Auction Information

Live Toy & Collectible Auction

Fri Jan 17 - 05:00PM

Bareville Fire Hall, 211 E. Main Street, Leola, Pa Click to Map

Harry's Auction

Auctioneer ID#: 6837

Phone: 717-656-8919

License: AU-1906


Toy & Collectible Auction

Friday January 17, 2024

5:00 P.M.

Held at the Bareville Fire Hall

211 E. Main Street

Leola, Pa. 17540

6 Miles East of Lancaster along Rt. 23

(Lancaster County)


Selling with two Auctioneers, Bring a friend.



Starting at 5:00 P.M. with a Large collection HotWheels, Matchbox and other cars; Winross trucks including Freight trucks; Hess Trucks; Ertl Banks; Nascar cars & Trucks; Holiday Decorations; Boyd’s Bears much more.


14% Buyers Premium reduced to 10% for cash or Penna. Check

No out of state checks


Preview 4:00 P.M. Day of auction

Auctioneers: Randy Stoltzfus (717) 656-8919  AU-1906

             Richard Harry (717) 656-2436  AU-2183


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