Auction Information

John Deere Die Cast & Pristine Furniture Auction

Fri Jan 17 - 05:30PM

6465 N Highway 7, Scipio, IN Click to Map

Agnew Auction & Realty, Inc.

Auctioneer ID#: 44020

Phone: (812-390-7103

License: AU08601006

Scipio Auction House Live Public Auction Friday January 17, 2025 5:30 pm. Located at 6465 N Highway 7 Scipio IN 47273.  Auction will be conducted in a Climate Controlled Facility. Merchandise to Include: Collectible Die Cast John Deere Tractors & Farm Machinery: Including Model 4020 Tractor w/Cab, Model 830 Tractor, 1960 Model 3010 Tractor, 1953 model D Tractor, 1915 Model R Waterloo Boy, Model A Tractor, Model 70 Tractor, Model 4020 Tractor w/Corn Picker, Power Shift 4020 Tractor, Model B Tractor, Model 720 Tractor w/80 Blade & 45 Loader, 4020 Diesel Tractor, Model 630 High Crop Tractor, Model 494 A4 Row Planter, Model 5020 Tractor, 1953 Model 60 Orchard Tractor, 1958 Model 630 LP Tractor, Model LA Tractor, 1940 12A Combine, 9600 Combine, AW Tractor, Model 720 Diesel Tractor, 2010 Tractor w/Rotary Hoe, 1938 Thresher, Barge Wagon, Model C Tractor, John Deere Pickup In Case, Snap-On Pickup Truck, Shell Corporation Fuel Bus, Horse Drawn Tank Wagon Bank, Shell Corporation Die cast Truck, Suwannee River Bachmann Big Haulers Electric Train Set G Scale Still In The3 Box, Assortment of 1/18 Scale Die Cast Cars, Whirlpool Dryer, Thomasville Octagon Table w/6 Chairs, Sumpter Cabinet Company 8 Drawer Dresser, 4 Door Dresser, 3 Drawer Nite Stand, Thomasville Hutch/Buffet Combination w/Lights, Thomasville Lift Top Buffett, Thomasville Sofa Table, # Matching Curio Cabinet, Octagon Oak Curio Cabinet, Sliding Front Curio Cabinet w/3 Shelves ,2 Matching Cherry Octagon Curios, Full Size Walnut Bed, Cherry Full Size Bed, 2 Man Crosscut Saw, Walnut Side Table, Old School Desk, 2 Side Chairs, & Drawer Walnut Dresser, Very Nice Sliding Front Display Curio Cabinet, Dayton Salamander Space Heater 175,000 BTU, Industrial Space Heater Propane and/or Natural Gas 400,000 BTU, Craftsman Leaf Blower, John Deere 500 Snowmobile w/2310 hours, 10 ft Long 5ft Wide Plastic Rolls Of Bags, Assorted Golf Clubs, Childs Safety Swing, 12" Craftsman Electric Weedeater, 2 Person Dome Tent, 4 Drawer Filing Cabinet, Wooden Medicine Cabinet, Wicker Stool, Floor Fan, Firewood Holder, Home Decor, Beanie Babies, Boyds Bears, Assorted Barbie Dolls Misc, Amseco Little Lori Furniture Set, 9" Orbit Hand Polisher, American Flag, Pair of 5# Kettle Balls, Kerosene Lantern, Brass Desk Lamp, Draw Knife, Weather Vane, 5 Gallon Copper Pale, Roberts Milk Bottles, Blue Glass Ball Jars, Uranium Sherbet Glasses, 2 Uranium Kerosene Lamps, Steiff Bear, Misc. Longaberger items, Lennox Glassware, Milk Glass, Carnival Glass, Red Fenton Basket, Large Assortment of Pink Depression, Home Linens & Doilies, Thomas Kincade Pictures, Many Pocket Watches, Knives, Costume Jewelry, Comic Books, Vintage Pulleys, Very Old Stenotype, Flail, Painting of Downtown Greensburg, Indiana hand painted by Harold Hancock. Auction to be Conducted by Agnew Auction & Realty Inc. Kelly Agnew 812-390-7103 AU08601006 Auctioneer/Realtor. Cameron Agnew 812-603-6005 AU12200060 Auctioneer. Terms: Cash or Ck W/Proper ID 4% Surcharge on all Debit or Credit Cards. Not Responsible For Accidents.

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