Russell Road,
Phone :
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