Auction Information
Civil War, House Hold
Kress Family Auction
Kress Family Auction
2025 Marina Rd
(Annex Building Dubs Church)
Hanover PA 17331
January 18th, 2025
9:00 am
Firearms Approx: Noon
Pre View-January 17th 5pm to 8 pm
*2 Estates to Be Sold More Unboxed Week of Sale*
Due to Monica McCoun downsizing we are Selling Richard McCoun Civil War Collection. McCoun was an Author (he wrote a 1000pg published Biography of Major General McCellan) and collector. He was well known in the Civil War Community of Gettysburg. McCoun Traveled the World and Brought History Back with Them,
Alot of Items have Providence(History) with Them. Several Photos have Signatures and Paperwork with Them.
Patrial Listing~ Approx.. 400 Civil War Books, 300 Novels and Biographys,Late1900s Childrens Books- Frank & Fearless, Stories of Famous pictures, Nello & Pot Rasche, Illustrated Living Sheets for Young & Old, Rip Van Winkle, Little Lord Faunt Leroy, The Roosevelt Bears, The Bear Detectives, More About the Roosevelt Bears, and More!, Union Cap Box Antietam Early Battlefield Collection, Rober Horner Gettysburg 198th Regt., Musket Shells-Williams Cleaner Bullet-Musket Ball- Rivet-Bayonet Scabbard Tip- Buckle- Knapsack Hook- Complete Spencer Cartridge, Gettysburg- Eagle Breast Plate Dug Emmitsburg Rd, CS South Carolina Soldier Button 1st Days Battle Chambersburg Pike Confederate Infantry/ Cavalry Buttons, Confederate Cartridge Box ( Dug Gettysburg Retreat Route), Remains of Tin Lead Finial/ Hooks Gardner Bullets, Eagle Buckle 1950 Excavated by CH Bus Sheppard at Harrison's Landing- Last Battle of Seven Days, 40 New York Mozart Regiment Sickles Third Corps, 10th New York Cavalry Ribbons & Badge, 1911 Souvenir Genesee Falls Rochester NY, Ammunition- US Infantry- William Cleaner- .69 Rifle Musket-.58 Standard Minie, Bullets Confederacy Civil War- .58 Gardner Richmond Arsenal- .69 Musket Round Ball- .57 Enfield English Import, Civil War Spencer Carbine Cartridges Dug at the Cavalry Battle Brandy, Burning of Chambersburg- Official Souvenir, The Harvard Regiment CO. F. 20 Mass Vol Inf, The Heart of a Soldier Book Genl. George Pickett 1st Edition 1913 Book, Soldier Dummer Picture, Harpers Weekly Oc 5 1861, Colonel Patrick O Rorke Killed at Gettysburg Veterans Cross Metal, Ladder Badge 2nd Rhode Island Sixth Corps, Pic of Capt James Mulharen 75th Ohio, Ladder Badge Buford's Division Gambel's Brigade, Fundraising Moneth 8th OVI, Ladder Badge 15th Brooklyn Zouaves Red Legs, Ladder Badge PA Bucktails 13 Pann Reserves, Ribbon Custers Michigan Brigade, Pay Masters Manual, 1858 Canteen Model 88, US Waist Belt with Frog for Saber, Post Civil War New York Zouave Chasseur Kepi, Robert Graves Autograph Signature, Pay Masters Box 11 Mas. Vol Infantry, Tenting on the Old Camp Ground Book 1891, Mass. Officer Grouping 22nd Mass Frederick Fields, 100 Confederate Bills ($5, $1, $10, .50Cent), Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse Bullet Collection, Indian Arrow Head & Pottery Shards, Medal Collection Gar, Pickett's Division Ribbon, Fired Bullet Found on Culp's Hill Gettysburg, French Helmet, Major General McClellan Photo & Autograph, Tent Piece for General Jeb Stuart, Hand Carved Wooden Plyers, Oak Well Bucket, Black Jack, Reproduction Percussion Revolver & Holster, Percussion Revolver, 26th N Carolina Regiment Monument, 33rd The Mass Infantry Monument, Canon Ball, Canon Ball Dug at Antietam Battlefield, Hotchkiss Shell used at Gettysburg, Model Ships, Rail Road Lantern, Bronze and Marble Statues and Head Busts, N AAEETEE, Vase, Box Lots and More!
Jewelry~ Gold, Sterling, 2-18k Gold Bracelet, 18k Rings, Costume.
Furniture~ Plank Bottom Rocker that Major General Mccellan Sat in At the Battle of Gettysburg (Has Provenance), Sofa, Lg Bookshelves, Recliner, End Table, Coffee Table, Nightstand, Upright Freezer, Refrigerator, Oriental Rugs, 2- Flat Screen TV, Secretary Desk, Table and 4 Chairs, Oak Claw Foot Table with Oak Cheers, Sideboard,
Muskets, Guns, Bayonets~ Artillery Sponge Bucket, Revolver Reproduction 30cal, Revolver 45cal, Sture Arms New York 45cal, 30 Cal Whitney, Rare Saddle Skirt, Robbins Lawrence U.S. Windsor VT 1850 Musket 50cal, Potts & Hunt London Musket 58cal, Caverly Sharps 1857 50cal Carbin, JP Lovell M W Long 36cal Sharp Shooter Musket with Silver inlay trigger Guard Butt Plate & Pitch Box, Harpers Gerry U.S. 1851 69 Cal Musket, Remington U.S. Butt Plate Ition NY 1863 58cal Musket, Tower Musket Crown Emblem1862 58cal, Springfield U.S. 58cal 1851 Musket, Musket 69cal NEYSE, Massachusetts Arms Co Chicopeefalls Edward Maynard 1859 50cal Musket, Spencer Carbin Calvery 50cal Boston Mass. 1862, Calvery Sword PD Lunes Cholos Solingen 1862-1865, Sword Found at Herrs Ridge Gettysburg, Artillery Short Sword NP Ames Springfield U.S. 1863, Bayonet, Parade Sword King Sed on Shank, Calvery Sword 1857 J.H. Mes mfg. Co Chicopee Mass., Horstmann Phila Officer Sword, Bayonet No 196, Enfield Sabor Bayonet (2), Enfield Sabor Bayonet Dug on Herrs Ridge Gettysburg on Confederate Side.
(FIRE ARMS will be available for Preview Friday 5 to 8 PM. Then will be removed and will not be on location until day of Auction.)
Pictures~ serious Work Ahead (Cashtown Hotel) Dale Gallon, The Railroad Cut Dale Gallon, Civil War Soldier, The 14th Brooklyn Study #1 Keith Rosco 97, Union Maine Volunteers 2nd Regiment- Marine Infantry Flag, Muster Roll of Captain Arnold Kummer 68th Regiment, Gettysburg Battlefield Map, Stay and Fight It Out Don Stivers, Coming Rain Dale Gallon, The Death of Reynolds- Bradly Schmehl, Battlefield Photographs at Devils Den, Suited Gentleman with Monument, William Wells Monument, Acropolis- Akpottoaiw, Gettysburg Stannards Vermonters and the Repulse of Picketts Charge- Map- John Sargent, Third Corps General Daniel Sickles, Long Streets Corps General John Bell Hood, Second Corps Major General Winfield Scott Hancock, General Henry Heth CSA, Iron Brigade Ribbon, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Captain John A Winslow Commander U.S.S Kearsarge, General Webb Commander of the Phila Brigade, Major General George Sykes Fifth Corps and General Romeyn Ayres Fifth Corps US Regulators, Major General George Meade Document, James LongStreet Document, William Cullen Bryant American Poet, 1874 Harpers Weekly, Sen. Henry Clay To Nicholas Biddle Doc, Fields of Glory Limited Edition Print 12/950, Oil Painting Signed Rick Reeves,
*Cash, Check, MC, Visa, Discover, American Express 4% Charge for Credit Cards* 6% Sales Tax 10% Buyers Premium
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