Auction Information

Milton Rupley Estate

Thu Jan 23 - 04:00PM

ONLINE, South Whitley, IN Click to Map

Harmeyer Auction & Appraisal Co.

Auctioneer ID#: 1330

Phone: 765-561-1671

License: AU10000277

    Property Address    
4346 W SR 114
South Whitley, IN 46787

General Information

Total Acres 189.56   Tillable Acres 176.4   Wooded Acres 4.7  Home Acres 5   Other Acres 3.46  

Tracts   3

Farm Name   Milton Rupley Estate

HLS Number    JRR - 13053

Key Features   Tillable Farmland, Homes, Productive Soils, Outbuildings, Road Frontage

Location   Cleveland & Washington Townships/ Whitley County, IN and Clear Creek Township/Huntington County, IN


Property Information

Type Of Operation   Farm, Residential

Current Zoning   Agricultural

Topography  Level

School Districts  Tract 1: Whitko Community Schools
Tract 2: Whitley County Consolidated Schools
Tract 3: Huntington County Community Schools

Annual Tax Amount  Tract 1 $4,084.48, Tract 2: $3,648.26, Tract 3: $565.41
Total $8,298.15

Ditch Assessment  $365.63 total

Soil Types  Pewamo silty clay loam, 0 - 1% slopes
Blount loam
Haskins loam, 0 to 3% slopes

Building Description TRACT 1:
1,920 sq ft Ranch House - 3 Beds, 2 Baths, attached carport, unfinished basement.
1,720 sq ft Corn Crib
13,000 bu Grain Bins
2,000 sq ft Shop with 2,000 sq ft attachment and 1,152 sq ft lean-to.
1,560 sq ft North Shed with 648 sq ft lean-to, metal exterior, overhead door, concrete floor.

1,410 sq ft 1.5 Story House - 3 Beds, 1 Bath, unfinished partial basement and 2-car 588 sq ft detached garage.
2,688 sq ft Morton Building - metal exterior, concrete floor, sliding doors.
720 sq ft Middle Barn - metal exterior.
3,210 sq ft East Barn - lean-to's, metal exterior.
2,864 sq ft West Pin Frame Barn - metal siding, feed lot.


Property Location

Property Address   4346 W SR 114 South Whitley IN 46787

General Location Tract 1: 4346 W SR 114, South Whitley, IN 46787
The northeast corner of the intersection of SR's 5 and 114 in Cleveland Township, Whitley County.

Tract 2: 3660 W SR 114, South Whitley, IN 46787
In the northwest corner of the intersection of SR 114 and CR 350 W in Washington Township, Whitley County.

Tract 3: Across SR 114 from Tract 2 in Clear Creek Township, Huntington County.

Legal Description Tract 1: Prt of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 36, Twp 30 North Range 8 East
Tract 2: Prt of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Twp 30 North Range 8 East
Tract 3: Prt of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Twp 29 North Range 9 East


Auction Information

AUCTION START                  January 23, 2025                  4:00 PM

AUCTION END                      January 23, 2025                   6:00 PM

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