Auction Information

Sportsman's Auction

Sat Jan 25 - 08:30AM

9141 US 6, Wyoming County Fairgrounds, Meshoppen, PA Click to Map

Brian Burke Auctions

Auctioneer ID#: 47696

Phone: 570-767-2278

License: AU003255L

Sportsman's Auction 

Auction Date:  Saturday January 25th
Auction Time: 8:30AM Doors Open at 7:30AM Cataloged items start at 9AM
Auction Type: Consignment from multiple estates 
Location: Wyoming County Fairgrounds 
9141 US 6, Meshoppen, PA
Highlights: 700+ lots of firearms, ammo, reloading, and sportsman related items, new items and firearms from a gun shop liquidation, Large quantities of brass, Colt 1911, Detonics combat master, collection of military rifles from muskets to WWII including foreign military rifles, Remington 700, Nylon 66, collection of Winchester Rifles and shotguns, Savage, Ruger, large collection of revolvers from early Remington’s, Smith & Wesson, Harrington & Richardson, Iver Johnson, 2023 Kubota tractor BX23S with bucket and backhoe, Our auctioneers sell approximately 75 to 100 lots per hour. Bid live in person or online. Doors open at 7:30am Non-cataloged items start at 8:30 and the cataloged items start at 9am. All background checks will be completed on site the day of the auction. Online bidders will receive an email to schedule an appointment for pickup at Burke’s Gun Shop 138 Trail Rd, Meshoppen, PA 18630. Thank you for bidding!
General Terms: Buyer’s Premium for cash or good check - 10% on all items with a 3% convenience fee for credit card.  Internet Buyer’s Premium 15%


Bidding available at


 Please contact us at 570-767-2278 or for further details. 

 Auction conducted by Brian Burke,  Auctioneer -AU003255L 

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