Auction Information


Fri Jan 17 - 09:00AM

210 Deibler Rd., Pa Furnace, PA Click to Map

Ronald Gilligan Auctioneering

Auctioneer ID#: 1616

Phone: 814.237.0189

License: AU339-L


Friday, January 17, 2025 – 9 a.m. (Centre Co., PA.)

(50) Guns – Morgan & Peace Silver Dollars – 1862 Civil War Sword

Indian Head Wood Carved Walking Canes – Air & Pellet Rifles - Ammo

Ron J. & Ron S. Gilligan & David C. Zentner will conduct a Public Auction located at the Baileyville Grange Hall 210 Deibler Rd. Pennsylvania Furnace, PA. 16865.  From State College, take Rt. 45 West to Pine Grove Mills & continue 5.5 miles & turn right onto Deibler Rd. to auction on left.

Colt Python 357 Magnum stainless steel 6-shot revolver w/ 6” barrel & factory engraving (NIB – Unfired) #PY283437, Colt Python 357 Magnum stainless steel 6-shot revolver w/ 4 ¼” barrel w/ factory engraving (NIB – Unfired) #PY265391, Colt Python 357 Magnum stainless steel 6-shot revolver w/ 6” barrel (NIB – Unfired) #PY020373, Colt Python Model D 357 Magnum stainless steel 6-shot revolver w/ 3” barrel (NIB – Unfired) #PY270162, Colt Python 357 Magnum stainless steel 6-shot revolver w/ 4 ¼” barrel (NIB – Unfired) #PY029861, German mod. K98 8mm Mauser bolt act. military rifle, Winchester mod. 1894 pre-64 32 W.S. lever act. octagon barrel long rifle #437400, US Springfield M1 Garand semi-auto military rifle, IBM 30 M1 carbine semi-auto rifle, US Springfield mod. 1898 30-40 Krag bolt act. long rifle, US Springfield model 1903 30-06 bolt act. rifle, US Springfield mod. 1884 45-70 Gov’t. trapdoor military rifle, Winchester mod. 70 XTR Sporter Magnum 338 Win. Mag. bolt act. rifle (new), Remington Wingmaster mod. 870 410 ga. 3” full choke pump shotgun, Winchester mod. 1300 Featherweight 12 ga. 2 ¾” – 3” Winchoke pump shotgun w/ ventilated rib & engraved receiver, Remington Gamemaster mod. 760 30-06 pump rifle w/ 5-diamond forearm & Leupold 3 x 9 scope, Remington Wingmaster mod. 870 12 ga. 2 3/4" full choke pump shotgun, Marlin Original Golden 39A 22 lever act. rifle w/ 4x scope, Weatherby Vanguard 7mm Rem. Mag. bolt act. rifle w/ walnut stock & 3 x 9 scope, Remington mod. 721 270 Win. Bolt act. rifle, Savage mod. 111 7mm Rem. Mag. bolt act. rifle w/ Burris 3 x 9 scope (new), Remington mod. 870 Express Magnum 12 ga. 2 ¾” & 3” fully rifled pump shotgun, vintage Colt approx. 44 cal. percussion revolver w/ matching numbers #144393, Browning SA Grade 1 22 cal. semi-auto rifle in original box, CZ mod. 920 20 ga. Semi-auto 3” shotgun w/ 27” barrel & hard case, Altobelli Silver Eagle 20 ga. Semi-auto 3” 25” barrel semi-auto shotgun w/ original box, Savage model 93R17 17 HMR synthetic & stainless bolt act. rifle w/ 3 x 9 scope, New England Firearms Sportster 17 HMR single shot rifle w/ BSA Sweet 17 scope w/ box, Taurus Tracker 17 HMR 7-shot stainless steel revolver w/ box #ND114352, Marlin Glenfield mod. 30A 30-30 Win. w/ 4 x 32 scope, Remington mod. 12 22 pump rifle, Fox Sterlingworth 12 ga. Double barrel shotgun, J. Stevens Arms Marksman 22 LR lever act. rifle, Ruger 10/22 carbine 22 LR semi-auto rifle, Italian Carcano 6.5 cal. Bolt act. military rifle w/ bayonet, Savage mod. 64 22 Long semi-auto rifle (made in Canada), Charter Arms Bulldog DA 44 Spl. 5-shot revolver #582045, High Standard Double Nine 22 cal. Revolver #858830, H & R mod. 999 Sportsman 22 cal. 9-shot revolver #AN94091, High Standard R-107 Sentinel Deluxe 22 cal. 9-shot revolver #1957431, Mosssberg mod. 500A 12 ga. Pump shotgun, J.C. Higgins mod. 20 12 ga. Pump shotgun, J.C. Higgins mod. 583.20 12 ga. Bolt act. shotgun, Pennsylvania Rifle Works 50 cal. Percussion octagon barrel long rifle, vintage percussion musket, J.C. Higgins mod. 103.18 22 LR single shot rifle w/ Weaver scope, J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co. 12 ga. Single shot shotgun, Davenport 12 ga. Single shot shotgun, F.I.E. Titan 25 cal. Semi-auto handgun, Bay State 20 ga. Single shot shotgun…Kimber Micro 9 9mm semi-auto handgun w/ rosewood grips in orig. box #PB0080539, Smith & Wesson mod. 17 6-shot 22 cal. revolver #K360485, Crosman BB handgun, Smith & Wesson mod. 686 6-shot 357 Magnum stainless steel revolver #ADW7802, Winchester mod. 94 30-30 lever act. rifle, J.C. Higgins mod. 1017 20 ga. double barrel shotgun, Squires Bingham mod. 14 22 LR only rifle w/ 4 x 15 scope, US Revolver 22 cal. 7-shot revolver, American Gun Company 12 ga. double barrel knickerbocker, W. Richards double hammer double barrel shotgun, Sako Riihimaki 222 Rem. bolt act. rifle w/ tiger maple stock, O.F. Mossberg mod. 273A 410 ga. bolt act. shotgun, Savage Sporter 22 LR bolt act. rifle, Savage mod. 340B 222 cal. bolt act. rifle, Winchester mod. 94 pre-64 30 W.C.F. carbine w/ custom stock & forearm, Remington mod. 700 7 mm Rem. Mag. bolt act. rifle w/ Bushnell scope, Winchester mod. 190 22 cal. semi-auto rifle, Marlin mod. 25MN 22 W.R.M. bolt act. rifle, Marlin Glenfield mod. 60 22 LR only semi-auto rifle w/ scope, Savage mod. 220A 410 ga. single-shot shotgun, J. Stevens mod. 258A 20 ga. bolt act. shotgun, Winchester mod. 12 12 ga. pump shotgun #823871…
            Collins & Co. Hartford, CT. 1862 Civil War sword, vintage 1911 & 1950 Indian Head wood carved walking canes, Like new 1879 - 1883 O - 1885 – 1889 O – 1890 - (2) 1896 – 1898 O - 1900 – 1921 - & 1921 S Morgan silver dollars, like new 1922 – 1923 - & (2) 1925 Peace silver dollars, US 30 M1 carbine carry case, (3) Remington 58 Sportsmen receivers, Hahn air rifle, Daisy mod. 880 BB/pellet gun, Daisy No. 25 pump BB gun w/ plastic stock & forearm, antique brass & copper powder flasks, UMC US Army caps in tins, Civil War bayonet, pistol holsters, Rapala Falcon Fillet knife (NIB), Ammo incl. 243, box 45 Colt, full boxes 17 HMR, 30-30 Win., 270 Win., 6.5 Carcano, & 12 ga…..No Internet, absentee, or phone bids will be accepted - no buyers' premiums.  Terms:
 Cash or Check only by conclusion of auction.  Food & Restrooms Available day of auction - tents if needed. Auctioneers: Ron J. & Ron S. Gilligan & David C. Zentner, #AU339-L & #AU3430-L & #AU5442-LAll oral info day of auction takes precedence over any & all written ads - Owner & auctioneers not responsible in case of accidents.

Auction Listings provided by Although the information published herein is from sources deemed reliable, expressly disclaims any liability for errors, omissions or changes regarding any information provided for this auction. Potential buyers are urged to verify auction date, time, and content directly through the auctioneer's website or by contacting the auctioneer directly. The terms and conditions of the auction may or may not be published in this listing. ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE THE DAY OF THE AUCTION ARE BINDING AND TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER ANY INFORMATION FOUND HEREIN.