Auction Information

Antiques Household Collectibles Thursday 5:30pm

Thu Jan 30 - 05:30PM

1675 Cumberland St, London, OH Click to Map

Cheri Gray, Auctioneer LLC

Auctioneer ID#: 1194

Phone: 6145544252

License: 2007000153



Antiques Household Collectibles Thursday 5:30pm


Every Thursday @ 5:30pm

1675 Cumberland St.

London, Ohio 43140

In the Village of Lafayette

On State Route 40

Across from The Red Brick Tavern

Thursday at 5:30 PM (preview at 4:00 PM)



Experts in All Types of Auctions

Estate Auctions, Onsite Auctions, Cataloged Auctions, Coin Cataloged Auctions, Online Auctions, and Consignment Auctions. Nice selection of furniture, glassware, case items, collectibles & great box lots!

Federal Firearms Licensee


Furniture: Full size bed, bookcase, nice tile top table with chairs & child's rocker. Knee hole desk, oak hutch, lamps, framed prints & great antique writing desk. Several wood shelves, server. Table lamp, set of 4 chairs, plant stand & 3 drawer chest. Night stand, 2 oak pressed back chairs, bedroom furniture, floor sewing lamp with magnifier & more.

Collectibles: Nice selection of quilts including Dutch girl quilt, green, yellow & blue flower pattern quilt, fan pattern quilt & others. Wonderful 1852 Miami Co. Ohio multi color Coverlet (3 colors-red, blue & cream). Several pottery Cookie Jars including McCoy, USA & others. Sailor, Shoe cookie jar, pig & others. Old medicine bottles, crocks, jar of buttons & large glass bottle. Oil lamps, wood crates, horse figurines & nude statue. Pyrex baking dish with lid, metal cake taker, apple peeler, granite ware, crock bowl & other vintage kitchen items. Miller Beer sign, Harley Davidson signs & neon light. Mid Century Starburst electric clock, vintage metal 1939 Baseball clock & pair of antique French Pigeon Wine Cave oil lamps. Brown glaze pottery bowl, Madame Alexander dolls, John Deer collectibles & comic books. Carved wood items. Hot Wheels, die cast cars in original boxes, Teddy Ruxpin outfit, Tinker toys & other vintage toys. Good selection of designer handbags. Weller pottery vase, pottery ship lamp & Barbie Solo In The Spotlight Telephone in original box. Wood box, Coca Cola metal carrier with bottles & more.

Case Items: Some coins, 1926 D Peace dollar, 1923 Peace dollar, silver half dollars & other coins. Marbles, tokens, sports cards & advertising items. sterling items & costume jewelry. Fishing lures & some fine jewelry pieces including: 14k gold & pearl ring. 14k gold Shrinner pin, Platinum & diamond pin, several pairs of 14k gold earrings & more. 

Glassware: Fenton, paper weights, hand painted vase & plates. Crystal, Lenox & Art glass. Ruffled vase, footed Crystal bowl & more.

Tools & Outdoor items: Large metal extension ladder, flats of drill bits, sets of wheels, & flats of hand tools. Craftsman air compressor, shop vac, pair of work boots, large sprayer, Crossman 760 Pump master BB gun in original box. MTA Pro weight bench. Nice vintage bike. Bag chairs & other yard items.

Electronics: X Box 360, controllers & games. CD's & DVD's.

Household items, home decor & great box lots.

TERMS: All items sold AS IS. Cash, AMX, Visa, Discover, & Master Card accepted, N0 Checks
5% Buyer's premium

Limited Seating available

Catered By GrayFam Hot Dog Stand


If you would like to consign some items to our Auction please

call or email us.

Cheri Gray, Auctioneer LLC

614 554-4252

740 490-7200


Auction will be both indoor and outdoor. Limited seating available.

If you would like to consign some of your items please

call or email us. Thanks!

Please be a responsible gun owner and buy and sell your guns thru a Federal Fire Arms Licensed dealer. Help to prevent guns from winding up in the wrong hands. Get educated in the proper care, use, and handling of firearms. Also we need to support our family and friends when there is need for mental health support. Help protect our family’s, protect our children thank you.

Cheri Gray, Auctioneer LLC

We will be updating information & photos daily so check

back often for updates! Thanks

Join us for our auction at this location.

Large items can be picked up on Friday

Check back for updates.

Cheri Gray, Auctioneer LLC

614 554-4252

740 490-7200

Cheri Gray Auctioneer LLC

Johanna Patrick, Auctioneer


All auctioneers licensed by the Ohio Department of Agriculture, bonded in favor of the state of Ohio or member of the Ohio recovery fund. Department of Agriculture 8995 E. Main St. Reynoldsburg Ohio 43068




Auction Listings provided by Although the information published herein is from sources deemed reliable, expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for this auction. Potential buyers are urged to verify auction date, time, and content directly through the auctioneer's website or by contacting the auctioneer directly. The terms and conditions of the auction may or may not be published in this listing. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE THE DAY OF THE AUCTION ARE BINDING AND TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY INFORMATION FOUND HEREIN.