Auction Information
Wachal Family Land Auction
Auctioneer ID#: 5762
Phone: 402-367-8218
Wachal Land Auction
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Eagles Club
322 East 11th Street
Schuyler, Nebraska 68661
Selling 130 Irrigated Acres in (2) Tracts
Tract 1
Legal Description: The West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 20-17-3, Colfax County, Nebraska, containing 79.89 Acres More or Less
Location: Located 1/4 mile west of County Road 9th and D, southwest of Schuyler, NE
Property Description:This is a Level Tract of Irrigated Land with predominantly Class II soils
FSA Information:FSA indicates 78.52 Cropland Acres with a Corn Base of 72.7 acres and a 164 Bushel yield. The Soybean acreage of 5.8 acres with a 53 Bushel Yield.
Well Information: Well ID Registered as G031882, 84ft depth, 19ft pumping level, Rated at 1200 GPM. There is gated irrigation pipe that is included with the property.
Taxes: 2023 taxes $6698.42
Possession: Possession will be granted at closing.
Tract 2
Legal Description: The East 50 Acres of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter Excluding The North 440 of Section 25-17-2, Colfax County, Nebraska, Containing 50 Acres More or Less
Location: Just south of County Road 7 and C, southwest of Schuyler, NE
Property Description:This is a Level Tract of Irrigated Land with predominantly Class II soils
FSA Information: :FSA indicates 49.4 Cropland Acres with a Corn Base of 45.3 acres and a 164 Bushel yield. The Soybean acreage of 3.9 acres with a 53 Bushel Yield.
Well Information: (South Well) Well ID Registered as G024951, 66ft depth, 41ft pumping level, Rated at 1000 GPM. (North Well) Well ID Registered as G073105, 69ft depth, 66 ft pumping level, 500 GPM
There is gated irrigation pipe that is included with the property.
Taxes: 2023 taxes $4097.04
Possession: Possession given at closing subject to the tenants rights through February 28, 2025.
Inspection: To inspect the properties, contact Russ Moravec at 402-367-8218.
Please view our website at for photos, drone footage, and soil maps of the properties.
The Real Property, the Irrigation Wells, and any Irrigation Equipment sells in as-is condition, no warranties are expressed or implied.
Manner of Sale: The Properties will be offered as Individual Tracts.
Terms: 15% down day of sale with the signing of a purchase agreement. The balance to be paid on or before March 3, 2025. Full possession will be granted at closing. Title insurance and escrow fees will be split equally between the buyer and the seller. The 2024 Real Estate Taxes will be paid by the seller. All buyers are reminded that this is a cash sale. Any financing needs to be arranged prior to bidding. The property sells in as-is condition, no warranties are expressed or implied. Acreage figures and data are gathered from sources deemed reliable but are not guaranteed by the Broker or Seller. Buyers are urged to make inspections and rely on their own conclusions. Auction procedure and bidding are at the discretion of the auctioneer. All announcements made sale day will take precedence. Moravec Auction Co. LLC represents the seller in this transaction.
Wachal Family, Owner
Moravec Auction Co LLC, Broker
2741 L Rd
David City, NE 68632
Russ Moravec, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker
Trev Moravec, Auctioneer and Salesman
Auction Listings provided by Although the information published herein is from sources deemed reliable, expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for this auction. Potential buyers are urged to verify auction date, time, and content directly through the auctioneer's website or by contacting the auctioneer directly. The terms and conditions of the auction may or may not be published in this listing. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE THE DAY OF THE AUCTION ARE BINDING AND TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY INFORMATION FOUND HEREIN.