Auction Information

Gun, sporting goods, ammo,Winchester antiques

Fri Feb 21 - 05:00PM

16 firehouse rd, Walnut bottom, Pa Click to Map

Shotts's auction service

Auctioneer ID#: 43967

Phone: 7174402341

License: Au005982

Guns ammo Winchester antiques and collectibles and tons of other sporting related items full listing coming soon 


gun list

 1-Remington 760 30-06

2-Ruger Mini 14 .223 (1987)

3-Import AK 47 

4-Thompson Center Encore Stainless w/ 50 Cal. Inline Muzzleloader Barrel and Hawken Scope

5-Remington Model 7 7mm-08

6-Savage 24V .222 REM over 20 ga 

7-Rossi Circut Judge .44 Mag Revolver Rifle, Never Fired. (Unique Low Serial # FR1776)

8-Yugo SKS Semi Auto Rifle

9-J Stevens Rolling Block 1915 .32 Long Rimfire 

10-remington 700 dm 30-06 embellished receiver 

11- interarms mark x 300 win mag 

12- rock island imports dxy 9mm g Glock clone

13- Ruger M77 Hawkeye 75th anniversary 257 Robert’s Nib unfired limited run 

14- Mossberg 835 12ga 

15- Remington 760 *223* rare

16- Browning A bolt 7mm-08 Redfeild illuminator 3-9 scope 

17- Ruger stainless embellished cowboy edition 22lr 22mag single six special edition limited run

18- Remington 870 express mag 12ga 3” 

19- nib savage axis 2 270 

20-Remington Sportsman-58 12 ga

21- Savage 110D 338 win mag Woodsman 3-9x40

22-Winchester XPr 243 Browning 3-9x40

23-Browning A bolt Hunter 270

24-Remington 1100 12ga 3”

25- unknown 32 cal rolling block octagon barrel 

26- Remington 700 monte carlo  7mm express stamped same as (280) very rare vx2 leupold very nice gun 

27- Remington 700 25-06 Monte Carlo very nice gun 

28- Marlin 25n 22lr laminated Boyd’s stock and extra mags and orginal stock

29- Remington 572 field master 22lr pump very nice condition 

30- topper 12ga single shot 

31- mosseberg 500a with slug barrel also and scope 

32- Remington 700 CDL 35 whelen tasco scope like new

33- Weatherby Vangaurd 300 WBY mag. 4x12x42 Zeiss scope

34- mossberg 500e 410 pump like new

35- Remington 700 243 medium heavy barrel composite stock 

36- Ranger model 1929 12ga

37-Steven’s 50th anniversary turkey federation mod 301 20ga

38-SKB model 600 over under 12ga

39-Ruger Hawkeye compact stainless 243 laminate stock nib

40-Winchester centennial 66 30-30 20” Oct barrel limited run rare

41- Henry Oct barrel golden boy 45 colt nib 

42-Henry side gate 45 colt nib big loop

43- H&R Topper 12ga

44-Dixie gun works flint lock parts

45- New Victor arms 12ga 

46- Spring Field mod 12a 22lr

47- j Steven’s 12ga  

48- Remington field master 572 nice 

49- Winchester model 190 22lr semi auto with scope 

50- Ruger m77 mark 2 280 like new 

51- Browning abolt 7mm-08 with redfield scope 

52- Mossberg 410 pump wood stock nice!

53- 760 30-06 factory carbine 

54- 700 BDL 7mm-08 3.5x10 vxIII AO. 

55-Remington 1100 28" Mod.

56- Rem 760 30-06 2x7 leupold.

57- CVA Accura .50 cal Inline w/ Scope

58- Keystone Blue Wood Laminate Cricket .22 with scope mount and case. 

59-Ruger M77 30-06 with Zytel Skeleton Stock

60-Ruger M77 .300WM with Zytel Skeleton Stock (NIB never fired)

61- Rossi youth interchangeable 

63- Remington model 4 semi 30-06 leupold bases

64-Ruger m77 270 Hawkeye all weather stainless with leupold vx2 4-12

65- tri star 410 pump nib 

66- 50th year Ruger m77 mark 2 260 nib unfired 

67- Remington wing master 870tb trap gun

68- Rossi 22 pump nickel nib

69- Winchester model 1300 pump 12 ga turkey gun nib

70-Marlin 39 22lr 100 year 2nd amendment 1971 

71-Marlin 336 30-30 with scope 

72- Remington 788 243 Paul houck 

73- Ruger m77 mark 2 280 with scope 

74- save 340b 22 hornet 

75- savage fox model b 16ga double barrel 

76- kassnar 20 ga o/u 

77- revelation model 360 12ga double barrel 

78- Winchester model 1906 22 s-lr

79- Winchester model 12 16ga  

80- nib stoger 12ga single shot 

Pellet/ air guns- colt 1911 pellet pistol, mini desert eagle pellet pistols 

Antiques and collectibles- 1996 skoal clock, brass stamped Anne Hathaway box, 1994 Smokey bear 50th anniversary 23kt gold inlay plate, Winchester saw, Winchester hack saw, Winchester baseball bat, asssorted patches, tennis racket, pizza peel, Winchester cowboy sign, Winchester loaded wad shells cardboard ad, Winchester 1977 calendar, frog and gator antique picture, Winchester knife display counter top, trailer blazer propane lantern, Winchester posters, Remington clock, Winchester thermometer, Winchester Terri Clark poster, Remington r1303 knife, Remington r1123 knife, Remington r4353 knife, Remington r1306 knife, Remington silver bullet 1 of 5000 r1128sb, 4 Winchester flash lights, 1 Simmons flash light, Winchester gun oil, Remington gun oil, 2 Hercules powder keg, Winchester gun grease, 2 Winchester new solvent, winchester ruler, 3Winchester screw drivers, 2 Winchester wrenches, Winchester lead bullet maker, Winchester level, 2 Winchester pliers, Winchester drafting rule, keen kutter plumb ball, nail cutter, nail punch, drill bit, Winchester hatchet, keen kutter fence puller, 6 assorted traps, game commission no driving, game commission no snow mobiles, western ammunition deer sign, Winchester loads of confidence 3d cardboard advertisement, Winchester western counter top ammo display, Winchester antler gun rack, rm Crawford calendar, Winchester walk behind reel mower, assorted gun books, 1967 shooters bible, 

Knives- Remington r6 skinner nib, puma sgb 14/rc custom knife, Chad Allenman custom bone knife, Kershaw folding knife, 

Large selection of ice fishing rods and a complete ice fishing rig. More pics and details coming

Ammo-17 boxes American eagle 9mm Luger, 14 boxes 22lr thunder bolts, 100rds Winchester 20ga 2 3/4, 22lr mini mag 100pack, Remington 12ga 2 3/4 all purpose, 5 nos Remington 7mm express unprimed cases, 6 boxes bri sabot bulkets 12ga, assorted 22lr, 2 7mm-08 corelokt, 2 thunder bolt bricks, federal brick, 12ga slugs Remington 4 boxes, imr 4350 smokeless powder 1lb, partial boxes of 280 and 7mm express, 2 boxes 357 sig full, 3 federal 22lr 325 pack, 4 cci 22lr mini mag 100rd, 5 boxes 40 s&w, 3 boxes 1 3/4 12ga minis, 357 sig v crown box 

Archery -Jennings competition bow, Pearson competition bow complete set up 1995 campion winner, vintage bear whitetail hunter, Alan Felix custom recurve bow, fletcher set up, assorted aluminum arrows, arrow stands, assorted archery items, vintage cross bow. 

General sporting goods- custom leather tooled rifle case, assorted cleaning kits, assorted brass 280, 9mm Luger 25-06, 30-30 and various others, cartridge holder, bi pod, tackle box, assorted sporting books, cabelas snake pants 32 -32, gander mnt insulated pants 32-32, cabelas heavy weight medium sweat shirt, wooden ammo box, holster, 5 bore snakes, mini mag light , 2 face paints, Motorola walkie talkies, defiant drawer safe, box call, block shoot barrel for Remington 1100. 

Scopes- 3-9 stainless scope nib, Simmons 2-6 scope, Simmons aetec 2.8-10x44 stainless, Leupold 4.4x14x40 vari-x 3, 3-9 green earth scope, 


cash, pa check, no out of state checks, credit card 5% buyers premium no buyer’s premium if paying by *CASH* or checks and 6% pa sales tax applied tax exemption forms accepted all hand guns must be transferred at Hamiltons gun shop $20 fee all pistols will be available for pick up next day or by appointment  at Hamiltons gun shop unless you have ffl and we will transfer out night of auction all purchases must be paid in full night of the auction no expectations food onsite auction is indoors and climate controlled chairs will be sat up call with questions

 Brandon Shotts 717 440 2341


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